+ defread_data(self,file_name):
+ withopen(file_name,mode='r',encoding='utf-8')asfile:
+ # Create a CSV reader object
+ reader=csv.reader(file)
+ # Read the first row to get column names
+ column_names=next(reader)
+ # Find corresponding 'generate' function
+ func=self.func_header_mapping.get(frozenset(column_names))
+ iffunc:
+ # Iterate through each row in the CSV file
+ forrowinreader:
+ # Create a dictionary to store key-value pairs for each row
+ row_data={}
+ forcolumn_name,datainzip(column_names,row):
+ row_data[column_name]=data
+ # Generate appropriate data object
+ func(self,**row_data)
Source code for bkbit.data_translators.genome_annotation_translator
+Module for downloading, parsing, and processing GFF3 files from NCBI and Ensembl repositories. This module provides functionality to:
+1. Download a GFF3 file from a specified URL and calculate its checksums.
+2. Parse the GFF3 file to extract gene annotations.
+3. Generate various metadata objects such as organism taxon, genome assembly, and genome annotation.
+4. Serialize the extracted information into JSON-LD format for further use.
+ Gff3: The Gff3 class is designed to handle the complete lifecycle of downloading, parsing, and processing GFF3 files from NCBI or Ensembl repositories. It extracts gene annotations and serializes the data into JSON-LD format.
+ gff2jsonld: The gff2jsonld function is responsible for creating GeneAnnotation objects from a provided GFF3 file and serializing the extracted information into the JSON-LD format.
+ The module can be run as a standalone script by executing it with appropriate arguments and options:
+ ```
+ python genome_annotation_translator.py <content_url> -a <assembly_accession> -s <assembly_strain> -l <log_level> -f
+ ```
+ The script will download the GFF3 file from the specified URL, parse it, and serialize the extracted information into JSON-LD format.
+ ```
+ python genome_annotation_translator.py "https://example.com/path/to/gff3.gz" -a "GCF_000001405.39" -s "strain_name" -l "INFO" -f True
+ ```
+ - re
+ - hashlib
+ - tempfile
+ - uuid
+ - urllib
+ - urllib.request
+ - urllib.parse
+ - os
+ - json
+ - datetime
+ - collections.defaultdict
+ - subprocess
+ - gzip
+ - tqdm
+ - click
+ - pkg_resources
+ - bkbit.models.genome_annotation as ga
+ - bkbit.utils.setup_logger as setup_logger
+ - bkbit.utils.load_json as load_json
+ "NCBITaxon":"http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCBITaxon_",
+ "NCBIGene":"http://identifiers.org/ncbigene/",
+ "ENSEMBL":"http://identifiers.org/ensembl/",
+ "NCBIAssembly":"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/assembly/",
+ "{authority}{taxon_scientific_name} Annotation Release {genome_version}"
+ "gff3_translator_"+datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")+".log"
+ The Gff3 class is responsible for downloading, parsing, and processing of GFF3 files from NCBI and Ensembl repositories.
+ Attributes:
+ content_url (str): The URL of the GFF file.
+ assembly_accession (str): The ID of the genome assembly.
+ assembly_strain (str, optional): The strain of the genome assembly. Defaults to None.
+ log_level (str): The logging level. Defaults to 'WARNING'.
+ log_to_file (bool): Flag to log messages to a file. Defaults to False.
+ Methods:
+ __init__(content_url, assembly_accession=None, assembly_strain=None, log_level="WARNING", log_to_file=False):
+ Initializes the Gff3 class with the provided parameters.
+ parse_url():
+ Parses the content URL and extracts information about the genome annotation.
+ __download_gff_file():
+ Downloads a GFF file from a given URL and calculates the MD5, SHA256, and SHA1 hashes.
+ generate_organism_taxon(taxon_id):
+ Generates an organism taxon object based on the provided taxon ID.
+ assign_authority_type(authority):
+ Assigns the authority type based on the given authority string.
+ generate_genome_assembly(assembly_id, assembly_version, assembly_label, assembly_strain=None):
+ Generates a genome assembly object based on the provided parameters.
+ generate_genome_annotation(genome_label, genome_version):
+ Generates a genome annotation object based on the provided parameters.
+ generate_digest(hash_values, hash_functions=DEFAULT_HASH):
+ Generates checksum digests for the GFF file using the specified hash functions.
+ __get_line_count(file_path):
+ Returns the line count of a file.
+ parse(feature_filter=DEFAULT_FEATURE_FILTER):
+ Parses the GFF file and extracts gene annotations based on the provided feature filter.
+ generate_ensembl_gene_annotation(attributes, curr_line_num):
+ Generates a GeneAnnotation object for Ensembl based on the provided attributes.
+ generate_ncbi_gene_annotation(attributes, curr_line_num):
+ Generates a GeneAnnotation object for NCBI based on the provided attributes.
+ __get_attribute(attributes, attribute_name, curr_line_num):
+ Retrieves the value of a specific attribute from the given attributes dictionary.
+ __resolve_ncbi_gene_annotation(new_gene_annotation, curr_line_num):
+ Resolves conflicts between existing and new gene annotations based on certain conditions.
+ __merge_values(t):
+ Merges values from a list of lists into a dictionary of sets.
+ serialize_to_jsonld(exclude_none=True, exclude_unset=False):
+ Serializes the object and either writes it to the specified output file or prints it to the CLI.
+ """
+ def__init__(
+ self,
+ content_url,
+ assembly_accession=None,
+ assembly_strain=None,
+ log_level="WARNING",
+ log_to_file=False,
+ ):
+ Initializes an instance of the GFFTranslator class.
+ Parameters:
+ - content_url (str): The URL of the GFF file.
+ - assembly_id (str): The ID of the genome assembly.
+ - assembly_strain (str, optional): The strain of the genome assembly. Defaults to None.
+ - hash_functions (tuple[str]): A tuple of hash functions to use for generating checksums. Defaults to ('MD5').
+ """
+ self.logger=setup_logger(LOG_FILE_NAME,log_level,log_to_file)
+ try:
+ self.scientific_name_to_taxonid=load_json(SCIENTIFIC_NAME_TO_TAXONID_PATH)
+ self.taxon_scientific_name=load_json(TAXON_SCIENTIFIC_NAME_PATH)
+ self.taxon_common_name=load_json(TAXON_COMMON_NAME_PATH)
+ exceptFileNotFoundErrorase:
+ self.logger.critical("NCBI Taxonomy not downloaded. Run 'bkbit download-ncbi-taxonomy' command first.")
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ self.content_url=content_url
+ ## STEP 1: Parse the content URL to get metadata
+ # Parse content_url to get metadata
+ url_metadata=self.parse_url()
+ ifurl_metadataisNone:
+ self.logger.critical(
+ "The provided content URL is not supported. Please provide a valid URL."
+ )
+ raiseValueError(
+ "The provided content URL is not supported. Please provide a valid URL."
+ )
+ # Define variables to store metadata
+ (
+ taxon_id,
+ assembly_id,
+ assembly_version,
+ assembly_label,
+ genome_label,
+ genome_version,
+ )=(None,None,None,None,None,None)
+ # Assign the authority type
+ self.authority=url_metadata.get("authority")
+ # Assign the taxon_id and assembly_id based on the authority
+ ifself.authority.value==ga.AuthorityType.NCBI.value:
+ taxon_id=url_metadata.get("taxonid")
+ assembly_id=url_metadata.get("assembly_accession")
+ elifself.authority.value==ga.AuthorityType.ENSEMBL.value:
+ taxon_id=self.scientific_name_to_taxonid.get(
+ url_metadata.get("scientific_name").replace("_"," ")
+ )
+ ifassembly_accessionisNone:
+ self.logger.critical(
+ "The assembly ID is required for Ensembl URLs. Please provide the assembly ID."
+ )
+ raiseValueError(
+ "The assembly ID is required for Ensembl URLs. Please provide the assembly ID."
+ )
+ assembly_id=assembly_accession
+ # Assign assembly_version, assembly_label, genome_version, and genome_label
+ assembly_version=(
+ assembly_id.split(".")[1]iflen(assembly_id.split("."))>=1elseNone
+ )
+ assembly_label=url_metadata.get("assembly_name")
+ genome_version=url_metadata.get("release_version")
+ genome_label=self.authority.value+"-"+taxon_id+"-"+genome_version
+ ## STEP 2: Download the GFF file
+ # Download the GFF file
+ self.gff_file,hash_values=self.__download_gff_file()
+ ## STEP 3: Generate the organism taxon, genome assembly, checksums, and genome annotation objects
+ # Generate the organism taxon object
+ self.organism_taxon=self.generate_organism_taxon(taxon_id)
+ self.genome_assembly=self.generate_genome_assembly(
+ assembly_id,assembly_version,assembly_label,assembly_strain
+ )
+ self.checksums=self.generate_digest(hash_values,DEFAULT_HASH)
+ self.genome_annotation=self.generate_genome_annotation(
+ genome_label,genome_version
+ )
+ self.gene_annotations={}
+ defparse_url(self):
+ Parses the content URL and extracts information about the genome annotation.
+ Returns:
+ A dictionary containing the following information:
+ - 'authority': The authority type (NCBI or ENSEMBL).
+ - 'taxonid': The taxon ID of the genome.
+ - 'release_version': The release version of the genome annotation.
+ - 'assembly_accession': The assembly accession of the genome.
+ - 'assembly_name': The name of the assembly.
+ - 'species': The species name (only for ENSEMBL URLs).
+ """
+ # Define regex patterns for NCBI and Ensembl URLs
+ # NCBI : [assembly accession.version]_[assembly name]_[content type].[optional format]
+ # ENSEMBL : <species>.<assembly>.<_version>.gff3.gz -> organism full name, assembly name, genome version
+ ncbi_pattern=r"/genomes/all/annotation_releases/(\d+)(?:/(\d+))?/(GCF_\d+\.\d+)[_-]([^/]+)/(GCF_\d+\.\d+)[_-]([^/]+)_genomic\.gff\.gz"
+ ensembl_pattern=(
+ r"/pub/release-(\d+)/gff3/([^/]+)/([^/.]+)\.([^/.]+)\.([^/.]+)\.gff3\.gz"
+ )
+ # Parse the URL to get the path
+ parsed_url=urlparse(self.content_url)
+ path=parsed_url.path
+ # Determine if the URL is from NCBI or Ensembl and extract information
+ if"ncbi"inparsed_url.netloc:
+ ncbi_match=re.search(ncbi_pattern,path)
+ ifncbi_match:
+ return{
+ "authority":ga.AuthorityType.NCBI,
+ "taxonid":ncbi_match.group(1),
+ "release_version":(
+ ncbi_match.group(2)
+ ifncbi_match.group(2)
+ elsencbi_match.group(4)
+ ),
+ "assembly_accession":ncbi_match.group(3),
+ "assembly_name":ncbi_match.group(6),
+ }
+ elif"ensembl"inparsed_url.netloc:
+ ensembl_match=re.search(ensembl_pattern,path)
+ ifensembl_match:
+ return{
+ "authority":ga.AuthorityType.ENSEMBL,
+ "release_version":ensembl_match.group(1),
+ "scientific_name":ensembl_match.group(3),
+ "assembly_name":ensembl_match.group(4),
+ }
+ # If no match is found, return None
+ returnNone
+ def__download_gff_file(self):
+ Downloads a GFF file from a given URL and calculates the MD5, SHA256, and SHA1 hashes.
+ Returns:
+ tuple: A tuple containing the path to the downloaded gzip file and a dictionary
+ with the MD5, SHA256, and SHA1 hashes of the file.
+ """
+ response=urllib.request.urlopen(self.content_url)
+ total_size=int(response.headers.get("content-length",0))
+ block_size=1024# 1 Kilobyte
+ # Create hash objects
+ md5_hash=hashlib.md5()
+ sha256_hash=hashlib.sha256()
+ sha1_hash=hashlib.sha1()
+ # Create a temporary file for the gzip data
+ withtempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".gz",delete=False)asf_gzip:
+ gzip_file_path=f_gzip.name
+ # Create a progress bar
+ progress_bar=tqdm(
+ total=total_size,
+ unit="iB",
+ unit_scale=True,
+ desc="Downloading GFF file",
+ )
+ # Read the file in chunks, write to the temporary file, and update the hash
+ whileTrue:
+ data=response.read(block_size)
+ ifnotdata:
+ break
+ f_gzip.write(data)
+ md5_hash.update(data)
+ sha256_hash.update(data)
+ sha1_hash.update(data)
+ progress_bar.update(len(data))
+ progress_bar.close()
+ # Return the path to the temporary file and the md5 hash
+ returngzip_file_path,{
+ "MD5":md5_hash.hexdigest(),
+ "SHA256":sha256_hash.hexdigest(),
+ "SHA1":sha1_hash.hexdigest(),
+ }
+ defgenerate_organism_taxon(self,taxon_id:str):
+ Generates an organism taxon object based on the provided taxon ID.
+ Args:
+ taxon_id (str): The taxon ID of the organism.
+ Returns:
+ ga.OrganismTaxon: The generated organism taxon object.
+ """
+ returnga.OrganismTaxon(
+ id=TAXON_PREFIX+":"+taxon_id,
+ full_name=self.taxon_scientific_name[taxon_id],
+ name=self.taxon_common_name[taxon_id],
+ iri=PREFIX_MAP[TAXON_PREFIX]+taxon_id,
+ )
+ defassign_authority_type(self,authority:str):
+ Assigns the authority type based on the given authority string.
+ Args:
+ authority (str): The authority string to be assigned.
+ Returns:
+ ga.AuthorityType: The corresponding authority type.
+ Raises:
+ Exception: If the authority is not supported. Only NCBI and Ensembl authorities are supported.
+ """
+ ifauthority.upper()==ga.AuthorityType.NCBI.value:
+ returnga.AuthorityType.NCBI
+ ifauthority.upper()==ga.AuthorityType.ENSEMBL.value:
+ returnga.AuthorityType.ENSEMBL
+ self.logger.critical(
+ "Authority %s is not supported. Please use NCBI or Ensembl.",authority
+ )
+ raiseValueError(
+ f"Authority {self.authority} is not supported. Please use NCBI or Ensembl."
+ )
+ defgenerate_genome_assembly(
+ self,
+ assembly_id:str,
+ assembly_version:str,
+ assembly_label:str,
+ assembly_strain:str=None,
+ ):
+ Generate a genome assembly object.
+ Parameters:
+ assembly_id (str): The ID of the assembly.
+ assembly_version (str): The version of the assembly.
+ assembly_label (str): The label of the assembly.
+ assembly_strain (str, optional): The strain of the assembly. Defaults to None.
+ Returns:
+ ga.GenomeAssembly: The generated genome assembly object.
+ """
+ returnga.GenomeAssembly(
+ id=ASSEMBLY_PREFIX+":"+assembly_id,
+ in_taxon=[self.organism_taxon.id],
+ in_taxon_label=self.organism_taxon.full_name,
+ version=assembly_version,
+ name=assembly_label,
+ strain=assembly_strain,
+ )
+ defgenerate_genome_annotation(self,genome_label:str,genome_version:str):
+ Generates a genome annotation object.
+ Args:
+ genome_label (str): The label of the genome.
+ genome_version (str): The version of the genome.
+ Returns:
+ ga.GenomeAnnotation: The generated genome annotation.
+ """
+ returnga.GenomeAnnotation(
+ id=BICAN_ANNOTATION_PREFIX+genome_label.upper(),
+ digest=[checksum.idforchecksuminself.checksums],
+ content_url=[self.content_url],
+ reference_assembly=self.genome_assembly.id,
+ version=genome_version,
+ in_taxon=[self.organism_taxon.id],
+ in_taxon_label=self.organism_taxon.full_name,
+ authority=self.authority.value,
+ taxon_scientific_name=self.organism_taxon.full_name,
+ genome_version=genome_version,
+ ),
+ authority=self.authority,
+ )
+ defgenerate_digest(
+ self,
+ hash_values:dict,
+ hash_functions:tuple[str]=DEFAULT_HASH,
+ )->list[ga.Checksum]:
+ Generates checksum digests for the GFF file using the specified hash functions.
+ Args:
+ hash_functions (list[str]): A list of hash functions to use for generating the digests.
+ Returns:
+ list[ga.Checksum]: A list of Checksum objects containing the generated digests.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: If an unsupported hash algorithm is provided.
+ """
+ checksums=[]
+ forhash_typeinhash_functions:
+ # Generate a UUID version 4
+ uuid_value=uuid.uuid4()
+ # Construct a URN with the UUID
+ urn=f"urn:uuid:{uuid_value}"
+ hash_type=hash_type.strip().upper()
+ # Create a Checksum object
+ ifhash_type==ga.DigestType.SHA256.name:
+ checksums.append(
+ ga.Checksum(
+ id=urn,
+ checksum_algorithm=ga.DigestType.SHA256,
+ value=hash_values.get("SHA256"),
+ )
+ )
+ elifhash_type==ga.DigestType.MD5.name:
+ checksums.append(
+ ga.Checksum(
+ id=urn,
+ checksum_algorithm=ga.DigestType.MD5,
+ value=hash_values.get("MD5"),
+ )
+ )
+ elifhash_type==ga.DigestType.SHA1.name:
+ checksums.append(
+ ga.Checksum(
+ id=urn,
+ checksum_algorithm=ga.DigestType.SHA1,
+ value=hash_values.get("SHA1"),
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ self.logger.error(
+ "Hash algorithm %s is not supported. Please use SHA256, MD5, or SHA1.",
+ hash_type,
+ )
+ returnchecksums
+ def__get_line_count(self,file_path):
+ Get the line count of a file.
+ Args:
+ file_path (str): The path to the file.
+ Returns:
+ int: The number of lines in the file.
+ """
+ result=subprocess.run(
+ ["wc","-l",file_path],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,check=True
+ )# If check is True and the exit code was non-zero, it raises a CalledProcessError.
+ # The CalledProcessError object will have the return code in the returncode attribute,
+ # and output & stderr attributes if those streams were captured.
+ output=result.stdout.decode().strip()
+ line_count=int(output.split()[0])# Extract the line count from the output
+ returnline_count
+ defparse(self,feature_filter:tuple[str]=DEFAULT_FEATURE_FILTER):
+ Parses the GFF file and extracts gene annotations based on the provided feature filter.
+ Args:
+ feature_filter (tuple[str]): Tuple of feature types to include in the gene annotations.
+ Raises:
+ FileNotFoundError: If the GFF file does not exist.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ gff_file=self.gff_file
+ ifself.gff_file.endswith(".gz"):
+ # Decompress the gzip file
+ withgzip.open(self.gff_file,"rb")asf_in:
+ # Create a temporary file to save the decompressed data
+ withtempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)asf_out:
+ # Copy the decompressed data to the temporary file
+ f_out.write(f_in.read())
+ gff_file=f_out.name
+ ifnotos.path.isfile(gff_file):
+ raiseFileNotFoundError(f"File {gff_file} does not exist.")
+ withopen(gff_file,"r",encoding="utf-8")asfile:
+ curr_line_num=1
+ progress_bar=tqdm(
+ total=self.__get_line_count(gff_file),desc="Parsing GFF3 File"
+ )
+ forline_rawinfile:
+ line_strip=line_raw.strip()
+ ifcurr_line_num==1andnotline_strip.startswith("##gff-version 3"):
+ self.logger.warning(
+ '"##gff-version 3" missing from the first line of the file. The given file may not be a valid GFF3 file.'
+ )
+ eliflen(line_strip)==0:# blank line
+ continue
+ elifline_strip.startswith("##"):# TODO: parse more metadata
+ pass
+ elifline_strip.startswith("#"):# TODO: parse more metadata
+ pass
+ else:# line may be a feature or unknown
+ tokens=list(map(str.strip,line_raw.split("\t")))
+ iflen(tokens)!=9:
+ self.logger.warning(
+ "Line %s: Features are expected 9 columns, found %s.",
+ curr_line_num,
+ len(tokens),
+ )
+ if(
+ tokens[2]infeature_filter
+ ):# only look at rows that have a type that is included in feature_filter
+ attributes=self.__merge_values(
+ tuple(a.split("=")foraintokens[8].split(";"))
+ )
+ # TODO: Write cleaner code that calls respective generate function based on the authority automatically
+ ifself.genome_annotation.authority==ga.AuthorityType.ENSEMBL:
+ gene_annotation=self.generate_ensembl_gene_annotation(
+ attributes,curr_line_num
+ )
+ ifgene_annotationisnotNone:
+ self.gene_annotations[gene_annotation]=gene_annotation
+ elifself.genome_annotation.authority==ga.AuthorityType.NCBI:
+ gene_annotation=self.generate_ncbi_gene_annotation(
+ attributes,curr_line_num
+ )
+ ifgene_annotationisnotNone:
+ self.gene_annotations[gene_annotation.id]=(
+ gene_annotation
+ )
+ progress_bar.update(1)
+ curr_line_num+=1
+ progress_bar.close()
+ defgenerate_ensembl_gene_annotation(self,attributes,curr_line_num):
+ Generates a GeneAnnotation object for Ensembl based on the provided attributes.
+ Args:
+ attributes (dict): A dictionary containing the attributes of the gene.
+ curr_line_num (int): The line number of the current row in the input file.
+ Returns:
+ GeneAnnotation or None: The generated GeneAnnotation object if it is not a duplicate,
+ otherwise None.
+ Raises:
+ None
+ """
+ stable_id=self.__get_attribute(attributes,"gene_id",curr_line_num)
+ ifstable_id:
+ stable_id=stable_id.split(".")[0]
+ # Check and validate the name attribute
+ name=self.__get_attribute(attributes,"Name",curr_line_num)
+ # Check and validate the description attribute
+ description=self.__get_attribute(attributes,"description",curr_line_num)
+ # Check and validate the biotype attribute
+ biotype=self.__get_attribute(attributes,"biotype",curr_line_num)
+ gene_annotation=ga.GeneAnnotation(
+ id=ENSEMBL_GENE_ID_PREFIX+":"+stable_id,
+ source_id=stable_id,
+ symbol=name,
+ name=name,
+ description=description,
+ molecular_type=biotype,
+ referenced_in=self.genome_annotation.id,
+ in_taxon=[self.organism_taxon.id],
+ in_taxon_label=self.organism_taxon.full_name,
+ )
+ # handle duplicates
+ ifgene_annotationnotinself.gene_annotations:
+ returngene_annotation
+ returnNone
+ defgenerate_ncbi_gene_annotation(self,attributes,curr_line_num):
+ Generates a GeneAnnotation object for NCBI based on the provided attributes.
+ Args:
+ attributes (dict): A dictionary containing the attributes of the gene.
+ curr_line_num (int): The line number of the current row in the input file.
+ Returns:
+ GeneAnnotation or None: The generated GeneAnnotation object if it is not a duplicate,
+ otherwise None.
+ Raises:
+ None
+ """
+ stable_id=None
+ if"Dbxref"inattributes:
+ dbxref={t.strip()forsinattributes["Dbxref"]fortins.split(",")}
+ geneid_values=set()
+ forreferenceindbxref:
+ k,v=reference.split(":",1)
+ ifk=="GeneID":
+ geneid_values.add(v.split(".")[0])
+ iflen(geneid_values)==1:
+ stable_id=geneid_values.pop()
+ else:
+ self.logger.error(
+ "Line %s: No GeneAnnotation object created for this row due to missing dbxref attribute.",
+ curr_line_num,
+ )
+ returnNone
+ ifnotstable_id:
+ self.logger.error(
+ "Line %s: No GeneAnnotation object created for this row due to number of GeneIDs provided in dbxref attribute is not equal to one.",
+ curr_line_num,
+ )
+ returnNone
+ # Check and validate the name attribute
+ name=self.__get_attribute(attributes,"Name",curr_line_num)
+ # Check and validate the description attribute
+ description=self.__get_attribute(attributes,"description",curr_line_num)
+ # Check and validate the biotype attribute
+ biotype=self.__get_attribute(attributes,"gene_biotype",curr_line_num)
+ # Parse synonyms
+ synonyms=[]
+ if"gene_synonym"inattributes:
+ synonyms=list(
+ {t.strip()forsinattributes["gene_synonym"]fortins.split(",")}
+ )
+ synonyms.sort()# note: this is not required, but it makes the output more predictable therefore easier to test
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "Line %s: synonym is not set for this row's GeneAnnotation object due to missing gene_synonym attribute.",
+ curr_line_num,
+ )
+ gene_annotation=ga.GeneAnnotation(
+ id=NCBI_GENE_ID_PREFIX+":"+stable_id,
+ source_id=stable_id,
+ symbol=name,
+ name=name,
+ description=description,
+ molecular_type=biotype,
+ referenced_in=self.genome_annotation.id,
+ in_taxon=[self.organism_taxon.id],
+ in_taxon_label=self.organism_taxon.full_name,
+ synonym=synonyms,
+ )
+ ifgene_annotation.idinself.gene_annotations:
+ ifgene_annotation!=self.gene_annotations[gene_annotation.id]:
+ returnself.__resolve_ncbi_gene_annotation(
+ gene_annotation,curr_line_num
+ )
+ ifname!=self.gene_annotations[gene_annotation.id].name:
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "Line %s: GeneAnnotation object with id %s already exists with a different name. Current name: %s, Existing name: %s",
+ curr_line_num,
+ stable_id,
+ name,
+ self.gene_annotations[gene_annotation.id].name,
+ )
+ returnNone
+ returngene_annotation
+ def__get_attribute(self,attributes,attribute_name,curr_line_num):
+ Get the value of a specific attribute from the given attributes dictionary.
+ Args:
+ attributes (dict): A dictionary containing attribute names and their values.
+ attribute_name (str): The name of the attribute to retrieve.
+ curr_line_num (int): The current line number for logging purposes.
+ Returns:
+ str or None: The value of the attribute if found, None otherwise.
+ """
+ value=None
+ ifattribute_nameinattributes:
+ iflen(attributes[attribute_name])!=1:
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "Line %s: %s not set for this row's GeneAnnotation object due to more than one %s provided.",
+ curr_line_num,
+ attribute_name,
+ attribute_name,
+ )
+ elifattribute_name=="description":
+ value=re.sub(
+ r"\s*\[Source.*?\]",
+ "",
+ urllib.parse.unquote(attributes["description"].pop()),
+ )
+ else:
+ value=attributes[attribute_name].pop()
+ ifvalue.find(",")!=-1:
+ self.logger.debug(
+ 'Line %s: %s not set for this row\'s GeneAnnotation object due to value of %s attribute containing ",".',
+ curr_line_num,
+ attribute_name,
+ attribute_name,
+ )
+ value=None
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "Line %s: %s not set for this row's GeneAnnotation object due to missing %s attribute.",
+ curr_line_num,
+ attribute_name,
+ attribute_name,
+ )
+ returnvalue
+ def__resolve_ncbi_gene_annotation(self,new_gene_annotation,curr_line_num):
+ Resolves conflicts between existing and new gene annotations based on certain conditions.
+ Args:
+ new_gene_annotation (GeneAnnotation): The new gene annotation to be resolved.
+ curr_line_num (int): The current line number in the file.
+ Returns:
+ GeneAnnotation or None: The resolved gene annotation or None if it cannot be resolved
+ or None if the resolution is in favor of the existing gene
+ annotation.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: If duplicates cannot be resolved.
+ """
+ existing_gene_annotation=self.gene_annotations[new_gene_annotation.id]
+ if(
+ existing_gene_annotation.descriptionisnotNone
+ andnew_gene_annotation.descriptionisNone
+ ):
+ returnNone
+ if(
+ existing_gene_annotation.descriptionisNone
+ andnew_gene_annotation.descriptionisnotNone
+ ):
+ returnnew_gene_annotation
+ if(
+ existing_gene_annotation.molecular_typeisnotNone
+ andnew_gene_annotation.molecular_typeisNone
+ ):
+ returnNone
+ if(
+ existing_gene_annotation.molecular_typeisNone
+ andnew_gene_annotation.molecular_typeisnotNone
+ ):
+ returnnew_gene_annotation
+ ifexisting_gene_annotation.molecular_type==ga.BioType.protein_coding.value:
+ returnNone
+ ifnew_gene_annotation.molecular_type==ga.BioType.protein_coding.value:
+ returnnew_gene_annotation
+ self.logger.error(
+ "Line %s: Unable to resolve duplicates for GeneID: %s.\nexisting gene: %s\nnew gene: %s",
+ curr_line_num,
+ new_gene_annotation.id,
+ existing_gene_annotation,
+ new_gene_annotation,
+ )
+ returnNone
+ def__merge_values(self,t):
+ Merge values from a list of lists into a dictionary of sets.
+ Args:
+ t (list): A list of lists containing key-value pairs.
+ Returns:
+ dict: A dictionary where each key maps to a set of values.
+ """
+ result=defaultdict(set)
+ forlstint:
+ key=lst[0].strip()
+ value=lst[1:]
+ foreinvalue:
+ result[key].add(e.strip())
+ returnresult
+ defserialize_to_jsonld(
+ self,exclude_none:bool=True,exclude_unset:bool=False
+ ):
+ Serialize the object and either write it to the specified output file or print it to the CLI.
+ Parameters:
+ exclude_none (bool): Whether to exclude None values in the output.
+ exclude_unset (bool): Whether to exclude unset values in the output.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ data=[
+ self.organism_taxon.dict(
+ exclude_none=exclude_none,exclude_unset=exclude_unset
+ ),
+ self.genome_assembly.dict(
+ exclude_none=exclude_none,exclude_unset=exclude_unset
+ ),
+ self.genome_annotation.dict(
+ exclude_none=exclude_none,exclude_unset=exclude_unset
+ ),
+ ]
+ forckinself.checksums:
+ data.append(ck.dict(exclude_none=exclude_none,exclude_unset=exclude_unset))
+ forgainself.gene_annotations.values():
+ data.append(ga.dict(exclude_none=exclude_none,exclude_unset=exclude_unset))
+ output_data={
+ "@context":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brain-bican/models/main/jsonld-context-autogen/genome_annotation.context.jsonld",
+ "@graph":data,
+ }
+ print(json.dumps(output_data,indent=2))
+# Argument #1: The URL of the GFF file
+# Option #1: The ID of the genome assembly
+# Option #2: The strain of the genome assembly
+ "--assembly_strain",
+ "-s",
+ required=False,
+ default=None,
+ type=str,
+ help="The strain of the genome assembly. Defaults to None.",
+# Option #3: The log level
+ "--log_level",
+ "-l",
+ required=False,
+ default="WARNING",
+ help="The log level. Defaults to WARNING.",
+# Option #4: Log to file
+ "--log_to_file",
+ "-f",
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="Log to a file instead of the console.",
+ Creates GeneAnnotation objects from a GFF3 file and serializes them to JSON-LD format.
+ '''
+ gff3=Gff3(
+ content_url,assembly_accession,assembly_strain,log_level,log_to_file
+ )
+ gff3.parse()
+ gff3.serialize_to_jsonld()
+ gff2jsonld()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_modules/bkbit/model_converters/sheets_converter.html b/_modules/bkbit/model_converters/sheets_converter.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3786f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_modules/bkbit/model_converters/sheets_converter.html
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+ bkbit.model_converters.sheets_converter — bkbit documentation
+ Fixing all the tsv files, modyfying the range column, and adding any_of, exactly_one_of, and inlined columns.
+ :param tsv_files: list of tsv files
+ :param inlined: if True, the inlined column will be added
+ "param ref_by_ind: if True (and if inlined is True) the range will be modified (adding string) to be able to reference by index
+ :return: list of fixed tsv files
+ """
+ tsv_file_fixed_list=[]
+ dir_fixed=Path(tsv_files[0]).parent/"fixed_sheets"
+ dir_fixed.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ fortsv_fileinlist(tsv_files):
+ # TODO: check if the file indeed has 3 lines of headers
+ tsv_file_fixed=dir_fixed/Path(tsv_file).name
+ tsv_file_fixed_list.append(str(tsv_file_fixed))
+ withopen(tsv_file,'r',newline='')asfile:
+ # cleaned of any ^M characters
+ content=file.read().replace('\r','')
+ # convert the cleaned content back to a file-like object
+ data=StringIO(content)
+ # read the file-like object to a pandas dataframe
+ df=pd.read_csv(data,header=[0,1,2],delimiter='\t')
+ columns_to_change_new=[]
+ forindindf.columns:
+ if"mapping"inind[1].lower():
+ columns_to_change_new.append(ind)
+ forcolincolumns_to_change_new:
+ df[col]=df[col].str.replace(" ","%20")
+ # finding the range column, and other columns that are relevant for the following changes
+ range_ind,range_col=None,None
+ multival_col,exactlyone_col,valset_col=None,None,None
+ forind,colinenumerate(df.columns):
+ if"range"incol[1].lower().strip():
+ range_ind=ind
+ range_col=col
+ elif"multivalued"incol[0].lower().strip():
+ multival_col=col
+ elif"exactlyoneof"incol[0].lower().strip():
+ exactlyone_col=col
+ elif"permissible"incol[0].lower().strip():
+ valset_col=col
+ ifrange_indisnotNone:
+ any_of_col=(f"{range_col[0]}: any_of","any_of","inner_key: range")
+ exactly_one_of_col=(f"{range_col[0]}: exactly_one_of","exactly_one_of","inner_key: range")
+ ifinlined:
+ inline_col=("inlined","inlined","")
+ else:# ignoring if inlined is set to False
+ inline_col=("inlined","ignore","")
+ df.insert(range_ind+1,any_of_col,None)
+ df.insert(range_ind+2,exactly_one_of_col,None)
+ df.insert(range_ind+3,inline_col,None)
+ deffix_range(row):
+""" Fixing the range column, moving some ranges to any_of or exactly_one_of columns
+ It also depends on the values of ref_by_ind and inlined.
+ """
+ ifpd.isna(row[range_col]):
+ returnrow
+ # do not add string to range if range already has string or all the elements are simple types
+ elif"string"inrow[range_col]orall([elinSIMPLE_TYPES_NOSTRforelinrow[range_col].split("|")]):
+ pass
+ # checking if the range is not value set (TODO: in the future might need modification)
+ elifvalset_colisnotNoneandrow[valset_col]:
+ pass
+ elifinlined:# setting inlined to True for range that have complex types
+ row[inline_col]=True
+ ifref_by_ind:# adding string to the range to be able to reference by index
+ row[range_col]=row[range_col]+"|string"
+ # checking if range has multiple values, and if it should be treated as any_of or exactly_one_of
+ if"|"inrow[range_col]:
+ if(row[multival_col]isTrue)and(exactlyone_colisnotNone)and(row[exactlyone_col]isTrue):
+ row[exactly_one_of_col]=row[range_col]
+ else:
+ row[any_of_col]=row[range_col]
+ row[range_col]=None
+ returnrow
+ df=df.apply(fix_range,axis=1)
+ df.to_csv(tsv_file_fixed,sep='\t',index=False)
+ # fixing the headers that are saved by pandas
+ withopen(tsv_file_fixed,'r')asfile:
+ lines=file.readlines()
+ lines[2]="\t".join([""ifel.startswith("Unnamed")elseelforelinlines[2].split("\t")])+"\n"
+ lines[1]="\t".join([""ifel.startswith("Unnamed")elseelforelinlines[1].split("\t")])+"\n"
+ withopen(tsv_file_fixed,'w')asfile:
+ file.writelines(lines)
+ returntsv_file_fixed_list
+ Apply BICAN specific fixes to the schema
+ :param schema:
+ :return:
+ """
+ # fixing values for categories
+ fornm,clinschema.classes.items():
+ cl.slot_usage["category"]=SlotDefinition(name="category",pattern=r"^bican:[A-Z][A-Za-z]+$")
+ # not needed anymore
+ # if "name_pr" in cl.slots:
+ # cl.slots["name"] = cl.slots.pop("name_pr")
+ # if "slot_usage" in cl and "name_pr" in cl["slot_usage"]:
+ # cl.slot_usage["name"] = cl.slot_usage.pop("name_pr")
+ # removing names from the slots
+ if"name"inschema.slots:
+ delschema.slots["name"]
+ # removing slots that are from the imported schemas
+ slots_from_imports=[]
+ forelinschema.imports:
+ ifPath(f"{el}.yaml").exists():
+ sv=SchemaView(f'{el}.yaml')
+ slots_from_imports.extend(sv.schema.slots.keys())
+ slots_to_remove=list(set(schema.slots)&set(slots_from_imports))
+ fornminslots_to_remove:
+ delschema.slots[nm]
+ # removing empty subsets that are from imported biolink schema
+ biolink_subsets=[]
+ fornm,subsinschema.subsets.items():
+ ifnotsubs.descriptionandnotsubs.from_schema:
+ biolink_subsets.append(nm)
+ fornminbiolink_subsets:
+ delschema.subsets[nm]
+ returnschema
+ # Construct the URL to export the Google Sheet as TSV
+ tsv_url=f'https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/{sheet_id}/export?format=tsv&gid={sheet_gid}'
+ response=requests.get(tsv_url)
+ response.raise_for_status()# Ensure the request was successful
+ # Save the TSV content to a file
+ withopen(save_path,'wb')asfile:
+ file.write(response.content)
+ downloaded_files=[]
+ forshtinsheets:
+ if"gid"notinsht:
+ raiseException(f"Each sheet has to have gid,but not found in {sht}")
+ shnm=sht.get("name",sht["gid"])
+ gsheet_save_path=gsheet_download_dir/f"{shnm}.tsv"
+ download_google_sheet_as_tsv(gsheet_id,gsheet_save_path,sht["gid"])
+ downloaded_files.append(gsheet_save_path)
+ returndownloaded_files
+ type=click.File(mode="w"),
+ default=sys.stdout,
+ help="Path for the yaml output file.")
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ default=None,
+ help="Optional template yaml file with standard classes that will be added to the model.")
+ default=False,
+ show_default=True,
+ help="Using Google Sheet as a source. "
+ "If True, the arguments MUST be a yaml file with gsheet_id and gid of all the sheets")
+ type=click.Path(),
+ default=None,
+ help="Path used to download Google Sheets. If not specified a default directory will be created.")
+ default=True,
+ show_default=True,
+ help="Fixing known issues with tsv files from Google Sheets.")
+ default=False,
+ show_default=True,
+ help="Keeping the fixed files, relevant only if fix_tsv=True")
+ default=True,
+ show_default=True,
+ help="Standard Linkml auto-repair schema")
+ default=True,
+ show_default=True,
+ help="Adding inlined=True to all slots that have complex type as a range")
+ default=True,
+ show_default=True,
+ help="Adding string to the range to be able to reference by index (relevant only if inlined=True)")
+ default=True,
+ show_default=True,
+ help="Automated repair specifically for the BICAN YAML model")
+ gsheet,gsheet_download_dir,inlined,ref_by_ind):
+ This converter allows creating a yaml linkml model from a set of spreadsheets.
+ It can either use tsv files or Google Sheet as an input.
+ The default behavior is to run the converter starting with TSV files,
+ specifying their paths as arguments, for example, model_spreadsheets/*tsv.
+ If `--gsheet` option is used, the converter starts from downloading spreadsheets
+ from Google Sheets.
+ The argument must be a YAML file that has `gsheet_id` and a list of `sheets`
+ with `gid` (a unique identifier for each individual sheet) and `name` (optionally)
+ that will be used as a name of the downloaded TSV file (if not available `gid` will be used).
+ """
+ schema_maker=sm.SchemaMaker()
+ ifgsheet:
+ iflen(spreadsheets)!=1ornotPath(spreadsheets[0]).exists:
+ raiseException(f"if gsheet is used the argument must me a yaml file with gsheet_id, "
+ f"but file {spreadsheets} doesn't exist")
+ gsheet_id,sheets=read_and_parse_gsheet_yaml(spreadsheets[0])
+ ifgsheet_download_dir:
+ gsheet_download_dir=Path(gsheet_download_dir)
+ else:
+ gsheet_download_dir=Path(".")/f"google_sheet_{gsheet_id}"
+ gsheet_download_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ spreadsheets=download_gsheets(gsheet_id,sheets,gsheet_download_dir)
+ # checking template and default name of template
+ iftemplate:
+ template=Path(template)
+ elif(Path(spreadsheets[0]).parent/"classes_base.yaml").exists():
+ template=Path(spreadsheets[0]).parent/"classes_base.yaml"
+ iffix_tsv:
+ spreadsheets=fix_tsv_files(list(spreadsheets),inlined=inlined,ref_by_ind=ref_by_ind)
+ schema=schema_maker.create_schema(list(spreadsheets))
+ ifrepair:
+ schema=schema_maker.repair_schema(schema)
+ iffix_bican_model:
+ schema=bican_fix(schema)
+ iftemplate:
+ schema=adding_template(schema,template_yaml=template)
+ schema_dict=schema_as_dict(schema)
+ output.write(yaml.dump(schema_dict,sort_keys=False))
+ output.close()
+ # removing the fixed files:
+ iffix_tsvandnotfix_tsv_save:
+ shutil.rmtree(Path(spreadsheets[0]).parent)
+ schema2model()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_modules/bkbit/model_converters/yaml2sheet_converter.html b/_modules/bkbit/model_converters/yaml2sheet_converter.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..823ea79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_modules/bkbit/model_converters/yaml2sheet_converter.html
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+ bkbit.model_converters.yaml2sheet_converter — bkbit documentation
+ prefixes_cvs=[[],[]]
+ forheader,linkml_headerinPREFIXES_HEADERS:
+ prefixes_cvs[0].append(header)
+ prefixes_cvs[1].append(linkml_header)
+ prefixes_cvs.append([schema.name,schema.title,schema.description,schema.id,schema.default_prefix,"","",""])
+ forimpinschema.imports:
+ ifimp!="linkml:types":# this is imported by default
+ prefixes_cvs.append(["","","","","",imp,"",""])
+ forprefixinschema.prefixes.values():
+ prefixes_cvs.append(["","","","","","",prefix.prefix_prefix,prefix.prefix_reference])
+ _write_cvs(Path(output_dir/"prefixes.csv"),prefixes_cvs)
+"""If the range list contains only more complex types, it removes string from the list.
+ String is used in these cases as an additional type to be able to refer by id,
+ no need to include it in the google sheet
+ """
+ range_list=[el.rangeforelinany_of_list]
+ simple_types=["integer","float","boolean","date","datetime"]
+ if"string"inrange_listandnot(any([elinsimple_typesforelinrange_list])):
+ range_list.remove("string")
+ returnrange_list
+ withopen(filename,'w',newline='')asfile:
+ csv_writer=csv.writer(file)
+ csv_writer.writerows(data)
+ type=click.Path(),
+ default="output_dir_cvs",
+ help="Path to the output directory, where csv files will be stored.")
+ This converter create csv files from the yaml model.
+ The cvs files can be used to create Google Spreadsheet (automation TODO)
+ Takes a path to yaml model as an input.
+ """
+ output_dir=Path(output_dir)
+ output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ schema=SchemaView(yaml_model)
+ create_prefix_headers_csv(schema.schema,output_dir)
+ create_enums_cvs(schema.all_enums(),output_dir)
+ create_classes_slots_cvs(schema.all_classes(),output_dir)
+ yaml2cvs()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_modules/bkbit/model_editors/linkml_trimmer.html b/_modules/bkbit/model_editors/linkml_trimmer.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1af221a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_modules/bkbit/model_editors/linkml_trimmer.html
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ bkbit.model_editors.linkml_trimmer — bkbit documentation
Source code for bkbit.model_editors.linkml_trimmer
+This script provides a utility for trimming a LinkML schema by retaining specified classes, slots, and enums, along with their dependencies.
+It defines a `YamlTrimmer` class for schema manipulation and offers a command-line interface using Click for easy usage from the terminal.
+ python script.py [OPTIONS] SCHEMA
+ --classes, -c TEXT Comma-separated list of classes to include in the trimmed schema (required).
+ --slots, -s TEXT Comma-separated list of slots to include in the trimmed schema.
+ --enums, -e TEXT Comma-separated list of enums to include in the trimmed schema.
+ python script.py schema.yaml -c Person,Organization -s name,age -e StatusEnum
+The script performs the following steps:
+1. Loads the specified LinkML schema.
+2. Trims the schema by keeping only the specified classes, slots, and enums, along with their dependencies.
+3. Serializes and prints the trimmed schema in YAML format.
+ - click
+ - linkml-runtime
+ - linkml
+ A utility class for trimming a LinkML schema by retaining specified classes, slots, and enums, along with their dependencies.
+ This class helps in generating a simplified version of a LinkML schema by removing all elements that are not reachable from the specified classes, slots, and enums to keep.
+ Args:
+ schema (Union[str, Path, SchemaDefinition]): The LinkML schema to be trimmed. It can be a file path, URL, or a `SchemaDefinition` object.
+ Attributes:
+ schemaview (SchemaView): An object representing the loaded schema, used for manipulation and traversal.
+ Methods:
+ trim_model(keep_classes: list[str], keep_slots: list[str] = [], keep_enums: list[str] = []):
+ Trims the schema by keeping only the specified classes, slots, and enums, and their dependencies.
+ serialize():
+ Serializes and prints the trimmed schema in YAML format.
+ Example:
+ >>> yt = YamlTrimmer('path/to/schema.yaml')
+ >>> yt.trim_model(['Person', 'Organization'], keep_slots=['name'], keep_enums=['StatusEnum'])
+ >>> yt.serialize()
+ """
+ def__init__(self,schema:Union[str,Path,SchemaDefinition]):
+ self.schemaview=SchemaView(schema)
+ deftrim_model(
+ self,
+ keep_classes:list[str],
+ keep_slots:list[str]=[],
+ keep_enums:list[str]=[],
+ ):
+ Trims the model by removing classes, slots, and enums that are not reachable from the specified keep_classes, keep_slots, and keep_enums.
+ Args:
+ keep_classes (list[str]): List of classes to keep.
+ keep_slots (list[str], optional): List of slots to keep. Defaults to [].
+ keep_enums (list[str], optional): List of enums to keep. Defaults to [].
+ """
+ sv=self.schemaview
+ # vistited_classes, visited_enums, and visited slots keep track of the classes, enums, and slots that are reachable from the input class, slots, and enums we are interested in keeping
+ visited_classes=set()
+ visited_slots=set()
+ visited_enums=set()
+ # stack is a list of classes, enums, and slots that we will traverse to find all reachable classes, enums, and slots
+ stack=[]
+ stack.extend(keep_classes)
+ stack.extend(keep_slots)
+ stack.extend(keep_enums)
+ # all_classes, all_enums, and all_slots are the set of all classes, enums, and slots defined in the given schema
+ all_classes=set(sv.all_classes(imports=False))
+ all_enums=set(sv.all_enums(imports=False))
+ all_slots=set(sv.all_slots(imports=False,attributes=False))
+ whilestack:
+ curr_node=stack.pop()
+ if(
+ curr_nodeinvisited_classes
+ orcurr_nodeinvisited_enums
+ orcurr_nodeinvisited_slots
+ ):
+ continue
+ # if curr_node is a class
+ ifcurr_nodeinall_classes:
+ visited_classes.add(curr_node)
+ # add parent classes to stack
+ forinherited_classinsv.class_parents(curr_node,imports=False):
+ if(
+ inherited_classnotinvisited_classes
+ andinherited_classinall_classes
+ ):
+ stack.append(inherited_class)
+ # iterate through attributes/slots and add respective range to stack if type is a class or enum
+ forslotinsv.class_slots(
+ curr_node,imports=False,direct=True,attributes=True
+ ):
+ ifslotnotinvisited_slotsandslotinall_slots:
+ stack.append(slot)
+ elifcurr_nodeinall_slots:
+ visited_slots.add(curr_node)
+ forslot_rangeinsv.slot_range_as_union(
+ sv.get_slot(curr_node,strict=True)
+ ):
+ if(
+ slot_rangeinall_classesandslot_rangenotinvisited_classes
+ )or(slot_rangeinall_enumsandslot_rangenotinvisited_enums):
+ stack.append(slot_range)
+ forparent_slotinsv.slot_parents(curr_node,imports=False):
+ ifparent_slotnotinvisited_slotsandparent_slotinall_slots:
+ stack.append(parent_slot)
+ elifcurr_nodeinall_enums:
+ visited_enums.add(curr_node)
+ # add parent classes to stack
+ forparent_enuminsv.enum_parents(curr_node,imports=False):
+ ifparent_enumnotinvisited_enumsandparent_enuminall_enums:
+ stack.append(parent_enum)
+ else:
+ raiseValueError(
+ f"ERROR: {curr_node} not found in schema classes, slots, or enums"
+ )
+ forcinall_classes:
+ ifcnotinvisited_classes:
+ sv.delete_class(c)
+ foreinall_enums:
+ ifenotinvisited_enums:
+ sv.delete_enum(e)
+ forsinall_slots:
+ ifsnotinvisited_slots:
+ sv.delete_slot(s)
+ defserialize(self):
+ Serializes the schema using YAMLGenerator and prints the serialized output.
+ """
+ print(YAMLGenerator(self.schemaview.schema).serialize())
+# Argument #1: Schema file
+## OPTIONS ##
+# Option #1: Classes
+@click.option('--classes','-c',required=True,help='Comma-separated list of classes to include in trimmed schema')
+# Option #2: Slots
+@click.option('--slots','-s',help='Comma-separated list of slots to include in trimmed schema')
+# Option #3: Enums
+@click.option('--enums','-e',help='Comma-separated list of enums to include in trimmed schema')
+ Trim a LinkMl schema based on a list of classes, slots, and enums to keep.
+ """
+ classes=classes.split(',')
+ slots=slots.split(',')ifslotselse[]
+ enums=enums.split(',')ifenumselse[]
+ yt=YamlTrimmer(schema)
+ yt.trim_model(classes,slots,enums)
+ yt.serialize()
+ linkml_trimmer()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_modules/bkbit/models/anatomical_structure.html b/_modules/bkbit/models/anatomical_structure.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5065737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_modules/bkbit/models/anatomical_structure.html
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+ bkbit.models.anatomical_structure — bkbit documentation
+ An image dataset is versioned release of a multidimensional regular grid of measurements and metadata required for a morphological representation of an entity such as an anatomical structure (ref: OBI_0003327, RRID:SCR_006266)
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema',
+ 'slot_usage':{'revision_of':{'any_of':[{'range':'ImageDataset'},
+ {'range':'string'}],
+ 'name':'revision_of'}}})
+ x_direction:Optional[ANATOMICALDIRECTION]=Field(None,description="""A controlled vocabulary attribute defining the x axis direction in terms of anatomical direction.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'x_direction','domain_of':['ImageDataset']}})
+ y_direction:Optional[ANATOMICALDIRECTION]=Field(None,description="""A controlled vocabulary attribute defining the y axis direction in terms of anatomical direction.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'y_direction','domain_of':['ImageDataset']}})
+ z_direction:Optional[ANATOMICALDIRECTION]=Field(None,description="""A controlled vocabulary attribute defining the z axis direction in terms of anatomical direction.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'z_direction','domain_of':['ImageDataset']}})
+ x_size:Optional[int]=Field(None,description="""The number of pixels/voxels (size) along the x axis.""",ge=1,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'x_size','domain_of':['ImageDataset']}})
+ y_size:Optional[int]=Field(None,description="""The number of pixels/voxels (size) along the y axis.""",ge=1,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'y_size','domain_of':['ImageDataset']}})
+ z_size:Optional[int]=Field(None,description="""The number of pixels/voxels (size) along the y axis.""",ge=1,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'z_size','domain_of':['ImageDataset']}})
+ x_resolution:Optional[float]=Field(None,description="""The resolution (length / pixel) in along the x axis (numerical value part).""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'x_resolution',
+ 'domain_of':['ImageDataset'],
+ 'structured_pattern':{'syntax':'{PositiveFloat}'}}})
+ y_resolution:Optional[float]=Field(None,description="""The resolution (length / pixel) in along the y axis (numerical value part).""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'y_resolution',
+ 'domain_of':['ImageDataset'],
+ 'structured_pattern':{'syntax':'{PositiveFloat}'}}})
+ z_resolution:Optional[float]=Field(None,description="""The resolution (length / pixel) in along the z axis (numerical value part).""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'z_resolution',
+ 'domain_of':['ImageDataset'],
+ 'structured_pattern':{'syntax':'{PositiveFloat}'}}})
+ unit:Optional[DISTANCEUNIT]=Field(None,description="""A controlled vocabulary attribute defining the length unit of the x, y, and z resolution values.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'unit','domain_of':['ImageDataset']}})
+ version:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'version','domain_of':['VersionedNamedThing']}})
+ revision_of:Optional[str]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'revision_of',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'ImageDataset'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['VersionedNamedThing']}})
+ id:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ name:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ description:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema/ImageDataset","AnS:ImageDataset"]]=Field(["AnS:ImageDataset"],json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain_of':['NamedThing'],
+ 'is_class_field':True}})
+ An anatomical space is versioned release of a mathematical space with a defined mapping between the anatomical axes and the mathematical axes. An anatomical space may be defined by a reference image chosen as the biological reference for an anatomical structure of interest derived from a single or multiple specimens (ref: ILX:0777106, RRID:SCR_023499)
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema',
+ 'slot_usage':{'revision_of':{'any_of':[{'range':'AnatomicalSpace'},
+ {'range':'string'}],
+ 'name':'revision_of'}}})
+ measures:str=Field(...,description="""Reference to the specific image dataset used to define the anatomical space.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'measures',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'ImageDataset'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['AnatomicalSpace']}})
+ version:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'version','domain_of':['VersionedNamedThing']}})
+ revision_of:Optional[str]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'revision_of',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'AnatomicalSpace'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['VersionedNamedThing']}})
+ id:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ name:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ description:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema/AnatomicalSpace","AnS:AnatomicalSpace"]]=Field(["AnS:AnatomicalSpace"],json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain_of':['NamedThing'],
+ 'is_class_field':True}})
+ A parcellation terminology is a versioned release set of terms that can be used to label annotations in an atlas, providing human readability and context and allowing communication about brain locations and structural properties. Typically, a terminology is a set of descriptive anatomical terms following a specific naming convention and/or approach to organization scheme. The terminology may be a flat list of controlled vocabulary, a taxonomy and partonomy, or an ontology (ref: ILX:0777107, RRID:SCR_023499)
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema',
+ 'slot_usage':{'revision_of':{'any_of':[{'range':'ParcellationTerminology'},
+ {'range':'string'}],
+ 'name':'revision_of'}}})
+ version:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'version','domain_of':['VersionedNamedThing']}})
+ revision_of:Optional[str]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'revision_of',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'ParcellationTerminology'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['VersionedNamedThing']}})
+ id:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ name:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ description:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema/ParcellationTerminology","AnS:ParcellationTerminology"]]=Field(["AnS:ParcellationTerminology"],json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain_of':['NamedThing'],
+ 'is_class_field':True}})
+ A parcellation term set is the set of parcellation terms within a specific parcellation terminology. A parcellation term set belongs to one and only one parcellation terminology and each parcellation term in a parcellation terminology belongs to one and only one term set. If the parcellation terminology is a taxonomy, parcellation term sets can be used to represent taxonomic ranks. For consistency, if the terminology does not have the notion of taxonomic ranks, all terms are grouped into a single parcellation term set.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema'})
+ part_of_parcellation_terminology:str=Field(...,description="""Reference to the parcellation terminology for which the parcellation term set partitions.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'part_of_parcellation_terminology',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'ParcellationTerminology'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['ParcellationTermSet']}})
+ ordinal:Optional[int]=Field(None,description="""Ordinal of the parcellation term set among other term sets within the context of the associated parcellation terminology.""",ge=0,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'ordinal','domain_of':['ParcellationTermSet','ParcellationTerm']}})
+ has_parent_parcellation_term_set:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Reference to the parent parcellation term set for which the parcellation term set is a child (lower taxonomic rank) of.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_parent_parcellation_term_set',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'ParcellationTermSet'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['ParcellationTermSet']}})
+ id:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ name:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ description:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema/ParcellationTermSet","AnS:ParcellationTermSet"]]=Field(["AnS:ParcellationTermSet"],json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain_of':['NamedThing'],
+ 'is_class_field':True}})
+ A parcellation term is an individual term within a specific parcellation terminology describing a single anatomical entity by a persistent identifier, name, symbol and description. A parcellation term is a unique and exclusive member of a versioned release parcellation terminology. Although term identifiers must be unique within the context of one versioned release of a parcellation terminology, they can be reused in different parcellation terminology versions enabling the representation of terminology updates and modifications over time.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema'})
+ symbol:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Symbol representing a parcellation term.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'symbol','domain_of':['ParcellationTerm']}})
+ part_of_parcellation_term_set:str=Field(...,description="""Reference to the parcellation term set for which the parcellation term is part of.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'part_of_parcellation_term_set',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'ParcellationTermSet'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['ParcellationTerm']}})
+ ordinal:Optional[int]=Field(None,description="""Ordinal of the parcellation term among other terms within the context of the associated parcellation terminology.""",ge=0,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'ordinal','domain_of':['ParcellationTermSet','ParcellationTerm']}})
+ has_parent_parcellation_term:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Reference to the parent parcellation term for which the parcellation term is a child ( spatially part) of""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_parent_parcellation_term',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'ParcellationTerm'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['ParcellationTerm']}})
+ id:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ name:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ description:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema/ParcellationTerm","AnS:ParcellationTerm"]]=Field(["AnS:ParcellationTerm"],json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain_of':['NamedThing'],
+ 'is_class_field':True}})
+ A parcellation color scheme is a versioned release color palette that can be used to visualize a parcellation terminology or its related parcellation annotation. A parcellation terminology may have zero or more parcellation color schemes and each color scheme is in context of a specific parcellation terminology, where each parcellation term is assigned a hex color value. A parcellation color scheme is defined as a part of one and only one parcellation terminology.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema',
+ 'slot_usage':{'revision_of':{'any_of':[{'range':'ParcellationColorScheme'},
+ {'range':'string'}],
+ 'name':'revision_of'}}})
+ subject_parcellation_terminology:str=Field(...,description="""Reference to the parcellation terminology for which the parcellation color scheme is in context of.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'subject_parcellation_terminology',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'ParcellationTerminology'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['ParcellationColorScheme']}})
+ version:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'version','domain_of':['VersionedNamedThing']}})
+ revision_of:Optional[str]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'revision_of',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'ParcellationColorScheme'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['VersionedNamedThing']}})
+ id:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ name:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ description:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema/ParcellationColorScheme","AnS:ParcellationColorScheme"]]=Field(["AnS:ParcellationColorScheme"],json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain_of':['NamedThing'],
+ 'is_class_field':True}})
+ The parcellation color assignment associates hex color value to a parcellation term within a versioned release of a color scheme. A parcellation term is uniquely denoted by a parcellation term identifier and the parcellation terminology it belongs to.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema'})
+ part_of_parcellation_color_scheme:str=Field(...,description="""Reference to the parcellation color scheme for which the color assignment is part of.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'part_of_parcellation_color_scheme',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'ParcellationColorScheme'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['ParcellationColorAssignment']}})
+ subject_parcellation_term:str=Field(...,description="""Reference to the parcellation term identifier for which the color assignment is about.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'subject_parcellation_term',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'ParcellationTerm'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['ParcellationColorAssignment','ParcellationAnnotationTermMap']}})
+ color:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A string representing to hex triplet code of a color""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'color',
+ 'domain_of':['ParcellationColorAssignment'],
+ 'structured_pattern':{'syntax':'{ColorHexTriplet}'}}})
+ An anatomical annotation set is a versioned release of a set of anatomical annotations anchored in the same anatomical space that divides the space into distinct segments following some annotation criteria or parcellation scheme. For example, the anatomical annotation set of 3D image based reference atlases (e.g. Allen Mouse CCF) can be expressed as a set of label indices of single multi-valued image annotations or as a set of segmentation masks (ref: ILX:0777108, RRID:SCR_023499)
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema',
+ 'slot_usage':{'revision_of':{'any_of':[{'range':'AnatomicalAnnotationSet'},
+ {'range':'string'}],
+ 'name':'revision_of'}}})
+ parameterizes:str=Field(...,description="""Reference to the anatomical space for which the anatomical annotation set is anchored""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'parameterizes',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'AnatomicalSpace'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['AnatomicalAnnotationSet']}})
+ version:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'version','domain_of':['VersionedNamedThing']}})
+ revision_of:Optional[str]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'revision_of',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'AnatomicalAnnotationSet'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['VersionedNamedThing']}})
+ id:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ name:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ description:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema/AnatomicalAnnotationSet","AnS:AnatomicalAnnotationSet"]]=Field(["AnS:AnatomicalAnnotationSet"],json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain_of':['NamedThing'],
+ 'is_class_field':True}})
+ A parcellation annotation defines a specific segment of an anatomical space denoted by an internal identifier and is a unique and exclusive member of a versioned release anatomical annotation set. For example, in the case where the anatomical annotation set is a single multi-value image mask (e.g. Allen Mouse CCF), a specific annotation corresponds to a specific label index (internal identifier) in the mask.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema'})
+ part_of_anatomical_annotation_set:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'part_of_anatomical_annotation_set',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'AnatomicalAnnotationSet'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['ParcellationAnnotation']}})
+ internal_identifier:str=Field(...,description="""An identifier that uniquely denotes a specific parcellation annotation within the context of an anatomical annotation set""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'internal_identifier','domain_of':['ParcellationAnnotation']}})
+ voxel_count:Optional[int]=Field(None,description="""The number of voxels (3D pixels) spanned by the parcellation annotation (optional).""",ge=0,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'voxel_count','domain_of':['ParcellationAnnotation']}})
+ The parcellation annotation term map table defines the relationship between parcellation annotations and parcellation terms. A parcellation term is uniquely denoted by a parcellation term identifier and the parcellation terminology it belongs to. A parcellation term can be spatially parameterized by the union of one or more parcellation annotations within a versioned release of an anatomical annotation set. For example, annotations defining individual cortical layers in cortical region R (R1, R2/3, R4, etc) can be combined to define the parent region R.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema'})
+ subject_parcellation_annotation:Union[ParcellationAnnotation,str]=Field(...,description="""Reference to the parcellation annotation that is the subject of the association.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'subject_parcellation_annotation',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'ParcellationAnnotation'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['ParcellationAnnotationTermMap']}})
+ subject_parcellation_term:str=Field(...,description="""Reference to the parcellation term that is the subject of the association.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'subject_parcellation_term',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'ParcellationTerm'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['ParcellationColorAssignment','ParcellationAnnotationTermMap']}})
+ A parcellation atlas is a versioned release reference used to guide experiments or deal with the spatial relationship between objects or the location of objects within the context of some anatomical structure. An atlas is minimally defined by a notion of space (either implicit or explicit) and an annotation set. Reference atlases usually have additional parts that make them more useful in certain situations, such as a well defined coordinate system, delineations indicating the boundaries of various regions or cell populations, landmarks, and labels and names to make it easier to communicate about well known and useful locations (ref: ILX:0777109, RRID:SCR_023499).
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema',
+ 'slot_usage':{'revision_of':{'any_of':[{'range':'ParcellationAtlas'},
+ {'range':'string'}],
+ 'name':'revision_of'}}})
+ has_anatomical_space:str=Field(...,description="""Reference to the anatomical space component of the parcellation atlas""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_anatomical_space',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'AnatomicalSpace'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['ParcellationAtlas']}})
+ has_anatomical_annotation_set:str=Field(...,description="""Reference to the anatomical annotation set component of the parcellation atlas""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_anatomical_annotation_set',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'AnatomicalAnnotationSet'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['ParcellationAtlas']}})
+ has_parcellation_terminology:str=Field(...,description="""Reference to the parcellation terminology component of the parcellation atlas""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_parcellation_terminology',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'ParcellationTerminology'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['ParcellationAtlas']}})
+ specialization_of:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Reference to the general (non versioned) parcellation atlas for which the parcellation atlas is a specific version release of.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'specialization_of',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'ParcellationAtlas'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['ParcellationAtlas']}})
+ version:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'version','domain_of':['VersionedNamedThing']}})
+ revision_of:Optional[str]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'revision_of',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'ParcellationAtlas'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['VersionedNamedThing']}})
+ id:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ name:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ description:str=Field(...,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description','domain_of':['NamedThing']}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/my-org/anatomical-structure-schema/ParcellationAtlas","AnS:ParcellationAtlas"]]=Field(["AnS:ParcellationAtlas"],json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain_of':['NamedThing'],
+ 'is_class_field':True}})
+ a concept or class in an ontology, vocabulary or thesaurus. Note that nodes in a biolink compatible KG can be considered both instances of biolink classes, and OWL classes in their own right. In general you should not need to use this class directly. Instead, use the appropriate biolink class. For example, for the GO concept of endocytosis (GO:0006897), use bl:BiologicalProcess as the type.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:OntologyClass',
+ 'comments':["This is modeled as a mixin. 'ontology class' should not be the "
+ 'primary type of a node in the KG. Instead you should use an '
+ 'informative bioloink category, such as AnatomicalEntity (for '
+ 'Uberon classes), ChemicalSubstance (for CHEBI or CHEMBL), etc',
+ 'Note that formally this is a metaclass. Instances of this class '
+ "are instances in the graph, but can be the object of 'type' "
+ 'edges. For example, if we had a node in the graph representing '
+ 'a specific brain of a specific patient (e.g brain001), this '
+ 'could have a category of bl:Sample, and by typed more '
+ 'specifically with an ontology class UBERON:nnn, which has as '
+ 'category bl:AnatomicalEntity'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/OntologyClass',
+ 'exact_mappings':['owl:Class','schema:Class'],
+ 'examples':[{'description':"the class 'brain' from the Uberon anatomy "
+ 'ontology',
+ 'value':'UBERON:0000955'}],
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'id_prefixes':['MESH','UMLS','KEGG.BRITE'],
+ 'mixin':True,
+ 'see_also':['https://github.com/biolink/biolink-model/issues/486']})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ Biolink Model root class for entity annotations.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'abstract':True,
+ 'class_uri':'biolink:Annotation',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/Annotation',
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema'})
+ pass
+ A value of an attribute that is quantitative and measurable, expressed as a combination of a unit and a numeric value
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:QuantityValue',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/QuantityValue',
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema'})
+ has_unit:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""connects a quantity value to a unit""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_unit',
+ 'close_mappings':['EFO:0001697','UO-PROPERTY:is_unit_of'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_unit',
+ 'domain':'quantity value',
+ 'domain_of':['quantity value'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['qud:unit','IAO:0000039'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['SNOMED:has_concentration_strength_denominator_unit',
+ 'SNOMED:has_concentration_strength_numerator_unit',
+ 'SNOMED:has_presentation_strength_denominator_unit',
+ 'SNOMED:has_presentation_strength_numerator_unit',
+ 'SNOMED:has_unit_of_presentation'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_unit'}})
+ has_numeric_value:Optional[float]=Field(None,description="""connects a quantity value to a number""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_numeric_value',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_numeric_value',
+ 'domain':'quantity value',
+ 'domain_of':['quantity value'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['qud:quantityValue'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_numeric_value'}})
+ Root Biolink Model class for all things and informational relationships, real or imagined.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'abstract':True,
+ 'class_uri':'biolink:Entity',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/Entity',
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema'})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ iri:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion rules.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'iri',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/iri',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P854'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:iri'}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/Entity","biolink:Entity"]]=Field(["biolink:Entity"],description="""Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`. In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'type',
+ 'is_class_field':True,
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:category'}})
+ type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/type',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:type','gpi:DB_Object_Type'],
+ 'mappings':['rdf:type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdf:type'}})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a human-readable description of an entity""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description',
+ 'aliases':['definition'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/description',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000115','skos:definitions'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'mappings':['dct:description'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Description'],
+ 'slot_uri':'dct:description'}})
+ has_attribute:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects any entity to an attribute""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute',
+ 'close_mappings':['OBI:0001927'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000008'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['OBAN:association_has_subject_property',
+ 'OBAN:association_has_object_property',
+ 'CPT:has_possibly_included_panel_element',
+ 'DRUGBANK:category',
+ 'EFO:is_executed_in',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0301',
+ 'LOINC:has_action_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_adjustment',
+ 'LOINC:has_aggregation_view',
+ 'LOINC:has_approach_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_divisor',
+ 'LOINC:has_exam',
+ 'LOINC:has_method',
+ 'LOINC:has_modality_subtype',
+ 'LOINC:has_object_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_scale',
+ 'LOINC:has_suffix',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_aspect',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_modifier',
+ 'LOINC:has_timing_of',
+ 'NCIT:R88',
+ 'NCIT:eo_disease_has_property_or_attribute',
+ 'NCIT:has_data_element',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_administration_method',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_basic_dose_form',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_intended_site',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_release_characteristics',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_state_of_matter',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_transformation',
+ 'NCIT:is_qualified_by',
+ 'NCIT:qualifier_applies_to',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_domain',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_range',
+ 'INO:0000154',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0308',
+ 'OMIM:has_inheritance_type',
+ 'orphanet:C016',
+ 'orphanet:C017',
+ 'RO:0000053',
+ 'RO:0000086',
+ 'RO:0000087',
+ 'SNOMED:has_access',
+ 'SNOMED:has_clinical_course',
+ 'SNOMED:has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredient',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_administration_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_release_characteristic',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_transformation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_informer',
+ 'SNOMED:has_inherent_attribute',
+ 'SNOMED:has_intent',
+ 'SNOMED:has_interpretation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_laterality',
+ 'SNOMED:has_measurement_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_priority',
+ 'SNOMED:has_procedure_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_process_duration',
+ 'SNOMED:has_property',
+ 'SNOMED:has_revision_status',
+ 'SNOMED:has_scale_type',
+ 'SNOMED:has_severity',
+ 'SNOMED:has_specimen',
+ 'SNOMED:has_state_of_matter',
+ 'SNOMED:has_subject_relationship_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_surgical_approach',
+ 'SNOMED:has_technique',
+ 'SNOMED:has_temporal_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_time_aspect',
+ 'SNOMED:has_units',
+ 'UMLS:has_structural_class',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_property',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_relationship',
+ 'UMLS:may_be_qualified_by'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute'}})
+ deprecated:Optional[bool]=Field(None,description="""A boolean flag indicating that an entity is no longer considered current or valid.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'deprecated',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/deprecated',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:deprecated'}})
+ a databased entity or concept/class
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:NamedThing',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/NamedThing',
+ 'exact_mappings':['BFO:0000001',
+ 'WIKIDATA:Q35120',
+ 'STY:T071',
+ 'dcid:Thing'],
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema'})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ iri:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion rules.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'iri',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/iri',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P854'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:iri'}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/NamedThing","biolink:NamedThing"]]=Field(["biolink:NamedThing"],description="""Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`. In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'type',
+ 'is_class_field':True,
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:category'}})
+ type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/type',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:type','gpi:DB_Object_Type'],
+ 'mappings':['rdf:type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdf:type'}})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a human-readable description of an entity""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description',
+ 'aliases':['definition'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/description',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000115','skos:definitions'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'mappings':['dct:description'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Description'],
+ 'slot_uri':'dct:description'}})
+ has_attribute:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects any entity to an attribute""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute',
+ 'close_mappings':['OBI:0001927'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000008'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['OBAN:association_has_subject_property',
+ 'OBAN:association_has_object_property',
+ 'CPT:has_possibly_included_panel_element',
+ 'DRUGBANK:category',
+ 'EFO:is_executed_in',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0301',
+ 'LOINC:has_action_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_adjustment',
+ 'LOINC:has_aggregation_view',
+ 'LOINC:has_approach_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_divisor',
+ 'LOINC:has_exam',
+ 'LOINC:has_method',
+ 'LOINC:has_modality_subtype',
+ 'LOINC:has_object_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_scale',
+ 'LOINC:has_suffix',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_aspect',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_modifier',
+ 'LOINC:has_timing_of',
+ 'NCIT:R88',
+ 'NCIT:eo_disease_has_property_or_attribute',
+ 'NCIT:has_data_element',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_administration_method',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_basic_dose_form',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_intended_site',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_release_characteristics',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_state_of_matter',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_transformation',
+ 'NCIT:is_qualified_by',
+ 'NCIT:qualifier_applies_to',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_domain',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_range',
+ 'INO:0000154',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0308',
+ 'OMIM:has_inheritance_type',
+ 'orphanet:C016',
+ 'orphanet:C017',
+ 'RO:0000053',
+ 'RO:0000086',
+ 'RO:0000087',
+ 'SNOMED:has_access',
+ 'SNOMED:has_clinical_course',
+ 'SNOMED:has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredient',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_administration_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_release_characteristic',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_transformation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_informer',
+ 'SNOMED:has_inherent_attribute',
+ 'SNOMED:has_intent',
+ 'SNOMED:has_interpretation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_laterality',
+ 'SNOMED:has_measurement_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_priority',
+ 'SNOMED:has_procedure_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_process_duration',
+ 'SNOMED:has_property',
+ 'SNOMED:has_revision_status',
+ 'SNOMED:has_scale_type',
+ 'SNOMED:has_severity',
+ 'SNOMED:has_specimen',
+ 'SNOMED:has_state_of_matter',
+ 'SNOMED:has_subject_relationship_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_surgical_approach',
+ 'SNOMED:has_technique',
+ 'SNOMED:has_temporal_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_time_aspect',
+ 'SNOMED:has_units',
+ 'UMLS:has_structural_class',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_property',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_relationship',
+ 'UMLS:may_be_qualified_by'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute'}})
+ deprecated:Optional[bool]=Field(None,description="""A boolean flag indicating that an entity is no longer considered current or valid.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'deprecated',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/deprecated',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:deprecated'}})
+ provided_by:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""The value in this node property represents the knowledge provider that created or assembled the node and all of its attributes. Used internally to represent how a particular node made its way into a knowledge provider or graph.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'provided_by',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/provided_by',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:provided_by'}})
+ xref:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""A database cross reference or alternative identifier for a NamedThing or edge between two NamedThings. This property should point to a database record or webpage that supports the existence of the edge, or gives more detail about the edge. This property can be used on a node or edge to provide multiple URIs or CURIE cross references.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'xref',
+ 'aliases':['dbxref','Dbxref','DbXref','record_url','source_record_urls'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/xref',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'gene',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Dbxref','gpi:DB_Xrefs'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:xref'}})
+ full_name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a long-form human readable name for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'full_name',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/full_name',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:full_name'}})
+ synonym:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""Alternate human-readable names for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'synonym',
+ 'aliases':['alias'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/synonym',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['skos:altLabel',
+ 'gff3:Alias',
+ 'AGRKB:synonyms',
+ 'gpi:DB_Object_Synonyms',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0330',
+ 'IAO:0000136',
+ 'RXNORM:has_tradename'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:synonym'}})
+ A property or characteristic of an entity. For example, an apple may have properties such as color, shape, age, crispiness. An environmental sample may have attributes such as depth, lat, long, material.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:Attribute',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/Attribute',
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000614'],
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'mixins':['ontology class'],
+ 'slot_usage':{'name':{'description':"The human-readable 'attribute name' "
+ 'can be set to a string which reflects '
+ 'its context of interpretation, e.g. '
+ 'SEPIO evidence/provenance/confidence '
+ 'annotation or it can default to the '
+ "name associated with the 'has "
+ "attribute type' slot ontology term.",
+ 'name':'name'}}})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/Attribute","biolink:Attribute"]]=Field(["biolink:Attribute"],description="""Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`. In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'type',
+ 'is_class_field':True,
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:category'}})
+ type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/type',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:type','gpi:DB_Object_Type'],
+ 'mappings':['rdf:type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdf:type'}})
+ description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a human-readable description of an entity""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description',
+ 'aliases':['definition'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/description',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000115','skos:definitions'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'mappings':['dct:description'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Description'],
+ 'slot_uri':'dct:description'}})
+ has_attribute:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects any entity to an attribute""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute',
+ 'close_mappings':['OBI:0001927'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000008'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['OBAN:association_has_subject_property',
+ 'OBAN:association_has_object_property',
+ 'CPT:has_possibly_included_panel_element',
+ 'DRUGBANK:category',
+ 'EFO:is_executed_in',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0301',
+ 'LOINC:has_action_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_adjustment',
+ 'LOINC:has_aggregation_view',
+ 'LOINC:has_approach_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_divisor',
+ 'LOINC:has_exam',
+ 'LOINC:has_method',
+ 'LOINC:has_modality_subtype',
+ 'LOINC:has_object_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_scale',
+ 'LOINC:has_suffix',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_aspect',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_modifier',
+ 'LOINC:has_timing_of',
+ 'NCIT:R88',
+ 'NCIT:eo_disease_has_property_or_attribute',
+ 'NCIT:has_data_element',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_administration_method',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_basic_dose_form',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_intended_site',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_release_characteristics',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_state_of_matter',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_transformation',
+ 'NCIT:is_qualified_by',
+ 'NCIT:qualifier_applies_to',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_domain',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_range',
+ 'INO:0000154',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0308',
+ 'OMIM:has_inheritance_type',
+ 'orphanet:C016',
+ 'orphanet:C017',
+ 'RO:0000053',
+ 'RO:0000086',
+ 'RO:0000087',
+ 'SNOMED:has_access',
+ 'SNOMED:has_clinical_course',
+ 'SNOMED:has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredient',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_administration_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_release_characteristic',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_transformation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_informer',
+ 'SNOMED:has_inherent_attribute',
+ 'SNOMED:has_intent',
+ 'SNOMED:has_interpretation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_laterality',
+ 'SNOMED:has_measurement_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_priority',
+ 'SNOMED:has_procedure_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_process_duration',
+ 'SNOMED:has_property',
+ 'SNOMED:has_revision_status',
+ 'SNOMED:has_scale_type',
+ 'SNOMED:has_severity',
+ 'SNOMED:has_specimen',
+ 'SNOMED:has_state_of_matter',
+ 'SNOMED:has_subject_relationship_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_surgical_approach',
+ 'SNOMED:has_technique',
+ 'SNOMED:has_temporal_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_time_aspect',
+ 'SNOMED:has_units',
+ 'UMLS:has_structural_class',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_property',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_relationship',
+ 'UMLS:may_be_qualified_by'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute'}})
+ deprecated:Optional[bool]=Field(None,description="""A boolean flag indicating that an entity is no longer considered current or valid.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'deprecated',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/deprecated',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:deprecated'}})
+ provided_by:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""The value in this node property represents the knowledge provider that created or assembled the node and all of its attributes. Used internally to represent how a particular node made its way into a knowledge provider or graph.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'provided_by',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/provided_by',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:provided_by'}})
+ xref:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""A database cross reference or alternative identifier for a NamedThing or edge between two NamedThings. This property should point to a database record or webpage that supports the existence of the edge, or gives more detail about the edge. This property can be used on a node or edge to provide multiple URIs or CURIE cross references.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'xref',
+ 'aliases':['dbxref','Dbxref','DbXref','record_url','source_record_urls'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/xref',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'gene',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Dbxref','gpi:DB_Xrefs'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:xref'}})
+ full_name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a long-form human readable name for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'full_name',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/full_name',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:full_name'}})
+ synonym:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""Alternate human-readable names for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'synonym',
+ 'aliases':['alias'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/synonym',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['skos:altLabel',
+ 'gff3:Alias',
+ 'AGRKB:synonyms',
+ 'gpi:DB_Object_Synonyms',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0330',
+ 'IAO:0000136',
+ 'RXNORM:has_tradename'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:synonym'}})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The human-readable 'attribute name' can be set to a string which reflects its context of interpretation, e.g. SEPIO evidence/provenance/confidence annotation or it can default to the name associated with the 'has attribute type' slot ontology term.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ has_attribute_type:str=Field(...,description="""connects an attribute to a class that describes it""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute_type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute_type',
+ 'domain':'attribute',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['LOINC:has_modality_type','LOINC:has_view_type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute_type'}})
+ has_quantitative_value:Optional[List[QuantityValue]]=Field(None,description="""connects an attribute to a value""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_quantitative_value',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_quantitative_value',
+ 'domain':'attribute',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['qud:quantityValue'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['SNOMED:has_concentration_strength_numerator_value',
+ 'SNOMED:has_presentation_strength_denominator_value',
+ 'SNOMED:has_presentation_strength_numerator_value'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_quantitative_value'}})
+ has_qualitative_value:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""connects an attribute to a value""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_qualitative_value',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_qualitative_value',
+ 'domain':'attribute',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_qualitative_value'}})
+ iri:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion rules.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'iri',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/iri',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P854'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:iri'}})
+ A descriptor for the rank within a taxonomic classification. Example instance: TAXRANK:0000017 (kingdom)
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:TaxonomicRank',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/TaxonomicRank',
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'id_prefixes':['TAXRANK'],
+ 'mappings':['WIKIDATA:Q427626']})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ A classification of a set of organisms. Example instances: NCBITaxon:9606 (Homo sapiens), NCBITaxon:2 (Bacteria). Can also be used to represent strains or subspecies.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'aliases':['taxon','taxonomic classification'],
+ 'class_uri':'biolink:OrganismTaxon',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/OrganismTaxon',
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA:Q16521','STY:T001','bioschemas:Taxon'],
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'id_prefixes':['NCBITaxon','MESH','UMLS'],
+ 'in_subset':['model_organism_database'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dcid:BiologicalSpecies'],
+ 'values_from':['NCBITaxon']})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ iri:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion rules.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'iri',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/iri',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P854'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:iri'}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/OrganismTaxon","biolink:OrganismTaxon"]]=Field(["biolink:OrganismTaxon"],description="""Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`. In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'type',
+ 'is_class_field':True,
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:category'}})
+ type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/type',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:type','gpi:DB_Object_Type'],
+ 'mappings':['rdf:type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdf:type'}})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a human-readable description of an entity""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description',
+ 'aliases':['definition'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/description',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000115','skos:definitions'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'mappings':['dct:description'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Description'],
+ 'slot_uri':'dct:description'}})
+ has_attribute:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects any entity to an attribute""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute',
+ 'close_mappings':['OBI:0001927'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000008'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['OBAN:association_has_subject_property',
+ 'OBAN:association_has_object_property',
+ 'CPT:has_possibly_included_panel_element',
+ 'DRUGBANK:category',
+ 'EFO:is_executed_in',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0301',
+ 'LOINC:has_action_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_adjustment',
+ 'LOINC:has_aggregation_view',
+ 'LOINC:has_approach_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_divisor',
+ 'LOINC:has_exam',
+ 'LOINC:has_method',
+ 'LOINC:has_modality_subtype',
+ 'LOINC:has_object_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_scale',
+ 'LOINC:has_suffix',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_aspect',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_modifier',
+ 'LOINC:has_timing_of',
+ 'NCIT:R88',
+ 'NCIT:eo_disease_has_property_or_attribute',
+ 'NCIT:has_data_element',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_administration_method',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_basic_dose_form',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_intended_site',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_release_characteristics',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_state_of_matter',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_transformation',
+ 'NCIT:is_qualified_by',
+ 'NCIT:qualifier_applies_to',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_domain',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_range',
+ 'INO:0000154',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0308',
+ 'OMIM:has_inheritance_type',
+ 'orphanet:C016',
+ 'orphanet:C017',
+ 'RO:0000053',
+ 'RO:0000086',
+ 'RO:0000087',
+ 'SNOMED:has_access',
+ 'SNOMED:has_clinical_course',
+ 'SNOMED:has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredient',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_administration_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_release_characteristic',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_transformation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_informer',
+ 'SNOMED:has_inherent_attribute',
+ 'SNOMED:has_intent',
+ 'SNOMED:has_interpretation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_laterality',
+ 'SNOMED:has_measurement_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_priority',
+ 'SNOMED:has_procedure_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_process_duration',
+ 'SNOMED:has_property',
+ 'SNOMED:has_revision_status',
+ 'SNOMED:has_scale_type',
+ 'SNOMED:has_severity',
+ 'SNOMED:has_specimen',
+ 'SNOMED:has_state_of_matter',
+ 'SNOMED:has_subject_relationship_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_surgical_approach',
+ 'SNOMED:has_technique',
+ 'SNOMED:has_temporal_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_time_aspect',
+ 'SNOMED:has_units',
+ 'UMLS:has_structural_class',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_property',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_relationship',
+ 'UMLS:may_be_qualified_by'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute'}})
+ deprecated:Optional[bool]=Field(None,description="""A boolean flag indicating that an entity is no longer considered current or valid.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'deprecated',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/deprecated',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:deprecated'}})
+ provided_by:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""The value in this node property represents the knowledge provider that created or assembled the node and all of its attributes. Used internally to represent how a particular node made its way into a knowledge provider or graph.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'provided_by',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/provided_by',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:provided_by'}})
+ xref:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""A database cross reference or alternative identifier for a NamedThing or edge between two NamedThings. This property should point to a database record or webpage that supports the existence of the edge, or gives more detail about the edge. This property can be used on a node or edge to provide multiple URIs or CURIE cross references.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'xref',
+ 'aliases':['dbxref','Dbxref','DbXref','record_url','source_record_urls'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/xref',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'gene',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Dbxref','gpi:DB_Xrefs'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:xref'}})
+ full_name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a long-form human readable name for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'full_name',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/full_name',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:full_name'}})
+ synonym:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""Alternate human-readable names for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'synonym',
+ 'aliases':['alias'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/synonym',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['skos:altLabel',
+ 'gff3:Alias',
+ 'AGRKB:synonyms',
+ 'gpi:DB_Object_Synonyms',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0330',
+ 'IAO:0000136',
+ 'RXNORM:has_tradename'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:synonym'}})
+ has_taxonomic_rank:Optional[str]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_taxonomic_rank',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_taxonomic_rank',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['organism taxon'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'mappings':['WIKIDATA:P105'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_taxonomic_rank'}})
+ a piece of information that typically describes some topic of discourse or is used as support.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'abstract':True,
+ 'aliases':['information','information artefact','information entity'],
+ 'class_uri':'biolink:InformationContentEntity',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/InformationContentEntity',
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000030'],
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'id_prefixes':['doi'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['UMLSSG:CONC',
+ 'STY:T077',
+ 'STY:T078',
+ 'STY:T079',
+ 'STY:T080',
+ 'STY:T081',
+ 'STY:T082',
+ 'STY:T089',
+ 'STY:T102',
+ 'STY:T169',
+ 'STY:T171',
+ 'STY:T185']})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ iri:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion rules.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'iri',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/iri',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P854'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:iri'}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/InformationContentEntity","biolink:InformationContentEntity"]]=Field(["biolink:InformationContentEntity"],description="""Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`. In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'type',
+ 'is_class_field':True,
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:category'}})
+ type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/type',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:type','gpi:DB_Object_Type'],
+ 'mappings':['rdf:type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdf:type'}})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a human-readable description of an entity""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description',
+ 'aliases':['definition'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/description',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000115','skos:definitions'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'mappings':['dct:description'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Description'],
+ 'slot_uri':'dct:description'}})
+ has_attribute:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects any entity to an attribute""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute',
+ 'close_mappings':['OBI:0001927'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000008'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['OBAN:association_has_subject_property',
+ 'OBAN:association_has_object_property',
+ 'CPT:has_possibly_included_panel_element',
+ 'DRUGBANK:category',
+ 'EFO:is_executed_in',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0301',
+ 'LOINC:has_action_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_adjustment',
+ 'LOINC:has_aggregation_view',
+ 'LOINC:has_approach_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_divisor',
+ 'LOINC:has_exam',
+ 'LOINC:has_method',
+ 'LOINC:has_modality_subtype',
+ 'LOINC:has_object_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_scale',
+ 'LOINC:has_suffix',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_aspect',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_modifier',
+ 'LOINC:has_timing_of',
+ 'NCIT:R88',
+ 'NCIT:eo_disease_has_property_or_attribute',
+ 'NCIT:has_data_element',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_administration_method',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_basic_dose_form',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_intended_site',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_release_characteristics',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_state_of_matter',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_transformation',
+ 'NCIT:is_qualified_by',
+ 'NCIT:qualifier_applies_to',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_domain',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_range',
+ 'INO:0000154',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0308',
+ 'OMIM:has_inheritance_type',
+ 'orphanet:C016',
+ 'orphanet:C017',
+ 'RO:0000053',
+ 'RO:0000086',
+ 'RO:0000087',
+ 'SNOMED:has_access',
+ 'SNOMED:has_clinical_course',
+ 'SNOMED:has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredient',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_administration_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_release_characteristic',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_transformation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_informer',
+ 'SNOMED:has_inherent_attribute',
+ 'SNOMED:has_intent',
+ 'SNOMED:has_interpretation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_laterality',
+ 'SNOMED:has_measurement_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_priority',
+ 'SNOMED:has_procedure_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_process_duration',
+ 'SNOMED:has_property',
+ 'SNOMED:has_revision_status',
+ 'SNOMED:has_scale_type',
+ 'SNOMED:has_severity',
+ 'SNOMED:has_specimen',
+ 'SNOMED:has_state_of_matter',
+ 'SNOMED:has_subject_relationship_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_surgical_approach',
+ 'SNOMED:has_technique',
+ 'SNOMED:has_temporal_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_time_aspect',
+ 'SNOMED:has_units',
+ 'UMLS:has_structural_class',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_property',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_relationship',
+ 'UMLS:may_be_qualified_by'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute'}})
+ deprecated:Optional[bool]=Field(None,description="""A boolean flag indicating that an entity is no longer considered current or valid.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'deprecated',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/deprecated',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:deprecated'}})
+ provided_by:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""The value in this node property represents the knowledge provider that created or assembled the node and all of its attributes. Used internally to represent how a particular node made its way into a knowledge provider or graph.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'provided_by',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/provided_by',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:provided_by'}})
+ xref:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""A database cross reference or alternative identifier for a NamedThing or edge between two NamedThings. This property should point to a database record or webpage that supports the existence of the edge, or gives more detail about the edge. This property can be used on a node or edge to provide multiple URIs or CURIE cross references.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'xref',
+ 'aliases':['dbxref','Dbxref','DbXref','record_url','source_record_urls'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/xref',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'gene',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Dbxref','gpi:DB_Xrefs'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:xref'}})
+ full_name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a long-form human readable name for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'full_name',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/full_name',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:full_name'}})
+ synonym:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""Alternate human-readable names for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'synonym',
+ 'aliases':['alias'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/synonym',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['skos:altLabel',
+ 'gff3:Alias',
+ 'AGRKB:synonyms',
+ 'gpi:DB_Object_Synonyms',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0330',
+ 'IAO:0000136',
+ 'RXNORM:has_tradename'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:synonym'}})
+ license:Optional[str]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'license',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/license',
+ 'domain':'information content entity',
+ 'domain_of':['information content entity','dataset'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['dct:license'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P275'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:license'}})
+ rights:Optional[str]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'rights',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/rights',
+ 'domain':'information content entity',
+ 'domain_of':['information content entity','dataset'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['dct:rights'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:rights'}})
+ format:Optional[str]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'format',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/format',
+ 'domain':'information content entity',
+ 'domain_of':['information content entity','dataset'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['dct:format','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P2701'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:format'}})
+ creation_date:Optional[date]=Field(None,description="""date on which an entity was created. This can be applied to nodes or edges""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'creation_date',
+ 'aliases':['publication date'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/creation_date',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['information content entity','dataset'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['dct:createdOn','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P577'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:creation_date'}})
+ an item that refers to a collection of data from a data source.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:Dataset',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/Dataset',
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000100',
+ 'dctypes:Dataset',
+ 'schema:dataset',
+ 'dcid:Dataset'],
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema'})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ iri:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion rules.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'iri',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/iri',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P854'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:iri'}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/Dataset","biolink:Dataset"]]=Field(["biolink:Dataset"],description="""Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`. In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'type',
+ 'is_class_field':True,
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:category'}})
+ type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/type',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:type','gpi:DB_Object_Type'],
+ 'mappings':['rdf:type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdf:type'}})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a human-readable description of an entity""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description',
+ 'aliases':['definition'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/description',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000115','skos:definitions'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'mappings':['dct:description'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Description'],
+ 'slot_uri':'dct:description'}})
+ has_attribute:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects any entity to an attribute""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute',
+ 'close_mappings':['OBI:0001927'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000008'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['OBAN:association_has_subject_property',
+ 'OBAN:association_has_object_property',
+ 'CPT:has_possibly_included_panel_element',
+ 'DRUGBANK:category',
+ 'EFO:is_executed_in',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0301',
+ 'LOINC:has_action_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_adjustment',
+ 'LOINC:has_aggregation_view',
+ 'LOINC:has_approach_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_divisor',
+ 'LOINC:has_exam',
+ 'LOINC:has_method',
+ 'LOINC:has_modality_subtype',
+ 'LOINC:has_object_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_scale',
+ 'LOINC:has_suffix',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_aspect',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_modifier',
+ 'LOINC:has_timing_of',
+ 'NCIT:R88',
+ 'NCIT:eo_disease_has_property_or_attribute',
+ 'NCIT:has_data_element',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_administration_method',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_basic_dose_form',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_intended_site',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_release_characteristics',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_state_of_matter',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_transformation',
+ 'NCIT:is_qualified_by',
+ 'NCIT:qualifier_applies_to',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_domain',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_range',
+ 'INO:0000154',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0308',
+ 'OMIM:has_inheritance_type',
+ 'orphanet:C016',
+ 'orphanet:C017',
+ 'RO:0000053',
+ 'RO:0000086',
+ 'RO:0000087',
+ 'SNOMED:has_access',
+ 'SNOMED:has_clinical_course',
+ 'SNOMED:has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredient',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_administration_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_release_characteristic',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_transformation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_informer',
+ 'SNOMED:has_inherent_attribute',
+ 'SNOMED:has_intent',
+ 'SNOMED:has_interpretation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_laterality',
+ 'SNOMED:has_measurement_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_priority',
+ 'SNOMED:has_procedure_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_process_duration',
+ 'SNOMED:has_property',
+ 'SNOMED:has_revision_status',
+ 'SNOMED:has_scale_type',
+ 'SNOMED:has_severity',
+ 'SNOMED:has_specimen',
+ 'SNOMED:has_state_of_matter',
+ 'SNOMED:has_subject_relationship_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_surgical_approach',
+ 'SNOMED:has_technique',
+ 'SNOMED:has_temporal_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_time_aspect',
+ 'SNOMED:has_units',
+ 'UMLS:has_structural_class',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_property',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_relationship',
+ 'UMLS:may_be_qualified_by'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute'}})
+ deprecated:Optional[bool]=Field(None,description="""A boolean flag indicating that an entity is no longer considered current or valid.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'deprecated',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/deprecated',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:deprecated'}})
+ provided_by:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""The value in this node property represents the knowledge provider that created or assembled the node and all of its attributes. Used internally to represent how a particular node made its way into a knowledge provider or graph.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'provided_by',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/provided_by',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:provided_by'}})
+ xref:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""A database cross reference or alternative identifier for a NamedThing or edge between two NamedThings. This property should point to a database record or webpage that supports the existence of the edge, or gives more detail about the edge. This property can be used on a node or edge to provide multiple URIs or CURIE cross references.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'xref',
+ 'aliases':['dbxref','Dbxref','DbXref','record_url','source_record_urls'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/xref',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'gene',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Dbxref','gpi:DB_Xrefs'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:xref'}})
+ full_name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a long-form human readable name for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'full_name',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/full_name',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:full_name'}})
+ synonym:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""Alternate human-readable names for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'synonym',
+ 'aliases':['alias'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/synonym',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['skos:altLabel',
+ 'gff3:Alias',
+ 'AGRKB:synonyms',
+ 'gpi:DB_Object_Synonyms',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0330',
+ 'IAO:0000136',
+ 'RXNORM:has_tradename'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:synonym'}})
+ license:Optional[str]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'license',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/license',
+ 'domain':'information content entity',
+ 'domain_of':['information content entity','dataset'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['dct:license'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P275'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:license'}})
+ rights:Optional[str]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'rights',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/rights',
+ 'domain':'information content entity',
+ 'domain_of':['information content entity','dataset'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['dct:rights'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:rights'}})
+ format:Optional[str]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'format',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/format',
+ 'domain':'information content entity',
+ 'domain_of':['information content entity','dataset'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['dct:format','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P2701'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:format'}})
+ creation_date:Optional[date]=Field(None,description="""date on which an entity was created. This can be applied to nodes or edges""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'creation_date',
+ 'aliases':['publication date'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/creation_date',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['information content entity','dataset'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['dct:createdOn','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P577'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:creation_date'}})
+ Either a physical or processual entity.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:PhysicalEssenceOrOccurrent',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/PhysicalEssenceOrOccurrent',
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'mixin':True})
+ pass
+ Semantic mixin concept. Pertains to entities that have physical properties such as mass, volume, or charge.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:PhysicalEssence',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/PhysicalEssence',
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'mixin':True})
+ pass
+ An entity that has material reality (a.k.a. physical essence).
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:PhysicalEntity',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/PhysicalEntity',
+ 'exact_mappings':['STY:T072'],
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'mixins':['physical essence'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['STY:T073']})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ iri:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion rules.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'iri',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/iri',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P854'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:iri'}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/PhysicalEntity","biolink:PhysicalEntity"]]=Field(["biolink:PhysicalEntity"],description="""Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`. In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'type',
+ 'is_class_field':True,
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:category'}})
+ type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/type',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:type','gpi:DB_Object_Type'],
+ 'mappings':['rdf:type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdf:type'}})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a human-readable description of an entity""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description',
+ 'aliases':['definition'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/description',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000115','skos:definitions'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'mappings':['dct:description'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Description'],
+ 'slot_uri':'dct:description'}})
+ has_attribute:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects any entity to an attribute""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute',
+ 'close_mappings':['OBI:0001927'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000008'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['OBAN:association_has_subject_property',
+ 'OBAN:association_has_object_property',
+ 'CPT:has_possibly_included_panel_element',
+ 'DRUGBANK:category',
+ 'EFO:is_executed_in',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0301',
+ 'LOINC:has_action_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_adjustment',
+ 'LOINC:has_aggregation_view',
+ 'LOINC:has_approach_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_divisor',
+ 'LOINC:has_exam',
+ 'LOINC:has_method',
+ 'LOINC:has_modality_subtype',
+ 'LOINC:has_object_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_scale',
+ 'LOINC:has_suffix',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_aspect',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_modifier',
+ 'LOINC:has_timing_of',
+ 'NCIT:R88',
+ 'NCIT:eo_disease_has_property_or_attribute',
+ 'NCIT:has_data_element',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_administration_method',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_basic_dose_form',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_intended_site',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_release_characteristics',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_state_of_matter',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_transformation',
+ 'NCIT:is_qualified_by',
+ 'NCIT:qualifier_applies_to',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_domain',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_range',
+ 'INO:0000154',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0308',
+ 'OMIM:has_inheritance_type',
+ 'orphanet:C016',
+ 'orphanet:C017',
+ 'RO:0000053',
+ 'RO:0000086',
+ 'RO:0000087',
+ 'SNOMED:has_access',
+ 'SNOMED:has_clinical_course',
+ 'SNOMED:has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredient',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_administration_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_release_characteristic',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_transformation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_informer',
+ 'SNOMED:has_inherent_attribute',
+ 'SNOMED:has_intent',
+ 'SNOMED:has_interpretation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_laterality',
+ 'SNOMED:has_measurement_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_priority',
+ 'SNOMED:has_procedure_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_process_duration',
+ 'SNOMED:has_property',
+ 'SNOMED:has_revision_status',
+ 'SNOMED:has_scale_type',
+ 'SNOMED:has_severity',
+ 'SNOMED:has_specimen',
+ 'SNOMED:has_state_of_matter',
+ 'SNOMED:has_subject_relationship_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_surgical_approach',
+ 'SNOMED:has_technique',
+ 'SNOMED:has_temporal_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_time_aspect',
+ 'SNOMED:has_units',
+ 'UMLS:has_structural_class',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_property',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_relationship',
+ 'UMLS:may_be_qualified_by'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute'}})
+ deprecated:Optional[bool]=Field(None,description="""A boolean flag indicating that an entity is no longer considered current or valid.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'deprecated',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/deprecated',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:deprecated'}})
+ provided_by:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""The value in this node property represents the knowledge provider that created or assembled the node and all of its attributes. Used internally to represent how a particular node made its way into a knowledge provider or graph.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'provided_by',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/provided_by',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:provided_by'}})
+ xref:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""A database cross reference or alternative identifier for a NamedThing or edge between two NamedThings. This property should point to a database record or webpage that supports the existence of the edge, or gives more detail about the edge. This property can be used on a node or edge to provide multiple URIs or CURIE cross references.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'xref',
+ 'aliases':['dbxref','Dbxref','DbXref','record_url','source_record_urls'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/xref',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'gene',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Dbxref','gpi:DB_Xrefs'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:xref'}})
+ full_name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a long-form human readable name for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'full_name',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/full_name',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:full_name'}})
+ synonym:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""Alternate human-readable names for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'synonym',
+ 'aliases':['alias'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/synonym',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['skos:altLabel',
+ 'gff3:Alias',
+ 'AGRKB:synonyms',
+ 'gpi:DB_Object_Synonyms',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0330',
+ 'IAO:0000136',
+ 'RXNORM:has_tradename'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:synonym'}})
+ Activity or behavior of any independent integral living, organization or mechanical actor in the world
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:ActivityAndBehavior',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/ActivityAndBehavior',
+ 'exact_mappings':['UMLSSG:ACTI'],
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'mixin':True})
+ pass
+ An activity is something that occurs over a period of time and acts upon or with entities; it may include consuming, processing, transforming, modifying, relocating, using, or generating entities.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:Activity',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/Activity',
+ 'exact_mappings':['prov:Activity','NCIT:C43431','STY:T052'],
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'mixins':['activity and behavior'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['STY:T056',
+ 'STY:T057',
+ 'STY:T064',
+ 'STY:T066',
+ 'STY:T062',
+ 'STY:T065',
+ 'STY:T058']})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ iri:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion rules.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'iri',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/iri',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P854'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:iri'}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/Activity","biolink:Activity"]]=Field(["biolink:Activity"],description="""Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`. In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'type',
+ 'is_class_field':True,
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:category'}})
+ type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/type',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:type','gpi:DB_Object_Type'],
+ 'mappings':['rdf:type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdf:type'}})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a human-readable description of an entity""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description',
+ 'aliases':['definition'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/description',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000115','skos:definitions'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'mappings':['dct:description'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Description'],
+ 'slot_uri':'dct:description'}})
+ has_attribute:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects any entity to an attribute""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute',
+ 'close_mappings':['OBI:0001927'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000008'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['OBAN:association_has_subject_property',
+ 'OBAN:association_has_object_property',
+ 'CPT:has_possibly_included_panel_element',
+ 'DRUGBANK:category',
+ 'EFO:is_executed_in',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0301',
+ 'LOINC:has_action_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_adjustment',
+ 'LOINC:has_aggregation_view',
+ 'LOINC:has_approach_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_divisor',
+ 'LOINC:has_exam',
+ 'LOINC:has_method',
+ 'LOINC:has_modality_subtype',
+ 'LOINC:has_object_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_scale',
+ 'LOINC:has_suffix',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_aspect',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_modifier',
+ 'LOINC:has_timing_of',
+ 'NCIT:R88',
+ 'NCIT:eo_disease_has_property_or_attribute',
+ 'NCIT:has_data_element',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_administration_method',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_basic_dose_form',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_intended_site',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_release_characteristics',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_state_of_matter',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_transformation',
+ 'NCIT:is_qualified_by',
+ 'NCIT:qualifier_applies_to',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_domain',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_range',
+ 'INO:0000154',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0308',
+ 'OMIM:has_inheritance_type',
+ 'orphanet:C016',
+ 'orphanet:C017',
+ 'RO:0000053',
+ 'RO:0000086',
+ 'RO:0000087',
+ 'SNOMED:has_access',
+ 'SNOMED:has_clinical_course',
+ 'SNOMED:has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredient',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_administration_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_release_characteristic',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_transformation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_informer',
+ 'SNOMED:has_inherent_attribute',
+ 'SNOMED:has_intent',
+ 'SNOMED:has_interpretation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_laterality',
+ 'SNOMED:has_measurement_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_priority',
+ 'SNOMED:has_procedure_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_process_duration',
+ 'SNOMED:has_property',
+ 'SNOMED:has_revision_status',
+ 'SNOMED:has_scale_type',
+ 'SNOMED:has_severity',
+ 'SNOMED:has_specimen',
+ 'SNOMED:has_state_of_matter',
+ 'SNOMED:has_subject_relationship_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_surgical_approach',
+ 'SNOMED:has_technique',
+ 'SNOMED:has_temporal_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_time_aspect',
+ 'SNOMED:has_units',
+ 'UMLS:has_structural_class',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_property',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_relationship',
+ 'UMLS:may_be_qualified_by'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute'}})
+ deprecated:Optional[bool]=Field(None,description="""A boolean flag indicating that an entity is no longer considered current or valid.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'deprecated',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/deprecated',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:deprecated'}})
+ provided_by:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""The value in this node property represents the knowledge provider that created or assembled the node and all of its attributes. Used internally to represent how a particular node made its way into a knowledge provider or graph.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'provided_by',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/provided_by',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:provided_by'}})
+ xref:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""A database cross reference or alternative identifier for a NamedThing or edge between two NamedThings. This property should point to a database record or webpage that supports the existence of the edge, or gives more detail about the edge. This property can be used on a node or edge to provide multiple URIs or CURIE cross references.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'xref',
+ 'aliases':['dbxref','Dbxref','DbXref','record_url','source_record_urls'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/xref',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'gene',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Dbxref','gpi:DB_Xrefs'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:xref'}})
+ full_name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a long-form human readable name for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'full_name',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/full_name',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:full_name'}})
+ synonym:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""Alternate human-readable names for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'synonym',
+ 'aliases':['alias'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/synonym',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['skos:altLabel',
+ 'gff3:Alias',
+ 'AGRKB:synonyms',
+ 'gpi:DB_Object_Synonyms',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0330',
+ 'IAO:0000136',
+ 'RXNORM:has_tradename'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:synonym'}})
+ A series of actions conducted in a certain order or manner
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:Procedure',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/Procedure',
+ 'exact_mappings':['UMLSSG:PROC','dcid:MedicalProcedure'],
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'id_prefixes':['CPT'],
+ 'mixins':['activity and behavior'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['STY:T059','STY:T060','STY:T061','STY:T063']})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ iri:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion rules.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'iri',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/iri',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P854'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:iri'}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/Procedure","biolink:Procedure"]]=Field(["biolink:Procedure"],description="""Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`. In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'type',
+ 'is_class_field':True,
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:category'}})
+ type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/type',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:type','gpi:DB_Object_Type'],
+ 'mappings':['rdf:type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdf:type'}})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a human-readable description of an entity""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description',
+ 'aliases':['definition'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/description',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000115','skos:definitions'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'mappings':['dct:description'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Description'],
+ 'slot_uri':'dct:description'}})
+ has_attribute:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects any entity to an attribute""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute',
+ 'close_mappings':['OBI:0001927'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000008'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['OBAN:association_has_subject_property',
+ 'OBAN:association_has_object_property',
+ 'CPT:has_possibly_included_panel_element',
+ 'DRUGBANK:category',
+ 'EFO:is_executed_in',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0301',
+ 'LOINC:has_action_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_adjustment',
+ 'LOINC:has_aggregation_view',
+ 'LOINC:has_approach_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_divisor',
+ 'LOINC:has_exam',
+ 'LOINC:has_method',
+ 'LOINC:has_modality_subtype',
+ 'LOINC:has_object_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_scale',
+ 'LOINC:has_suffix',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_aspect',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_modifier',
+ 'LOINC:has_timing_of',
+ 'NCIT:R88',
+ 'NCIT:eo_disease_has_property_or_attribute',
+ 'NCIT:has_data_element',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_administration_method',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_basic_dose_form',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_intended_site',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_release_characteristics',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_state_of_matter',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_transformation',
+ 'NCIT:is_qualified_by',
+ 'NCIT:qualifier_applies_to',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_domain',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_range',
+ 'INO:0000154',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0308',
+ 'OMIM:has_inheritance_type',
+ 'orphanet:C016',
+ 'orphanet:C017',
+ 'RO:0000053',
+ 'RO:0000086',
+ 'RO:0000087',
+ 'SNOMED:has_access',
+ 'SNOMED:has_clinical_course',
+ 'SNOMED:has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredient',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_administration_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_release_characteristic',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_transformation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_informer',
+ 'SNOMED:has_inherent_attribute',
+ 'SNOMED:has_intent',
+ 'SNOMED:has_interpretation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_laterality',
+ 'SNOMED:has_measurement_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_priority',
+ 'SNOMED:has_procedure_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_process_duration',
+ 'SNOMED:has_property',
+ 'SNOMED:has_revision_status',
+ 'SNOMED:has_scale_type',
+ 'SNOMED:has_severity',
+ 'SNOMED:has_specimen',
+ 'SNOMED:has_state_of_matter',
+ 'SNOMED:has_subject_relationship_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_surgical_approach',
+ 'SNOMED:has_technique',
+ 'SNOMED:has_temporal_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_time_aspect',
+ 'SNOMED:has_units',
+ 'UMLS:has_structural_class',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_property',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_relationship',
+ 'UMLS:may_be_qualified_by'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute'}})
+ deprecated:Optional[bool]=Field(None,description="""A boolean flag indicating that an entity is no longer considered current or valid.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'deprecated',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/deprecated',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:deprecated'}})
+ provided_by:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""The value in this node property represents the knowledge provider that created or assembled the node and all of its attributes. Used internally to represent how a particular node made its way into a knowledge provider or graph.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'provided_by',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/provided_by',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:provided_by'}})
+ xref:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""A database cross reference or alternative identifier for a NamedThing or edge between two NamedThings. This property should point to a database record or webpage that supports the existence of the edge, or gives more detail about the edge. This property can be used on a node or edge to provide multiple URIs or CURIE cross references.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'xref',
+ 'aliases':['dbxref','Dbxref','DbXref','record_url','source_record_urls'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/xref',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'gene',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Dbxref','gpi:DB_Xrefs'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:xref'}})
+ full_name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a long-form human readable name for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'full_name',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/full_name',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:full_name'}})
+ synonym:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""Alternate human-readable names for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'synonym',
+ 'aliases':['alias'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/synonym',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['skos:altLabel',
+ 'gff3:Alias',
+ 'AGRKB:synonyms',
+ 'gpi:DB_Object_Synonyms',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0330',
+ 'IAO:0000136',
+ 'RXNORM:has_tradename'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:synonym'}})
+ An entity that has the role of being studied in an investigation, study, or experiment
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:SubjectOfInvestigation',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/SubjectOfInvestigation',
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'mixin':True})
+ pass
+ A sample is a limited quantity of something (e.g. an individual or set of individuals from a population, or a portion of a substance) to be used for testing, analysis, inspection, investigation, demonstration, or trial use. [SIO]
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'aliases':['biospecimen','sample','biosample','physical sample'],
+ 'class_uri':'biolink:MaterialSample',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/MaterialSample',
+ 'exact_mappings':['OBI:0000747','SIO:001050'],
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'id_prefixes':['BIOSAMPLE','GOLD.META'],
+ 'mixins':['subject of investigation']})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ iri:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion rules.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'iri',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/iri',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P854'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:iri'}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/MaterialSample","biolink:MaterialSample"]]=Field(["biolink:MaterialSample"],description="""Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`. In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'type',
+ 'is_class_field':True,
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:category'}})
+ type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/type',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:type','gpi:DB_Object_Type'],
+ 'mappings':['rdf:type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdf:type'}})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a human-readable description of an entity""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description',
+ 'aliases':['definition'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/description',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000115','skos:definitions'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'mappings':['dct:description'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Description'],
+ 'slot_uri':'dct:description'}})
+ has_attribute:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects any entity to an attribute""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute',
+ 'close_mappings':['OBI:0001927'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000008'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['OBAN:association_has_subject_property',
+ 'OBAN:association_has_object_property',
+ 'CPT:has_possibly_included_panel_element',
+ 'DRUGBANK:category',
+ 'EFO:is_executed_in',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0301',
+ 'LOINC:has_action_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_adjustment',
+ 'LOINC:has_aggregation_view',
+ 'LOINC:has_approach_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_divisor',
+ 'LOINC:has_exam',
+ 'LOINC:has_method',
+ 'LOINC:has_modality_subtype',
+ 'LOINC:has_object_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_scale',
+ 'LOINC:has_suffix',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_aspect',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_modifier',
+ 'LOINC:has_timing_of',
+ 'NCIT:R88',
+ 'NCIT:eo_disease_has_property_or_attribute',
+ 'NCIT:has_data_element',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_administration_method',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_basic_dose_form',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_intended_site',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_release_characteristics',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_state_of_matter',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_transformation',
+ 'NCIT:is_qualified_by',
+ 'NCIT:qualifier_applies_to',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_domain',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_range',
+ 'INO:0000154',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0308',
+ 'OMIM:has_inheritance_type',
+ 'orphanet:C016',
+ 'orphanet:C017',
+ 'RO:0000053',
+ 'RO:0000086',
+ 'RO:0000087',
+ 'SNOMED:has_access',
+ 'SNOMED:has_clinical_course',
+ 'SNOMED:has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredient',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_administration_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_release_characteristic',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_transformation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_informer',
+ 'SNOMED:has_inherent_attribute',
+ 'SNOMED:has_intent',
+ 'SNOMED:has_interpretation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_laterality',
+ 'SNOMED:has_measurement_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_priority',
+ 'SNOMED:has_procedure_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_process_duration',
+ 'SNOMED:has_property',
+ 'SNOMED:has_revision_status',
+ 'SNOMED:has_scale_type',
+ 'SNOMED:has_severity',
+ 'SNOMED:has_specimen',
+ 'SNOMED:has_state_of_matter',
+ 'SNOMED:has_subject_relationship_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_surgical_approach',
+ 'SNOMED:has_technique',
+ 'SNOMED:has_temporal_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_time_aspect',
+ 'SNOMED:has_units',
+ 'UMLS:has_structural_class',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_property',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_relationship',
+ 'UMLS:may_be_qualified_by'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute'}})
+ deprecated:Optional[bool]=Field(None,description="""A boolean flag indicating that an entity is no longer considered current or valid.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'deprecated',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/deprecated',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:deprecated'}})
+ provided_by:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""The value in this node property represents the knowledge provider that created or assembled the node and all of its attributes. Used internally to represent how a particular node made its way into a knowledge provider or graph.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'provided_by',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/provided_by',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:provided_by'}})
+ xref:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""A database cross reference or alternative identifier for a NamedThing or edge between two NamedThings. This property should point to a database record or webpage that supports the existence of the edge, or gives more detail about the edge. This property can be used on a node or edge to provide multiple URIs or CURIE cross references.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'xref',
+ 'aliases':['dbxref','Dbxref','DbXref','record_url','source_record_urls'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/xref',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'gene',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Dbxref','gpi:DB_Xrefs'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:xref'}})
+ full_name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a long-form human readable name for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'full_name',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/full_name',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:full_name'}})
+ synonym:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""Alternate human-readable names for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'synonym',
+ 'aliases':['alias'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/synonym',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['skos:altLabel',
+ 'gff3:Alias',
+ 'AGRKB:synonyms',
+ 'gpi:DB_Object_Synonyms',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0330',
+ 'IAO:0000136',
+ 'RXNORM:has_tradename'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:synonym'}})
+ A mixin that can be used on any entity that can be taxonomically classified. This includes individual organisms; genes, their products and other molecular entities; body parts; biological processes
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:ThingWithTaxon',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/ThingWithTaxon',
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'mixin':True})
+ in_taxon:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects an entity to its taxonomic classification. Only certain kinds of entities can be taxonomically classified; see 'thing with taxon'""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'in_taxon',
+ 'aliases':['instance of',
+ 'is organism source of gene product',
+ 'organism has gene',
+ 'gene found in organism',
+ 'gene product has organism source'],
+ 'annotations':{'canonical_predicate':{'tag':'canonical_predicate',
+ 'value':True}},
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/in_taxon',
+ 'domain':'thing with taxon',
+ 'domain_of':['thing with taxon','biological entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['RO:0002162','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P703'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'inherited':True,
+ 'is_a':'related to at instance level',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['RO:0002160'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:in_taxon'}})
+ in_taxon_label:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The human readable scientific name for the taxon of the entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'in_taxon_label',
+ 'annotations':{'denormalized':{'tag':'denormalized','value':True}},
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/in_taxon_label',
+ 'domain':'thing with taxon',
+ 'domain_of':['thing with taxon','biological entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P225'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:in_taxon_label'}})
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'abstract':True,
+ 'aliases':['bioentity'],
+ 'class_uri':'biolink:BiologicalEntity',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/BiologicalEntity',
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'mixins':['thing with taxon'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['WIKIDATA:Q28845870',
+ 'STY:T050',
+ 'SIO:010046',
+ 'STY:T129']})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ iri:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion rules.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'iri',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/iri',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P854'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:iri'}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/BiologicalEntity","biolink:BiologicalEntity"]]=Field(["biolink:BiologicalEntity"],description="""Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`. In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'type',
+ 'is_class_field':True,
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:category'}})
+ type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/type',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:type','gpi:DB_Object_Type'],
+ 'mappings':['rdf:type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdf:type'}})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a human-readable description of an entity""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description',
+ 'aliases':['definition'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/description',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000115','skos:definitions'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'mappings':['dct:description'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Description'],
+ 'slot_uri':'dct:description'}})
+ has_attribute:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects any entity to an attribute""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute',
+ 'close_mappings':['OBI:0001927'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000008'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['OBAN:association_has_subject_property',
+ 'OBAN:association_has_object_property',
+ 'CPT:has_possibly_included_panel_element',
+ 'DRUGBANK:category',
+ 'EFO:is_executed_in',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0301',
+ 'LOINC:has_action_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_adjustment',
+ 'LOINC:has_aggregation_view',
+ 'LOINC:has_approach_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_divisor',
+ 'LOINC:has_exam',
+ 'LOINC:has_method',
+ 'LOINC:has_modality_subtype',
+ 'LOINC:has_object_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_scale',
+ 'LOINC:has_suffix',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_aspect',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_modifier',
+ 'LOINC:has_timing_of',
+ 'NCIT:R88',
+ 'NCIT:eo_disease_has_property_or_attribute',
+ 'NCIT:has_data_element',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_administration_method',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_basic_dose_form',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_intended_site',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_release_characteristics',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_state_of_matter',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_transformation',
+ 'NCIT:is_qualified_by',
+ 'NCIT:qualifier_applies_to',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_domain',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_range',
+ 'INO:0000154',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0308',
+ 'OMIM:has_inheritance_type',
+ 'orphanet:C016',
+ 'orphanet:C017',
+ 'RO:0000053',
+ 'RO:0000086',
+ 'RO:0000087',
+ 'SNOMED:has_access',
+ 'SNOMED:has_clinical_course',
+ 'SNOMED:has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredient',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_administration_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_release_characteristic',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_transformation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_informer',
+ 'SNOMED:has_inherent_attribute',
+ 'SNOMED:has_intent',
+ 'SNOMED:has_interpretation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_laterality',
+ 'SNOMED:has_measurement_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_priority',
+ 'SNOMED:has_procedure_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_process_duration',
+ 'SNOMED:has_property',
+ 'SNOMED:has_revision_status',
+ 'SNOMED:has_scale_type',
+ 'SNOMED:has_severity',
+ 'SNOMED:has_specimen',
+ 'SNOMED:has_state_of_matter',
+ 'SNOMED:has_subject_relationship_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_surgical_approach',
+ 'SNOMED:has_technique',
+ 'SNOMED:has_temporal_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_time_aspect',
+ 'SNOMED:has_units',
+ 'UMLS:has_structural_class',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_property',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_relationship',
+ 'UMLS:may_be_qualified_by'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute'}})
+ deprecated:Optional[bool]=Field(None,description="""A boolean flag indicating that an entity is no longer considered current or valid.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'deprecated',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/deprecated',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:deprecated'}})
+ provided_by:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""The value in this node property represents the knowledge provider that created or assembled the node and all of its attributes. Used internally to represent how a particular node made its way into a knowledge provider or graph.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'provided_by',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/provided_by',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:provided_by'}})
+ xref:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""A database cross reference or alternative identifier for a NamedThing or edge between two NamedThings. This property should point to a database record or webpage that supports the existence of the edge, or gives more detail about the edge. This property can be used on a node or edge to provide multiple URIs or CURIE cross references.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'xref',
+ 'aliases':['dbxref','Dbxref','DbXref','record_url','source_record_urls'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/xref',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'gene',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Dbxref','gpi:DB_Xrefs'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:xref'}})
+ full_name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a long-form human readable name for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'full_name',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/full_name',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:full_name'}})
+ synonym:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""Alternate human-readable names for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'synonym',
+ 'aliases':['alias'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/synonym',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['skos:altLabel',
+ 'gff3:Alias',
+ 'AGRKB:synonyms',
+ 'gpi:DB_Object_Synonyms',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0330',
+ 'IAO:0000136',
+ 'RXNORM:has_tradename'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:synonym'}})
+ in_taxon:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects an entity to its taxonomic classification. Only certain kinds of entities can be taxonomically classified; see 'thing with taxon'""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'in_taxon',
+ 'aliases':['instance of',
+ 'is organism source of gene product',
+ 'organism has gene',
+ 'gene found in organism',
+ 'gene product has organism source'],
+ 'annotations':{'canonical_predicate':{'tag':'canonical_predicate',
+ 'value':True}},
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/in_taxon',
+ 'domain':'thing with taxon',
+ 'domain_of':['thing with taxon','biological entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['RO:0002162','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P703'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'inherited':True,
+ 'is_a':'related to at instance level',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['RO:0002160'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:in_taxon'}})
+ in_taxon_label:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The human readable scientific name for the taxon of the entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'in_taxon_label',
+ 'annotations':{'denormalized':{'tag':'denormalized','value':True}},
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/in_taxon_label',
+ 'domain':'thing with taxon',
+ 'domain_of':['thing with taxon','biological entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P225'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:in_taxon_label'}})
+ A union of chemical entities and children, and gene or gene product. This mixin is helpful to use when searching across chemical entities that must include genes and their children as chemical entities.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:ChemicalEntityOrGeneOrGeneProduct',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/ChemicalEntityOrGeneOrGeneProduct',
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'mixin':True})
+ pass
+ A union of gene locus, gene product, and macromolecular complex. These are the basic units of function in a cell. They either carry out individual biological activities, or they encode molecules which do this.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:MacromolecularMachineMixin',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/MacromolecularMachineMixin',
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'mixin':True})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ A union of gene loci or gene products. Frequently an identifier for one will be used as proxy for another
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:GeneOrGeneProduct',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/GeneOrGeneProduct',
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'id_prefixes':['CHEMBL.TARGET','IUPHAR.FAMILY'],
+ 'mixin':True})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ A region (or regions) that includes all of the sequence elements necessary to encode a functional transcript. A gene locus may include regulatory regions, transcribed regions and/or other functional sequence regions.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'broad_mappings':['NCIT:C45822'],
+ 'class_uri':'biolink:Gene',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/Gene',
+ 'exact_mappings':['SO:0000704','SIO:010035','WIKIDATA:Q7187','dcid:Gene'],
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'id_prefixes':['NCBIGene',
+ 'HGNC',
+ 'MGI',
+ 'ZFIN',
+ 'dictyBase',
+ 'WB',
+ 'WormBase',
+ 'FB',
+ 'RGD',
+ 'SGD',
+ 'PomBase',
+ 'OMIM',
+ 'UMLS',
+ 'Xenbase',
+ 'AspGD',
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','model_organism_database'],
+ 'mixins':['gene or gene product',
+ 'genomic entity',
+ 'chemical entity or gene or gene product',
+ 'physical essence',
+ 'ontology class'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['bioschemas:gene']})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ iri:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion rules.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'iri',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/iri',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P854'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:iri'}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/Gene","biolink:Gene"]]=Field(["biolink:Gene"],description="""Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`. In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'type',
+ 'is_class_field':True,
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:category'}})
+ type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/type',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:type','gpi:DB_Object_Type'],
+ 'mappings':['rdf:type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdf:type'}})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a human-readable description of an entity""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description',
+ 'aliases':['definition'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/description',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000115','skos:definitions'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'mappings':['dct:description'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Description'],
+ 'slot_uri':'dct:description'}})
+ has_attribute:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects any entity to an attribute""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute',
+ 'close_mappings':['OBI:0001927'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000008'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['OBAN:association_has_subject_property',
+ 'OBAN:association_has_object_property',
+ 'CPT:has_possibly_included_panel_element',
+ 'DRUGBANK:category',
+ 'EFO:is_executed_in',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0301',
+ 'LOINC:has_action_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_adjustment',
+ 'LOINC:has_aggregation_view',
+ 'LOINC:has_approach_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_divisor',
+ 'LOINC:has_exam',
+ 'LOINC:has_method',
+ 'LOINC:has_modality_subtype',
+ 'LOINC:has_object_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_scale',
+ 'LOINC:has_suffix',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_aspect',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_modifier',
+ 'LOINC:has_timing_of',
+ 'NCIT:R88',
+ 'NCIT:eo_disease_has_property_or_attribute',
+ 'NCIT:has_data_element',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_administration_method',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_basic_dose_form',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_intended_site',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_release_characteristics',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_state_of_matter',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_transformation',
+ 'NCIT:is_qualified_by',
+ 'NCIT:qualifier_applies_to',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_domain',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_range',
+ 'INO:0000154',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0308',
+ 'OMIM:has_inheritance_type',
+ 'orphanet:C016',
+ 'orphanet:C017',
+ 'RO:0000053',
+ 'RO:0000086',
+ 'RO:0000087',
+ 'SNOMED:has_access',
+ 'SNOMED:has_clinical_course',
+ 'SNOMED:has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredient',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_administration_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_release_characteristic',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_transformation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_informer',
+ 'SNOMED:has_inherent_attribute',
+ 'SNOMED:has_intent',
+ 'SNOMED:has_interpretation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_laterality',
+ 'SNOMED:has_measurement_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_priority',
+ 'SNOMED:has_procedure_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_process_duration',
+ 'SNOMED:has_property',
+ 'SNOMED:has_revision_status',
+ 'SNOMED:has_scale_type',
+ 'SNOMED:has_severity',
+ 'SNOMED:has_specimen',
+ 'SNOMED:has_state_of_matter',
+ 'SNOMED:has_subject_relationship_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_surgical_approach',
+ 'SNOMED:has_technique',
+ 'SNOMED:has_temporal_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_time_aspect',
+ 'SNOMED:has_units',
+ 'UMLS:has_structural_class',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_property',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_relationship',
+ 'UMLS:may_be_qualified_by'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute'}})
+ deprecated:Optional[bool]=Field(None,description="""A boolean flag indicating that an entity is no longer considered current or valid.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'deprecated',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/deprecated',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:deprecated'}})
+ provided_by:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""The value in this node property represents the knowledge provider that created or assembled the node and all of its attributes. Used internally to represent how a particular node made its way into a knowledge provider or graph.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'provided_by',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/provided_by',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:provided_by'}})
+ full_name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a long-form human readable name for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'full_name',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/full_name',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:full_name'}})
+ synonym:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""Alternate human-readable names for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'synonym',
+ 'aliases':['alias'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/synonym',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['skos:altLabel',
+ 'gff3:Alias',
+ 'AGRKB:synonyms',
+ 'gpi:DB_Object_Synonyms',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0330',
+ 'IAO:0000136',
+ 'RXNORM:has_tradename'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:synonym'}})
+ in_taxon:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects an entity to its taxonomic classification. Only certain kinds of entities can be taxonomically classified; see 'thing with taxon'""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'in_taxon',
+ 'aliases':['instance of',
+ 'is organism source of gene product',
+ 'organism has gene',
+ 'gene found in organism',
+ 'gene product has organism source'],
+ 'annotations':{'canonical_predicate':{'tag':'canonical_predicate',
+ 'value':True}},
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/in_taxon',
+ 'domain':'thing with taxon',
+ 'domain_of':['thing with taxon','biological entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['RO:0002162','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P703'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'inherited':True,
+ 'is_a':'related to at instance level',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['RO:0002160'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:in_taxon'}})
+ in_taxon_label:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The human readable scientific name for the taxon of the entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'in_taxon_label',
+ 'annotations':{'denormalized':{'tag':'denormalized','value':True}},
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/in_taxon_label',
+ 'domain':'thing with taxon',
+ 'domain_of':['thing with taxon','biological entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P225'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:in_taxon_label'}})
+ symbol:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Symbol for a particular thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'symbol',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/symbol',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['gene'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:symbol','gpi:DB_Object_Symbol'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:symbol'}})
+ xref:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""A database cross reference or alternative identifier for a NamedThing or edge between two NamedThings. This property should point to a database record or webpage that supports the existence of the edge, or gives more detail about the edge. This property can be used on a node or edge to provide multiple URIs or CURIE cross references.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'xref',
+ 'aliases':['dbxref','Dbxref','DbXref','record_url','source_record_urls'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/xref',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'gene',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Dbxref','gpi:DB_Xrefs'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:xref'}})
+ has_biological_sequence:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""connects a genomic feature to its sequence""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_biological_sequence',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_biological_sequence',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['genomic entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_biological_sequence'}})
+ A genome is the sum of genetic material within a cell or virion.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'class_uri':'biolink:Genome',
+ 'close_mappings':['dcid:GenomeAssemblyUnit'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/Genome',
+ 'exact_mappings':['SO:0001026','SIO:000984','WIKIDATA:Q7020'],
+ 'from_schema':'https://w3id.org/biolink/bican-biolink-schema',
+ 'in_subset':['model_organism_database'],
+ 'mixins':['genomic entity','physical essence','ontology class']})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ iri:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion rules.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'iri',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/iri',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P854'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:iri'}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/Genome","biolink:Genome"]]=Field(["biolink:Genome"],description="""Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`. In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'type',
+ 'is_class_field':True,
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:category'}})
+ type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/type',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:type','gpi:DB_Object_Type'],
+ 'mappings':['rdf:type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdf:type'}})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a human-readable description of an entity""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description',
+ 'aliases':['definition'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/description',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000115','skos:definitions'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'mappings':['dct:description'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Description'],
+ 'slot_uri':'dct:description'}})
+ has_attribute:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects any entity to an attribute""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute',
+ 'close_mappings':['OBI:0001927'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000008'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['OBAN:association_has_subject_property',
+ 'OBAN:association_has_object_property',
+ 'CPT:has_possibly_included_panel_element',
+ 'DRUGBANK:category',
+ 'EFO:is_executed_in',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0301',
+ 'LOINC:has_action_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_adjustment',
+ 'LOINC:has_aggregation_view',
+ 'LOINC:has_approach_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_divisor',
+ 'LOINC:has_exam',
+ 'LOINC:has_method',
+ 'LOINC:has_modality_subtype',
+ 'LOINC:has_object_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_scale',
+ 'LOINC:has_suffix',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_aspect',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_modifier',
+ 'LOINC:has_timing_of',
+ 'NCIT:R88',
+ 'NCIT:eo_disease_has_property_or_attribute',
+ 'NCIT:has_data_element',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_administration_method',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_basic_dose_form',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_intended_site',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_release_characteristics',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_state_of_matter',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_transformation',
+ 'NCIT:is_qualified_by',
+ 'NCIT:qualifier_applies_to',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_domain',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_range',
+ 'INO:0000154',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0308',
+ 'OMIM:has_inheritance_type',
+ 'orphanet:C016',
+ 'orphanet:C017',
+ 'RO:0000053',
+ 'RO:0000086',
+ 'RO:0000087',
+ 'SNOMED:has_access',
+ 'SNOMED:has_clinical_course',
+ 'SNOMED:has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredient',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_administration_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_release_characteristic',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_transformation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_informer',
+ 'SNOMED:has_inherent_attribute',
+ 'SNOMED:has_intent',
+ 'SNOMED:has_interpretation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_laterality',
+ 'SNOMED:has_measurement_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_priority',
+ 'SNOMED:has_procedure_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_process_duration',
+ 'SNOMED:has_property',
+ 'SNOMED:has_revision_status',
+ 'SNOMED:has_scale_type',
+ 'SNOMED:has_severity',
+ 'SNOMED:has_specimen',
+ 'SNOMED:has_state_of_matter',
+ 'SNOMED:has_subject_relationship_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_surgical_approach',
+ 'SNOMED:has_technique',
+ 'SNOMED:has_temporal_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_time_aspect',
+ 'SNOMED:has_units',
+ 'UMLS:has_structural_class',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_property',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_relationship',
+ 'UMLS:may_be_qualified_by'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute'}})
+ deprecated:Optional[bool]=Field(None,description="""A boolean flag indicating that an entity is no longer considered current or valid.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'deprecated',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/deprecated',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:deprecated'}})
+ provided_by:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""The value in this node property represents the knowledge provider that created or assembled the node and all of its attributes. Used internally to represent how a particular node made its way into a knowledge provider or graph.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'provided_by',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/provided_by',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:provided_by'}})
+ xref:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""A database cross reference or alternative identifier for a NamedThing or edge between two NamedThings. This property should point to a database record or webpage that supports the existence of the edge, or gives more detail about the edge. This property can be used on a node or edge to provide multiple URIs or CURIE cross references.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'xref',
+ 'aliases':['dbxref','Dbxref','DbXref','record_url','source_record_urls'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/xref',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'gene',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Dbxref','gpi:DB_Xrefs'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:xref'}})
+ full_name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a long-form human readable name for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'full_name',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/full_name',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:full_name'}})
+ synonym:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""Alternate human-readable names for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'synonym',
+ 'aliases':['alias'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/synonym',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['skos:altLabel',
+ 'gff3:Alias',
+ 'AGRKB:synonyms',
+ 'gpi:DB_Object_Synonyms',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0330',
+ 'IAO:0000136',
+ 'RXNORM:has_tradename'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:synonym'}})
+ in_taxon:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects an entity to its taxonomic classification. Only certain kinds of entities can be taxonomically classified; see 'thing with taxon'""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'in_taxon',
+ 'aliases':['instance of',
+ 'is organism source of gene product',
+ 'organism has gene',
+ 'gene found in organism',
+ 'gene product has organism source'],
+ 'annotations':{'canonical_predicate':{'tag':'canonical_predicate',
+ 'value':True}},
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/in_taxon',
+ 'domain':'thing with taxon',
+ 'domain_of':['thing with taxon','biological entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['RO:0002162','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P703'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'inherited':True,
+ 'is_a':'related to at instance level',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['RO:0002160'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:in_taxon'}})
+ in_taxon_label:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The human readable scientific name for the taxon of the entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'in_taxon_label',
+ 'annotations':{'denormalized':{'tag':'denormalized','value':True}},
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/in_taxon_label',
+ 'domain':'thing with taxon',
+ 'domain_of':['thing with taxon','biological entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P225'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:in_taxon_label'}})
+ has_biological_sequence:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""connects a genomic feature to its sequence""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_biological_sequence',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_biological_sequence',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['genomic entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_biological_sequence'}})
+ Checksum values associated with digital entities.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'from_schema':'https://identifiers.org/brain-bican/bican-core-schema'})
+ checksum_algorithm:Optional[DigestType]=Field(None,description="""The type of cryptographic hash function used to calculate the checksum value.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'checksum_algorithm','domain_of':['checksum']}})
+ value:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The checksum value obtained from a specific cryotographic hash function.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'value','domain_of':['checksum']}})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ iri:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion rules.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'iri',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/iri',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P854'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:iri'}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://identifiers.org/brain-bican/vocab/Checksum","bican:Checksum"]]=Field(["bican:Checksum"],description="""Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`. In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'type',
+ 'is_class_field':True,
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:category'}})
+ type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/type',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:type','gpi:DB_Object_Type'],
+ 'mappings':['rdf:type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdf:type'}})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a human-readable description of an entity""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description',
+ 'aliases':['definition'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/description',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000115','skos:definitions'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'mappings':['dct:description'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Description'],
+ 'slot_uri':'dct:description'}})
+ has_attribute:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects any entity to an attribute""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute',
+ 'close_mappings':['OBI:0001927'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000008'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['OBAN:association_has_subject_property',
+ 'OBAN:association_has_object_property',
+ 'CPT:has_possibly_included_panel_element',
+ 'DRUGBANK:category',
+ 'EFO:is_executed_in',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0301',
+ 'LOINC:has_action_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_adjustment',
+ 'LOINC:has_aggregation_view',
+ 'LOINC:has_approach_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_divisor',
+ 'LOINC:has_exam',
+ 'LOINC:has_method',
+ 'LOINC:has_modality_subtype',
+ 'LOINC:has_object_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_scale',
+ 'LOINC:has_suffix',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_aspect',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_modifier',
+ 'LOINC:has_timing_of',
+ 'NCIT:R88',
+ 'NCIT:eo_disease_has_property_or_attribute',
+ 'NCIT:has_data_element',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_administration_method',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_basic_dose_form',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_intended_site',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_release_characteristics',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_state_of_matter',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_transformation',
+ 'NCIT:is_qualified_by',
+ 'NCIT:qualifier_applies_to',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_domain',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_range',
+ 'INO:0000154',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0308',
+ 'OMIM:has_inheritance_type',
+ 'orphanet:C016',
+ 'orphanet:C017',
+ 'RO:0000053',
+ 'RO:0000086',
+ 'RO:0000087',
+ 'SNOMED:has_access',
+ 'SNOMED:has_clinical_course',
+ 'SNOMED:has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredient',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_administration_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_release_characteristic',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_transformation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_informer',
+ 'SNOMED:has_inherent_attribute',
+ 'SNOMED:has_intent',
+ 'SNOMED:has_interpretation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_laterality',
+ 'SNOMED:has_measurement_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_priority',
+ 'SNOMED:has_procedure_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_process_duration',
+ 'SNOMED:has_property',
+ 'SNOMED:has_revision_status',
+ 'SNOMED:has_scale_type',
+ 'SNOMED:has_severity',
+ 'SNOMED:has_specimen',
+ 'SNOMED:has_state_of_matter',
+ 'SNOMED:has_subject_relationship_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_surgical_approach',
+ 'SNOMED:has_technique',
+ 'SNOMED:has_temporal_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_time_aspect',
+ 'SNOMED:has_units',
+ 'UMLS:has_structural_class',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_property',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_relationship',
+ 'UMLS:may_be_qualified_by'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute'}})
+ deprecated:Optional[bool]=Field(None,description="""A boolean flag indicating that an entity is no longer considered current or valid.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'deprecated',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/deprecated',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:deprecated'}})
+ An annotation describing the location, boundaries, and functions of individual genes within a genome annotation.
+ """
+ def__hash__(self):
+ returnhash(tuple([self.id,self.name,self.molecular_type,self.description]))
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'from_schema':'https://identifiers.org/brain-bican/genome-annotation-schema',
+ 'id_prefixes':['ENSEMBL','MGI','NCBIGene']})
+ molecular_type:Optional[Union[BioType,str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'molecular_type',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'BioType'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['gene annotation']}})
+ source_id:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The authority specific identifier.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'source_id',
+ 'domain_of':['gene annotation'],
+ 'slot_uri':'schema:identifier'}})
+ referenced_in:Union[GenomeAnnotation,str]=Field(...,description="""The genome annotation that this gene annotation was referenced from.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'referenced_in',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'genome annotation'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['gene annotation']}})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ iri:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion rules.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'iri',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/iri',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P854'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:iri'}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://identifiers.org/brain-bican/vocab/GeneAnnotation","bican:GeneAnnotation"]]=Field(["bican:GeneAnnotation"],description="""Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`. In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'type',
+ 'is_class_field':True,
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:category'}})
+ type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/type',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:type','gpi:DB_Object_Type'],
+ 'mappings':['rdf:type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdf:type'}})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a human-readable description of an entity""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description',
+ 'aliases':['definition'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/description',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000115','skos:definitions'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'mappings':['dct:description'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Description'],
+ 'slot_uri':'dct:description'}})
+ has_attribute:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects any entity to an attribute""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute',
+ 'close_mappings':['OBI:0001927'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000008'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['OBAN:association_has_subject_property',
+ 'OBAN:association_has_object_property',
+ 'CPT:has_possibly_included_panel_element',
+ 'DRUGBANK:category',
+ 'EFO:is_executed_in',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0301',
+ 'LOINC:has_action_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_adjustment',
+ 'LOINC:has_aggregation_view',
+ 'LOINC:has_approach_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_divisor',
+ 'LOINC:has_exam',
+ 'LOINC:has_method',
+ 'LOINC:has_modality_subtype',
+ 'LOINC:has_object_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_scale',
+ 'LOINC:has_suffix',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_aspect',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_modifier',
+ 'LOINC:has_timing_of',
+ 'NCIT:R88',
+ 'NCIT:eo_disease_has_property_or_attribute',
+ 'NCIT:has_data_element',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_administration_method',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_basic_dose_form',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_intended_site',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_release_characteristics',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_state_of_matter',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_transformation',
+ 'NCIT:is_qualified_by',
+ 'NCIT:qualifier_applies_to',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_domain',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_range',
+ 'INO:0000154',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0308',
+ 'OMIM:has_inheritance_type',
+ 'orphanet:C016',
+ 'orphanet:C017',
+ 'RO:0000053',
+ 'RO:0000086',
+ 'RO:0000087',
+ 'SNOMED:has_access',
+ 'SNOMED:has_clinical_course',
+ 'SNOMED:has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredient',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_administration_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_release_characteristic',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_transformation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_informer',
+ 'SNOMED:has_inherent_attribute',
+ 'SNOMED:has_intent',
+ 'SNOMED:has_interpretation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_laterality',
+ 'SNOMED:has_measurement_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_priority',
+ 'SNOMED:has_procedure_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_process_duration',
+ 'SNOMED:has_property',
+ 'SNOMED:has_revision_status',
+ 'SNOMED:has_scale_type',
+ 'SNOMED:has_severity',
+ 'SNOMED:has_specimen',
+ 'SNOMED:has_state_of_matter',
+ 'SNOMED:has_subject_relationship_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_surgical_approach',
+ 'SNOMED:has_technique',
+ 'SNOMED:has_temporal_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_time_aspect',
+ 'SNOMED:has_units',
+ 'UMLS:has_structural_class',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_property',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_relationship',
+ 'UMLS:may_be_qualified_by'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute'}})
+ deprecated:Optional[bool]=Field(None,description="""A boolean flag indicating that an entity is no longer considered current or valid.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'deprecated',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/deprecated',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:deprecated'}})
+ provided_by:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""The value in this node property represents the knowledge provider that created or assembled the node and all of its attributes. Used internally to represent how a particular node made its way into a knowledge provider or graph.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'provided_by',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/provided_by',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:provided_by'}})
+ full_name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a long-form human readable name for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'full_name',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/full_name',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:full_name'}})
+ synonym:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""Alternate human-readable names for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'synonym',
+ 'aliases':['alias'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/synonym',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['skos:altLabel',
+ 'gff3:Alias',
+ 'AGRKB:synonyms',
+ 'gpi:DB_Object_Synonyms',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0330',
+ 'IAO:0000136',
+ 'RXNORM:has_tradename'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:synonym'}})
+ in_taxon:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects an entity to its taxonomic classification. Only certain kinds of entities can be taxonomically classified; see 'thing with taxon'""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'in_taxon',
+ 'aliases':['instance of',
+ 'is organism source of gene product',
+ 'organism has gene',
+ 'gene found in organism',
+ 'gene product has organism source'],
+ 'annotations':{'canonical_predicate':{'tag':'canonical_predicate',
+ 'value':True}},
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/in_taxon',
+ 'domain':'thing with taxon',
+ 'domain_of':['thing with taxon','biological entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['RO:0002162','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P703'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'inherited':True,
+ 'is_a':'related to at instance level',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['RO:0002160'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:in_taxon'}})
+ in_taxon_label:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The human readable scientific name for the taxon of the entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'in_taxon_label',
+ 'annotations':{'denormalized':{'tag':'denormalized','value':True}},
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/in_taxon_label',
+ 'domain':'thing with taxon',
+ 'domain_of':['thing with taxon','biological entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P225'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:in_taxon_label'}})
+ symbol:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""Symbol for a particular thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'symbol',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/symbol',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['gene'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:symbol','gpi:DB_Object_Symbol'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:symbol'}})
+ xref:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""A database cross reference or alternative identifier for a NamedThing or edge between two NamedThings. This property should point to a database record or webpage that supports the existence of the edge, or gives more detail about the edge. This property can be used on a node or edge to provide multiple URIs or CURIE cross references.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'xref',
+ 'aliases':['dbxref','Dbxref','DbXref','record_url','source_record_urls'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/xref',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'gene',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Dbxref','gpi:DB_Xrefs'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:xref'}})
+ has_biological_sequence:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""connects a genomic feature to its sequence""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_biological_sequence',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_biological_sequence',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['genomic entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_biological_sequence'}})
+ Location and nomenclature of genes and all of the coding regions in a genome assembly and the classification of genes and transcripts into types.
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'from_schema':'https://identifiers.org/brain-bican/genome-annotation-schema'})
+ version:Optional[str]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'version',
+ 'broad_mappings':['pav:version','owl:versionInfo'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/version',
+ 'domain':'dataset',
+ 'domain_of':['genome annotation','genome assembly'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:version'}})
+ digest:Optional[List[Union[Checksum,str]]]=Field(None,description="""Stores checksum information.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'digest',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'checksum'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['genome annotation']}})
+ content_url:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'content_url',
+ 'domain_of':['genome annotation'],
+ 'slot_uri':'schema:url'}})
+ authority:Optional[AuthorityType]=Field(None,description="""The organization responsible for publishing the data.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'authority','domain_of':['genome annotation']}})
+ reference_assembly:Union[GenomeAssembly,str]=Field(...,description="""The reference genome assembly that this genome annotation was created from.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'reference_assembly',
+ 'any_of':[{'range':'genome assembly'},{'range':'string'}],
+ 'domain_of':['genome annotation']}})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ iri:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion rules.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'iri',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/iri',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P854'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:iri'}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://identifiers.org/brain-bican/vocab/GenomeAnnotation","bican:GenomeAnnotation"]]=Field(["bican:GenomeAnnotation"],description="""Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`. In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'type',
+ 'is_class_field':True,
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:category'}})
+ type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/type',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:type','gpi:DB_Object_Type'],
+ 'mappings':['rdf:type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdf:type'}})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a human-readable description of an entity""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description',
+ 'aliases':['definition'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/description',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000115','skos:definitions'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'mappings':['dct:description'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Description'],
+ 'slot_uri':'dct:description'}})
+ has_attribute:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects any entity to an attribute""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute',
+ 'close_mappings':['OBI:0001927'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000008'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['OBAN:association_has_subject_property',
+ 'OBAN:association_has_object_property',
+ 'CPT:has_possibly_included_panel_element',
+ 'DRUGBANK:category',
+ 'EFO:is_executed_in',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0301',
+ 'LOINC:has_action_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_adjustment',
+ 'LOINC:has_aggregation_view',
+ 'LOINC:has_approach_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_divisor',
+ 'LOINC:has_exam',
+ 'LOINC:has_method',
+ 'LOINC:has_modality_subtype',
+ 'LOINC:has_object_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_scale',
+ 'LOINC:has_suffix',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_aspect',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_modifier',
+ 'LOINC:has_timing_of',
+ 'NCIT:R88',
+ 'NCIT:eo_disease_has_property_or_attribute',
+ 'NCIT:has_data_element',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_administration_method',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_basic_dose_form',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_intended_site',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_release_characteristics',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_state_of_matter',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_transformation',
+ 'NCIT:is_qualified_by',
+ 'NCIT:qualifier_applies_to',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_domain',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_range',
+ 'INO:0000154',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0308',
+ 'OMIM:has_inheritance_type',
+ 'orphanet:C016',
+ 'orphanet:C017',
+ 'RO:0000053',
+ 'RO:0000086',
+ 'RO:0000087',
+ 'SNOMED:has_access',
+ 'SNOMED:has_clinical_course',
+ 'SNOMED:has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredient',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_administration_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_release_characteristic',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_transformation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_informer',
+ 'SNOMED:has_inherent_attribute',
+ 'SNOMED:has_intent',
+ 'SNOMED:has_interpretation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_laterality',
+ 'SNOMED:has_measurement_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_priority',
+ 'SNOMED:has_procedure_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_process_duration',
+ 'SNOMED:has_property',
+ 'SNOMED:has_revision_status',
+ 'SNOMED:has_scale_type',
+ 'SNOMED:has_severity',
+ 'SNOMED:has_specimen',
+ 'SNOMED:has_state_of_matter',
+ 'SNOMED:has_subject_relationship_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_surgical_approach',
+ 'SNOMED:has_technique',
+ 'SNOMED:has_temporal_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_time_aspect',
+ 'SNOMED:has_units',
+ 'UMLS:has_structural_class',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_property',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_relationship',
+ 'UMLS:may_be_qualified_by'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute'}})
+ deprecated:Optional[bool]=Field(None,description="""A boolean flag indicating that an entity is no longer considered current or valid.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'deprecated',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/deprecated',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:deprecated'}})
+ provided_by:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""The value in this node property represents the knowledge provider that created or assembled the node and all of its attributes. Used internally to represent how a particular node made its way into a knowledge provider or graph.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'provided_by',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/provided_by',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:provided_by'}})
+ xref:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""A database cross reference or alternative identifier for a NamedThing or edge between two NamedThings. This property should point to a database record or webpage that supports the existence of the edge, or gives more detail about the edge. This property can be used on a node or edge to provide multiple URIs or CURIE cross references.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'xref',
+ 'aliases':['dbxref','Dbxref','DbXref','record_url','source_record_urls'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/xref',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'gene',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Dbxref','gpi:DB_Xrefs'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:xref'}})
+ full_name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a long-form human readable name for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'full_name',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/full_name',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:full_name'}})
+ synonym:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""Alternate human-readable names for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'synonym',
+ 'aliases':['alias'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/synonym',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['skos:altLabel',
+ 'gff3:Alias',
+ 'AGRKB:synonyms',
+ 'gpi:DB_Object_Synonyms',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0330',
+ 'IAO:0000136',
+ 'RXNORM:has_tradename'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:synonym'}})
+ in_taxon:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects an entity to its taxonomic classification. Only certain kinds of entities can be taxonomically classified; see 'thing with taxon'""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'in_taxon',
+ 'aliases':['instance of',
+ 'is organism source of gene product',
+ 'organism has gene',
+ 'gene found in organism',
+ 'gene product has organism source'],
+ 'annotations':{'canonical_predicate':{'tag':'canonical_predicate',
+ 'value':True}},
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/in_taxon',
+ 'domain':'thing with taxon',
+ 'domain_of':['thing with taxon','biological entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['RO:0002162','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P703'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'inherited':True,
+ 'is_a':'related to at instance level',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['RO:0002160'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:in_taxon'}})
+ in_taxon_label:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The human readable scientific name for the taxon of the entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'in_taxon_label',
+ 'annotations':{'denormalized':{'tag':'denormalized','value':True}},
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/in_taxon_label',
+ 'domain':'thing with taxon',
+ 'domain_of':['thing with taxon','biological entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P225'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:in_taxon_label'}})
+ has_biological_sequence:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""connects a genomic feature to its sequence""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_biological_sequence',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_biological_sequence',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['genomic entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_biological_sequence'}})
+ Genome assembly to contain version and label information
+ """
+ linkml_meta:ClassVar[LinkMLMeta]=LinkMLMeta({'from_schema':'https://identifiers.org/brain-bican/genome-annotation-schema',
+ 'mixins':['thing with taxon']})
+ version:Optional[str]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'version',
+ 'broad_mappings':['pav:version','owl:versionInfo'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/version',
+ 'domain':'dataset',
+ 'domain_of':['genome annotation','genome assembly'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:version'}})
+ strain:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The genetic variant or subtype of a species or organism.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'strain','domain_of':['genome assembly']}})
+ in_taxon:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects an entity to its taxonomic classification. Only certain kinds of entities can be taxonomically classified; see 'thing with taxon'""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'in_taxon',
+ 'aliases':['instance of',
+ 'is organism source of gene product',
+ 'organism has gene',
+ 'gene found in organism',
+ 'gene product has organism source'],
+ 'annotations':{'canonical_predicate':{'tag':'canonical_predicate',
+ 'value':True}},
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/in_taxon',
+ 'domain':'thing with taxon',
+ 'domain_of':['thing with taxon','biological entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['RO:0002162','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P703'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'inherited':True,
+ 'is_a':'related to at instance level',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['RO:0002160'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:in_taxon'}})
+ in_taxon_label:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""The human readable scientific name for the taxon of the entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'in_taxon_label',
+ 'annotations':{'denormalized':{'tag':'denormalized','value':True}},
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/in_taxon_label',
+ 'domain':'thing with taxon',
+ 'domain_of':['thing with taxon','biological entity','gene','genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P225'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:in_taxon_label'}})
+ id:str=Field(...,description="""A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'id',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/id',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['ontology class',
+ 'entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'taxonomic rank',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['AGRKB:primaryId','gff3:ID','gpi:DB_Object_ID'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:id'}})
+ iri:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion rules.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'iri',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/iri',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P854'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:iri'}})
+ category:List[Literal["https://identifiers.org/brain-bican/vocab/GenomeAssembly","bican:GenomeAssembly"]]=Field(["bican:GenomeAssembly"],description="""Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized. Corresponds to the label for the biolink entity type class. In a neo4j database this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag. In an RDF database it should be a biolink model class URI. This field is multi-valued. It should include values for ancestors of the biolink class; for example, a protein such as Shh would have category values `biolink:Protein`, `biolink:GeneProduct`, `biolink:MolecularEntity`. In an RDF database, nodes will typically have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific biolink class, or potentially to a class more specific than something in biolink. For example, a sequence feature `f` may have a rdf:type assertion to a SO class such as TF_binding_site, which is more specific than anything in biolink. Here we would have categories {biolink:GenomicEntity, biolink:MolecularEntity, biolink:NamedThing}""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'category',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/category',
+ 'designates_type':True,
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'type',
+ 'is_class_field':True,
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:category'}})
+ type:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'type',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/type',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:type','gpi:DB_Object_Type'],
+ 'mappings':['rdf:type'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdf:type'}})
+ name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'name',
+ 'aliases':['label','display name','title'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/name',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['attribute',
+ 'entity',
+ 'macromolecular machine mixin',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene or gene product',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['gff3:Name','gpi:DB_Object_Name'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal','samples'],
+ 'mappings':['rdfs:label'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['dct:title','WIKIDATA_PROPERTY:P1476'],
+ 'slot_uri':'rdfs:label'}})
+ description:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a human-readable description of an entity""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'description',
+ 'aliases':['definition'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/description',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['IAO:0000115','skos:definitions'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'mappings':['dct:description'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Description'],
+ 'slot_uri':'dct:description'}})
+ has_attribute:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""connects any entity to an attribute""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'has_attribute',
+ 'close_mappings':['OBI:0001927'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/has_attribute',
+ 'domain':'entity',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['SIO:000008'],
+ 'in_subset':['samples'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['OBAN:association_has_subject_property',
+ 'OBAN:association_has_object_property',
+ 'CPT:has_possibly_included_panel_element',
+ 'DRUGBANK:category',
+ 'EFO:is_executed_in',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0301',
+ 'LOINC:has_action_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_adjustment',
+ 'LOINC:has_aggregation_view',
+ 'LOINC:has_approach_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_divisor',
+ 'LOINC:has_exam',
+ 'LOINC:has_method',
+ 'LOINC:has_modality_subtype',
+ 'LOINC:has_object_guidance',
+ 'LOINC:has_scale',
+ 'LOINC:has_suffix',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_aspect',
+ 'LOINC:has_time_modifier',
+ 'LOINC:has_timing_of',
+ 'NCIT:R88',
+ 'NCIT:eo_disease_has_property_or_attribute',
+ 'NCIT:has_data_element',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_administration_method',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_basic_dose_form',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_intended_site',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_release_characteristics',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_state_of_matter',
+ 'NCIT:has_pharmaceutical_transformation',
+ 'NCIT:is_qualified_by',
+ 'NCIT:qualifier_applies_to',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_domain',
+ 'NCIT:role_has_range',
+ 'INO:0000154',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0308',
+ 'OMIM:has_inheritance_type',
+ 'orphanet:C016',
+ 'orphanet:C017',
+ 'RO:0000053',
+ 'RO:0000086',
+ 'RO:0000087',
+ 'SNOMED:has_access',
+ 'SNOMED:has_clinical_course',
+ 'SNOMED:has_count_of_base_of_active_ingredient',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_administration_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_release_characteristic',
+ 'SNOMED:has_dose_form_transformation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_finding_informer',
+ 'SNOMED:has_inherent_attribute',
+ 'SNOMED:has_intent',
+ 'SNOMED:has_interpretation',
+ 'SNOMED:has_laterality',
+ 'SNOMED:has_measurement_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_method',
+ 'SNOMED:has_priority',
+ 'SNOMED:has_procedure_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_process_duration',
+ 'SNOMED:has_property',
+ 'SNOMED:has_revision_status',
+ 'SNOMED:has_scale_type',
+ 'SNOMED:has_severity',
+ 'SNOMED:has_specimen',
+ 'SNOMED:has_state_of_matter',
+ 'SNOMED:has_subject_relationship_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_surgical_approach',
+ 'SNOMED:has_technique',
+ 'SNOMED:has_temporal_context',
+ 'SNOMED:has_time_aspect',
+ 'SNOMED:has_units',
+ 'UMLS:has_structural_class',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_property',
+ 'UMLS:has_supported_concept_relationship',
+ 'UMLS:may_be_qualified_by'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:has_attribute'}})
+ deprecated:Optional[bool]=Field(None,description="""A boolean flag indicating that an entity is no longer considered current or valid.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'deprecated',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/deprecated',
+ 'domain_of':['entity',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'named thing',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'exact_mappings':['oboInOwl:ObsoleteClass'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:deprecated'}})
+ provided_by:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""The value in this node property represents the knowledge provider that created or assembled the node and all of its attributes. Used internally to represent how a particular node made its way into a knowledge provider or graph.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'provided_by',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/provided_by',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:provided_by'}})
+ xref:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""A database cross reference or alternative identifier for a NamedThing or edge between two NamedThings. This property should point to a database record or webpage that supports the existence of the edge, or gives more detail about the edge. This property can be used on a node or edge to provide multiple URIs or CURIE cross references.""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'xref',
+ 'aliases':['dbxref','Dbxref','DbXref','record_url','source_record_urls'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/xref',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'gene',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'narrow_mappings':['gff3:Dbxref','gpi:DB_Xrefs'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:xref'}})
+ full_name:Optional[str]=Field(None,description="""a long-form human readable name for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'full_name',
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/full_name',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:full_name'}})
+ synonym:Optional[List[str]]=Field(None,description="""Alternate human-readable names for a thing""",json_schema_extra={"linkml_meta":{'alias':'synonym',
+ 'aliases':['alias'],
+ 'definition_uri':'https://w3id.org/biolink/vocab/synonym',
+ 'domain':'named thing',
+ 'domain_of':['named thing',
+ 'attribute',
+ 'organism taxon',
+ 'information content entity',
+ 'dataset',
+ 'physical entity',
+ 'activity',
+ 'procedure',
+ 'material sample',
+ 'biological entity',
+ 'gene',
+ 'genome'],
+ 'in_subset':['translator_minimal'],
+ 'is_a':'node property',
+ 'narrow_mappings':['skos:altLabel',
+ 'gff3:Alias',
+ 'AGRKB:synonyms',
+ 'gpi:DB_Object_Synonyms',
+ 'HANCESTRO:0330',
+ 'IAO:0000136',
+ 'RXNORM:has_tradename'],
+ 'slot_uri':'biolink:synonym'}})
+This script downloads a zip file containing taxonomic data from a given URL, extracts and processes
+the content of the 'names.dmp' file in memory, and saves the parsed data into JSON files. The script
+includes three main functions:
+1. download_and_extract_zip_in_memory(url):
+ Downloads a zip file from the given URL and extracts the content of the 'names.dmp' file in memory.
+2. parse_dmp_content(dmp_content):
+ Parses the content of a DMP file and extracts taxonomic information into dictionaries.
+3. process_and_save_taxdmp_in_memory(url, output_dir):
+ Downloads and processes the taxdump file from the given URL, and saves the parsed data into
+ separate JSON files in the specified output directory.
+ The script can be executed as a standalone program. Modify the URL and output directory as needed.
+ Downloads a zip file from the given URL and extracts the content of the 'names.dmp' file in memory.
+ Args:
+ url (str): The URL of the zip file to download.
+ Returns:
+ str: The content of the 'names.dmp' file as a string.
+ Raises:
+ requests.exceptions.HTTPError: If the file download fails with a non-200 status code.
+ """
+ # Download the file
+ response=requests.get(url,timeout=30)
+ ifresponse.status_code==200:
+ # Unzip the file in memory
+ withzipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(response.content))asz:
+ # Extract names.dmp file content into memory
+ withz.open("names.dmp")asnames_dmp_file:
+ names_dmp_content=names_dmp_file.read().decode("utf-8")
+ returnnames_dmp_content
+ else:
+ raiserequests.exceptions.HTTPError(
+ f"Failed to download file, status code: {response.status_code}"
+ )
+ Parses the content of a DMP file and extracts taxonomic information.
+ Args:
+ dmp_content (str): The content of the DMP file.
+ Returns:
+ tuple: A tuple containing three dictionaries:
+ - taxid_to_scientific_name: A dictionary mapping taxonomic IDs to scientific names.
+ - taxid_to_common_name: A dictionary mapping taxonomic IDs to common names.
+ - scientific_name_to_taxid: A dictionary mapping scientific names to taxonomic IDs.
+ """
+ taxid_to_scientific_name={}
+ taxid_to_common_name={}
+ scientific_name_to_taxid={}
+ forlineindmp_content.strip().split("\n"):
+ # Split the line by the delimiter '|'
+ parts=line.strip().split("|")
+ # Remove leading and trailing whitespace from each part
+ parts=[part.strip()forpartinparts]
+ # Taxonomy names file (names.dmp):
+ # tax_id-- the id of node associated with this name
+ # name_txt-- name itself
+ # unique name-- the unique variant of this name if name not unique
+ # name class-- (synonym, common name, ...)
+ taxid=parts[0]
+ name=parts[1]
+ unique_name=parts[2]
+ name_class=parts[3]
+ # Create a dictionary with the parsed data
+ ifname_class=="scientific name"andtaxidnotintaxid_to_scientific_name:
+ ifunique_name:
+ taxid_to_scientific_name[taxid]=unique_name
+ scientific_name_to_taxid[unique_name]=taxid
+ else:
+ taxid_to_scientific_name[taxid]=name
+ scientific_name_to_taxid[name]=taxid
+ elifname_class=="genbank common name"andtaxidnotintaxid_to_common_name:
+ taxid_to_common_name[taxid]=name
+ returntaxid_to_scientific_name,taxid_to_common_name,scientific_name_to_taxid
+ Downloads and processes the taxdump file from the given URL,
+ and saves the parsed data into separate JSON files in the specified output directory.
+ Args:
+ url (str): The URL of the taxdump file to download and process.
+ output_dir (str): The directory where the parsed data will be saved.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ # Ensure the output directory exists
+ ifnotos.path.exists(output_dir):
+ os.makedirs(output_dir)
+ # Step 1: Download and unzip the folder in memory
+ names_dmp_content=download_and_extract_zip_in_memory(url)
+ # Step 2: Parse the names.dmp content
+ taxid_to_scientific_name,taxid_to_common_name,scientific_name_to_taxid=(
+ parse_dmp_content(names_dmp_content)
+ )
+ # Step 3: Save the dictionaries to files
+ withopen(
+ os.path.join(output_dir,"taxid_to_common_name.json"),"w",encoding="utf-8"
+ )asf:
+ json.dump(taxid_to_common_name,f,indent=4)
+ withopen(
+ os.path.join(output_dir,"taxid_to_scientific_name.json"),"w",encoding="utf-8"
+ )asf:
+ json.dump(taxid_to_scientific_name,f,indent=4)
+ withopen(
+ os.path.join(output_dir,"scientific_name_to_taxid.json"),"w",encoding="utf-8"
+ )asf:
+ json.dump(scientific_name_to_taxid,f,indent=4)
+ Load JSON data from a file.
+ Args:
+ file_path (str): The path to the JSON file.
+ Returns:
+ dict: The loaded JSON data.
+ """
+ withopen(file_path,"r",encoding="utf-8")asf:
+ returnjson.load(f)
+@click.option("--reload",'-r',is_flag=True,help="Reload NCBI taxonomy data")
+ Load JSON data from a file.
+ Args:
+ file_path (str): The path to the JSON file.
+ Returns:
+ dict: The loaded JSON data as a dictionary.
+ """
+ ifreloadornotos.path.exists(SCIENTIFIC_NAME_TO_TAXONID_PATH)ornotos.path.exists(TAXON_SCIENTIFIC_NAME_PATH)ornotos.path.exists(TAXON_COMMON_NAME_PATH):
+ process_and_save_taxdmp_in_memory(NCBI_TAXON_URL,OUTPUT_DIR_PATH)
+ else:
+ print("PRINT already downloaded")
+ download_ncbi_taxonomy()
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..947349f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_modules/bkbit/utils/load_json.html
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ bkbit.utils.load_json — bkbit documentation
+ Load a JSON file from the given file path.
+ Args:
+ file_path (str): The path to the JSON file.
+ Returns:
+ dict: The contents of the JSON file as a dictionary.
+ Raises:
+ FileNotFoundError: If the file does not exist.
+ JSONDecodeError: If the file is not a valid JSON.
+ """
+ withopen(file_path,"r",encoding="utf-8")asf:
+ returnjson.load(f)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_modules/bkbit/utils/nimp_api_endpoints.html b/_modules/bkbit/utils/nimp_api_endpoints.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bc952b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_modules/bkbit/utils/nimp_api_endpoints.html
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+ bkbit.utils.nimp_api_endpoints — bkbit documentation
+ Retrieve information of any record with a NHash ID in the system.
+ Parameters:
+ nhash_id (str): The NHash ID of the record to retrieve.
+ jwt_token (str): The JWT token for authentication.
+ Returns:
+ dict: The JSON response containing the information of the record.
+ Raises:
+ requests.exceptions.HTTPError: If there is an error retrieving the data.
+ """
+ headers={"Authorization":f"Bearer {jwt_token}"}
+ response=requests.get(
+ headers=headers,
+ timeout=10,# ? is this an appropriate timeout value?
+ )
+ ifresponse.status_code==200:
+ returnresponse.json()
+ raiserequests.exceptions.HTTPError(
+ f"Error getting data for NHash ID = {nhash_id}. Status Code: {response.status_code}"
+ )
+ Retrieve information of all ancestors of a record with the given NHash ID.
+ Parameters:
+ nhash_id (str): The NHash ID of the record.
+ jwt_token (str): The JWT token for authentication.
+ nhash_only (bool): Flag indicating whether to retrieve only NHash IDs or complete record information. Default is True.
+ depth (int): The depth of ancestors to retrieve. Default is 1.
+ Returns:
+ dict: The JSON response containing information of all ancestors.
+ Raises:
+ requests.exceptions.HTTPError: If there is an error getting data for the NHash ID.
+ """
+ headers={"Authorization":f"Bearer {jwt_token}"}
+ response=requests.get(
+ headers=headers,
+ timeout=10,# This is an appropriate timeout value.
+ )
+ ifresponse.status_code==200:
+ returnresponse.json()
+ raiserequests.exceptions.HTTPError(
+ f"Error getting data for NHash ID = {nhash_id}. Status Code: {response.status_code}"
+ )
+ Retrieve information of all descendents of a record with the given NHash ID.
+ Parameters:
+ nhash_id (str): The NHash ID of the record.
+ jwt_token (str): The JWT token for authentication.
+ nhash_only (bool): Flag indicating whether to retrieve only NHash IDs or complete record information. Default is True.
+ depth (int): The depth of descendents to retrieve. Default is 1.
+ Returns:
+ dict: The JSON response containing information of all descendents.
+ Raises:
+ requests.exceptions.HTTPError: If there is an error getting data for the NHash ID.
+ """
+ headers={"Authorization":f"Bearer {jwt_token}"}
+ response=requests.get(
+ headers=headers,
+ timeout=30,# This is an appropriate timeout value.
+ )
+ ifresponse.status_code==200:
+ returnresponse.json()
+ raiserequests.exceptions.HTTPError(
+ f"Error getting data for NHash ID = {nhash_id}. Status Code: {response.status_code}"
+ )
+ headers={"Authorization":f"Bearer {jwt_token}"}
+ # Create a dictionary of parameters to be sent in the request
+ params={}
+ # Iterate through the function's parameters and add them to the params dictionary if they are not None
+ forparam_nameininspect.signature(get_donor).parameters.keys():
+ ifparam_namein['jwt_token']:# Skip the non-optional parameters
+ continue
+ value=locals().get(param_name)
+ ifvalueisnotNone:
+ params[param_name]=value
+ # Make the request with the dynamically created params
+ response=requests.get(API_URL_PREFIX+DONORS_URL_SUFFIX,headers=headers,params=params,timeout=10)
+ ifresponse.status_code==200:
+ returnresponse.json()
+ raiserequests.exceptions.HTTPError(
+ f"Error getting donor data. Status Code: {response.status_code}"
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_modules/bkbit/utils/setup_logger.html b/_modules/bkbit/utils/setup_logger.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7e2afe
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+++ b/_modules/bkbit/utils/setup_logger.html
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+ bkbit.utils.setup_logger — bkbit documentation
+Logger Setup Module
+This module provides a utility function to configure and set up logging for an application.
+The `setup_logger` function allows for customizable logging levels and output destinations,
+either to a file or to the console.
+Available log levels:
+Example usage:
+ from setup_logger import setup_logger
+ import logging
+ # Set up the logger to log to a file with INFO level
+ logger = setup_logger(log_level="INFO", log_to_file=True)
+ # Log some messages
+ logger.info("This is an info message")
+ logger.error("This is an error message")
+ setup_logger(log_level="WARNING", log_to_file=False):
+ Configures and returns a logger with the specified log level and output destination.
+ LOG_LEVELS (dict): A dictionary mapping log level names to their corresponding logging constants.
+ "DEBUG":logging.DEBUG,
+ "INFO":logging.INFO,
+ "WARNING":logging.WARNING,
+ "ERROR":logging.ERROR,
+ file_name,
+ log_level="WARNING",
+ log_to_file=False,
+ Set up a logger with the specified log level and log destination.
+ Args:
+ log_level (str, optional): The desired log level. Defaults to "WARNING".
+ log_to_file (bool, optional): Whether to log to a file. Defaults to False.
+ Returns:
+ logger: The configured logger object.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: If an invalid log level is provided.
+ """
+ iflog_level.upper()notinLOG_LEVELS:
+ raiseValueError(f"Invalid log level: {log_level}")
+ iflog_to_file:
+ logging.basicConfig(
+ filename=file_name,
+ format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s (%(asctime)s)",
+ datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p",
+ level=LOG_LEVELS[log_level.upper()],
+ )
+ else:
+ logging.basicConfig(
+ format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s (%(asctime)s)",
+ datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p",
+ level=LOG_LEVELS[log_level.upper()],
+ )
+ logger=logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ returnlogger
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/_modules/index.html
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+ Overview: module code — bkbit documentation