Project browser allows you to view previously created projects, view their properties and manage them.
6.2 Browse and Open the project
Open a "Datasets" view for "Welcome" tab
- List of saved projects appeared on the "Welcome" tab
Open "Share" dialog for the "Test" project from its context menu
- "Share" dialog open
- You can change users or groups permissions for project here.
Open "Details" dialog for the "Test" project from its context menu
- "Details" dialog open
- Here is the description of the project, project elements and activity.
Open the "General" tab in Property Panel for project
- "General" tab is open
- The correct and actually information for all fields is displayed (Created, Created by)
Open the "Tables" tab in Property Panel for project
Open the "Connections" tab in Property Panel for project
- "Connections" tab is open
- Display all connections which are included in project
Open the "Queries" tab in Property Panel for project
Open the "Jobs" tab in Property Panel for project
Open the "Activity" tab in Property Panel for project
- "Activity" tab is open
- Display information about actual actions with project
Open the "Shared with" tab in Property Panel
Open the "Resources" tab in Property Panel
Open the "Notebooks" tab in Property Panel
Open the "Models" tab in Property Panel
- "Models" tab is open
- Display all models which are included in project
Open project "Test" (by double clicking or from context menu)
Open View | Workspace (
Alt + W
)- In it there is a tree of the project "Test" and the default project "Scratchpad"
Test all elements of the context menu of the "Test" project in the "Workspace" window
Expand tree of "Test" project in "Workspace" window
- Here are all the elements created in the project (tables, views, connections, queries, etc.)
Test the work of project elements. (open views, run queries, run jobs, etc.)
See also: