Workspace is a collection of currently opened projects.
Workspace Tree is a hierarchical viewer that is used for navigating and managing projects, tables, connections, and other entities.
Open "demog" project
Open "Workspace" via View | Workspace (or
Alt + W
) -
Expand "demog" in Workspace
- In "demog" branch there are subelements tables and view next to which number of internal elements is displayed (1)
Expand "Tables"
- There is one table "demog"
Call context menu for table "demog"
- "Add view" - add new view for table
- "Remove" - remove table from project
- "Open in Jupyter" - create "Jupyter Notebook" for table
- "Save as CSV" - save table to .csv file
- "Rename" - rename table
- "Clone" - create copy of table
- "Save as project"
- "Exclude from project" - exclude table from project. Table will be moved to Scratchpad
Expand table "demog"
- Here are tabs "Tags" and "Columns"
- In "Columns" you can see columns tags and columns stats
- From context menu for columns, you can perform the operations "Rename", "Remove", "Extract", "Change type", "Extract numbers" (for sting type columns)
Expand "View" tab for project "demog"
- Here are Table Views for all tables in project
- You can remove view from its context menu
To add entities (queries, connections, data jobs, models, scripts, notebooks)to project, you can drag them from any location directly to project branch in Workspace
- After adding entity to project, all available operations on them can be performed from their context menu in project tree
- Any entity can be excluded from project. After that, it will be transferred to Scratchpad
Open "cars.csv" file from local storage
- File "cars.csv" is open
- Table and view for it are added to Scratchpad
Drag "cars" table from Scratchpad to "demog" project
- Table "cars" added to project "demog" and no longer exists in Scratchpad
- Corresponding view was moved along with table in "demog" project
Choose "Exclude" from context menu of "demog" table in "demog" project
- Table "demog" added to Scratchpad and no longer exists in "demog" project
- Corresponding view was moved along with table in Scratchpad
Click on Scratchpad or on its internal elements. Then click on "Upload" button (or use context menu for upload)
- "Create a project" dialog is open
- New project open after uploading
- All elements of Scratchpad have moved to new project
Click on "demog" project or on its internal elements. Then click on "Save" button (or use context menu for save)
- project "demog" is reuploaded with changes
Click on "Close others" item in context menu for Scratchpad
- All projects are closed
See also: