This is a fork of the OpenConnect VPN project that adds Mac OS X Keychain support.
OpenConnect is an SSL VPN client with support for Cisco's AnyConnect SSL VPN and Juniper's Pulse Connect Secure.
This project adds experimental Keychain support for Mac OS X.
To install with Homebrew:
brew install brandt/personal/openconnect-keychain
To avoid collision with the upstream package, the executable is: openconnect-keychain
The build and install procedures don't differ from the standard OpenConnect package.
When built on Mac OS X, Keychain support is just automatically enabled.
For the sake of completeness, here are the procedures:
Assumes you already have Homebrew installed.
# Build requirements
brew install autoconf automake libtool pkg-config
# Runtime Requirements
brew install gettext gnutls stoken oath-toolkit
First, we have to do some prep work to get the vpnc-script
setup in advance:
export INSTALL_DIR="/tmp/openconnect" # or wherever...
mkdir -p "$INSTALL_DIR"/{bin,var,etc}
curl -o "${INSTALL_DIR}/etc/vpnc-script"
chmod +rx "${INSTALL_DIR}/etc/vpnc-script"
Then run through the standard build process:
export LIBTOOLIZE="glibtoolize"
./configure --prefix="$INSTALL_DIR" --localstatedir="${INSTALL_DIR}/var" --with-vpnc-script="${INSTALL_DIR}/etc/vpnc-script" --sbindir="${INSTALL_DIR}/bin" --disable-nls
To install, run:
make install
Usage does not differ from the vanilla OpenConnect except that you will only be prompted for your password once. Subsequent logins will use your keychain password.
Note: Keychain integration is for the primary password only. Second passphrases (such as those used for two-factor auth) will still need to be entered manually.
For a good reference on building OpenConnect on Mac OS X, see the Homebrew formula (brew cat openconnect
The upstream project:
The openconnect-keychain
Homebrew formula is available here:
GNU Lesser Public License, version 2.1