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Parameterized queries

A parameterized query is a query with one or more parameters. When the query is executed from the UI, a user is prompted to enter parameters. It is also possible to run a query programmatically with the specified parameters (see this code snippet). See how it works in this video.

Creating a parameterized query

To create a parameterized query, open Data | Databases, right-click on a connection, and select Add query.... After that, annotate parameters in the query header in using SQL/Sparql comments: -- for SQL, and # for Sparql.

Here is an example of a simple SQL query that defines a productName input parameter:

--input: string productName
select * from products where productname = @productName


The syntax for defining query parameters is based on scripting with additions specific to queries.

Query parameters

Parameter Description
name Name
friendlyName Friendly name
description Description
help Help URL
tags Tags
input An input parameter
output An output parameter

All parameters are optional.

Input parameters

input format template

The following format is used for query input parameters:

--input: <type> <name> = <value> {<option>: <value>; ...} [<description>]  

Supported types

Is one of:

  • int – integer scalar
  • double – float scalar
  • bool – boolean scalar
  • string – string
  • datetimeDateTime
  • list<T> — a list of type T (currently string is supported)
Using lists in queries

To use lists as inputs to the queries, consider the following transformation:

  • Specify list<T> as a type of a parameter p, T is the type of list elements
  • Wrap the use of p inside the SQL query into = ANY operator: = ANY(p), or a similar operator with an alternative selection of the comparison type, such as >= ANY or < ANY

For example, here is how we can transform a query to northwind taking a single string parameter for a country:

--input: string country
select * from customers where country = @country

into a query taking a comma-separated list of countries:

--input: list<string> countries
select * from customers where country = ANY(@countries)

Learn more about using the lists feature in this video: link.

Choices and suggestions

Options for supported types are described in the Scripting section.

Option Description
choices A comma-separated list of values, a name of the query, or the actual SQL query
suggestions Name of the query to be called to generate suggestion as the user types the value


--input: string shipCountry = France {choices: ['France', 'Italy', 'Germany']}
--input: string shipCountry = France {choices: Query("SELECT DISTINCT shipCountry FROM Orders")}
--input: string shipCountry = France {choices: Demo:northwind:countries}
--input: string shipCountry = France {suggestions: Demo:northwind:countries}

Re-using input parameters

It's possible to re-use one or more existing input parameters as values inside parameters' choices queries:

--input: string firstLetter = F
--input: string shipCountry = France {choices: Query("SELECT DISTINCT shipCountry FROM Orders WHERE shipCountry LIKE @firstLetter || '%')}
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE (shipCountry = @shipCountry)

This is handy for queries with hierarchical choices, where each following parameter is dependent on the previous.


Sometimes users need to enter the filtering criteria as free text. On a server side, this query would be parsed and safely transformed to a proper SQL clause. Check out search patterns for more details.

To use the feature, the input type has to be string, since the user will be entering a free-text query, and the actual data type should be put in the pattern option. In the dependent query, a reference @<patternName>(columnName) should be used to specify a pattern that will be evaluated against the specified column. In the example below, @freightValue(freight) will be transformed into freight > 200.0 if a value for freightValue is specified as > 200.0:

--input: string freightValue = >= 10.0 {pattern: double}
select * from Orders where @freightValue(freight)

A datetime type is supported as well:

--input: string orderDate = after 1/1/1995 {pattern: datetime}
select * from orders where @orderDate(orderDate)

Patterns summary

Type Value Description or Example
num, int, double = = 100
> > 1.02
>= >= 4.1
< < 5
<= <= 2
in in (1, 3, 10.2)
min-max Range: 1.5-10.0
string contains contains ea
starts with starts with R
ends with ends with w
regex regex 1(\w+)1
in in (ab, "c d", "e\\"f\\"")
datetime anytime
this week
this month
this year
last week
last month
last year
before before July 1984
after after March 2001
min-max Range: 1941-1945

Output parameters

A dataframe is returned by default as a query result. If you plan to obtain a value of a different data type (for instance, in your JavaScript code), you can explicitly specify it in the output parameter. Below is an example from Chembl package:

--output: string smiles {semType: Molecule}

The query with such header parameter will output a string of the semantic type Molecule.


Here is an example of the parameterized query applicable to the "Northwind" database:

--input: int employeeId = 5
--input: string shipVia = = 3 {pattern: int}
--input: double freight = 10.0
--input: string shipCountry = France {choices: Query("SELECT DISTINCT shipCountry FROM Orders")}
--input: string shipCity = starts with r {pattern: string}
--input: bool freightLess1000 = true
--input: datetime requiredDate = 1/1/1995
--input: string orderDate = after 1/1/1995 {pattern: datetime}
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE (employeeId = @employeeId)
    AND (freight >= @freight)
    AND @shipVia(shipVia)
    AND ((freight < 1000) OR NOT @freightLess1000)
    AND (shipCountry = @shipCountry)
    AND @shipCity(shipCity)
    AND @orderDate(orderDate)
    AND (requiredDate >= @requiredDate)

Run it on Datagrok: link.

When this query is run, the following dialog with the auto-generated inputs appears. Note that inputs marked as patterns allow users to enter expressions like "> 5" for numbers, "after 2019" for dates, and "starts with r" for strings.

Behind the scenes, Datagrok will parse the free-text query and execute a parameterized, safe, provider-specific SQL query on the backend.


Parameterized queries

YouTube: Datagrok database parameterized queries

See also: