diff --git a/CHANGES.rst b/CHANGES.rst
index 0b19deecb..9b7e451c1 100644
--- a/CHANGES.rst
+++ b/CHANGES.rst
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
   extension was created from a manifest registered with a uri that
   does not match the id in the manifest [#1785]
+- Allow converters to provide types as strings that can
+  resolve to public classes (even if the class is implemented
+  in a private module). [#1654]
 3.2.0 (2024-04-05)
diff --git a/asdf/_tests/test_extension.py b/asdf/_tests/test_extension.py
index ec0280cfb..788451918 100644
--- a/asdf/_tests/test_extension.py
+++ b/asdf/_tests/test_extension.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import fractions
+import sys
 import pytest
 from packaging.specifiers import SpecifierSet
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@
+from asdf.extension._manager import _resolve_type
 from asdf.testing.helpers import roundtrip_object
@@ -982,3 +984,66 @@ def from_yaml_tree(self, *args):
         fn = tmp_path / "foo.asdf"
         with pytest.warns(AsdfManifestURIMismatchWarning):
+def test_resolve_type_not_imported():
+    path = "mailbox.Mailbox"
+    if "mailbox" in sys.modules:
+        del sys.modules["mailbox"]
+    assert _resolve_type(path) is None
+    import mailbox
+    assert _resolve_type(path) is mailbox.Mailbox
+    "path, obj", (("sys", sys), ("asdf.AsdfFile", AsdfFile), ("asdf.Missing", None), ("not_a_module", None))
+def test_resolve_type(path, obj):
+    assert _resolve_type(path) is obj
+def test_extension_converter_by_class_path():
+    class MailboxConverter:
+        tags = ["asdf://example.com/tags/mailbox-1.0.0"]
+        types = ["mailbox.Mailbox"]
+        def to_yaml_tree(self, obj, tag, ctx):
+            return {}
+        def from_yaml_tree(self, node, tag, ctx):
+            return None
+    class MailboxExtension:
+        tags = MailboxConverter.tags
+        converters = [MailboxConverter()]
+        extension_uri = "asdf://example.com/extensions/mailbox-1.0.0"
+    # grab the type so we can use it for extension_manager.get_converter_for_type
+    import mailbox
+    typ = mailbox.Mailbox
+    del sys.modules["mailbox"], mailbox
+    with config_context() as cfg:
+        cfg.add_extension(MailboxExtension())
+        extension_manager = AsdfFile().extension_manager
+        # make sure that registering the extension did not load the module
+        assert "mailbox" not in sys.modules
+        # as the module hasn't been loaded, the converter shouldn't be found
+        with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="No support available for Python type 'mailbox.Mailbox'"):
+            extension_manager.get_converter_for_type(typ)
+        # make sure inspecting the type didn't import the module
+        assert "mailbox" not in sys.modules
+        # finally, import the module and check that the converter can now be found
+        import mailbox
+        converter = extension_manager.get_converter_for_type(mailbox.Mailbox)
+        assert isinstance(converter.delegate, MailboxConverter)
diff --git a/asdf/extension/_manager.py b/asdf/extension/_manager.py
index 8094ef701..cb6a10d2c 100644
--- a/asdf/extension/_manager.py
+++ b/asdf/extension/_manager.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import sys
 from functools import lru_cache
 from asdf.tagged import Tagged
@@ -6,6 +7,42 @@
 from ._extension import ExtensionProxy
+def _resolve_type(path):
+    """
+    Convert a class path (like the string "asdf.AsdfFile") to a
+    class (``asdf.AsdfFile``) only if the module implementing the
+    class has already been imported.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    path : str
+        Path/name of class (for example, "asdf.AsdfFile")
+    Returns
+    -------
+    typ : class or None
+        The class (if it's already been imported) or None
+    """
+    if "." not in path:
+        # check if this path is a module
+        if path in sys.modules:
+            return sys.modules[path]
+        return None
+    # this type is part of a module
+    module_name, type_name = path.rsplit(".", maxsplit=1)
+    # if the module is not imported, don't index it
+    if module_name not in sys.modules:
+        return None
+    module = sys.modules[module_name]
+    if not hasattr(module, type_name):
+        # the imported module does not have this class, perhaps
+        # it is dynamically created so do not index it yet
+        return None
+    return getattr(module, type_name)
 class ExtensionManager:
     Wraps a list of extensions and indexes their converters
@@ -23,9 +60,37 @@ def __init__(self, extensions):
         self._tag_defs_by_tag = {}
         self._converters_by_tag = {}
-        # This dict has both str and type keys:
-        self._converters_by_type = {}
+        # To optimize performance converters can be registered using either:
+        # - the class/type they convert
+        # - the name/path (string) of the class/type they convert
+        # This allows the registration to continue without importing
+        # every module for every extension (which would be needed to turn
+        # the class paths into proper classes). Using class paths can be
+        # complicated by packages that have private implementations of
+        # classes that are exposed at a different 'public' location.
+        # These private classes may change between minor versions
+        # and would break converters that are registered using the private
+        # class path. However, often libraries do not modify the module
+        # of the 'public' class (so inspecting the class path returns
+        # the private class path). One example of this in asdf is
+        # Converter (exposed as ``asdf.extension.Converter`` but with
+        # a class path of ``asdf.extension._converter.Converter``).
+        # To allow converters to be registered with the public location
+        # we will need to attempt to import the public class path
+        # and then register the private class path after the class is
+        # imported. We don't want to do this unnecessarily and since
+        # class instances do not contain the public class path
+        # we adopt a strategy of checking class paths and only
+        # registering those that have already been imported. Thiss
+        # is ok because asdf will only use the converter type
+        # when attempting to serialize an object in memory (so the
+        # public class path will already be imported at the time
+        # the converter is needed).
+        # first we store the converters in the order they are discovered
+        # the key here can either be a class path (str) or class (type)
+        converters_by_type = {}
         validators = set()
         for extension in self._extensions:
@@ -37,17 +102,27 @@ def __init__(self, extensions):
                     if tag not in self._converters_by_tag:
                         self._converters_by_tag[tag] = converter
                 for typ in converter.types:
-                    if isinstance(typ, str):
-                        if typ not in self._converters_by_type:
-                            self._converters_by_type[typ] = converter
-                    else:
-                        type_class_name = get_class_name(typ, instance=False)
-                        if typ not in self._converters_by_type and type_class_name not in self._converters_by_type:
-                            self._converters_by_type[typ] = converter
-                            self._converters_by_type[type_class_name] = converter
+                    if typ not in converters_by_type:
+                        converters_by_type[typ] = converter
+        self._converters_by_class_path = {}
+        self._converters_by_type = {}
+        for type_or_path, converter in converters_by_type.items():
+            if isinstance(type_or_path, str):
+                path = type_or_path
+                typ = _resolve_type(path)
+                if typ is None:
+                    if path not in self._converters_by_class_path:
+                        self._converters_by_class_path[path] = converter
+                        continue
+            else:
+                typ = type_or_path
+            if typ not in self._converters_by_type:
+                self._converters_by_type[typ] = converter
         self._validator_manager = _get_cached_validator_manager(tuple(validators))
@@ -90,7 +165,10 @@ def handles_type(self, typ):
-        return typ in self._converters_by_type or get_class_name(typ, instance=False) in self._converters_by_type
+        if typ in self._converters_by_type:
+            return True
+        self._index_converters()
+        return typ in self._converters_by_type
     def handles_tag_definition(self, tag):
@@ -172,18 +250,32 @@ def get_converter_for_type(self, typ):
             Unrecognized type.
+        if typ not in self._converters_by_type:
+            self._index_converters()
             return self._converters_by_type[typ]
         except KeyError:
-            class_name = get_class_name(typ, instance=False)
-            try:
-                return self._converters_by_type[class_name]
-            except KeyError:
-                msg = (
-                    f"No support available for Python type '{get_class_name(typ, instance=False)}'.  "
-                    "You may need to install or enable an extension."
-                )
-                raise KeyError(msg) from None
+            msg = (
+                f"No support available for Python type '{get_class_name(typ, instance=False)}'.  "
+                "You may need to install or enable an extension."
+            )
+            raise KeyError(msg) from None
+    def _index_converters(self):
+        """
+        Search _converters_by_class_path for paths (strings) that
+        refer to classes that are currently imported. For imported
+        classes, add them to _converters_by_class (if the class
+        doesn't already have a converter).
+        """
+        # search class paths to find ones that are imported
+        for class_path in list(self._converters_by_class_path):
+            typ = _resolve_type(class_path)
+            if typ is None:
+                continue
+            if typ not in self._converters_by_type:
+                self._converters_by_type[typ] = self._converters_by_class_path[class_path]
+            del self._converters_by_class_path[class_path]
     def validator_manager(self):
diff --git a/docs/asdf/extending/converters.rst b/docs/asdf/extending/converters.rst
index 9ac8c94e7..c2bc60b57 100644
--- a/docs/asdf/extending/converters.rst
+++ b/docs/asdf/extending/converters.rst
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ characters up to a ``/``, or ``**``, which matches any sequence of characters.
 The `~asdf.util.uri_match` method can be used to test URI patterns.
 `Converter.types` - a list of Python types or fully-qualified Python type names handled
-by the converter.  Note that a string name must reflect the actual location of the
-class's implementation and not just a module where it is imported for convenience.
-For example, if class ``Foo`` is implemented in ``example_package.foo.Foo`` but
-imported as ``example_package.Foo`` for convenience, it is the former name that
-must be used.  The `~asdf.util.get_class_name` method will return the name that
-`asdf` expects.
+by the converter. For strings, the private or public path can be used. For example,
+if class ``Foo`` is implemented in ``example_package.foo.Foo`` but imported
+as ``example_package.Foo`` for convenience either ``example_package.foo.Foo``
+or ``example_package.Foo`` can be used. As most libraries do not consider moving
+where a class is implemented it is preferred to use the "public" location
+where the class is imported (in this example ``example_package.Foo``).
 The string type name is recommended over a type object for performance reasons,
 see :ref:`extending_converters_performance`.