Molecular descriptor is the final result of a logic and mathematical procedure which transforms chemical information encoded within a symbolic representation of a molecule into a useful number or the result of some standardized experiment.
Open smiles.csv file
Click on "smiles" column
Open "Descriptors" dialog in "Active" tab on Property Panel (or use context menu for "smiles" column, Chem | Descriptors...)
- "Descriptors" dialog is open
Mark "EState VSA" group in the tree
- "EState VSA" group is marked in the tree
- "EState VSA" group is in bold
- Next to the group name is number of marked descriptors (21/21)
Expand "EState VSA" group
Deselect "EState_VSA1" descriptor
- "EState VSA" group is no longer shown marked in the tree
- "EState VSA" group remains bold
- Number of selected indicators is shown as (20/21)
Expand "Lipinski" group
Mark descriptors "FractionCSP3", "HeavyAtomCount" and "NHOHCount" in "Lipinski" group
- When descriptor is marked, "Lipinski" group is allocated with bold
- Number of selected descriptors changes next to group name
Execute dialog with previously specified parameters
- Status bar with progress is displayed
- Columns with selected descriptors added to table for each row
Open "Descriptors" dialog for "smiles" column
Select last entry from history
- 20 descriptors in "EState VSA" group and 3 descriptors of "Lipinski" group are marked
- "EState VSA" and "Lipinski" groups are bold and counter of selected descriptors is shown for each
Test non-functional modules (UI, help, navigation, console)
See also: