Gets R-groups of each molecule from input list in SMILES format around core.
Open smiles_mcs.csv file
Open "R-groups Analysis" dialog from Chem | R-groups Analysis
Click on "MCS" button
- In sketcher was drawn molecule structure, which corresponds to find MCS value
Execute "R-groups Analysis" dialog
- Column "R0" is added to table, which corresponds to R-group "R0"
Count MCS separately (or use context menu for "smiles" column, Chem | Find MCS)
Copy calculated MCS value from console (Tools | Console) to sketcher text field in "R-groups Analysis" dialog
- Molecule structure of described molecule smiles format was drawn in sketcher editor
Change value of "Column prefix" field to "test" and execute dialog
- Column "test0" is added to table, which corresponds to R-group "R0"
See also: