Developers can extend Datagrok with special visual components bound to data, which are called viewers. There are two major alternatives for developing viewers on Datagrok. The first one is JavaScript-based development, which lets you create interactive viewers via Datagrok JavaScript API. The second option would be utilizing visualizations available for popular programming languages, such as Python, R, or Julia. This implementation uses scripting internally, so the code runs on the server, which slightly affects interactivity. Nonetheless, both options are applicable and support the essential functionality, such as data filtering and selection.
Typically, development starts with package creation. Packages are convenient units for distributing content within the platform. Using them you can extend Datagrok with your widgets, applications, plugins, and more. Besides, scripting viewers must be part of a package in order to run their code in a separate environment.
Table of contents
Let's create an Awesome
viewer for your package. This can be done in two simple steps. First, we
need to define a subclass of JsViewer
in a separate file:
export class AwesomeViewer extends DG.JsViewer {
/* AwesomeViewer contents */
The naming convention assumes that you would add a Viewer
postfix for such a class. Once this
class is added, you can refer to it in the main JavaScript file of your package:
import {AwesomeViewer} from './awesome-viewer.js'
//name: AwesomeViewer
//description: Creates an awesome viewer
//tags: viewer
//output: viewer result
export function awesome() {
return new AwesomeViewer();
The annotated function above registers our viewer and makes it available on the platform.
Now we will start adding new functionality to this template. If you have datagrok-tools installed and want to follow along, you can obtain the starter code with these commands:
grok create AwesomePackage
grok add viewer AwesomeViewer
In case you are new to package development workflow, this article will get you started. Also, visit our JavaScript API Samples, there you can run this code snippet to get a simple working example right away and see how it functions within the platform. Finally, if you would like to explore the methods discussed in the article on your own, jump right to our JavaScript API documentation.
Just like regular npm
packages, Datagrok packages may have dependencies. Typically you would list
them in your package.json file and get them locally via npm install
For instance, we will use a JavaScript library called D3 to create a bar chart.
In this case, the dependencies
field will look as follows:
"dependencies": {
"datagrok-api": "latest",
"d3": "^6.2.0"
Some libraries, such as datagrok-api, are marked as external modules in a package's webpack configuration. This means that they will not be included in a bundle file of your package. The platform provides them in its environment, so if you use such a library, it will be taken from there.
First and foremost, let's take a look at how we can define properties of a viewer. They will include all the parameters you want users to be able to tweak from the UI in the property panel, be it data to display, a color scheme, or some numeric values. We need to set a couple of properties for our bar chart:
import {axisBottom, axisLeft, scaleBand, scaleLinear, select} from 'd3';
export class AwesomeViewer extends DG.JsViewer {
constructor() {
// Register properties and define fields initialized to properties' default values
// Properties that represent columns should end with the 'ColumnName' postfix
this.splitColumnName = this.string('splitColumnName', 'site');
this.valueColumnName ='valueColumnName', 'age');
// Provide a list of acceptable values in the field `choices`
this.valueAggrType = this.string('valueAggrType', 'avg', { choices: ['avg', 'count', 'sum'] });
this.color = this.string('color', 'steelblue', { choices: ['darkcyan', 'seagreen', 'steelblue'] });
this.initialized = false;
In the class constructor
, you can create properties of the following data types:
- integer number[, defaultValue, options])
- floating point number
this.float(propertyName[, defaultValue, options])
- string
this.string(propertyName[, defaultValue, options])
- string array
this.stringList(propertyName[, defaultValue, options])
- boolean value
this.bool(propertyName[, defaultValue, options])
- datetime
this.dateTime(propertyName[, defaultValue, options])
Follow the naming conventions for JavaScript variables (lowerCamelCase
will do). Certainly, the
names will be nicely displayed in the property panel: capitalized, with spaces between words (e.g.,
becomes Property
and propertyName
becomes Property Name
). But for them to appear
so, pay attention to the names you use in your code. Consistency in naming also ensures that
property values are updated correctly. When you set a value of a property, either as default or
within the class body as a result of assignment, the specified value appears next to the
corresponding property in UI. Then changing these values is up to users, and only correctly named
properties are synchronized.
Properties are divided into several main groups depending on their nature. Each group has a separate tab at the property panel. Here is a complete list of these groups and formal criteria determining whether a property belongs to one of them:
: data-related properties have theColumnName
: properties changing a color of visualization end withcolor
: settings controlling the axes contain the wordaxis
: properties modifying a legend start with thelegend
: properties belonging to this group havemargin
in their nameMarkers
: properties containingmarker
appear in this tabDescription
: properties should be namedtitle
: the rest of properties are placed under this tab
Some properties, such as stringList
and dateTime
, can only be used to represent columns and,
therefore, require the ColumnName
postfix. Let's proceed to our example. After defining the
properties, we specify additional chart settings, which will not appear in the property panel, and
initialize the viewer. The next step is to retrieve data for our visualization. This is typically
done in the onTableAttached
method where you can test if a viewer is applicable to the currently
open table, select the most relevant columns, and so on. However, as we already provided the default
column names, we use this method only to subscribe to events modifying the displayed data (selection
and filtering) and events that have impact on the visualization's size.
export class AwesomeViewer extends DG.JsViewer {
constructor() {...}
// Additional chart settings
init() {
this.margin = { top: 10, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 90 };
this.xScale = scaleLinear();
this.yScale = scaleBand(); = [];
this.initialized = true;
// Stream subscriptions
onTableAttached() {
this.subs.push(DG.debounce(this.dataFrame.selection.onChanged, 50).subscribe((_) => this.render()));
this.subs.push(DG.debounce(this.dataFrame.filter.onChanged, 50).subscribe((_) => this.render()));
this.subs.push(DG.debounce(ui.onSizeChanged(this.root), 50).subscribe((_) => this.render(false)));
// Cancel subscriptions when the viewer is detached
detach() {
this.subs.forEach(sub => sub.unsubscribe());
The properties of a viewer are updated automatically, however, the exact behavior can be adjusted or
completely overridden in the onPropertyChanged
method. For example, the following code will show a
message for users that choose a non-categorical, or rather non-string, column:
class AwesomeViewer extends DG.JsViewer {
constructor {...}
init {...}
onTableAttached {...}
detach {...}
// Override to handle property changes
onPropertyChanged(property) {
if (this.initialized) {
if ( === 'splitColumnName' &&
this.dataFrame.getCol(this.splitColumnName).type !== property.propertyType) {'Wrong property type');
When rendering a visualization, it is important to draw a distinction between cases when the underlying data changes and when it does not (e.g., resizing). To deal with this, it is common to introduce a parameter representing this state to the rendering method, or even split it into two separate methods. In our example, we follow the first approach and (re)compute the data unless stated otherwise:
class AwesomeViewer extends DG.JsViewer {
constructor {...}
init {...}
onTableAttached {...}
detach {...}
onPropertyChanged(property) {...}
render(computeData = true) {
if (computeData) {
// Empty the data array = 0;
// Apply aggregation solely to filtered rows
this.aggregatedTable = this.dataFrame
.add(this.valueAggrType, this.valueColumnName, 'result')
// Prepare datum objects for further processing
this.splitCol = this.aggregatedTable.getCol(this.splitColumnName);
this.valueCol = this.aggregatedTable.getCol('result');
for (let i = 0; i < this.aggregatedTable.rowCount; i++) {{
category: this.splitCol.get(i),
value: this.valueCol.get(i),
Sometimes it is better to double-check if the given data can possibly be rendered, just as with the
method, however, here we skip this step for simplicity.
The methods used for value aggregation and iteration over the dataframe deserve a subject of their own, so do examine these code snippets to gain a better understanding: aggregation, comparative performance of different approaches to iteration. Apart from that, data preparation largely depends on a particular JavaScript library you are working with, so we will leave this to your discretion.
The chosen library determines not only the form in which data should be presented, but also, to a much greater extent, how it will be drawn. Since we promised an awesome bar chart and its centerpiece is rendering, let's quickly see what it might look like:
class AwesomeViewer extends DG.JsViewer {
constructor {...}
init {...}
onTableAttached {...}
detach {...}
onPropertyChanged(property) {...}
render(computeData = true) {
if (computeData) {...}
// Get width and height to adjust the viewer's size
let width = this.root.parentElement.clientWidth;
let height = this.root.parentElement.clientHeight;
let innerWidth = width - this.margin.left - this.margin.right;
let innerHeight = height - - this.margin.bottom;
// Clear the root element and append a new `svg` to it
let svg = select(this.root).append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
let g = svg.append("g").attr("transform", `translate(${this.margin.left}, ${})`);
// Set the scales for X and Y axes
.domain([0, this.valueCol.max])
.range([0, innerWidth])
.domain( => d.category))
.range([0, innerHeight])
// Add the X and Y axes
let yAxis = g.append("g").call(axisLeft(this.yScale));
yAxis.selectAll(".domain, .tick line").remove();
let xAxis = g.append("g").call(axisBottom(this.xScale).tickSize(-innerHeight))
.attr("transform", `translate(0, ${innerHeight})`);
xAxis.selectAll(".tick line").attr("stroke", "#d4d4d4");".domain").remove();
// Create bars
let bars = g.append("g").selectAll("rect")
.attr("y", d => this.yScale(d.category))
.attr("width", d => this.xScale(d.value))
.attr("height", this.yScale.bandwidth())
.attr("fill", this.color);
With this admittedly large piece of code, our viewer is almost complete, all that remains is to add one final touch to it.
Datagrok makes working with browser events easy. For a start, you can make viewers more interactive by showing custom tooltips. Their content may be of any kind (see an example). For instance, there are special tooltips for elements that represent multiple rows in a dataframe. Let's add them to our bars:
class AwesomeViewer extends DG.JsViewer {
constructor {...}
init {...}
onTableAttached {...}
detach {...}
onPropertyChanged(property) {...}
render(computeData = true) {
// {...}
// Add event handlers
.on('mouseover', (event, d) => ui.tooltip.showRowGroup(this.dataFrame, i => {
return d.category === this.dataFrame.getCol(this.splitColumnName).get(i);
}, event.x, event.y))
.on('mouseout', () => ui.tooltip.hide())
.on('mousedown', (event, d) => {
this.dataFrame.selection.handleClick(i => {
return d.category === this.dataFrame.getCol(this.splitColumnName).get(i);
}, event);
With these tooltips, users will immediately see the rows that match pre-defined criteria, e.g. rows
containing the corresponding category, and will be able to select them on click (pay attention to
the handleClick
function in the example). Plus, other open viewers will highlight the elements
that represent the respective row group as you move the mouse pointer over the current viewer (you
don't need to configure anything, read more about Datagrok's efficient visualizations
here). This also works the other way around: you can show a selected
portion of the data in your viewer. To do that, you need to know which rows the user selected so
that you can narrow the data set for rendering accordingly. And this is fairly simple: the method
gives you exactly the data you need.
Simple as that! Let's add a function to package.js
to invoke our viewer on test data:
//name: showChart
export function showChart() {'AwesomeViewer');
Now run AwesomePackage:showChart()
and explore all the features our viewer has, and customize it further if you like.
People keen on creating visualizations in popular data science languages can bring this
functionality to the platform in a form of scripting viewers. To illustrate that, let's
redesign the bar chart written in JavaScript in the previous steps. Make a new folder in
your package and name it scripts
. Then add a new file with .py
extension to it and
paste the following script:
#name: Bar chart
#language: python
#tags: demo, viewers
#input: dataframe df
#input: column splitColumnName {type: categorical}
#input: column valueColumnName {type: numerical}
#input: string valueAggrType = mean {choices: ["mean", "count", "sum"]}
#input: string color = steelblue {choices: ["darkcyan", "seagreen", "steelblue"]}
#output: graphics
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df.groupby([splitColumnName]) \
.agg({valueColumnName: valueAggrType}) \
.plot.barh(color=color, legend=False)
This is how a scripting viewer might look in Python. As with regular scripts, we
start by annotating parameters in the header. The viewers
tag implies that this script generates a
visualization and can be used for search in Script Browser.
Then come the input parameters similar to the ones we provided in the JavaScript viewer's properties.
Notice that the names follow the same convention with camelCase
and the ColumnName
suffix. This
has to do with their appearance in the property panel. In this respect, scripting viewers have an
interesting feature — the platform provides a set of properties in addition to the defined ones:
Refresh on Filter
binds the visualization with the standard filters (true by default)Title
places a caption on topDescription
adds a text where one can give more detailsDescription Position
: left, right, top, bottom, centerDescription Visibility Mode
: auto, always, never
In terms of annotation, there are certain syntax constructs worthy of note:
- default values are set via assignment
string color = steelblue
- column properties have a type selector (indicating the type will guarantee a sane initial value and tailor the contents of the drop-down list to match the type). Supported types include numerical, categorical, dateTime
- for string properties,
{choices: ["mean", "count", "sum"]}
lists possible options
This kind of annotation is typical for scripts, so refer to the dedicated article
for further explanation. The last parameter to mention is the output: scripting viewers must return
object. To see the produced bar chart, modify the showChart
function, publish your
package and run AwesomePackage:showChart()
from the console:
//name: showChart
export async function showChart() {;
Now let's invoke the viewer from the interface. Add the dataset we are working on to the header parameters:
# Sample: demog.csv
Scripts with specified sample files have an extra Star
icon in the top menu, which finds and opens
these files. Proceed to the Script Browser and
find your chart there. Now if you open the script and hit the icon (or use any other open table
instead), the code can be executed on the data. Tweak the input parameters in a dialog, if you like,
and run your script. As a result, you will see a table view with your bar chart pinned to the right.
Tagging scripts or functions as viewers
registers them within the platform. Registering a viewer
makes it available in the top menu and enables common viewer operations, such as cloning, docking,
embedding, and switching to full screen mode. This also means that users can persist this viewer as
part of a project.
From a developer's point of view, there are two ways to register a viewer. Here is the one we have seen earlier:
import {AwesomeViewer} from './awesome-viewer.js'
//name: AwesomeViewer
//description: Creates an awesome viewer
//tags: viewer
//output: viewer result
export function awesome() {
return new AwesomeViewer();
The above way is typically preferred. There is also a less common form:'AwesomeViewer', 'Creates an awesome viewer', () => new AwesomeViewer());
The registerViewer
method performs dynamic registration at runtime. Check out this
example to see it in action.
This way works from a package, but is rarely used there. Call registerViewer
in cases where you need to
get a registered viewer instance synchronously within your package code. The regular version with function
annotation returns a viewer asynchronously on the client, as the containing package should be loaded first.
Read more on these nuances here. If you need to register a viewer with the second
method, here is an example of doing it in a package:
import {AwesomeViewer} from './awesome-viewer.js'
//tags: autostart
export function initPackage() {'AwesomeViewer', 'Creates an awesome viewer', () => new AwesomeViewer());
The autostart
function prompts the package to initialize,
which is why a viewer can be obtained synchronously.
You can find more inspiring examples in our public repository:
JavaScript-based viewers:
Scripting viewers (R, Python, Julia):
- ChaRPy: translates a Datagrok viewer to Python and R code using scripting viewers for the respective programming languages
- JuliaScripts: demonstrates the scripting functionality for Julia
- PythonScripts: contains Python scripts for a number of applications, ranging from plotting to computer vision
- RScripts: offers a variety of R visualizations
Most of these scripts are also available by the
tag in the script browser:
See also: