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How to contribute to Electrum.jl

Thanks for taking interest in our package!

Branch strategy

The main branch contains the latest development version of the code, which is guaranteed to build and run (though it is possible it may not pass all tests). We also have a next branch which contains code that has API-breaking changes which could affect code you've already written. The current release version is kept at release, and older release versions can be accessed by prefixing with the minor version number, like so: 0.1/release.

As mentioned in the README, you can track any of these branches with the Julia package manager. In the future, you should be able to get Electrum.jl directly from the General registry.

How to branch for contributions

If you'd like to implement a feature, create a new local branch, implement the feature, then push branch and open a pull request on Github. To do this, you may need to fork the repo to your own GitHub, and then push your changes there. The pull request tools on our instance of the repo should let your create a pull request from your fork to our main or next branches.

We encourage you to prefix a branch with feature/ if you are adding a feature to the package, fix/ for a fix, and docs/ for changes to documentation. Note that features will only be merged into main: old versions will not get new features, but they will get documentation updates and fixes.

All merging should be done through a rebase operation. This is simpler than using a standard merge, as it maintains a linear commit history. However, you will have to ensure that you have fetched or pulled from the origin repo and rebased on the parent branch to avoid serious merge conflicts.

If you use VS Code, we recommend the Git Graph extension so you can visualize what you're doing when you create a new branch, make commits, or push to a remote repo.

Continuous integration

Currently, we have automatically building documentation courtesy of Documenter.jl and its integration with GitHub Actions. GitHub Actions are also used to automatically test the package for every pull request and every merge into main. These tests should run automatically when you create a pull request, and you should see the status of the tests after a few minutes. Pull requests that do not pass tests generally will not be merged.

We use Aqua.jl to perform automatic package testing that covers some basic needs: method ambiguities, stale dependencies, etc. Note that Aqua.jl is a bit picky about how Project.toml is formatted.


Julia version

Electrum.jl is being written for Julia 1.6, which is an LTS release. This may change in the future, but for now, avoid using any features that are present in later releases of Julia.

Dependencies and interoperability

Avoid adding dependencies to Julia libraries that are not actively developed or maintained, or contain functionality which would be simple to integrate into the package.

Try to minimize dependencies to code from different languages. Many other libraries pull functions from scipy or other external libraries, but we intend to implement all core functionality here in pure Julia.

Coding style and standards

The following conventions are maintained throughout Electrum.jl.

When in doubt, follow the Julia style guide, located here:

Line length

Keep lines under 100 characters in all files. If a line is really long, consider whether you can simplify the line by reducing the amount of nesting, shortening variable names, or splitting operations into multiple lines.

For strings, we've found the best way (compatible with Julia 1.6+) is to call string() on a list of strings to be concatentated.


Stick to PascalCase for the names of types and modules, and snake_case for the names of variables and functions, as with the majority of Julia code.

Functions for reading VASP inputs and outputs are usually given names like readWAVECAR(), writePOSCAR4(),etc. with no spaces, and a version number afterwards for function writing. For files which have the same format but a different name, for instance, CONTCAR files, you are encouraged to add corresponding methods that contain the name of that particular file (for instance, readCONTCAR()).

File I/O functions

The for the src/software directory provides notes on how to write functions that perform file I/O.

Comments and documentation

All functions and structs must have an associated docstring explaining the purpose of the code, even if the struct or method is not exported. For internal methods and structs, please prefix them with the module name in the docstring.

It's better to be verbose about what's going on with your code. Even if a remark seems obvious, feel free to leave it in. Perhaps the best assumption to make is that whoever is looking at the code may not have any experience writing Julia code (or any code, for that matter).

Comments are generally placed above the lines that they refer to. Inline comments are fine; this is just the pattern that's been used consistently in the code.

Type parameters of newly defined types

All of the parametric types that contain dimensionality as a type parameter should have the dimensionality parameters come first. So if you want to create MyType that has dimension D and type T, the type should be created as MyType{D,T}. Dimension parameters are given as D in all type definitions.

This is the opposite of the format used for Julia's built-in AbstractArray but matches the convention used for NTuple.

Constructors of parametric types

When defining a parametric type with an inner constructor for validation, ensure that the inner constructor is a functor of a concrete type. For instance, for a struct MyType{D,T}, the declaration should look as follows:

struct MyType{D,T<:Number}
    function MyType{D,T}(f1, f2::AbstractVector) where {D,T}
        # validation logic goes here
        return new(f1, f2)

If some of the type parameters can be inferred from the data, create outer constructors that operate on the partially parameterized types, like such.

function MyType{D}(f1, f2::AbstractVector) where D
    T = promote_type(typeof(f1), eltype(f2))
    return MyType{D,T}(f1, SVector{D}(f2))

function MyType(f1, f2::StaticVector)
    T = promote_type(typeof(f1), eltype(f2))
    return MyType{length(f2),T}(f1, f2)

Type stability of constructors

Note that in the second outer constructor, f2 must be a StaticVector. The reason why other AbstractVector arguments are disallowed is because length(f2) can only be statically inferred from a StaticVector. In general, only define type-stable constructors.

Use of static vs. dynamic arrays

The StaticArrays.jl package provides support for static (fixed dimension) vectors, matrices, and arrays. While dynamic arrays are convenient and don't require prior knowledge of array dimensions, static arrays allow for higher performance.

The use of static arrays is encouraged whenever the array dimensionality is unlikely to change (and in principle could be used as a type parameter). This universally applies to real space and reciprocal space vectors, since their dimensionality is fixed (and usually 3).

The type AtomList{D} provides a great example of static vs. dynamic vector usage. The type contains a Vector{CartesianAtomPosition{D}}, which is dynamic because the number of atoms in a crystal (either the generating set or the visual template) may vary greatly. However, the type AtomPosition{D} contains a field for the atomic position vector, which is an SVector{D,Float64} since atomic positions are not expected to vary in dimensionality.

The StaticArrays package provides the SArray type, which is immutable (cannot be altered after creation), as well as the mutable MArray type. In general, it's better to stick to immutable types (though dynamic vectors are always mutable). For functions that should take only static array arguments, use ::StaticArray{...} in the type signature.

Tuple and NamedTuple

When constructing a Tuple or a NamedTuple, parenthesize the construction for clarity. While Julia can interpret statements like this correctly:

return a, b, c

it's a bit clearer to write it as

return (a, b, c)

Consider using a NamedTuple to work with related but disparate data. These can be thought of as anonymous structs or immutable dictionaries that allow for indexing with a Symbol as well as a numeric index:

julia> nt = (a=1, b=2)
(a = 1, b = 2)

julia> nt[:b]

Implementation of square matrix types

Julia currently does not allow field types to be computed. The problem with this is that SMatrix must have a fourth type parameter that corresponds to the total length of the NTuple that is used to construct it, even though that length can be inferred from the array dimensionality.

This poses a significant problem with the inclusion of matrices in struct defintions. If the type assertion is SMatrix{D1,D2,T}, the compiler will not be able to treat it as a concrete type. This means that small structs that could have otherwise been stack allocated end up pointing to data on the heap, and this can reduce performance, especially in tight loops.

If you need to use an SMatrix{D1,D2,T,L} in a struct, be sure that you can define L as well as D1 and D2. Otherwise, it might be a better idea to store the data internally as an SVector{D2,SVector{D1,T}}, and define convert() for it to turn it into a matrix. If you're working with a mutable struct, this is not an issue: see Electrum.Crystal for an example of this with the transform field. (const declarations in mutable struct cannot be used: they were introduced in Julia 1.8, and we target backwards compatibility with Julia 1.6 LTS.)

Logging and printing

Feel free to leave @debug statements in any code you include. Unless the logging level is set to show them, they will not be seen by users. You can enable debug messages in the REPL for this package by entering the following:

julia> ENV["JULIA_DEBUG"] = Electrum

Try to minimize the use of repeated @info, @warn, or @error statements in loops. Printing to the terminal can bottleneck functions. @debug statements will normally be skipped unless a logger explicitly compiles them or $JULIA_DEBUG is set to the module name. Alternatively, a function for which explicit logging would be a useful feature can define a quiet keyword argument which can be set to true for flexibility. Examples of this include readWAVECAR and read_abinit_wfk.

Avoid using println() if one of the logging macros better suits the purpose. If println() is used, consider whether it might be a better idea to print to stderr instead of stdout. Note that @warn and @error will print to stderr by default. (This means that if you try to pipe the output to less or some other utility, it will not show up unless you perform output redirection.)