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this.attributes[attr] : null; - }; - SvgNode.prototype.getElementById = function(id) { - let result = null; - (function recursive(node) { - if (result) {return;} - if (node.nodeType === 1) { - if (node.id === id) {result = node;} - for (let i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { - recursive(node.childNodes[i]); - } - } - })(this); - return result; - }; - SvgNode.prototype.getElementsByTagName = function(tag) { - let result = []; - (function recursive(node) { - if (node.nodeType === 1) { - if (node.nodeName === tag) {result.push(node);} - for (let i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { - recursive(node.childNodes[i]); - } - } - })(this); - return result; - }; - let parser = new StringParser(xml.trim()), result, child, error = false; - let recursive = function() { - let temp, child; - if (temp = parser.match(/^<([\w:.-]+)\s*/, true)) { // Opening tag - let node = new SvgNode(temp[1], 1, null, error); - while (temp = parser.match(/^([\w:.-]+)(?:\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"|\s*=\s*'([^']*)')?\s*/, true)) { // Attribute - let attr = temp[1], value = decodeEntities(temp[2] || temp[3] || ''); - if (!node.attributes[attr]) { - node.attributes[attr] = value; - if (attr === 'id') {node.id = value;} - if (attr === 'class') {node.classList = value.split(' ');} - } else { - warningCallback('parseXml: duplicate attribute "' + attr + '"'); - error = true; - } - } - if (parser.match(/^>/)) { // End of opening tag - while (child = recursive()) { - node.childNodes.push(child); - child.parentNode = node; - node.textContent += (child.nodeType === 3 || child.nodeType === 4 ? child.nodeValue : child.textContent); - } - if (temp = parser.match(/^<\/([\w:.-]+)\s*>/, true)) { // Closing tag - if (temp[1] === node.nodeName) { - return node; - } else { - warningCallback('parseXml: tag not matching, opening "' + node.nodeName + '" & closing "' + temp[1] + '"'); - error = true; - return node; - } - } else { - warningCallback('parseXml: tag not matching, opening "' + node.nodeName + '" & not closing'); - error = true; - return node; - } - } else if (parser.match(/^\/>/)) { // Self-closing tag - return node; - } else { - warningCallback('parseXml: tag could not be parsed "' + node.nodeName + '"'); - error = true; - } - } else if (temp = parser.match(/^/)) { // Comment - return new SvgNode(null, 8, temp, error); - } else if (temp = parser.match(/^<\?[\s\S]*?\?>/)) { // Processing instructions - return new SvgNode(null, 7, temp, error); - } else if (temp = parser.match(/^/)) { // Doctype - return new SvgNode(null, 10, temp, error); - } else if (temp = parser.match(/^/, true)) { // Cdata node - return new SvgNode('#cdata-section', 4, temp[1], error); - } else if (temp = parser.match(/^([^<]+)/, true)) { // Text node - return new SvgNode('#text', 3, decodeEntities(temp[1]), error); - } - }; - while (child = recursive()) { - if (child.nodeType === 1 && !result) { - result = child; - } else if (child.nodeType === 1 || (child.nodeType === 3 && child.nodeValue.trim() !== '')) { - warningCallback('parseXml: data after document end has been discarded'); - } - } - if (parser.matchAll()) { - warningCallback('parseXml: parsing error'); - } - return result; - }; - function decodeEntities(str) { - return(str.replace(/&(?:#([0-9]+)|#[xX]([0-9A-Fa-f]+)|([0-9A-Za-z]+));/g, function(mt, m0, m1, m2) { - if (m0) {return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(m0, 10));} - else if (m1) {return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(m1, 16));} - else if (m2 && Entities[m2]) {return String.fromCharCode(Entities[m2]);} - else {return mt;} - })); - } - function parseColor(raw) { - let temp, result; - raw = (raw || '').trim(); - if (temp = NamedColors[raw]) { - result = [temp.slice(), 1]; - } else if (temp = raw.match(/^rgba\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9.]+)\s*\)$/i)) { - temp[1] = parseInt(temp[1]); temp[2] = parseInt(temp[2]); temp[3] = parseInt(temp[3]); temp[4] = parseFloat(temp[4]); - if (temp[1] < 256 && temp[2] < 256 && temp[3] < 256 && temp[4] <= 1) { - result = [temp.slice(1, 4), temp[4]]; - } - } else if (temp = raw.match(/^rgb\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)$/i)) { - temp[1] = parseInt(temp[1]); temp[2] = parseInt(temp[2]); temp[3] = parseInt(temp[3]); - if (temp[1] < 256 && temp[2] < 256 && temp[3] < 256) { - result = [temp.slice(1, 4), 1]; - } - } else if (temp = raw.match(/^rgb\(\s*([0-9.]+)%\s*,\s*([0-9.]+)%\s*,\s*([0-9.]+)%\s*\)$/i)) { - temp[1] = 2.55 * parseFloat(temp[1]); temp[2] = 2.55 * parseFloat(temp[2]); temp[3] = 2.55 * parseFloat(temp[3]); - if (temp[1] < 256 && temp[2] < 256 && temp[3] < 256) { - result = [temp.slice(1, 4), 1]; - } - } else if (temp = raw.match(/^#([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})$/i)) { - result = [[parseInt(temp[1], 16), parseInt(temp[2], 16), parseInt(temp[3], 16)], 1]; - } else if (temp = raw.match(/^#([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])$/i)) { - result = [[0x11 * parseInt(temp[1], 16), 0x11 * parseInt(temp[2], 16), 0x11 * parseInt(temp[3], 16)], 1]; - } - return colorCallback ? colorCallback(result, raw) : result; - } - function opacityToColor(color, opacity, isMask) { - let newColor = color[0].slice(), - newOpacity = color[1] * opacity; - if (isMask) { - for (let i = 0; i < color.length; i++) { - newColor[i] *= newOpacity; - } - return [newColor, 1]; - } else { - return [newColor, newOpacity]; - } - } - function multiplyMatrix() { - function multiply(a, b) { - return [ a[0]*b[0]+a[2]*b[1], a[1]*b[0]+a[3]*b[1], a[0]*b[2]+a[2]*b[3], - a[1]*b[2]+a[3]*b[3], a[0]*b[4]+a[2]*b[5]+a[4], a[1]*b[4]+a[3]*b[5]+a[5] ]; - } - let result = arguments[0]; - for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { - result = multiply(result, arguments[i]); - } - return result; - } - function transformPoint(p, m) { - return [m[0] * p[0] + m[2] * p[1] + m[4], m[1] * p[0] + m[3] * p[1] + m[5]]; - } - function getGlobalMatrix() { - let ctm = doc._ctm; - for (let i = groupStack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - ctm = multiplyMatrix(groupStack[i].savedMatrix, ctm); - } - return ctm; - } - function getPageBBox() { - return new SvgShape().M(0, 0).L(doc.page.width, 0).L(doc.page.width, doc.page.height).L(0, doc.page.height) - .transform(inverseMatrix(getGlobalMatrix())).getBoundingBox(); - } - function inverseMatrix(m) { - let dt = m[0] * m[3] - m[1] * m[2]; - return [m[3] / dt, -m[1] / dt, -m[2] / dt, m[0] / dt, (m[2]*m[5] - m[3]*m[4]) / dt, (m[1]*m[4] - m[0]*m[5]) / dt]; - } - function validateMatrix(m) { - let m0 = validateNumber(m[0]), m1 = validateNumber(m[1]), m2 = validateNumber(m[2]), - m3 = validateNumber(m[3]), m4 = validateNumber(m[4]), m5 = validateNumber(m[5]); - if (isNotEqual(m0 * m3 - m1 * m2, 0)) { - return [m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5]; - } - } - function solveEquation(curve) { - let a = curve[2] || 0, b = curve[1] || 0, c = curve[0] || 0; - if (isEqual(a, 0) && isEqual(b, 0)) { - return []; - } else if (isEqual(a, 0)) { - return [(-c) / b]; - } else { - let d = b * b - 4 * a * c; - if (isNotEqual(d, 0) && d > 0) { - return [(-b + Math.sqrt(d)) / (2 * a), (-b - Math.sqrt(d)) / (2 * a)]; - } else if (isEqual(d, 0)) { - return [(-b) / (2 * a)]; - } else { - return []; - } - } - } - function getCurveValue(t, curve) { - return (curve[0] || 0) + (curve[1] || 0) * t + (curve[2] || 0) * t * t + (curve[3] || 0) * t * t * t; - } - function isEqual(number, ref) { - return Math.abs(number - ref) < 1e-10; - } - function isNotEqual(number, ref) { - return Math.abs(number - ref) >= 1e-10; - } - function validateNumber(n) { - return n > -1e21 && n < 1e21 ? Math.round(n * 1e6) / 1e6 : 0; - } - function isArrayLike(v) { - return typeof v === 'object' && v !== null && typeof v.length === 'number'; - } - function parseTranform(v) { - let parser = new StringParser((v || '').trim()), result = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], temp; - while (temp = parser.match(/^([A-Za-z]+)\s*[(]([^(]+)[)]/, true)) { - let func = temp[1], nums = [], parser2 = new StringParser(temp[2].trim()), temp2; - while (temp2 = parser2.matchNumber()) { - nums.push(Number(temp2)); - parser2.matchSeparator(); - } - if (func === 'matrix' && nums.length === 6) { - result = multiplyMatrix(result, [nums[0], nums[1], nums[2], nums[3], nums[4], nums[5]]); - } else if (func === 'translate' && nums.length === 2) { - result = multiplyMatrix(result, [1, 0, 0, 1, nums[0], nums[1]]); - } else if (func === 'translate' && nums.length === 1) { - result = multiplyMatrix(result, [1, 0, 0, 1, nums[0], 0]); - } else if (func === 'scale' && nums.length === 2) { - result = multiplyMatrix(result, [nums[0], 0, 0, nums[1], 0, 0]); - } else if (func === 'scale' && nums.length === 1) { - result = multiplyMatrix(result, [nums[0], 0, 0, nums[0], 0, 0]); - } else if (func === 'rotate' && nums.length === 3) { - let a = nums[0] * Math.PI / 180; - result = multiplyMatrix(result, [1, 0, 0, 1, nums[1], nums[2]], [Math.cos(a), Math.sin(a), -Math.sin(a), Math.cos(a), 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1, -nums[1], -nums[2]]); - } else if (func === 'rotate' && nums.length === 1) { - let a = nums[0] * Math.PI / 180; - result = multiplyMatrix(result, [Math.cos(a), Math.sin(a), -Math.sin(a), Math.cos(a), 0, 0]); - } else if (func === 'skewX' && nums.length === 1) { - let a = nums[0] * Math.PI / 180; - result = multiplyMatrix(result, [1, 0, Math.tan(a), 1, 0, 0]); - } else if (func === 'skewY' && nums.length === 1) { - let a = nums[0] * Math.PI / 180; - result = multiplyMatrix(result, [1, Math.tan(a), 0, 1, 0, 0]); - } else {return;} - parser.matchSeparator(); - } - if (parser.matchAll()) {return;} - return result; - } - function parseAspectRatio(aspectRatio, availWidth, availHeight, elemWidth, elemHeight, initAlign) { - let temp = (aspectRatio || '').trim().match(/^(none)$|^x(Min|Mid|Max)Y(Min|Mid|Max)(?:\s+(meet|slice))?$/) || [], - ratioType = temp[1] || temp[4] || 'meet', - xAlign = temp[2] || 'Mid', - yAlign = temp[3] || 'Mid', - scaleX = availWidth / elemWidth, - scaleY = availHeight / elemHeight, - dx = {'Min':0, 'Mid':0.5, 'Max':1}[xAlign] - (initAlign || 0), - dy = {'Min':0, 'Mid':0.5, 'Max':1}[yAlign] - (initAlign || 0); - if (ratioType === 'slice') { - scaleY = scaleX = Math.max(scaleX, scaleY); - } else if (ratioType === 'meet') { - scaleY = scaleX = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY); - } - return [scaleX, 0, 0, scaleY, dx * (availWidth - elemWidth * scaleX), dy * (availHeight - elemHeight * scaleY)]; - } - function parseStyleAttr(v) { - let result = Object.create(null); - v = (v || '').trim().split(/;/); - for (let i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { - let key = (v[i].split(':')[0] || '').trim(), - value = (v[i].split(':')[1] || '').trim(); - if (key) { - result[key] = value; - } - } - if (result['marker']) { - if (!result['marker-start']) {result['marker-start'] = result['marker'];} - if (!result['marker-mid']) {result['marker-mid'] = result['marker'];} - if (!result['marker-end']) {result['marker-end'] = result['marker'];} - } - if (result['font']) { - let fontFamily = null, fontSize = null, fontStyle = "normal", fontWeight = "normal", fontVariant = "normal"; - let parts = result['font'].split(/\s+/); - for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { - switch (parts[i]) { - case "normal": - break; - case "italic": case "oblique": - fontStyle = parts[i]; - break; - case "small-caps": - fontVariant = parts[i]; - break; - case "bold": case "bolder": case "lighter": case "100": case "200": case "300": - case "400": case "500": case "600": case "700": case "800": case "900": - fontWeight = parts[i]; - break; - default: - if (!fontSize) { - fontSize = parts[i].split('/')[0]; - } else { - if (!fontFamily) { - fontFamily = parts[i]; - } else { - fontFamily += ' ' + parts[i]; - } - } - break; - } - } - if (!result['font-style']) {result['font-style'] = fontStyle;} - if (!result['font-variant']) {result['font-variant'] = fontVariant;} - if (!result['font-weight']) {result['font-weight'] = fontWeight;} - if (!result['font-size']) {result['font-size'] = fontSize;} - if (!result['font-family']) {result['font-family'] = fontFamily;} - } - return result; - } - function parseSelector(v) { - let parts = v.split(/(?=[.#])/g), ids = [], classes = [], tags = [], temp; - for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { - if (temp = parts[i].match(/^[#]([_A-Za-z0-9-]+)$/)) { - ids.push(temp[1]); - } else if (temp = parts[i].match(/^[.]([_A-Za-z0-9-]+)$/)) { - classes.push(temp[1]); - } else if (temp = parts[i].match(/^([_A-Za-z0-9-]+)$/)) { - tags.push(temp[1]); - } else if (parts[i] !== '*') { - return; - } - } - return { - tags: tags, ids: ids, classes: classes, - specificity: ids.length * 10000 + classes.length * 100 + tags.length - }; - } - function parseStyleSheet(v) { - let parser = new StringParser(v.trim()), rules = [], rule; - while (rule = parser.match(/^\s*([^\{\}]*?)\s*\{([^\{\}]*?)\}/, true)) { - let selectors = rule[1].split(/\s*,\s*/g), - css = parseStyleAttr(rule[2]); - for (let i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) { - let selector = parseSelector(selectors[i]); - if (selector) { - rules.push({selector: selector, css:css}); - } - } - } - return rules; - } - function matchesSelector(elem, selector) { - if (elem.nodeType !== 1) {return false;} - for (let i = 0; i < selector.tags.length; i++) { - if (selector.tags[i] !== elem.nodeName) {return false;} - } - for (let i = 0; i < selector.ids.length; i++) { - if (selector.ids[i] !== elem.id) {return false;} - } - for (let i = 0; i < selector.classes.length; i++) { - if (elem.classList.indexOf(selector.classes[i]) === -1) {return false;} - } - return true; - } - function getStyle(elem) { - let result = Object.create(null); - let specificities = Object.create(null); - for (let i = 0; i < styleRules.length; i++) { - let rule = styleRules[i]; - if (matchesSelector(elem, rule.selector)) { - for (let key in rule.css) { - if (!(specificities[key] > rule.selector.specificity)) { - result[key] = rule.css[key]; - specificities[key] = rule.selector.specificity; - } - } - } - } - return result; - } - function combineArrays(array1, array2) { - return array1.concat(array2.slice(array1.length)); - } - function getAscent(font, size) { - return Math.max(font.ascender, (font.bbox[3] || font.bbox.maxY) * (font.scale || 1)) * size / 1000; - } - function getDescent(font, size) { - return Math.min(font.descender, (font.bbox[1] || font.bbox.minY) * (font.scale || 1)) * size / 1000; - } - function getXHeight(font, size) { - return (font.xHeight || 0.5 * (font.ascender - font.descender)) * size / 1000; - } - function getBaseline(font, size, baseline, shift) { - let dy1, dy2; - switch (baseline) { - case 'middle': dy1 = 0.5 * getXHeight(font, size); break; - case 'central': dy1 = 0.5 * (getDescent(font, size) + getAscent(font, size)); break; - case 'after-edge': case 'text-after-edge': dy1 = getDescent(font, size); break; - case 'alphabetic': case 'auto': case 'baseline': dy1 = 0; break; - case 'mathematical': dy1 = 0.5 * getAscent(font, size); break; - case 'hanging': dy1 = 0.8 * getAscent(font, size); break; - case 'before-edge': case 'text-before-edge': dy1 = getAscent(font, size); break; - default: dy1 = 0; break; - } - switch (shift) { - case 'baseline': dy2 = 0; break; - case 'super': dy2 = 0.6 * size; break; - case 'sub': dy2 = -0.6 * size; break; - default: dy2 = shift; break; - } - return dy1 - dy2; - } - function getTextPos(font, size, text) { - let encoded = font.encode('' + text), hex = encoded[0], pos = encoded[1], data = []; - for (let i = 0; i < hex.length; i++) { - let unicode = font.unicode ? font.unicode[parseInt(hex[i], 16)] : [text.charCodeAt(i)]; - data.push({ - glyph: hex[i], - unicode: unicode, - width: pos[i].advanceWidth * size / 1000, - xOffset: pos[i].xOffset * size / 1000, - yOffset: pos[i].yOffset * size / 1000, - xAdvance: pos[i].xAdvance * size / 1000, - yAdvance: pos[i].yAdvance * size / 1000 - }); - } - return data; - } - function createSVGElement(obj, inherits) { - switch (obj.nodeName) { - case 'use': return new SvgElemUse(obj, inherits); - case 'symbol': return new SvgElemSymbol(obj, inherits); - case 'g': return new SvgElemGroup(obj, inherits); - case 'a': return new SvgElemLink(obj, inherits); - case 'svg': return new SvgElemSvg(obj, inherits); - case 'image': return new SVGElemImage(obj, inherits); - case 'rect': return new SvgElemRect(obj, inherits); - case 'circle': return new SvgElemCircle(obj, inherits); - case 'ellipse': return new SvgElemEllipse(obj, inherits); - case 'line': return new SvgElemLine(obj, inherits); - case 'polyline': return new SvgElemPolyline(obj, inherits); - case 'polygon': return new SvgElemPolygon(obj, inherits); - case 'path': return new SvgElemPath(obj, inherits); - case 'text': return new SvgElemText(obj, inherits); - case 'tspan': return new SvgElemTspan(obj, inherits); - case 'textPath': return new SvgElemTextPath(obj, inherits); - case '#text': case '#cdata-section': return new SvgElemTextNode(obj, inherits); - default: return new SvgElem(obj, inherits); - } - } - - var StringParser = function(str) { - this.match = function(exp, all) { - let temp = str.match(exp); - if (!temp || temp.index !== 0) {return;} - str = str.substring(temp[0].length); - return (all ? temp : temp[0]); - }; - this.matchSeparator = function() { - return this.match(/^(?:\s*,\s*|\s*|)/); - }; - this.matchSpace = function() { - return this.match(/^(?:\s*)/); - }; - this.matchLengthUnit = function() { - return this.match(/^(?:px|pt|cm|mm|in|pc|em|ex|%|)/); - }; - this.matchNumber = function() { - return this.match(/^(?:[-+]?(?:[0-9]+[.][0-9]+|[0-9]+[.]|[.][0-9]+|[0-9]+)(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)/); - }; - this.matchAll = function() { - return this.match(/^[\s\S]+/); - }; - }; - - var BezierSegment = function(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y) { - let divisions = 6 * precision; - let equationX = [p1x, -3 * p1x + 3 * c1x, 3 * p1x - 6 * c1x + 3 * c2x, -p1x + 3 * c1x - 3 * c2x + p2x]; - let equationY = [p1y, -3 * p1y + 3 * c1y, 3 * p1y - 6 * c1y + 3 * c2y, -p1y + 3 * c1y - 3 * c2y + p2y]; - let derivativeX = [-3 * p1x + 3 * c1x, 6 * p1x - 12 * c1x + 6 * c2x, -3 * p1x + 9 * c1x - 9 * c2x + 3 * p2x]; - let derivativeY = [-3 * p1y + 3 * c1y, 6 * p1y - 12 * c1y + 6 * c2y, -3 * p1y + 9 * c1y - 9 * c2y + 3 * p2y]; - let lengthMap = [0]; - for (let i = 1; i <= divisions; i++) { - let t = (i - 0.5) / divisions; - let dx = getCurveValue(t, derivativeX) / divisions, - dy = getCurveValue(t, derivativeY) / divisions, - l = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); - lengthMap[i] = lengthMap[i - 1] + l; - } - this.totalLength = lengthMap[divisions]; - this.startPoint = [p1x, p1y, isEqual(p1x, c1x) && isEqual(p1y, c1y) ? Math.atan2(c2y - c1y, c2x - c1x) : Math.atan2(c1y - p1y, c1x - p1x)]; - this.endPoint = [p2x, p2y, isEqual(c2x, p2x) && isEqual(c2y, p2y) ? Math.atan2(c2y - c1y, c2x - c1x) : Math.atan2(p2y - c2y, p2x - c2x)]; - this.getBoundingBox = function() { - let temp; - let minX = getCurveValue(0, equationX), minY = getCurveValue(0, equationY), - maxX = getCurveValue(1, equationX), maxY = getCurveValue(1, equationY); - if (minX > maxX) {temp = maxX; maxX = minX; minX = temp;} - if (minY > maxY) {temp = maxY; maxY = minY; minY = temp;} - let rootsX = solveEquation(derivativeX); - for (let i = 0; i < rootsX.length; i++) { - if (rootsX[i] >= 0 && rootsX[i] <= 1) { - let x = getCurveValue(rootsX[i], equationX); - if (x < minX) {minX = x;} - if (x > maxX) {maxX = x;} - } - } - let rootsY = solveEquation(derivativeY); - for (let i = 0; i < rootsY.length; i++) { - if (rootsY[i] >= 0 && rootsY[i] <= 1) { - let y = getCurveValue(rootsY[i], equationY); - if (y < minY) {minY = y;} - if (y > maxY) {maxY = y;} - } - } - return [minX, minY, maxX, maxY]; - }; - this.getPointAtLength = function(l) { - if (isEqual(l, 0)) {return this.startPoint;} - if (isEqual(l, this.totalLength)) {return this.endPoint;} - if (l < 0 || l > this.totalLength) {return;} - for (let i = 1; i <= divisions; i++) { - let l1 = lengthMap[i-1], l2 = lengthMap[i]; - if (l1 <= l && l <= l2) { - let t = (i - (l2 - l) / (l2 - l1)) / divisions, - x = getCurveValue(t, equationX), y = getCurveValue(t, equationY), - dx = getCurveValue(t, derivativeX), dy = getCurveValue(t, derivativeY); - return [x, y, Math.atan2(dy, dx)]; - } - } - }; - }; - - var LineSegment = function(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) { - this.totalLength = Math.sqrt((p2x - p1x) * (p2x - p1x) + (p2y - p1y) * (p2y - p1y)); - this.startPoint = [p1x, p1y, Math.atan2(p2y - p1y, p2x - p1x)]; - this.endPoint = [p2x, p2y, Math.atan2(p2y - p1y, p2x - p1x)]; - this.getBoundingBox = function() { - return [Math.min(this.startPoint[0], this.endPoint[0]), Math.min(this.startPoint[1], this.endPoint[1]), - Math.max(this.startPoint[0], this.endPoint[0]), Math.max(this.startPoint[1], this.endPoint[1])]; - }; - this.getPointAtLength = function(l) { - if (l >= 0 && l <= this.totalLength) { - let r = l / this.totalLength || 0, - x = this.startPoint[0] + r * (this.endPoint[0] - this.startPoint[0]), - y = this.startPoint[1] + r * (this.endPoint[1] - this.startPoint[1]); - return [x, y, this.startPoint[2]]; - } - }; - }; - - var SvgShape = function() { - this.pathCommands = []; - this.pathSegments = []; - this.startPoint = null; - this.endPoint = null; - this.totalLength = 0; - let startX = 0, startY = 0, currX = 0, currY = 0, lastCom, lastCtrlX, lastCtrlY; - this.move = function(x, y) { - startX = currX = x; startY = currY = y; - return null; - }; - this.line = function(x, y) { - let segment = new LineSegment(currX, currY, x, y); - currX = x; currY = y; - return segment; - }; - this.curve = function(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y) { - let segment = new BezierSegment(currX, currY, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y); - currX = x; currY = y; - return segment; - }; - this.close = function() { - let segment = new LineSegment(currX, currY, startX, startY); - currX = startX; currY = startY; - return segment; - }; - this.addCommand = function(data) { - this.pathCommands.push(data); - let segment = this[data[0]].apply(this, data.slice(3)); - if (segment) { - segment.hasStart = data[1]; - segment.hasEnd = data[2]; - this.startPoint = this.startPoint || segment.startPoint; - this.endPoint = segment.endPoint; - this.pathSegments.push(segment); - this.totalLength += segment.totalLength; - } - }; - this.M = function(x, y) { - this.addCommand(['move', true, true, x, y]); - lastCom = 'M'; - return this; - }; - this.m = function(x, y) { - return this.M(currX + x, currY + y); - }; - this.Z = this.z = function() { - this.addCommand(['close', true, true]); - lastCom = 'Z'; - return this; - }; - this.L = function(x, y) { - this.addCommand(['line', true, true, x, y]); - lastCom = 'L'; - return this; - }; - this.l = function(x, y) { - return this.L(currX + x, currY + y); - }; - this.H = function(x) { - return this.L(x, currY); - }; - this.h = function(x) { - return this.L(currX + x, currY); - }; - this.V = function(y) { - return this.L(currX, y); - }; - this.v = function(y) { - return this.L(currX, currY + y); - }; - this.C = function(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y) { - this.addCommand(['curve', true, true, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y]); - lastCom = 'C'; lastCtrlX = c2x; lastCtrlY = c2y; - return this; - }; - this.c = function(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y) { - return this.C(currX + c1x, currY + c1y, currX + c2x, currY + c2y, currX + x, currY + y); - }; - this.S = function(c1x, c1y, x, y) { - return this.C(currX + (lastCom === 'C' ? currX - lastCtrlX : 0), currY + (lastCom === 'C' ? currY - lastCtrlY : 0), c1x, c1y, x, y); - }; - this.s = function(c1x, c1y, x, y) { - return this.C(currX + (lastCom === 'C' ? currX - lastCtrlX : 0), currY + (lastCom === 'C' ? currY - lastCtrlY : 0), currX + c1x, currY + c1y, currX + x, currY + y); - }; - this.Q = function(cx, cy, x, y) { - let c1x = currX + 2 / 3 * (cx - currX), c1y = currY + 2 / 3 * (cy - currY), - c2x = x + 2 / 3 * (cx - x), c2y = y + 2 / 3 * (cy - y); - this.addCommand(['curve', true, true, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y]); - lastCom = 'Q'; lastCtrlX = cx; lastCtrlY = cy; - return this; - }; - this.q = function(c1x, c1y, x, y) { - return this.Q(currX + c1x, currY + c1y, currX + x, currY + y); - }; - this.T = function(x, y) { - return this.Q(currX + (lastCom === 'Q' ? currX - lastCtrlX : 0), currY + (lastCom === 'Q' ? currY - lastCtrlY : 0), x, y); - }; - this.t = function(x, y) { - return this.Q(currX + (lastCom === 'Q' ? currX - lastCtrlX : 0), currY + (lastCom === 'Q' ? currY - lastCtrlY : 0), currX + x, currY + y); - }; - this.A = function(rx, ry, fi, fa, fs, x, y) { - if (isEqual(rx, 0) || isEqual(ry, 0)) { - this.addCommand(['line', true, true, x, y]); - } else { - fi = fi * (Math.PI / 180); - rx = Math.abs(rx); - ry = Math.abs(ry); - fa = 1 * !!fa; - fs = 1 * !!fs; - let x1 = Math.cos(fi) * (currX - x) / 2 + Math.sin(fi) * (currY - y) / 2, - y1 = Math.cos(fi) * (currY - y) / 2 - Math.sin(fi) * (currX - x) / 2, - lambda = (x1 * x1) / (rx * rx) + (y1 * y1) / (ry * ry); - if (lambda > 1) { - rx *= Math.sqrt(lambda); - ry *= Math.sqrt(lambda); - } - let r = Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, rx * rx * ry * ry - rx * rx * y1 * y1 - ry * ry * x1 * x1) / (rx * rx * y1 * y1 + ry * ry * x1 * x1)), - x2 = (fa === fs ? -1 : 1) * r * rx * y1 / ry, - y2 = (fa === fs ? 1 : -1) * r * ry * x1 / rx; - let cx = Math.cos(fi) * x2 - Math.sin(fi) * y2 + (currX + x) / 2, - cy = Math.sin(fi) * x2 + Math.cos(fi) * y2 + (currY + y) / 2, - th1 = Math.atan2((y1 - y2) / ry, (x1 - x2) / rx), - th2 = Math.atan2((-y1 - y2) / ry, (-x1 - x2) / rx); - if (fs === 0 && th2 - th1 > 0) { - th2 -= 2 * Math.PI; - } else if (fs === 1 && th2 - th1 < 0) { - th2 += 2 * Math.PI; - } - let segms = Math.ceil(Math.abs(th2 - th1) / (Math.PI / precision)); - for (let i = 0; i < segms; i++) { - let th3 = th1 + i * (th2 - th1) / segms, - th4 = th1 + (i + 1) * (th2 - th1) / segms, - t = 4/3 * Math.tan((th4 - th3) / 4); - let c1x = cx + Math.cos(fi) * rx * (Math.cos(th3) - t * Math.sin(th3)) - Math.sin(fi) * ry * (Math.sin(th3) + t * Math.cos(th3)), - c1y = cy + Math.sin(fi) * rx * (Math.cos(th3) - t * Math.sin(th3)) + Math.cos(fi) * ry * (Math.sin(th3) + t * Math.cos(th3)), - c2x = cx + Math.cos(fi) * rx * (Math.cos(th4) + t * Math.sin(th4)) - Math.sin(fi) * ry * (Math.sin(th4) - t * Math.cos(th4)), - c2y = cy + Math.sin(fi) * rx * (Math.cos(th4) + t * Math.sin(th4)) + Math.cos(fi) * ry * (Math.sin(th4) - t * Math.cos(th4)), - endX = cx + Math.cos(fi) * rx * Math.cos(th4) - Math.sin(fi) * ry * Math.sin(th4), - endY = cy + Math.sin(fi) * rx * Math.cos(th4) + Math.cos(fi) * ry * Math.sin(th4); - this.addCommand(['curve', (i === 0), (i === segms - 1), c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, endX, endY]); - } - } - lastCom = 'A'; - return this; - }; - this.a = function(rx, ry, fi, fa, fs, x, y) { - return this.A(rx, ry, fi, fa, fs, currX + x, currY + y); - }; - this.path = function(d) { - let command, value, temp, - parser = new StringParser((d || '').trim()); - while (command = parser.match(/^[astvzqmhlcASTVZQMHLC]/)) { - parser.matchSeparator(); - let values = []; - while (value = (PathFlags[command + values.length] ? parser.match(/^[01]/) : parser.matchNumber())) { - parser.matchSeparator(); - if (values.length === PathArguments[command]) { - this[command].apply(this, values); - values = []; - if (command === 'M') {command = 'L';} - else if (command === 'm') {command = 'l';} - } - values.push(Number(value)); - } - if (values.length === PathArguments[command]) { - this[command].apply(this, values); - } else { - warningCallback('SvgPath: command ' + command + ' with ' + values.length + ' numbers'); return; - } - } - if (temp = parser.matchAll()) { - warningCallback('SvgPath: unexpected string ' + temp); - } - return this; - }; - this.getBoundingBox = function() { - let bbox = [Infinity, Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity]; - function addBounds(bbox1) { - if (bbox1[0] < bbox[0]) {bbox[0] = bbox1[0];} - if (bbox1[2] > bbox[2]) {bbox[2] = bbox1[2];} - if (bbox1[1] < bbox[1]) {bbox[1] = bbox1[1];} - if (bbox1[3] > bbox[3]) {bbox[3] = bbox1[3];} - } - for (let i = 0; i < this.pathSegments.length; i++) { - addBounds(this.pathSegments[i].getBoundingBox()); - } - if (bbox[0] === Infinity) {bbox[0] = 0;} - if (bbox[1] === Infinity) {bbox[1] = 0;} - if (bbox[2] === -Infinity) {bbox[2] = 0;} - if (bbox[3] === -Infinity) {bbox[3] = 0;} - return bbox; - }; - this.getPointAtLength = function(l) { - if (l >= 0 && l <= this.totalLength) { - let temp; - for (let i = 0; i < this.pathSegments.length; i++) { - if (temp = this.pathSegments[i].getPointAtLength(l)) { - return temp; - } - l -= this.pathSegments[i].totalLength; - } - return this.endPoint; - } - }; - this.transform = function(m) { - this.pathSegments = []; - this.startPoint = null; - this.endPoint = null; - this.totalLength = 0; - for (let i = 0; i < this.pathCommands.length; i++) { - let data = this.pathCommands.shift(); - for (let j = 3; j < data.length; j+=2) { - let p = transformPoint([data[j], data[j + 1]], m) - data[j] = p[0]; - data[j + 1] = p[1]; - } - this.addCommand(data); - } - return this; - }; - this.mergeShape = function(shape) { - for (let i = 0; i < shape.pathCommands.length; i++) { - this.addCommand(shape.pathCommands[i].slice()); - } - return this; - }; - this.clone = function() { - return new SvgShape().mergeShape(this); - }; - this.insertInDocument = function() { - for (let i = 0; i < this.pathCommands.length; i++) { - let command = this.pathCommands[i][0], values = this.pathCommands[i].slice(3); - switch(command) { - case 'move': doc.moveTo(values[0], values[1]); break; - case 'line': doc.lineTo(values[0], values[1]); break; - case 'curve': doc.bezierCurveTo(values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3], values[4], values[5]); break; - case 'close': doc.closePath(); break; - } - } - }; - this.getSubPaths = function() { - let subPaths = [], shape = new SvgShape(); - for (let i = 0; i < this.pathCommands.length; i++) { - let data = this.pathCommands[i], command = this.pathCommands[i][0]; - if (command === 'move' && i !== 0) { - subPaths.push(shape); - shape = new SvgShape(); - } - shape.addCommand(data); - } - subPaths.push(shape); - return subPaths; - }; - this.getMarkers = function() { - let markers = [], subPaths = this.getSubPaths(); - for (let i = 0; i < subPaths.length; i++) { - let subPath = subPaths[i], subPathMarkers = []; - for (let j = 0; j < subPath.pathSegments.length; j++) { - let segment = subPath.pathSegments[j]; - if (isNotEqual(segment.totalLength, 0) || j === 0 || j === subPath.pathSegments.length - 1) { - if (segment.hasStart) { - let startMarker = segment.getPointAtLength(0), prevEndMarker = subPathMarkers.pop(); - if (prevEndMarker) {startMarker[2] = 0.5 * (prevEndMarker[2] + startMarker[2]);} - subPathMarkers.push(startMarker); - } - if (segment.hasEnd) { - let endMarker = segment.getPointAtLength(segment.totalLength); - subPathMarkers.push(endMarker); - } - } - } - markers = markers.concat(subPathMarkers); - } - return markers; - }; - }; - - var SvgElem = function(obj, inherits) { - let styleCache = Object.create(null); - let childrenCache = null; - this.name = obj.nodeName; - this.isOuterElement = obj === svg || !obj.parentNode; - this.inherits = inherits || (!this.isOuterElement ? createSVGElement(obj.parentNode, null) : null); - this.stack = (this.inherits ? this.inherits.stack.concat(obj) : [obj]); - this.style = parseStyleAttr(typeof obj.getAttribute === 'function' && obj.getAttribute('style')); - this.css = useCSS ? getComputedStyle(obj) : getStyle(obj); - this.allowedChildren = []; - this.attr = function(key) { - if (typeof obj.getAttribute === 'function') { - return obj.getAttribute(key); - } - }; - this.resolveUrl = function(value) { - let temp = (value || '').match(/^\s*(?:url\("(.*)#(.*)"\)|url\('(.*)#(.*)'\)|url\((.*)#(.*)\)|(.*)#(.*))\s*$/) || []; - let file = temp[1] || temp[3] || temp[5] || temp[7], - id = temp[2] || temp[4] || temp[6] || temp[8]; - if (id) { - if (!file) { - let svgObj = svg.getElementById(id); - if (svgObj) { - if (this.stack.indexOf(svgObj) === -1) { - return svgObj; - } else { - warningCallback('SVGtoPDF: loop of circular references for id "' + id + '"'); - return; - } - } - } - if (documentCallback) { - let svgs = documentCache[file]; - if (!svgs) { - svgs = documentCallback(file); - if (!isArrayLike(svgs)) {svgs = [svgs];} - for (let i = 0; i < svgs.length; i++) { - if (typeof svgs[i] === 'string') {svgs[i] = parseXml(svgs[i]);} - } - documentCache[file] = svgs; - } - for (let i = 0; i < svgs.length; i++) { - let svgObj = svgs[i].getElementById(id); - if (svgObj) { - if (this.stack.indexOf(svgObj) === -1) { - return svgObj; - } else { - warningCallback('SVGtoPDF: loop of circular references for id "' + file + '#' + id + '"'); - return; - } - } - } - } - } - }; - this.computeUnits = function(value, unit, percent, isFontSize) { - if (unit === '%') { - return parseFloat(value) / 100 * (isFontSize || percent != null ? percent : this.getViewport()); - } else if (unit === 'ex' || unit === 'em') { - return value * {'em':1, 'ex':0.5}[unit] * (isFontSize ? percent : this.get('font-size')); - } else { - return value * {'':1, 'px':1, 'pt':96/72, 'cm':96/2.54, 'mm':96/25.4, 'in':96, 'pc':96/6}[unit]; - } - }; - this.computeLength = function(value, percent, initial, isFontSize) { - let parser = new StringParser((value || '').trim()), temp1, temp2; - if (typeof (temp1 = parser.matchNumber()) === 'string' && typeof (temp2 = parser.matchLengthUnit()) === 'string' && !parser.matchAll()) { - return this.computeUnits(temp1, temp2, percent, isFontSize); - } - return initial; - }; - this.computeLengthList = function(value, percent, strict) { - let parser = new StringParser((value || '').trim()), result = [], temp1, temp2; - while (typeof (temp1 = parser.matchNumber()) === 'string' && typeof (temp2 = parser.matchLengthUnit()) === 'string') { - result.push(this.computeUnits(temp1, temp2, percent)); - parser.matchSeparator(); - } - if (strict && parser.matchAll()) {return;} - return result; - }; - this.getLength = function(key, percent, initial) { - return this.computeLength(this.attr(key), percent, initial); - }; - this.getLengthList = function(key, percent) { - return this.computeLengthList(this.attr(key), percent); - }; - this.getUrl = function(key) { - return this.resolveUrl(this.attr(key)) - }; - this.getNumberList = function(key) { - let parser = new StringParser((this.attr(key) || '').trim()), result = [], temp; - while (temp = parser.matchNumber()) { - result.push(Number(temp)); - parser.matchSeparator(); - } - result.error = parser.matchAll(); - return result; - } - this.getViewbox = function(key, initial) { - let viewBox = this.getNumberList(key); - if (viewBox.length === 4 && viewBox[2] >= 0 && viewBox[3] >= 0) {return viewBox;} - return initial; - }; - this.getPercent = function(key, initial) { - let value = this.attr(key); - let parser = new StringParser((value || '').trim()), temp1, temp2; - let number = parser.matchNumber(); - if (!number) {return initial;} - if (parser.match('%')) {number *= 0.01;} - if (parser.matchAll()) {return initial;} - return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, number)); - }; - this.chooseValue = function(args) { - for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { - if (arguments[i] != null && arguments[i] === arguments[i]) {return arguments[i];} - } - return arguments[arguments.length - 1]; - }; - this.get = function(key) { - if (styleCache[key] !== undefined) {return styleCache[key];} - let keyInfo = Properties[key] || {}, value, result; - for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { - switch (i) { - case 0: - if (key !== 'transform') { // the CSS transform behaves strangely - value = this.css[keyInfo.css || key]; - } - break; - case 1: - value = this.style[key]; - break; - case 2: - value = this.attr(key); - break; - } - if (value === 'inherit') { - result = (this.inherits ? this.inherits.get(key) : keyInfo.initial); - if (result != null) {return styleCache[key] = result;} - } - if (keyInfo.values != null) { - result = keyInfo.values[value]; - if (result != null) {return styleCache[key] = result;} - } - if (value != null) { - let parsed; - switch (key) { - case 'font-size': - result = this.computeLength(value, this.inherits ? this.inherits.get(key) : keyInfo.initial, undefined, true); - break; - case 'baseline-shift': - result = this.computeLength(value, this.get('font-size')); - break; - case 'font-family': - result = value || undefined; - break; - case 'opacity': case 'stroke-opacity': case 'fill-opacity': case 'stop-opacity': - parsed = parseFloat(value); - if (!isNaN(parsed)) { - result = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parsed)); - } - break; - case 'transform': - result = parseTranform(value); - break; - case 'stroke-dasharray': - if (value === 'none') { - result = []; - } else if (parsed = this.computeLengthList(value, this.getViewport(), true)) { - let sum = 0, error = false; - for (let j = 0; j < parsed.length; j++) { - if (parsed[j] < 0) {error = true;} - sum += parsed[j]; - } - if (!error) { - if (parsed.length % 2 === 1) { - parsed = parsed.concat(parsed); - } - result = (sum === 0 ? [] : parsed); - } - } - break; - case 'color': - if (value === 'none' || value === 'transparent') { - result = 'none'; - } else { - result = parseColor(value); - } - break; - case 'fill': case 'stroke': - if (value === 'none' || value === 'transparent') { - result = 'none'; - } else if (value === 'currentColor') { - result = this.get('color'); - } else if (parsed = parseColor(value)) { - return parsed; - } else if (parsed = (value || '').split(' ')) { - let object = this.resolveUrl(parsed[0]), - fallbackColor = parseColor(parsed[1]); - if (object == null) { - result = fallbackColor; - } else if (object.nodeName === 'linearGradient' || object.nodeName === 'radialGradient') { - result = new SvgElemGradient(object, null, fallbackColor); - } else if (object.nodeName === 'pattern') { - result = new SvgElemPattern(object, null, fallbackColor); - } else { - result = fallbackColor; - } - } - break; - case 'stop-color': - if (value === 'none' || value === 'transparent') { - result = 'none'; - } else if (value === 'currentColor') { - result = this.get('color'); - } else { - result = parseColor(value); - } - break; - case 'marker-start': case 'marker-mid': case 'marker-end': case 'clip-path': case 'mask': - if (value === 'none') { - result = 'none'; - } else { - result = this.resolveUrl(value); - } - break; - case 'stroke-width': - parsed = this.computeLength(value, this.getViewport()); - if (parsed != null && parsed >= 0) { - result = parsed; - } - break; - case 'stroke-miterlimit': - parsed = parseFloat(value); - if (parsed != null && parsed >= 1) { - result = parsed; - } - break; - case 'word-spacing': case 'letter-spacing': - result = this.computeLength(value, this.getViewport()); - break; - case 'stroke-dashoffset': - result = this.computeLength(value, this.getViewport()); - if (result != null) { - if (result < 0) { // fix for crbug.com/660850 - let dasharray = this.get('stroke-dasharray'); - for (let j = 0; j < dasharray.length; j++) {result += dasharray[j];} - } - } - break; - } - if (result != null) {return styleCache[key] = result;} - } - } - return styleCache[key] = (keyInfo.inherit && this.inherits ? this.inherits.get(key) : keyInfo.initial); - }; - this.getChildren = function() { - if (childrenCache != null) {return childrenCache;} - let children = []; - for (let i = 0; i < obj.childNodes.length; i++) { - let child = obj.childNodes[i]; - if (!child.error && this.allowedChildren.indexOf(child.nodeName) !== -1) { - children.push(createSVGElement(child, this)); - } - } - return childrenCache = children; - }; - this.getParentVWidth = function() { - return (this.inherits ? this.inherits.getVWidth(): viewportWidth); - }; - this.getParentVHeight = function() { - return (this.inherits ? this.inherits.getVHeight() : viewportHeight); - }; - this.getParentViewport = function() { - return Math.sqrt(0.5 * this.getParentVWidth() * this.getParentVWidth() + 0.5 * this.getParentVHeight() * this.getParentVHeight()); - }; - this.getVWidth = function() { - return this.getParentVWidth(); - }; - this.getVHeight = function() { - return this.getParentVHeight(); - }; - this.getViewport = function() { - return Math.sqrt(0.5 * this.getVWidth() * this.getVWidth() + 0.5 * this.getVHeight() * this.getVHeight()); - }; - this.getBoundingBox = function() { - let shape = this.getBoundingShape(); - return shape.getBoundingBox(); - }; - }; - - var SvgElemStylable = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElem.call(this, obj, inherits); - this.transform = function() { - doc.transform.apply(doc, this.getTransformation()); - }; - this.clip = function() { - if (this.get('clip-path') !== 'none') { - let clipPath = new SvgElemClipPath(this.get('clip-path'), null); - clipPath.useMask(this.getBoundingBox()); - return true; - } - }; - this.mask = function() { - if (this.get('mask') !== 'none') { - let mask = new SvgElemMask(this.get('mask'), null); - mask.useMask(this.getBoundingBox()); - return true; - } - }; - this.getFill = function(isClip, isMask) { - let opacity = this.get('opacity'), - fill = this.get('fill'), - fillOpacity = this.get('fill-opacity'); - if (isClip) {return DefaultColors.white;} - if (fill !== 'none' && opacity && fillOpacity) { - if (fill instanceof SvgElemGradient || fill instanceof SvgElemPattern) { - return fill.getPaint(this.getBoundingBox(), fillOpacity * opacity, isClip, isMask); - } - return opacityToColor(fill, fillOpacity * opacity, isMask); - } - }; - this.getStroke = function(isClip, isMask) { - let opacity = this.get('opacity'), - stroke = this.get('stroke'), - strokeOpacity = this.get('stroke-opacity'); - if (isClip || isEqual(this.get('stroke-width'), 0)) {return;} - if (stroke !== 'none' && opacity && strokeOpacity) { - if (stroke instanceof SvgElemGradient || stroke instanceof SvgElemPattern) { - return stroke.getPaint(this.getBoundingBox(), strokeOpacity * opacity, isClip, isMask); - } - return opacityToColor(stroke, strokeOpacity * opacity, isMask); - } - }; - }; - - var SvgElemHasChildren = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemStylable.call(this, obj, inherits); - this.allowedChildren = ['use', 'g', 'a', 'svg', 'image', 'rect', 'circle', 'ellipse', 'line', 'polyline', 'polygon', 'path', 'text']; - this.getBoundingShape = function() { - let shape = new SvgShape(), - children = this.getChildren(); - for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { - if (children[i].get('display') !== 'none') { - if (typeof children[i].getBoundingShape === 'function') { - let childShape = children[i].getBoundingShape().clone(); - if (typeof children[i].getTransformation === 'function') { - childShape.transform(children[i].getTransformation()); - } - shape.mergeShape(childShape); - } - } - } - return shape; - }; - this.drawChildren = function(isClip, isMask) { - let children = this.getChildren(); - for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { - if (children[i].get('display') !== 'none') { - if (typeof children[i].drawInDocument === 'function') { - children[i].drawInDocument(isClip, isMask); - } - } - } - }; - }; - - var SvgElemContainer = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemHasChildren.call(this, obj, inherits); - this.drawContent = function(isClip, isMask) { - this.transform(); - let clipped = this.clip(), - masked = this.mask(), - group; - if ((this.get('opacity') < 1 || clipped || masked) && !isClip) { - group = docBeginGroup(getPageBBox()); - } - this.drawChildren(isClip, isMask); - if (group) { - docEndGroup(group); - doc.fillOpacity(this.get('opacity')); - docInsertGroup(group); - } - }; - }; - - var SvgElemUse = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemContainer.call(this, obj, inherits); - let x = this.getLength('x', this.getVWidth(), 0), - y = this.getLength('y', this.getVHeight(), 0), - child = this.getUrl('href') || this.getUrl('xlink:href'); - if (child) {child = createSVGElement(child, this);} - this.getChildren = function() { - return child ? [child] : []; - }; - this.drawInDocument = function(isClip, isMask) { - doc.save(); - this.drawContent(isClip, isMask); - doc.restore(); - }; - this.getTransformation = function() { - return multiplyMatrix(this.get('transform'), [1, 0, 0, 1, x, y]); - }; - }; - - var SvgElemSymbol = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemContainer.call(this, obj, inherits); - let width = this.getLength('width', this.getParentVWidth(), this.getParentVWidth()), - height = this.getLength('height', this.getParentVHeight(), this.getParentVHeight()); - if (inherits instanceof SvgElemUse) { - width = inherits.getLength('width', inherits.getParentVWidth(), width); - height = inherits.getLength('height', inherits.getParentVHeight(), height); - } - let aspectRatio = (this.attr('preserveAspectRatio') || '').trim(), - viewBox = this.getViewbox('viewBox', [0, 0, width, height]); - this.getVWidth = function() { - return viewBox[2]; - }; - this.getVHeight = function() { - return viewBox[3]; - }; - this.drawInDocument = function(isClip, isMask) { - doc.save(); - this.drawContent(isClip, isMask); - doc.restore(); - }; - this.getTransformation = function() { - return multiplyMatrix(parseAspectRatio(aspectRatio, width, height, viewBox[2], viewBox[3]), [1, 0, 0, 1, -viewBox[0], -viewBox[1]]); - }; - }; - - var SvgElemGroup = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemContainer.call(this, obj, inherits); - this.drawInDocument = function(isClip, isMask) { - doc.save(); - if (this.link && !isClip && !isMask) {this.addLink();} - this.drawContent(isClip, isMask); - doc.restore(); - }; - this.getTransformation = function() { - return this.get('transform'); - }; - }; - - var SvgElemLink = function(obj, inherits) { - if (inherits && inherits.isText) { - SvgElemTspan.call(this, obj, inherits); - this.allowedChildren = ['textPath', 'tspan', '#text', '#cdata-section', 'a']; - } else { - SvgElemGroup.call(this, obj, inherits); - } - this.link = this.attr('href') || this.attr('xlink:href'); - this.addLink = function() { - if (this.link.match(/^(?:[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:|\/\/)?/i) && this.getChildren().length) { - let bbox = this.getBoundingShape().transform(getGlobalMatrix()).getBoundingBox(); - docInsertLink(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3], this.link); - } - } - }; - - var SvgElemSvg = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemContainer.call(this, obj, inherits); - let width = this.getLength('width', this.getParentVWidth(), this.getParentVWidth()), - height = this.getLength('height', this.getParentVHeight(), this.getParentVHeight()), - x = this.getLength('x', this.getParentVWidth(), 0), - y = this.getLength('y', this.getParentVHeight(), 0); - if (inherits instanceof SvgElemUse) { - width = inherits.getLength('width', inherits.getParentVWidth(), width); - height = inherits.getLength('height', inherits.getParentVHeight(), height); - } - let aspectRatio = this.attr('preserveAspectRatio'), - viewBox = this.getViewbox('viewBox', [0, 0, width, height]); - if (this.isOuterElement && preserveAspectRatio) { - x = y = 0; - width = viewportWidth; - height = viewportHeight; - aspectRatio = preserveAspectRatio; - } - this.getVWidth = function() { - return viewBox[2]; - }; - this.getVHeight = function() { - return viewBox[3]; - }; - this.drawInDocument = function(isClip, isMask) { - doc.save(); - if (this.get('overflow') === 'hidden') { - new SvgShape().M(x, y).L(x + width, y).L(x + width, y + height).L(x, y + height).Z() - .transform(this.get('transform')) - .insertInDocument(); - doc.clip(); - } - this.drawContent(isClip, isMask); - doc.restore(); - }; - this.getTransformation = function() { - return multiplyMatrix( - this.get('transform'), - [1, 0, 0, 1, x, y], - parseAspectRatio(aspectRatio, width, height, viewBox[2], viewBox[3]), - [1, 0, 0, 1, -viewBox[0], -viewBox[1]] - ); - }; - }; - - var SVGElemImage = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemStylable.call(this, obj, inherits); - let link = imageCallback(this.attr('href') || this.attr('xlink:href') || ''), - x = this.getLength('x', this.getVWidth(), 0), - y = this.getLength('y', this.getVHeight(), 0), - width = this.getLength('width', this.getVWidth(), 'auto'), - height = this.getLength('height', this.getVHeight(), 'auto'), - image; - try { - image = doc.openImage(link); - } catch(e) { - warningCallback('SVGElemImage: failed to open image "' + link + '" in PDFKit'); - } - if (image) { - if (width === 'auto' && height !== 'auto') { - width = height * image.width / image.height; - } else if (height === 'auto' && width !== 'auto') { - height = width * image.height / image.width; - } else if (width === 'auto' && height === 'auto') { - width = image.width; - height = image.height; - } - } - if (width === 'auto' || width < 0) {width = 0;} - if (height === 'auto' || height < 0) {height = 0;} - this.getTransformation = function() { - return this.get('transform'); - }; - this.getBoundingShape = function() { - return new SvgShape().M(x, y).L(x + width, y).M(x + width, y + height).L(x, y + height); - }; - this.drawInDocument = function(isClip, isMask) { - if (this.get('visibility') === 'hidden' || !image) {return;} - doc.save(); - this.transform(); - if (this.get('overflow') === 'hidden') { - doc.rect(x, y, width, height).clip(); - } - this.clip(); - this.mask(); - doc.translate(x, y); - doc.transform.apply(doc, parseAspectRatio(this.attr('preserveAspectRatio'), width, height, image ? image.width : width, image ? image.height : height)); - if (!isClip) { - doc.fillOpacity(this.get('opacity')); - doc.image(image, 0, 0); - } else { - doc.rect(0, 0, image.width, image.height); - docFillColor(DefaultColors.white).fill(); - } - doc.restore(); - }; - }; - - var SvgElemPattern = function(obj, inherits, fallback) { - SvgElemHasChildren.call(this, obj, inherits); - this.ref = (function() { - let ref = this.getUrl('href') || this.getUrl('xlink:href'); - if (ref && ref.nodeName === obj.nodeName) { - return new SvgElemPattern(ref, inherits, fallback); - } - }).call(this); - let _attr = this.attr; - this.attr = function(key) { - let attr = _attr.call(this, key); - if (attr != null || key === 'href' || key === 'xlink:href') {return attr;} - return this.ref ? this.ref.attr(key) : null; - }; - let _getChildren = this.getChildren; - this.getChildren = function() { - let children = _getChildren.call(this); - if (children.length > 0) {return children;} - return this.ref ? this.ref.getChildren() : []; - }; - this.getPaint = function(bBox, gOpacity, isClip, isMask) { - let bBoxUnitsPattern = (this.attr('patternUnits') !== 'userSpaceOnUse'), - bBoxUnitsContent = (this.attr('patternContentUnits') === 'objectBoundingBox'), - x = this.getLength('x', (bBoxUnitsPattern ? 1 : this.getParentVWidth()), 0), - y = this.getLength('y', (bBoxUnitsPattern ? 1 : this.getParentVHeight()), 0), - width = this.getLength('width', (bBoxUnitsPattern ? 1 : this.getParentVWidth()), 0), - height = this.getLength('height', (bBoxUnitsPattern ? 1 : this.getParentVHeight()), 0); - if (bBoxUnitsContent && !bBoxUnitsPattern) { // Use the same units for pattern & pattern content - x = (x - bBox[0]) / (bBox[2] - bBox[0]) || 0; - y = (y - bBox[1]) / (bBox[3] - bBox[1]) || 0; - width = width / (bBox[2] - bBox[0]) || 0; - height = height / (bBox[3] - bBox[1]) || 0; - } else if (!bBoxUnitsContent && bBoxUnitsPattern) { - x = bBox[0] + x * (bBox[2] - bBox[0]); - y = bBox[1] + y * (bBox[3] - bBox[1]); - width = width * (bBox[2] - bBox[0]); - height = height * (bBox[3] - bBox[1]); - } - let viewBox = this.getViewbox('viewBox', [0, 0, width, height]), - aspectRatio = (this.attr('preserveAspectRatio') || '').trim(), - aspectRatioMatrix = multiplyMatrix( - parseAspectRatio(aspectRatio, width, height, viewBox[2], viewBox[3], 0), - [1, 0, 0, 1, -viewBox[0], -viewBox[1]] - ), - matrix = parseTranform(this.attr('patternTransform')); - if (bBoxUnitsContent) { - matrix = multiplyMatrix([bBox[2] - bBox[0], 0, 0, bBox[3] - bBox[1], bBox[0], bBox[1]], matrix); - } - matrix = multiplyMatrix(matrix, [1, 0, 0, 1, x, y]); - if ((matrix = validateMatrix(matrix)) && (aspectRatioMatrix = validateMatrix(aspectRatioMatrix)) && (width = validateNumber(width)) && (height = validateNumber(height))) { - let group = docBeginGroup([0, 0, width, height]); - doc.transform.apply(doc, aspectRatioMatrix); - this.drawChildren(isClip, isMask); - docEndGroup(group); - return [docCreatePattern(group, width, height, matrix), gOpacity]; - } else { - return fallback ? [fallback[0], fallback[1] * gOpacity] : undefined; - } - }; - this.getVWidth = function() { - let bBoxUnitsPattern = (this.attr('patternUnits') !== 'userSpaceOnUse'), - width = this.getLength('width', (bBoxUnitsPattern ? 1 : this.getParentVWidth()), 0); - return this.getViewbox('viewBox', [0, 0, width, 0])[2]; - }; - this.getVHeight = function() { - let bBoxUnitsPattern = (this.attr('patternUnits') !== 'userSpaceOnUse'), - height = this.getLength('height', (bBoxUnitsPattern ? 1 : this.getParentVHeight()), 0); - return this.getViewbox('viewBox', [0, 0, 0, height])[3]; - }; - }; - - var SvgElemGradient = function(obj, inherits, fallback) { - SvgElem.call(this, obj, inherits); - this.allowedChildren = ['stop']; - this.ref = (function() { - let ref = this.getUrl('href') || this.getUrl('xlink:href'); - if (ref && ref.nodeName === obj.nodeName) { - return new SvgElemGradient(ref, inherits, fallback); - } - }).call(this); - let _attr = this.attr; - this.attr = function(key) { - let attr = _attr.call(this, key); - if (attr != null || key === 'href' || key === 'xlink:href') {return attr;} - return this.ref ? this.ref.attr(key) : null; - }; - let _getChildren = this.getChildren; - this.getChildren = function() { - let children = _getChildren.call(this); - if (children.length > 0) {return children;} - return this.ref ? this.ref.getChildren() : []; - }; - this.getPaint = function(bBox, gOpacity, isClip, isMask) { - let children = this.getChildren(); - if (children.length === 0) {return;} - if (children.length === 1) { - let child = children[0], - stopColor = child.get('stop-color'); - if (stopColor === 'none') {return;} - return opacityToColor(stopColor, child.get('stop-opacity') * gOpacity, isMask); - } - let bBoxUnits = (this.attr('gradientUnits') !== 'userSpaceOnUse'), - matrix = parseTranform(this.attr('gradientTransform')), - spread = this.attr('spreadMethod'), - grad, - x1, x2, y1, y2, r2, - nAfter = 0, - nBefore = 0, - nTotal = 1; - if (bBoxUnits) { - matrix = multiplyMatrix([bBox[2] - bBox[0], 0, 0, bBox[3] - bBox[1], bBox[0], bBox[1]], matrix); - } - if (matrix = validateMatrix(matrix)) { - if (this.name === 'linearGradient') { - x1 = this.getLength('x1', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVWidth()), 0); - x2 = this.getLength('x2', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVWidth()), (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVWidth())); - y1 = this.getLength('y1', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVHeight()), 0); - y2 = this.getLength('y2', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVHeight()), 0); - } else { - x2 = this.getLength('cx', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVWidth()), (bBoxUnits ? 0.5 : 0.5 * this.getVWidth())); - y2 = this.getLength('cy', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVHeight()), (bBoxUnits ? 0.5 : 0.5 * this.getVHeight())); - r2 = this.getLength('r', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getViewport()), (bBoxUnits ? 0.5 : 0.5 * this.getViewport())); - x1 = this.getLength('fx', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVWidth()), x2); - y1 = this.getLength('fy', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVHeight()), y2); - if (r2 < 0) { - warningCallback('SvgElemGradient: negative r value'); - } - let d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2)), - multiplier = 1; - if (d > r2) { // according to specification - multiplier = r2 / d; - x1 = x2 + (x1 - x2) * multiplier; - y1 = y2 + (y1 - y2) * multiplier; - } - r2 = Math.max(r2, d * multiplier * (1 + 1e-6)); // fix for edge-case gradients see issue #84 - } - if (spread === 'reflect' || spread === 'repeat') { - let inv = inverseMatrix(matrix), - corner1 = transformPoint([bBox[0], bBox[1]], inv), - corner2 = transformPoint([bBox[2], bBox[1]], inv), - corner3 = transformPoint([bBox[2], bBox[3]], inv), - corner4 = transformPoint([bBox[0], bBox[3]], inv); - if (this.name === 'linearGradient') { // See file 'gradient-repeat-maths.png' - nAfter = Math.max((corner1[0] - x2) * (x2 - x1) + (corner1[1] - y2) * (y2 - y1), - (corner2[0] - x2) * (x2 - x1) + (corner2[1] - y2) * (y2 - y1), - (corner3[0] - x2) * (x2 - x1) + (corner3[1] - y2) * (y2 - y1), - (corner4[0] - x2) * (x2 - x1) + (corner4[1] - y2) * (y2 - y1)) - / (Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2)); - nBefore = Math.max((corner1[0] - x1) * (x1 - x2) + (corner1[1] - y1) * (y1 - y2), - (corner2[0] - x1) * (x1 - x2) + (corner2[1] - y1) * (y1 - y2), - (corner3[0] - x1) * (x1 - x2) + (corner3[1] - y1) * (y1 - y2), - (corner4[0] - x1) * (x1 - x2) + (corner4[1] - y1) * (y1 - y2)) - / (Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2)); - } else { - nAfter = Math.sqrt(Math.max(Math.pow(corner1[0] - x2, 2) + Math.pow(corner1[1] - y2, 2), - Math.pow(corner2[0] - x2, 2) + Math.pow(corner2[1] - y2, 2), - Math.pow(corner3[0] - x2, 2) + Math.pow(corner3[1] - y2, 2), - Math.pow(corner4[0] - x2, 2) + Math.pow(corner4[1] - y2, 2))) / r2 - 1; - } - nAfter = Math.ceil(nAfter + 0.5); // Add a little more because the stroke can extend outside of the bounding box - nBefore = Math.ceil(nBefore + 0.5); - nTotal = nBefore + 1 + nAfter; // How many times the gradient needs to be repeated to fill the object bounding box - } - if (this.name === 'linearGradient') { - grad = doc.linearGradient(x1 - nBefore * (x2 - x1), y1 - nBefore * (y2 - y1), x2 + nAfter * (x2 - x1), y2 + nAfter * (y2 - y1)); - } else { - grad = doc.radialGradient(x1, y1, 0, x2, y2, r2 + nAfter * r2); - } - for (let n = 0; n < nTotal; n++) { - let offset = 0, - inOrder = (spread !== 'reflect' || (n - nBefore) % 2 === 0); - for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { - let child = children[inOrder ? i : children.length - 1 - i], - stopColor = child.get('stop-color'); - if (stopColor === 'none') {stopColor = DefaultColors.transparent;} - stopColor = opacityToColor(stopColor, child.get('stop-opacity') * gOpacity, isMask); - offset = Math.max(offset, inOrder ? child.getPercent('offset', 0) : 1 - child.getPercent('offset', 0)); - if (i === 0 && stopColor[0].length === 4) {grad._colorSpace = 'DeviceCMYK';} // Fix until PR #763 is merged into PDFKit - if (i === 0 && offset > 0) { - grad.stop((n + 0) / nTotal, stopColor[0], stopColor[1]); - } - grad.stop((n + offset) / (nAfter + nBefore + 1), stopColor[0], stopColor[1]); - if (i === children.length - 1 && offset < 1) { - grad.stop((n + 1) / nTotal, stopColor[0], stopColor[1]); - } - } - } - grad.setTransform.apply(grad, matrix); - return [grad, 1]; - } else { - return fallback ? [fallback[0], fallback[1] * gOpacity] : undefined; - } - } - }; - - var SvgElemBasicShape = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemStylable.call(this, obj, inherits); - this.dashScale = 1; - this.getBoundingShape = function() { - return this.shape; - }; - this.getTransformation = function() { - return this.get('transform'); - }; - this.drawInDocument = function(isClip, isMask) { - if (this.get('visibility') === 'hidden' || !this.shape) {return;} - doc.save(); - this.transform(); - this.clip(); - if (!isClip) { - let masked = this.mask(), - group; - if (masked) { - group = docBeginGroup(getPageBBox()); - } - let subPaths = this.shape.getSubPaths(), - fill = this.getFill(isClip, isMask), - stroke = this.getStroke(isClip, isMask), - lineWidth = this.get('stroke-width'), - lineCap = this.get('stroke-linecap'); - if (fill || stroke) { - if (fill) { - docFillColor(fill); - } - if (stroke) { - for (let j = 0; j < subPaths.length; j++) { - if (isEqual(subPaths[j].totalLength, 0)) { - if ((lineCap === 'square' || lineCap === 'round') && lineWidth > 0) { - if (subPaths[j].startPoint && subPaths[j].startPoint.length > 1) { - let x = subPaths[j].startPoint[0], - y = subPaths[j].startPoint[1]; - docFillColor(stroke); - if (lineCap === 'square') { - doc.rect(x - 0.5 * lineWidth, y - 0.5 * lineWidth, lineWidth, lineWidth); - } else if (lineCap === 'round') { - doc.circle(x, y, 0.5 * lineWidth); - } - doc.fill(); - } - } - } - } - let dashArray = this.get('stroke-dasharray'), - dashOffset = this.get('stroke-dashoffset'); - if (isNotEqual(this.dashScale, 1)) { - for (let j = 0; j < dashArray.length; j++) { - dashArray[j] *= this.dashScale; - } - dashOffset *= this.dashScale; - } - docStrokeColor(stroke); - doc.lineWidth(lineWidth) - .miterLimit(this.get('stroke-miterlimit')) - .lineJoin(this.get('stroke-linejoin')) - .lineCap(lineCap) - .dash(dashArray, {phase: dashOffset}); - } - for (let j = 0; j < subPaths.length; j++) { - if (subPaths[j].totalLength > 0) { - subPaths[j].insertInDocument(); - } - } - if (fill && stroke) { - doc.fillAndStroke(this.get('fill-rule')); - } else if (fill) { - doc.fill(this.get('fill-rule')); - } else if (stroke) { - doc.stroke(); - } - } - let markerStart = this.get('marker-start'), - markerMid = this.get('marker-mid'), - markerEnd = this.get('marker-end'); - if (markerStart !== 'none' || markerMid !== 'none' || markerEnd !== 'none') { - let markersPos = this.shape.getMarkers(); - if (markerStart !== 'none') { - let marker = new SvgElemMarker(markerStart, null); - marker.drawMarker(false, isMask, markersPos[0], lineWidth); - } - if (markerMid !== 'none') { - for (let i = 1; i < markersPos.length - 1; i++) { - let marker = new SvgElemMarker(markerMid, null); - marker.drawMarker(false, isMask, markersPos[i], lineWidth); - } - } - if (markerEnd !== 'none') { - let marker = new SvgElemMarker(markerEnd, null); - marker.drawMarker(false, isMask, markersPos[markersPos.length - 1], lineWidth); - } - } - if (group) { - docEndGroup(group); - docInsertGroup(group); - } - } else { - this.shape.insertInDocument(); - docFillColor(DefaultColors.white); - doc.fill(this.get('clip-rule')); - } - doc.restore(); - }; - }; - - var SvgElemRect = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemBasicShape.call(this, obj, inherits); - let x = this.getLength('x', this.getVWidth(), 0), - y = this.getLength('y', this.getVHeight(), 0), - w = this.getLength('width', this.getVWidth(), 0), - h = this.getLength('height', this.getVHeight(), 0), - rx = this.getLength('rx', this.getVWidth()), - ry = this.getLength('ry', this.getVHeight()); - if (rx === undefined && ry === undefined) {rx = ry = 0;} - else if (rx === undefined && ry !== undefined) {rx = ry;} - else if (rx !== undefined && ry === undefined) {ry = rx;} - if (w > 0 && h > 0) { - if (rx && ry) { - rx = Math.min(rx, 0.5 * w); - ry = Math.min(ry, 0.5 * h); - this.shape = new SvgShape().M(x + rx, y).L(x + w - rx, y).A(rx, ry, 0, 0, 1, x + w, y + ry) - .L(x + w, y + h - ry).A(rx, ry, 0, 0, 1, x + w - rx, y + h).L(x + rx, y + h) - .A(rx, ry, 0, 0, 1, x, y + h - ry).L(x, y + ry).A(rx, ry, 0, 0, 1, x + rx, y).Z(); - } else { - this.shape = new SvgShape().M(x, y).L(x + w, y).L(x + w, y + h).L(x, y + h).Z(); - } - } else { - this.shape = new SvgShape(); - } - }; - - var SvgElemCircle = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemBasicShape.call(this, obj, inherits); - let cx = this.getLength('cx', this.getVWidth(), 0), - cy = this.getLength('cy', this.getVHeight(), 0), - r = this.getLength('r', this.getViewport(), 0); - if (r > 0) { - this.shape = new SvgShape().M(cx + r, cy).A(r, r, 0, 0, 1, cx - r, cy).A(r, r, 0, 0, 1, cx + r, cy).Z(); - } else { - this.shape = new SvgShape(); - } - }; - - var SvgElemEllipse = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemBasicShape.call(this, obj, inherits); - let cx = this.getLength('cx', this.getVWidth(), 0), - cy = this.getLength('cy', this.getVHeight(), 0), - rx = this.getLength('rx', this.getVWidth(), 0), - ry = this.getLength('ry', this.getVHeight(), 0); - if (rx > 0 && ry > 0) { - this.shape = new SvgShape().M(cx + rx, cy).A(rx, ry, 0, 0, 1, cx - rx, cy).A(rx, ry, 0, 0, 1, cx + rx, cy).Z(); - } else { - this.shape = new SvgShape(); - } - }; - - var SvgElemLine = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemBasicShape.call(this, obj, inherits); - let x1 = this.getLength('x1', this.getVWidth(), 0), - y1 = this.getLength('y1', this.getVHeight(), 0), - x2 = this.getLength('x2', this.getVWidth(), 0), - y2 = this.getLength('y2', this.getVHeight(), 0); - this.shape = new SvgShape().M(x1, y1).L(x2, y2); - }; - - var SvgElemPolyline = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemBasicShape.call(this, obj, inherits); - let points = this.getNumberList('points'); - this.shape = new SvgShape(); - for (let i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i += 2) { - if (i === 0) { - this.shape.M(points[i], points[i+1]); - } else { - this.shape.L(points[i], points[i+1]); - } - } - if (points.error) {warningCallback('SvgElemPolygon: unexpected string ' + points.error);} - if (points.length % 2 === 1) {warningCallback('SvgElemPolyline: uneven number of coordinates');} - }; - - var SvgElemPolygon = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemBasicShape.call(this, obj, inherits); - let points = this.getNumberList('points'); - this.shape = new SvgShape(); - for (let i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i += 2) { - if (i === 0) { - this.shape.M(points[i], points[i+1]); - } else { - this.shape.L(points[i], points[i+1]); - } - } - this.shape.Z(); - if (points.error) {warningCallback('SvgElemPolygon: unexpected string ' + points.error);} - if (points.length % 2 === 1) {warningCallback('SvgElemPolygon: uneven number of coordinates');} - }; - - var SvgElemPath = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemBasicShape.call(this, obj, inherits); - this.shape = new SvgShape().path(this.attr('d')); - let pathLength = this.getLength('pathLength', this.getViewport()); - this.pathLength = pathLength > 0 ? pathLength : undefined; - this.dashScale = (this.pathLength !== undefined ? this.shape.totalLength / this.pathLength : 1); - }; - - var SvgElemMarker = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemHasChildren.call(this, obj, inherits); - let width = this.getLength('markerWidth', this.getParentVWidth(), 3), - height = this.getLength('markerHeight', this.getParentVHeight(), 3), - viewBox = this.getViewbox('viewBox', [0, 0, width, height]); - this.getVWidth = function() { - return viewBox[2]; - }; - this.getVHeight = function() { - return viewBox[3]; - }; - this.drawMarker = function(isClip, isMask, posArray, strokeWidth) { - doc.save(); - let orient = this.attr('orient'), - units = this.attr('markerUnits'), - rotate = (orient === 'auto' ? posArray[2] : (parseFloat(orient) || 0) * Math.PI / 180), - scale = (units === 'userSpaceOnUse' ? 1 : strokeWidth); - doc.transform(Math.cos(rotate) * scale, Math.sin(rotate) * scale, -Math.sin(rotate) * scale, Math.cos(rotate) * scale, posArray[0], posArray[1]); - let refX = this.getLength('refX', this.getVWidth(), 0), - refY = this.getLength('refY', this.getVHeight(), 0), - aspectRatioMatrix = parseAspectRatio(this.attr('preserveAspectRatio'), width, height, viewBox[2], viewBox[3], 0.5); - if (this.get('overflow') === 'hidden') { - doc.rect(aspectRatioMatrix[0] * (viewBox[0] + viewBox[2] / 2 - refX) - width / 2, aspectRatioMatrix[3] * (viewBox[1] + viewBox[3] / 2 - refY) - height / 2, width, height).clip(); - } - doc.transform.apply(doc, aspectRatioMatrix); - doc.translate(-refX, -refY); - let group; - if (this.get('opacity') < 1 && !isClip) { - group = docBeginGroup(getPageBBox()); - } - this.drawChildren(isClip, isMask); - if (group) { - docEndGroup(group); - doc.fillOpacity(this.get('opacity')); - docInsertGroup(group); - } - doc.restore(); - }; - }; - - var SvgElemClipPath = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemHasChildren.call(this, obj, inherits); - this.useMask = function(bBox) { - let group = docBeginGroup(getPageBBox()); - doc.save(); - if (this.attr('clipPathUnits') === 'objectBoundingBox') { - doc.transform(bBox[2] - bBox[0], 0, 0, bBox[3] - bBox[1], bBox[0], bBox[1]); - } - this.clip(); - this.drawChildren(true, false); - doc.restore(); - docEndGroup(group); - docApplyMask(group, true); - }; - }; - - var SvgElemMask = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemHasChildren.call(this, obj, inherits); - this.useMask = function(bBox) { - let group = docBeginGroup(getPageBBox()); - doc.save(); - let x, y, w, h; - if (this.attr('maskUnits') === 'userSpaceOnUse') { - x = this.getLength('x', this.getVWidth(), -0.1 * (bBox[2] - bBox[0]) + bBox[0]); - y = this.getLength('y', this.getVHeight(), -0.1 * (bBox[3] - bBox[1]) + bBox[1]); - w = this.getLength('width', this.getVWidth(), 1.2 * (bBox[2] - bBox[0])); - h = this.getLength('height', this.getVHeight(), 1.2 * (bBox[3] - bBox[1])); - } else { - x = this.getLength('x', this.getVWidth(), -0.1) * (bBox[2] - bBox[0]) + bBox[0]; - y = this.getLength('y', this.getVHeight(), -0.1) * (bBox[3] - bBox[1]) + bBox[1]; - w = this.getLength('width', this.getVWidth(), 1.2) * (bBox[2] - bBox[0]); - h = this.getLength('height', this.getVHeight(), 1.2) * (bBox[3] - bBox[1]); - } - doc.rect(x, y, w, h).clip(); - if (this.attr('maskContentUnits') === 'objectBoundingBox') { - doc.transform(bBox[2] - bBox[0], 0, 0, bBox[3] - bBox[1], bBox[0], bBox[1]); - } - this.clip(); - this.drawChildren(false, true); - doc.restore(); - docEndGroup(group); - docApplyMask(group, true); - }; - }; - - var SvgElemTextContainer = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemStylable.call(this, obj, inherits); - this.allowedChildren = ['tspan', '#text', '#cdata-section', 'a']; - this.isText = true; - this.getBoundingShape = function() { - let shape = new SvgShape(); - for (let i = 0; i < this._pos.length; i++) { - let pos = this._pos[i]; - if (!pos.hidden) { - let dx0 = pos.ascent * Math.sin(pos.rotate), dy0 = -pos.ascent * Math.cos(pos.rotate), - dx1 = pos.descent * Math.sin(pos.rotate), dy1 = -pos.descent * Math.cos(pos.rotate), - dx2 = pos.width * Math.cos(pos.rotate), dy2 = pos.width * Math.sin(pos.rotate); - shape.M(pos.x + dx0, pos.y + dy0).L(pos.x + dx0 + dx2, pos.y + dy0 + dy2) - .M(pos.x + dx1 + dx2, pos.y + dy1 + dy2).L(pos.x + dx1, pos.y + dy1); - } - } - return shape; - }; - this.drawTextInDocument = function(isClip, isMask) { - if (this.link && !isClip && !isMask) {this.addLink();} - if (this.get('text-decoration') === 'underline') { - this.decorate(0.05 * this._font.size, -0.075 * this._font.size, isClip, isMask); - } - if (this.get('text-decoration') === 'overline') { - this.decorate(0.05 * this._font.size, getAscent(this._font.font, this._font.size) + 0.075 * this._font.size, isClip, isMask); - } - let fill = this.getFill(isClip, isMask), - stroke = this.getStroke(isClip, isMask), - strokeWidth = this.get('stroke-width'); - if (this._font.fauxBold) { - if (!stroke) { - stroke = fill; - strokeWidth = this._font.size * 0.03; - } else { - strokeWidth += this._font.size * 0.03; - } - } - let children = this.getChildren(); - for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { - let childElem = children[i]; - switch(childElem.name) { - case 'tspan': case 'textPath': case 'a': - if (childElem.get('display') !== 'none') { - childElem.drawTextInDocument(isClip, isMask); - } - break; - case '#text': case '#cdata-section': - if (this.get('visibility') === 'hidden') {continue;} - if (fill || stroke || isClip) { - if (fill) { - docFillColor(fill); - } - if (stroke && strokeWidth) { - docStrokeColor(stroke); - doc.lineWidth(strokeWidth) - .miterLimit(this.get('stroke-miterlimit')) - .lineJoin(this.get('stroke-linejoin')) - .lineCap(this.get('stroke-linecap')) - .dash(this.get('stroke-dasharray'), {phase:this.get('stroke-dashoffset')}); - } - docBeginText(this._font.font, this._font.size); - docSetTextMode(!!fill, !!stroke); - for (let j = 0, pos = childElem._pos; j < pos.length; j++) { - if (!pos[j].hidden && isNotEqual(pos[j].width, 0)) { - let cos = Math.cos(pos[j].rotate), sin = Math.sin(pos[j].rotate), skew = (this._font.fauxItalic ? -0.25 : 0); - docSetTextMatrix(cos * pos[j].scale, sin * pos[j].scale, cos * skew - sin, sin * skew + cos, pos[j].x, pos[j].y); - docWriteGlyph(pos[j].glyph); - } - } - docEndText(); - } - break; - } - } - if (this.get('text-decoration') === 'line-through') { - this.decorate(0.05 * this._font.size, 0.5 * (getAscent(this._font.font, this._font.size) + getDescent(this._font.font, this._font.size)), isClip, isMask); - } - }; - this.decorate = function(lineWidth, linePosition, isClip, isMask) { - let fill = this.getFill(isClip, isMask), - stroke = this.getStroke(isClip, isMask); - if (fill) { - docFillColor(fill); - } - if (stroke) { - docStrokeColor(stroke); - doc.lineWidth(this.get('stroke-width')) - .miterLimit(this.get('stroke-miterlimit')) - .lineJoin(this.get('stroke-linejoin')) - .lineCap(this.get('stroke-linecap')) - .dash(this.get('stroke-dasharray'), {phase:this.get('stroke-dashoffset')}); - } - for (let j = 0, pos = this._pos; j < pos.length; j++) { - if (!pos[j].hidden && isNotEqual(pos[j].width, 0)) { - let dx0 = (linePosition + lineWidth / 2) * Math.sin(pos[j].rotate), - dy0 = -(linePosition + lineWidth / 2) * Math.cos(pos[j].rotate), - dx1 = (linePosition - lineWidth / 2) * Math.sin(pos[j].rotate), - dy1 = -(linePosition - lineWidth / 2) * Math.cos(pos[j].rotate), - dx2 = pos[j].width * Math.cos(pos[j].rotate), - dy2 = pos[j].width * Math.sin(pos[j].rotate); - new SvgShape().M(pos[j].x + dx0, pos[j].y + dy0) - .L(pos[j].x + dx0 + dx2, pos[j].y + dy0 + dy2) - .L(pos[j].x + dx1 + dx2, pos[j].y + dy1 + dy2) - .L(pos[j].x + dx1, pos[j].y + dy1).Z() - .insertInDocument(); - if (fill && stroke) { - doc.fillAndStroke(); - } else if (fill) { - doc.fill(); - } else if (stroke) { - doc.stroke(); - } - } - } - }; - }; - - var SvgElemTextNode = function(obj, inherits) { - this.name = obj.nodeName; - this.textContent = obj.nodeValue; - }; - - var SvgElemTspan = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemTextContainer.call(this, obj, inherits); - }; - - var SvgElemTextPath = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemTextContainer.call(this, obj, inherits); - let pathObject, pathLength, temp; - if ((temp = this.attr('path')) && temp.trim() !== '') { - let pathLength = this.getLength('pathLength', this.getViewport()); - this.pathObject = new SvgShape().path(temp); - this.pathLength = pathLength > 0 ? pathLength : this.pathObject.totalLength; - this.pathScale = this.pathObject.totalLength / this.pathLength; - } else if ((temp = this.getUrl('href') || this.getUrl('xlink:href')) && temp.nodeName === 'path') { - let pathElem = new SvgElemPath(temp, this); - this.pathObject = pathElem.shape.clone().transform(pathElem.get('transform')); - this.pathLength = this.chooseValue(pathElem.pathLength, this.pathObject.totalLength); - this.pathScale = this.pathObject.totalLength / this.pathLength; - } - }; - - var SvgElemText = function(obj, inherits) { - SvgElemTextContainer.call(this, obj, inherits); - this.allowedChildren = ['textPath', 'tspan', '#text', '#cdata-section', 'a']; - (function (textParentElem) { - let processedText = '', remainingText = obj.textContent, textPaths = [], currentChunk = [], currentAnchor, currentDirection, currentX = 0, currentY = 0; - function doAnchoring() { - if (currentChunk.length) { - let last = currentChunk[currentChunk.length - 1]; - let first = currentChunk[0] - let width = last.x + last.width - first.x; - let anchordx = {'startltr': 0, 'middleltr': 0.5, 'endltr': 1, 'startrtl': 1, 'middlertl': 0.5, 'endrtl': 0}[currentAnchor + currentDirection] * width || 0; - for (let i = 0; i < currentChunk.length; i++) { - currentChunk[i].x -= anchordx; - } - } - currentChunk = []; - } - function adjustLength(pos, length, spacingAndGlyphs) { - let firstChar = pos[0], lastChar = pos[pos.length - 1], - startX = firstChar.x, endX = lastChar.x + lastChar.width; - if (spacingAndGlyphs) { - let textScale = length / (endX - startX); - if (textScale > 0 && textScale < Infinity) { - for (let j = 0; j < pos.length; j++) { - pos[j].x = startX + textScale * (pos[j].x - startX); - pos[j].scale *= textScale; - pos[j].width *= textScale; - } - } - } else { - if (pos.length >= 2) { - let spaceDiff = (length - (endX - startX)) / (pos.length - 1); - for (let j = 0; j < pos.length; j++) { - pos[j].x += j * spaceDiff; - } - } - } - currentX += length - (endX - startX); - } - function recursive(currentElem, parentElem) { - currentElem._x = combineArrays(currentElem.getLengthList('x', currentElem.getVWidth()), (parentElem ? parentElem._x.slice(parentElem._pos.length) : [])); - currentElem._y = combineArrays(currentElem.getLengthList('y', currentElem.getVHeight()), (parentElem ? parentElem._y.slice(parentElem._pos.length) : [])); - currentElem._dx = combineArrays(currentElem.getLengthList('dx', currentElem.getVWidth()), (parentElem ? parentElem._dx.slice(parentElem._pos.length) : [])); - currentElem._dy = combineArrays(currentElem.getLengthList('dy', currentElem.getVHeight()), (parentElem ? parentElem._dy.slice(parentElem._pos.length) : [])); - currentElem._rot = combineArrays(currentElem.getNumberList('rotate'), (parentElem ? parentElem._rot.slice(parentElem._pos.length) : [])); - currentElem._defRot = currentElem.chooseValue(currentElem._rot[currentElem._rot.length - 1], parentElem && parentElem._defRot, 0); - if (currentElem.name === 'textPath') {currentElem._y = [];} - let fontOptions = {fauxItalic: false, fauxBold: false}, - fontNameorLink = fontCallback(currentElem.get('font-family'), currentElem.get('font-weight') === 'bold', currentElem.get('font-style') === 'italic', fontOptions); - try { - doc.font(fontNameorLink); - } catch(e) { - warningCallback('SVGElemText: failed to open font "' + fontNameorLink + '" in PDFKit'); - } - currentElem._pos = []; - currentElem._index = 0; - currentElem._font = {font: doc._font, size: currentElem.get('font-size'), fauxItalic: fontOptions.fauxItalic, fauxBold: fontOptions.fauxBold}; - let textLength = currentElem.getLength('textLength', currentElem.getVWidth(), undefined), - spacingAndGlyphs = currentElem.attr('lengthAdjust') === 'spacingAndGlyphs', - wordSpacing = currentElem.get('word-spacing'), - letterSpacing = currentElem.get('letter-spacing'), - textAnchor = currentElem.get('text-anchor'), - textDirection = currentElem.get('direction'), - baseline = getBaseline(currentElem._font.font, currentElem._font.size, currentElem.get('alignment-baseline') || currentElem.get('dominant-baseline'), currentElem.get('baseline-shift')); - if (currentElem.name === 'textPath') { - doAnchoring(); - currentX = currentY = 0; - } - let children = currentElem.getChildren(); - for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { - let childElem = children[i]; - switch(childElem.name) { - case 'tspan': case 'textPath': case 'a': - recursive(childElem, currentElem); - break; - case '#text': case '#cdata-section': - let rawText = childElem.textContent, renderedText = rawText, words; - childElem._font = currentElem._font; - childElem._pos = []; - remainingText = remainingText.substring(rawText.length); - if (currentElem.get('xml:space') === 'preserve') { - renderedText = renderedText.replace(/[\s]/g, ' '); - } else { - renderedText = renderedText.replace(/[\s]+/g, ' '); - if (processedText.match(/[\s]$|^$/)) {renderedText = renderedText.replace(/^[\s]/, '');} - if (remainingText.match(/^[\s]*$/)) {renderedText = renderedText.replace(/[\s]$/, '');} - } - processedText += rawText; - if (wordSpacing === 0) { - words = [renderedText]; - } else { - words = renderedText.split(/(\s)/); - } - for (let w = 0; w < words.length; w++) { - let pos = getTextPos(currentElem._font.font, currentElem._font.size, words[w]); - for (let j = 0; j < pos.length; j++) { - let index = currentElem._index, - xAttr = currentElem._x[index], - yAttr = currentElem._y[index], - dxAttr = currentElem._dx[index], - dyAttr = currentElem._dy[index], - rotAttr = currentElem._rot[index], - continuous = !(w === 0 && j === 0); - if (xAttr !== undefined) {continuous = false; doAnchoring(); currentX = xAttr;} - if (yAttr !== undefined) {continuous = false; doAnchoring(); currentY = yAttr;} - if (dxAttr !== undefined) {continuous = false; currentX += dxAttr;} - if (dyAttr !== undefined) {continuous = false; currentY += dyAttr;} - if (rotAttr !== undefined || currentElem._defRot !== 0) {continuous = false;} - let position = { - glyph: pos[j].glyph, - rotate: (Math.PI / 180) * currentElem.chooseValue(rotAttr, currentElem._defRot), - x: currentX + pos[j].xOffset, - y: currentY + baseline + pos[j].yOffset, - width: pos[j].width, - ascent: getAscent(currentElem._font.font, currentElem._font.size), - descent: getDescent(currentElem._font.font, currentElem._font.size), - scale: 1, - hidden: false, - continuous: continuous - }; - currentChunk.push(position); - childElem._pos.push(position); - currentElem._pos.push(position); - currentElem._index += pos[j].unicode.length; - if (currentChunk.length === 1) { - currentAnchor = textAnchor; - currentDirection = textDirection; - } - currentX += pos[j].xAdvance + letterSpacing; - currentY += pos[j].yAdvance; - } - if (words[w] === ' ') { - currentX += wordSpacing; - } - } - break; - default: - remainingText = remainingText.substring(childElem.textContent.length); - } - } - if (textLength && currentElem._pos.length) { - adjustLength(currentElem._pos, textLength, spacingAndGlyphs); - } - if (currentElem.name === 'textPath' || currentElem.name === 'text') { - doAnchoring(); - } - if (currentElem.name === 'textPath') { - textPaths.push(currentElem); - let pathObject = currentElem.pathObject; - if (pathObject) { - currentX = pathObject.endPoint[0]; currentY = pathObject.endPoint[1]; - } - } - if (parentElem) { - parentElem._pos = parentElem._pos.concat(currentElem._pos); 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- } - if (typeof imageCallback !== 'function') { - imageCallback = function(link) { - return link.replace(/\s+/g, ''); - }; - } - if (typeof colorCallback !== 'function') { - colorCallback = null; - } else { - for (let color in DefaultColors) { - let newColor = colorCallback(DefaultColors[color]); - DefaultColors[color][0] = newColor[0]; - DefaultColors[color][1] = newColor[1]; - } - } - if (typeof documentCallback !== 'function') { - documentCallback = null; - } - - if (typeof svg === 'string') {svg = parseXml(svg);} - if (svg) { - let styles = svg.getElementsByTagName('style'); - for (let i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { - styleRules = styleRules.concat(parseStyleSheet(styles[i].textContent)); - } - let elem = createSVGElement(svg, null); - if (typeof elem.drawInDocument === 'function') { - if (options.useCSS && !useCSS) { - warningCallback('SVGtoPDF: useCSS option can only be used for SVG *elements* in compatible browsers'); - } - let savedFillColor = doc._fillColor; - doc.save().translate(x || 0, y || 0).scale(pxToPt); 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+ + function docBeginGroup(bbox) { + let group = new (function PDFGroup() {})(); + group.name = 'G' + (doc._groupCount = (doc._groupCount || 0) + 1); + group.resources = doc.ref(); + group.xobj = doc.ref({ + Type: 'XObject', + Subtype: 'Form', + FormType: 1, + BBox: bbox, + Group: {S: 'Transparency', CS: 'DeviceRGB', I: true, K: false}, + Resources: group.resources + }); + group.xobj.write(''); + group.savedMatrix = doc._ctm; + group.savedPage = doc.page; + groupStack.push(group); + doc._ctm = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; + doc.page = { + width: doc.page.width, height: doc.page.height, + write: function(data) {group.xobj.write(data);}, + fonts: {}, xobjects: {}, ext_gstates: {}, patterns: {} + }; + return group; + } + function docEndGroup(group) { + if (group !== groupStack.pop()) {throw('Group not matching');} + if (Object.keys(doc.page.fonts).length) {group.resources.data.Font = doc.page.fonts;} + if (Object.keys(doc.page.xobjects).length) {group.resources.data.XObject = doc.page.xobjects;} + if (Object.keys(doc.page.ext_gstates).length) {group.resources.data.ExtGState = doc.page.ext_gstates;} + if (Object.keys(doc.page.patterns).length) {group.resources.data.Pattern = doc.page.patterns;} + group.resources.end(); + group.xobj.end(); + doc._ctm = group.savedMatrix; + doc.page = group.savedPage; + } + function docInsertGroup(group) { + doc.page.xobjects[group.name] = group.xobj; + doc.addContent('/' + group.name + ' Do'); + } + function docApplyMask(group, clip) { + let name = 'M' + (doc._maskCount = (doc._maskCount || 0) + 1); + let gstate = doc.ref({ + Type: 'ExtGState', CA: 1, ca: 1, BM: 'Normal', + SMask: {S: 'Luminosity', G: group.xobj, BC: (clip ? [0, 0, 0] : [1, 1, 1])} + }); + gstate.end(); + doc.page.ext_gstates[name] = gstate; + doc.addContent('/' + name + ' gs'); + } + function docCreatePattern(group, dx, dy, matrix) { + let pattern = new (function PDFPattern() {})(); + pattern.group = group; + pattern.dx = dx; + pattern.dy = dy; + pattern.matrix = matrix || [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; + return pattern; + } + function docUsePattern(pattern, stroke) { + let name = 'P' + (doc._patternCount = (doc._patternCount || 0) + 1); + let ref = doc.ref({ + Type: 'Pattern', PatternType: 1, PaintType: 1, TilingType: 2, + BBox: [0, 0, pattern.dx, pattern.dy], XStep: pattern.dx, YStep: pattern.dy, + Matrix: multiplyMatrix(doc._ctm, pattern.matrix), + Resources: { + ProcSet: ['PDF', 'Text', 'ImageB', 'ImageC', 'ImageI'], + XObject: (function() {let temp = {}; temp[pattern.group.name] = pattern.group.xobj; return temp;})() + } + }); + ref.write('/' + pattern.group.name + ' Do'); + ref.end(); + doc.page.patterns[name] = ref; + if (stroke) { + doc.addContent('/Pattern CS'); + doc.addContent('/' + name + ' SCN'); + } else { + doc.addContent('/Pattern cs'); + doc.addContent('/' + name + ' scn'); + } + } + function docBeginText(font, size) { + if (!doc.page.fonts[font.id]) {doc.page.fonts[font.id] = font.ref();} + doc.addContent('BT').addContent('/' + font.id + ' ' + size + ' Tf'); + } + function docSetTextMatrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) { + doc.addContent(validateNumber(a) + ' ' + validateNumber(b) + ' ' + validateNumber(-c) + ' ' + validateNumber(-d) + ' ' + validateNumber(e) + ' ' + validateNumber(f) + ' Tm'); + } + function docSetTextMode(fill, stroke) { + let mode = fill && stroke ? 2 : stroke ? 1 : fill ? 0 : 3; + doc.addContent(mode + ' Tr'); + } + function docWriteGlyph(glyph) { + doc.addContent('<' + glyph + '> Tj'); + } + function docEndText() { + doc.addContent('ET'); + } + function docFillColor(color) { + if (color[0].constructor.name === 'PDFPattern') { + doc.fillOpacity(color[1]); + docUsePattern(color[0], false); + } else { + doc.fillColor(color[0], color[1]); + } + } + function docStrokeColor(color) { + if (color[0].constructor.name === 'PDFPattern') { + doc.strokeOpacity(color[1]); + docUsePattern(color[0], true); + } else { + doc.strokeColor(color[0], color[1]); + } + } + function docInsertLink(x, y, w, h, url) { + let ref = doc.ref({ + Type: 'Annot', + Subtype: 'Link', + Rect: [x, y, w, h], + Border: [0, 0, 0], + A: { + S: 'URI', + URI: new String(url) + } + }); + ref.end(); + links.push(ref); + } + function parseXml(xml) { + let SvgNode = function(tag, type, value, error) { + this.error = error; + this.nodeName = tag; + this.nodeValue = value; + this.nodeType = type; + this.attributes = Object.create(null); + this.childNodes = []; + this.parentNode = null; + this.id = ''; + this.textContent = ''; + this.classList = []; + }; + SvgNode.prototype.getAttribute = function(attr) { + return this.attributes[attr] != null ? this.attributes[attr] : null; + }; + SvgNode.prototype.getElementById = function(id) { + let result = null; + (function recursive(node) { + if (result) {return;} + if (node.nodeType === 1) { + if (node.id === id) {result = node;} + for (let i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { + recursive(node.childNodes[i]); + } + } + })(this); + return result; + }; + SvgNode.prototype.getElementsByTagName = function(tag) { + let result = []; + (function recursive(node) { + if (node.nodeType === 1) { + if (node.nodeName === tag) {result.push(node);} + for (let i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { + recursive(node.childNodes[i]); + } + } + })(this); + return result; + }; + let parser = new StringParser(xml.trim()), result, child, error = false; + let recursive = function() { + let temp, child; + if (temp = parser.match(/^<([\w:.-]+)\s*/, true)) { // Opening tag + let node = new SvgNode(temp[1], 1, null, error); + while (temp = parser.match(/^([\w:.-]+)(?:\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"|\s*=\s*'([^']*)')?\s*/, true)) { // Attribute + let attr = temp[1], value = decodeEntities(temp[2] || temp[3] || ''); + if (!node.attributes[attr]) { + node.attributes[attr] = value; + if (attr === 'id') {node.id = value;} + if (attr === 'class') {node.classList = value.split(' ');} + } else { + warningCallback('parseXml: duplicate attribute "' + attr + '"'); + error = true; + } + } + if (parser.match(/^>/)) { // End of opening tag + while (child = recursive()) { + node.childNodes.push(child); + child.parentNode = node; + node.textContent += (child.nodeType === 3 || child.nodeType === 4 ? child.nodeValue : child.textContent); + } + if (temp = parser.match(/^<\/([\w:.-]+)\s*>/, true)) { // Closing tag + if (temp[1] === node.nodeName) { + return node; + } else { + warningCallback('parseXml: tag not matching, opening "' + node.nodeName + '" & closing "' + temp[1] + '"'); + error = true; + return node; + } + } else { + warningCallback('parseXml: tag not matching, opening "' + node.nodeName + '" & not closing'); + error = true; + return node; + } + } else if (parser.match(/^\/>/)) { // Self-closing tag + return node; + } else { + warningCallback('parseXml: tag could not be parsed "' + node.nodeName + '"'); + error = true; + } + } else if (temp = parser.match(/^/)) { // Comment + return new SvgNode(null, 8, temp, error); + } else if (temp = parser.match(/^<\?[\s\S]*?\?>/)) { // Processing instructions + return new SvgNode(null, 7, temp, error); + } else if (temp = parser.match(/^/)) { // Doctype + return new SvgNode(null, 10, temp, error); + } else if (temp = parser.match(/^/, true)) { // Cdata node + return new SvgNode('#cdata-section', 4, temp[1], error); + } else if (temp = parser.match(/^([^<]+)/, true)) { // Text node + return new SvgNode('#text', 3, decodeEntities(temp[1]), error); + } + }; + while (child = recursive()) { + if (child.nodeType === 1 && !result) { + result = child; + } else if (child.nodeType === 1 || (child.nodeType === 3 && child.nodeValue.trim() !== '')) { + warningCallback('parseXml: data after document end has been discarded'); + } + } + if (parser.matchAll()) { + warningCallback('parseXml: parsing error'); + } + return result; + }; + function decodeEntities(str) { + return(str.replace(/&(?:#([0-9]+)|#[xX]([0-9A-Fa-f]+)|([0-9A-Za-z]+));/g, function(mt, m0, m1, m2) { + if (m0) {return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(m0, 10));} + else if (m1) {return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(m1, 16));} + else if (m2 && Entities[m2]) {return String.fromCharCode(Entities[m2]);} + else {return mt;} + })); + } + function parseColor(raw) { + let temp, result; + raw = (raw || '').trim(); + if (temp = NamedColors[raw]) { + result = [temp.slice(), 1]; + } else if (temp = raw.match(/^rgba\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9.]+)\s*\)$/i)) { + temp[1] = parseInt(temp[1]); temp[2] = parseInt(temp[2]); temp[3] = parseInt(temp[3]); temp[4] = parseFloat(temp[4]); + if (temp[1] < 256 && temp[2] < 256 && temp[3] < 256 && temp[4] <= 1) { + result = [temp.slice(1, 4), temp[4]]; + } + } else if (temp = raw.match(/^rgb\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)$/i)) { + temp[1] = parseInt(temp[1]); temp[2] = parseInt(temp[2]); temp[3] = parseInt(temp[3]); + if (temp[1] < 256 && temp[2] < 256 && temp[3] < 256) { + result = [temp.slice(1, 4), 1]; + } + } else if (temp = raw.match(/^rgb\(\s*([0-9.]+)%\s*,\s*([0-9.]+)%\s*,\s*([0-9.]+)%\s*\)$/i)) { + temp[1] = 2.55 * parseFloat(temp[1]); temp[2] = 2.55 * parseFloat(temp[2]); temp[3] = 2.55 * parseFloat(temp[3]); + if (temp[1] < 256 && temp[2] < 256 && temp[3] < 256) { + result = [temp.slice(1, 4), 1]; + } + } else if (temp = raw.match(/^#([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})$/i)) { + result = [[parseInt(temp[1], 16), parseInt(temp[2], 16), parseInt(temp[3], 16)], 1]; + } else if (temp = raw.match(/^#([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])$/i)) { + result = [[0x11 * parseInt(temp[1], 16), 0x11 * parseInt(temp[2], 16), 0x11 * parseInt(temp[3], 16)], 1]; + } + return colorCallback ? colorCallback(result, raw) : result; + } + function opacityToColor(color, opacity, isMask) { + let newColor = color[0].slice(), + newOpacity = color[1] * opacity; + if (isMask) { + for (let i = 0; i < color.length; i++) { + newColor[i] *= newOpacity; + } + return [newColor, 1]; + } else { + return [newColor, newOpacity]; + } + } + function multiplyMatrix() { + function multiply(a, b) { + return [ a[0]*b[0]+a[2]*b[1], a[1]*b[0]+a[3]*b[1], a[0]*b[2]+a[2]*b[3], + a[1]*b[2]+a[3]*b[3], a[0]*b[4]+a[2]*b[5]+a[4], a[1]*b[4]+a[3]*b[5]+a[5] ]; + } + let result = arguments[0]; + for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { + result = multiply(result, arguments[i]); + } + return result; + } + function transformPoint(p, m) { + return [m[0] * p[0] + m[2] * p[1] + m[4], m[1] * p[0] + m[3] * p[1] + m[5]]; + } + function getGlobalMatrix() { + let ctm = doc._ctm; + for (let i = groupStack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + ctm = multiplyMatrix(groupStack[i].savedMatrix, ctm); + } + return ctm; + } + function getPageBBox() { + return new SvgShape().M(0, 0).L(doc.page.width, 0).L(doc.page.width, doc.page.height).L(0, doc.page.height) + .transform(inverseMatrix(getGlobalMatrix())).getBoundingBox(); + } + function inverseMatrix(m) { + let dt = m[0] * m[3] - m[1] * m[2]; + return [m[3] / dt, -m[1] / dt, -m[2] / dt, m[0] / dt, (m[2]*m[5] - m[3]*m[4]) / dt, (m[1]*m[4] - m[0]*m[5]) / dt]; + } + function validateMatrix(m) { + let m0 = validateNumber(m[0]), m1 = validateNumber(m[1]), m2 = validateNumber(m[2]), + m3 = validateNumber(m[3]), m4 = validateNumber(m[4]), m5 = validateNumber(m[5]); + if (isNotEqual(m0 * m3 - m1 * m2, 0)) { + return [m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5]; + } + } + function solveEquation(curve) { + let a = curve[2] || 0, b = curve[1] || 0, c = curve[0] || 0; + if (isEqual(a, 0) && isEqual(b, 0)) { + return []; + } else if (isEqual(a, 0)) { + return [(-c) / b]; + } else { + let d = b * b - 4 * a * c; + if (isNotEqual(d, 0) && d > 0) { + return [(-b + Math.sqrt(d)) / (2 * a), (-b - Math.sqrt(d)) / (2 * a)]; + } else if (isEqual(d, 0)) { + return [(-b) / (2 * a)]; + } else { + return []; + } + } + } + function getCurveValue(t, curve) { + return (curve[0] || 0) + (curve[1] || 0) * t + (curve[2] || 0) * t * t + (curve[3] || 0) * t * t * t; + } + function isEqual(number, ref) { + return Math.abs(number - ref) < 1e-10; + } + function isNotEqual(number, ref) { + return Math.abs(number - ref) >= 1e-10; + } + function validateNumber(n) { + return n > -1e21 && n < 1e21 ? Math.round(n * 1e6) / 1e6 : 0; + } + function isArrayLike(v) { + return typeof v === 'object' && v !== null && typeof v.length === 'number'; + } + function parseTranform(v) { + let parser = new StringParser((v || '').trim()), result = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], temp; + while (temp = parser.match(/^([A-Za-z]+)\s*[(]([^(]+)[)]/, true)) { + let func = temp[1], nums = [], parser2 = new StringParser(temp[2].trim()), temp2; + while (temp2 = parser2.matchNumber()) { + nums.push(Number(temp2)); + parser2.matchSeparator(); + } + if (func === 'matrix' && nums.length === 6) { + result = multiplyMatrix(result, [nums[0], nums[1], nums[2], nums[3], nums[4], nums[5]]); + } else if (func === 'translate' && nums.length === 2) { + result = multiplyMatrix(result, [1, 0, 0, 1, nums[0], nums[1]]); + } else if (func === 'translate' && nums.length === 1) { + result = multiplyMatrix(result, [1, 0, 0, 1, nums[0], 0]); + } else if (func === 'scale' && nums.length === 2) { + result = multiplyMatrix(result, [nums[0], 0, 0, nums[1], 0, 0]); + } else if (func === 'scale' && nums.length === 1) { + result = multiplyMatrix(result, [nums[0], 0, 0, nums[0], 0, 0]); + } else if (func === 'rotate' && nums.length === 3) { + let a = nums[0] * Math.PI / 180; + result = multiplyMatrix(result, [1, 0, 0, 1, nums[1], nums[2]], [Math.cos(a), Math.sin(a), -Math.sin(a), Math.cos(a), 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1, -nums[1], -nums[2]]); + } else if (func === 'rotate' && nums.length === 1) { + let a = nums[0] * Math.PI / 180; + result = multiplyMatrix(result, [Math.cos(a), Math.sin(a), -Math.sin(a), Math.cos(a), 0, 0]); + } else if (func === 'skewX' && nums.length === 1) { + let a = nums[0] * Math.PI / 180; + result = multiplyMatrix(result, [1, 0, Math.tan(a), 1, 0, 0]); + } else if (func === 'skewY' && nums.length === 1) { + let a = nums[0] * Math.PI / 180; + result = multiplyMatrix(result, [1, Math.tan(a), 0, 1, 0, 0]); + } else {return;} + parser.matchSeparator(); + } + if (parser.matchAll()) {return;} + return result; + } + function parseAspectRatio(aspectRatio, availWidth, availHeight, elemWidth, elemHeight, initAlign) { + let temp = (aspectRatio || '').trim().match(/^(none)$|^x(Min|Mid|Max)Y(Min|Mid|Max)(?:\s+(meet|slice))?$/) || [], + ratioType = temp[1] || temp[4] || 'meet', + xAlign = temp[2] || 'Mid', + yAlign = temp[3] || 'Mid', + scaleX = availWidth / elemWidth, + scaleY = availHeight / elemHeight, + dx = {'Min':0, 'Mid':0.5, 'Max':1}[xAlign] - (initAlign || 0), + dy = {'Min':0, 'Mid':0.5, 'Max':1}[yAlign] - (initAlign || 0); + if (ratioType === 'slice') { + scaleY = scaleX = Math.max(scaleX, scaleY); + } else if (ratioType === 'meet') { + scaleY = scaleX = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY); + } + return [scaleX, 0, 0, scaleY, dx * (availWidth - elemWidth * scaleX), dy * (availHeight - elemHeight * scaleY)]; + } + function parseStyleAttr(v) { + let result = Object.create(null); + v = (v || '').trim().split(/;/); + for (let i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { + let key = (v[i].split(':')[0] || '').trim(), + value = (v[i].split(':')[1] || '').trim(); + if (key) { + result[key] = value; + } + } + if (result['marker']) { + if (!result['marker-start']) {result['marker-start'] = result['marker'];} + if (!result['marker-mid']) {result['marker-mid'] = result['marker'];} + if (!result['marker-end']) {result['marker-end'] = result['marker'];} + } + if (result['font']) { + let fontFamily = null, fontSize = null, fontStyle = "normal", fontWeight = "normal", fontVariant = "normal"; + let parts = result['font'].split(/\s+/); + for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { + switch (parts[i]) { + case "normal": + break; + case "italic": case "oblique": + fontStyle = parts[i]; + break; + case "small-caps": + fontVariant = parts[i]; + break; + case "bold": case "bolder": case "lighter": case "100": case "200": case "300": + case "400": case "500": case "600": case "700": case "800": case "900": + fontWeight = parts[i]; + break; + default: + if (!fontSize) { + fontSize = parts[i].split('/')[0]; + } else { + if (!fontFamily) { + fontFamily = parts[i]; + } else { + fontFamily += ' ' + parts[i]; + } + } + break; + } + } + if (!result['font-style']) {result['font-style'] = fontStyle;} + if (!result['font-variant']) {result['font-variant'] = fontVariant;} + if (!result['font-weight']) {result['font-weight'] = fontWeight;} + if (!result['font-size']) {result['font-size'] = fontSize;} + if (!result['font-family']) {result['font-family'] = fontFamily;} + } + return result; + } + function parseSelector(v) { + let parts = v.split(/(?=[.#])/g), ids = [], classes = [], tags = [], temp; + for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { + if (temp = parts[i].match(/^[#]([_A-Za-z0-9-]+)$/)) { + ids.push(temp[1]); + } else if (temp = parts[i].match(/^[.]([_A-Za-z0-9-]+)$/)) { + classes.push(temp[1]); + } else if (temp = parts[i].match(/^([_A-Za-z0-9-]+)$/)) { + tags.push(temp[1]); + } else if (parts[i] !== '*') { + return; + } + } + return { + tags: tags, ids: ids, classes: classes, + specificity: ids.length * 10000 + classes.length * 100 + tags.length + }; + } + function parseStyleSheet(v) { + let parser = new StringParser(v.trim()), rules = [], rule; + while (rule = parser.match(/^\s*([^\{\}]*?)\s*\{([^\{\}]*?)\}/, true)) { + let selectors = rule[1].split(/\s*,\s*/g), + css = parseStyleAttr(rule[2]); + for (let i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) { + let selector = parseSelector(selectors[i]); + if (selector) { + rules.push({selector: selector, css:css}); + } + } + } + return rules; + } + function matchesSelector(elem, selector) { + if (elem.nodeType !== 1) {return false;} + for (let i = 0; i < selector.tags.length; i++) { + if (selector.tags[i] !== elem.nodeName) {return false;} + } + for (let i = 0; i < selector.ids.length; i++) { + if (selector.ids[i] !== elem.id) {return false;} + } + for (let i = 0; i < selector.classes.length; i++) { + if (elem.classList.indexOf(selector.classes[i]) === -1) {return false;} + } + return true; + } + function getStyle(elem) { + let result = Object.create(null); + let specificities = Object.create(null); + for (let i = 0; i < styleRules.length; i++) { + let rule = styleRules[i]; + if (matchesSelector(elem, rule.selector)) { + for (let key in rule.css) { + if (!(specificities[key] > rule.selector.specificity)) { + result[key] = rule.css[key]; + specificities[key] = rule.selector.specificity; + } + } + } + } + return result; + } + function combineArrays(array1, array2) { + return array1.concat(array2.slice(array1.length)); + } + function getAscent(font, size) { + return Math.max(font.ascender, (font.bbox[3] || font.bbox.maxY) * (font.scale || 1)) * size / 1000; + } + function getDescent(font, size) { + return Math.min(font.descender, (font.bbox[1] || font.bbox.minY) * (font.scale || 1)) * size / 1000; + } + function getXHeight(font, size) { + return (font.xHeight || 0.5 * (font.ascender - font.descender)) * size / 1000; + } + function getBaseline(font, size, baseline, shift) { + let dy1, dy2; + switch (baseline) { + case 'middle': dy1 = 0.5 * getXHeight(font, size); break; + case 'central': dy1 = 0.5 * (getDescent(font, size) + getAscent(font, size)); break; + case 'after-edge': case 'text-after-edge': dy1 = getDescent(font, size); break; + case 'alphabetic': case 'auto': case 'baseline': dy1 = 0; break; + case 'mathematical': dy1 = 0.5 * getAscent(font, size); break; + case 'hanging': dy1 = 0.8 * getAscent(font, size); break; + case 'before-edge': case 'text-before-edge': dy1 = getAscent(font, size); break; + default: dy1 = 0; break; + } + switch (shift) { + case 'baseline': dy2 = 0; break; + case 'super': dy2 = 0.6 * size; break; + case 'sub': dy2 = -0.6 * size; break; + default: dy2 = shift; break; + } + return dy1 - dy2; + } + function getTextPos(font, size, text) { + let encoded = font.encode('' + text), hex = encoded[0], pos = encoded[1], data = []; + for (let i = 0; i < hex.length; i++) { + let unicode = font.unicode ? font.unicode[parseInt(hex[i], 16)] : [text.charCodeAt(i)]; + data.push({ + glyph: hex[i], + unicode: unicode, + width: pos[i].advanceWidth * size / 1000, + xOffset: pos[i].xOffset * size / 1000, + yOffset: pos[i].yOffset * size / 1000, + xAdvance: pos[i].xAdvance * size / 1000, + yAdvance: pos[i].yAdvance * size / 1000 + }); + } + return data; + } + function createSVGElement(obj, inherits) { + switch (obj.nodeName) { + case 'use': return new SvgElemUse(obj, inherits); + case 'symbol': return new SvgElemSymbol(obj, inherits); + case 'g': return new SvgElemGroup(obj, inherits); + case 'a': return new SvgElemLink(obj, inherits); + case 'svg': return new SvgElemSvg(obj, inherits); + case 'image': return new SVGElemImage(obj, inherits); + case 'rect': return new SvgElemRect(obj, inherits); + case 'circle': return new SvgElemCircle(obj, inherits); + case 'ellipse': return new SvgElemEllipse(obj, inherits); + case 'line': return new SvgElemLine(obj, inherits); + case 'polyline': return new SvgElemPolyline(obj, inherits); + case 'polygon': return new SvgElemPolygon(obj, inherits); + case 'path': return new SvgElemPath(obj, inherits); + case 'text': return new SvgElemText(obj, inherits); + case 'tspan': return new SvgElemTspan(obj, inherits); + case 'textPath': return new SvgElemTextPath(obj, inherits); + case '#text': case '#cdata-section': return new SvgElemTextNode(obj, inherits); + default: return new SvgElem(obj, inherits); + } + } + + var StringParser = function(str) { + this.match = function(exp, all) { + let temp = str.match(exp); + if (!temp || temp.index !== 0) {return;} + str = str.substring(temp[0].length); + return (all ? temp : temp[0]); + }; + this.matchSeparator = function() { + return this.match(/^(?:\s*,\s*|\s*|)/); + }; + this.matchSpace = function() { + return this.match(/^(?:\s*)/); + }; + this.matchLengthUnit = function() { + return this.match(/^(?:px|pt|cm|mm|in|pc|em|ex|%|)/); + }; + this.matchNumber = function() { + return this.match(/^(?:[-+]?(?:[0-9]+[.][0-9]+|[0-9]+[.]|[.][0-9]+|[0-9]+)(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)/); + }; + this.matchAll = function() { + return this.match(/^[\s\S]+/); + }; + }; + + var BezierSegment = function(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y) { + let divisions = 6 * precision; + let equationX = [p1x, -3 * p1x + 3 * c1x, 3 * p1x - 6 * c1x + 3 * c2x, -p1x + 3 * c1x - 3 * c2x + p2x]; + let equationY = [p1y, -3 * p1y + 3 * c1y, 3 * p1y - 6 * c1y + 3 * c2y, -p1y + 3 * c1y - 3 * c2y + p2y]; + let derivativeX = [-3 * p1x + 3 * c1x, 6 * p1x - 12 * c1x + 6 * c2x, -3 * p1x + 9 * c1x - 9 * c2x + 3 * p2x]; + let derivativeY = [-3 * p1y + 3 * c1y, 6 * p1y - 12 * c1y + 6 * c2y, -3 * p1y + 9 * c1y - 9 * c2y + 3 * p2y]; + let lengthMap = [0]; + for (let i = 1; i <= divisions; i++) { + let t = (i - 0.5) / divisions; + let dx = getCurveValue(t, derivativeX) / divisions, + dy = getCurveValue(t, derivativeY) / divisions, + l = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); + lengthMap[i] = lengthMap[i - 1] + l; + } + this.totalLength = lengthMap[divisions]; + this.startPoint = [p1x, p1y, isEqual(p1x, c1x) && isEqual(p1y, c1y) ? Math.atan2(c2y - c1y, c2x - c1x) : Math.atan2(c1y - p1y, c1x - p1x)]; + this.endPoint = [p2x, p2y, isEqual(c2x, p2x) && isEqual(c2y, p2y) ? Math.atan2(c2y - c1y, c2x - c1x) : Math.atan2(p2y - c2y, p2x - c2x)]; + this.getBoundingBox = function() { + let temp; + let minX = getCurveValue(0, equationX), minY = getCurveValue(0, equationY), + maxX = getCurveValue(1, equationX), maxY = getCurveValue(1, equationY); + if (minX > maxX) {temp = maxX; maxX = minX; minX = temp;} + if (minY > maxY) {temp = maxY; maxY = minY; minY = temp;} + let rootsX = solveEquation(derivativeX); + for (let i = 0; i < rootsX.length; i++) { + if (rootsX[i] >= 0 && rootsX[i] <= 1) { + let x = getCurveValue(rootsX[i], equationX); + if (x < minX) {minX = x;} + if (x > maxX) {maxX = x;} + } + } + let rootsY = solveEquation(derivativeY); + for (let i = 0; i < rootsY.length; i++) { + if (rootsY[i] >= 0 && rootsY[i] <= 1) { + let y = getCurveValue(rootsY[i], equationY); + if (y < minY) {minY = y;} + if (y > maxY) {maxY = y;} + } + } + return [minX, minY, maxX, maxY]; + }; + this.getPointAtLength = function(l) { + if (isEqual(l, 0)) {return this.startPoint;} + if (isEqual(l, this.totalLength)) {return this.endPoint;} + if (l < 0 || l > this.totalLength) {return;} + for (let i = 1; i <= divisions; i++) { + let l1 = lengthMap[i-1], l2 = lengthMap[i]; + if (l1 <= l && l <= l2) { + let t = (i - (l2 - l) / (l2 - l1)) / divisions, + x = getCurveValue(t, equationX), y = getCurveValue(t, equationY), + dx = getCurveValue(t, derivativeX), dy = getCurveValue(t, derivativeY); + return [x, y, Math.atan2(dy, dx)]; + } + } + }; + }; + + var LineSegment = function(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) { + this.totalLength = Math.sqrt((p2x - p1x) * (p2x - p1x) + (p2y - p1y) * (p2y - p1y)); + this.startPoint = [p1x, p1y, Math.atan2(p2y - p1y, p2x - p1x)]; + this.endPoint = [p2x, p2y, Math.atan2(p2y - p1y, p2x - p1x)]; + this.getBoundingBox = function() { + return [Math.min(this.startPoint[0], this.endPoint[0]), Math.min(this.startPoint[1], this.endPoint[1]), + Math.max(this.startPoint[0], this.endPoint[0]), Math.max(this.startPoint[1], this.endPoint[1])]; + }; + this.getPointAtLength = function(l) { + if (l >= 0 && l <= this.totalLength) { + let r = l / this.totalLength || 0, + x = this.startPoint[0] + r * (this.endPoint[0] - this.startPoint[0]), + y = this.startPoint[1] + r * (this.endPoint[1] - this.startPoint[1]); + return [x, y, this.startPoint[2]]; + } + }; + }; + + var SvgShape = function() { + this.pathCommands = []; + this.pathSegments = []; + this.startPoint = null; + this.endPoint = null; + this.totalLength = 0; + let startX = 0, startY = 0, currX = 0, currY = 0, lastCom, lastCtrlX, lastCtrlY; + this.move = function(x, y) { + startX = currX = x; startY = currY = y; + return null; + }; + this.line = function(x, y) { + let segment = new LineSegment(currX, currY, x, y); + currX = x; currY = y; + return segment; + }; + this.curve = function(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y) { + let segment = new BezierSegment(currX, currY, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y); + currX = x; currY = y; + return segment; + }; + this.close = function() { + let segment = new LineSegment(currX, currY, startX, startY); + currX = startX; currY = startY; + return segment; + }; + this.addCommand = function(data) { + this.pathCommands.push(data); + let segment = this[data[0]].apply(this, data.slice(3)); + if (segment) { + segment.hasStart = data[1]; + segment.hasEnd = data[2]; + this.startPoint = this.startPoint || segment.startPoint; + this.endPoint = segment.endPoint; + this.pathSegments.push(segment); + this.totalLength += segment.totalLength; + } + }; + this.M = function(x, y) { + this.addCommand(['move', true, true, x, y]); + lastCom = 'M'; + return this; + }; + this.m = function(x, y) { + return this.M(currX + x, currY + y); + }; + this.Z = this.z = function() { + this.addCommand(['close', true, true]); + lastCom = 'Z'; + return this; + }; + this.L = function(x, y) { + this.addCommand(['line', true, true, x, y]); + lastCom = 'L'; + return this; + }; + this.l = function(x, y) { + return this.L(currX + x, currY + y); + }; + this.H = function(x) { + return this.L(x, currY); + }; + this.h = function(x) { + return this.L(currX + x, currY); + }; + this.V = function(y) { + return this.L(currX, y); + }; + this.v = function(y) { + return this.L(currX, currY + y); + }; + this.C = function(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y) { + this.addCommand(['curve', true, true, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y]); + lastCom = 'C'; lastCtrlX = c2x; lastCtrlY = c2y; + return this; + }; + this.c = function(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y) { + return this.C(currX + c1x, currY + c1y, currX + c2x, currY + c2y, currX + x, currY + y); + }; + this.S = function(c1x, c1y, x, y) { + return this.C(currX + (lastCom === 'C' ? currX - lastCtrlX : 0), currY + (lastCom === 'C' ? currY - lastCtrlY : 0), c1x, c1y, x, y); + }; + this.s = function(c1x, c1y, x, y) { + return this.C(currX + (lastCom === 'C' ? currX - lastCtrlX : 0), currY + (lastCom === 'C' ? currY - lastCtrlY : 0), currX + c1x, currY + c1y, currX + x, currY + y); + }; + this.Q = function(cx, cy, x, y) { + let c1x = currX + 2 / 3 * (cx - currX), c1y = currY + 2 / 3 * (cy - currY), + c2x = x + 2 / 3 * (cx - x), c2y = y + 2 / 3 * (cy - y); + this.addCommand(['curve', true, true, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y]); + lastCom = 'Q'; lastCtrlX = cx; lastCtrlY = cy; + return this; + }; + this.q = function(c1x, c1y, x, y) { + return this.Q(currX + c1x, currY + c1y, currX + x, currY + y); + }; + this.T = function(x, y) { + return this.Q(currX + (lastCom === 'Q' ? currX - lastCtrlX : 0), currY + (lastCom === 'Q' ? currY - lastCtrlY : 0), x, y); + }; + this.t = function(x, y) { + return this.Q(currX + (lastCom === 'Q' ? currX - lastCtrlX : 0), currY + (lastCom === 'Q' ? currY - lastCtrlY : 0), currX + x, currY + y); + }; + this.A = function(rx, ry, fi, fa, fs, x, y) { + if (isEqual(rx, 0) || isEqual(ry, 0)) { + this.addCommand(['line', true, true, x, y]); + } else { + fi = fi * (Math.PI / 180); + rx = Math.abs(rx); + ry = Math.abs(ry); + fa = 1 * !!fa; + fs = 1 * !!fs; + let x1 = Math.cos(fi) * (currX - x) / 2 + Math.sin(fi) * (currY - y) / 2, + y1 = Math.cos(fi) * (currY - y) / 2 - Math.sin(fi) * (currX - x) / 2, + lambda = (x1 * x1) / (rx * rx) + (y1 * y1) / (ry * ry); + if (lambda > 1) { + rx *= Math.sqrt(lambda); + ry *= Math.sqrt(lambda); + } + let r = Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, rx * rx * ry * ry - rx * rx * y1 * y1 - ry * ry * x1 * x1) / (rx * rx * y1 * y1 + ry * ry * x1 * x1)), + x2 = (fa === fs ? -1 : 1) * r * rx * y1 / ry, + y2 = (fa === fs ? 1 : -1) * r * ry * x1 / rx; + let cx = Math.cos(fi) * x2 - Math.sin(fi) * y2 + (currX + x) / 2, + cy = Math.sin(fi) * x2 + Math.cos(fi) * y2 + (currY + y) / 2, + th1 = Math.atan2((y1 - y2) / ry, (x1 - x2) / rx), + th2 = Math.atan2((-y1 - y2) / ry, (-x1 - x2) / rx); + if (fs === 0 && th2 - th1 > 0) { + th2 -= 2 * Math.PI; + } else if (fs === 1 && th2 - th1 < 0) { + th2 += 2 * Math.PI; + } + let segms = Math.ceil(Math.abs(th2 - th1) / (Math.PI / precision)); + for (let i = 0; i < segms; i++) { + let th3 = th1 + i * (th2 - th1) / segms, + th4 = th1 + (i + 1) * (th2 - th1) / segms, + t = 4/3 * Math.tan((th4 - th3) / 4); + let c1x = cx + Math.cos(fi) * rx * (Math.cos(th3) - t * Math.sin(th3)) - Math.sin(fi) * ry * (Math.sin(th3) + t * Math.cos(th3)), + c1y = cy + Math.sin(fi) * rx * (Math.cos(th3) - t * Math.sin(th3)) + Math.cos(fi) * ry * (Math.sin(th3) + t * Math.cos(th3)), + c2x = cx + Math.cos(fi) * rx * (Math.cos(th4) + t * Math.sin(th4)) - Math.sin(fi) * ry * (Math.sin(th4) - t * Math.cos(th4)), + c2y = cy + Math.sin(fi) * rx * (Math.cos(th4) + t * Math.sin(th4)) + Math.cos(fi) * ry * (Math.sin(th4) - t * Math.cos(th4)), + endX = cx + Math.cos(fi) * rx * Math.cos(th4) - Math.sin(fi) * ry * Math.sin(th4), + endY = cy + Math.sin(fi) * rx * Math.cos(th4) + Math.cos(fi) * ry * Math.sin(th4); + this.addCommand(['curve', (i === 0), (i === segms - 1), c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, endX, endY]); + } + } + lastCom = 'A'; + return this; + }; + this.a = function(rx, ry, fi, fa, fs, x, y) { + return this.A(rx, ry, fi, fa, fs, currX + x, currY + y); + }; + this.path = function(d) { + let command, value, temp, + parser = new StringParser((d || '').trim()); + while (command = parser.match(/^[astvzqmhlcASTVZQMHLC]/)) { + parser.matchSeparator(); + let values = []; + while (value = (PathFlags[command + values.length] ? parser.match(/^[01]/) : parser.matchNumber())) { + parser.matchSeparator(); + if (values.length === PathArguments[command]) { + this[command].apply(this, values); + values = []; + if (command === 'M') {command = 'L';} + else if (command === 'm') {command = 'l';} + } + values.push(Number(value)); + } + if (values.length === PathArguments[command]) { + this[command].apply(this, values); + } else { + warningCallback('SvgPath: command ' + command + ' with ' + values.length + ' numbers'); return; + } + } + if (temp = parser.matchAll()) { + warningCallback('SvgPath: unexpected string ' + temp); + } + return this; + }; + this.getBoundingBox = function() { + let bbox = [Infinity, Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity]; + function addBounds(bbox1) { + if (bbox1[0] < bbox[0]) {bbox[0] = bbox1[0];} + if (bbox1[2] > bbox[2]) {bbox[2] = bbox1[2];} + if (bbox1[1] < bbox[1]) {bbox[1] = bbox1[1];} + if (bbox1[3] > bbox[3]) {bbox[3] = bbox1[3];} + } + for (let i = 0; i < this.pathSegments.length; i++) { + addBounds(this.pathSegments[i].getBoundingBox()); + } + if (bbox[0] === Infinity) {bbox[0] = 0;} + if (bbox[1] === Infinity) {bbox[1] = 0;} + if (bbox[2] === -Infinity) {bbox[2] = 0;} + if (bbox[3] === -Infinity) {bbox[3] = 0;} + return bbox; + }; + this.getPointAtLength = function(l) { + if (l >= 0 && l <= this.totalLength) { + let temp; + for (let i = 0; i < this.pathSegments.length; i++) { + if (temp = this.pathSegments[i].getPointAtLength(l)) { + return temp; + } + l -= this.pathSegments[i].totalLength; + } + return this.endPoint; + } + }; + this.transform = function(m) { + this.pathSegments = []; + this.startPoint = null; + this.endPoint = null; + this.totalLength = 0; + for (let i = 0; i < this.pathCommands.length; i++) { + let data = this.pathCommands.shift(); + for (let j = 3; j < data.length; j+=2) { + let p = transformPoint([data[j], data[j + 1]], m) + data[j] = p[0]; + data[j + 1] = p[1]; + } + this.addCommand(data); + } + return this; + }; + this.mergeShape = function(shape) { + for (let i = 0; i < shape.pathCommands.length; i++) { + this.addCommand(shape.pathCommands[i].slice()); + } + return this; + }; + this.clone = function() { + return new SvgShape().mergeShape(this); + }; + this.insertInDocument = function() { + for (let i = 0; i < this.pathCommands.length; i++) { + let command = this.pathCommands[i][0], values = this.pathCommands[i].slice(3); + switch(command) { + case 'move': doc.moveTo(values[0], values[1]); break; + case 'line': doc.lineTo(values[0], values[1]); break; + case 'curve': doc.bezierCurveTo(values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3], values[4], values[5]); break; + case 'close': doc.closePath(); break; + } + } + }; + this.getSubPaths = function() { + let subPaths = [], shape = new SvgShape(); + for (let i = 0; i < this.pathCommands.length; i++) { + let data = this.pathCommands[i], command = this.pathCommands[i][0]; + if (command === 'move' && i !== 0) { + subPaths.push(shape); + shape = new SvgShape(); + } + shape.addCommand(data); + } + subPaths.push(shape); + return subPaths; + }; + this.getMarkers = function() { + let markers = [], subPaths = this.getSubPaths(); + for (let i = 0; i < subPaths.length; i++) { + let subPath = subPaths[i], subPathMarkers = []; + for (let j = 0; j < subPath.pathSegments.length; j++) { + let segment = subPath.pathSegments[j]; + if (isNotEqual(segment.totalLength, 0) || j === 0 || j === subPath.pathSegments.length - 1) { + if (segment.hasStart) { + let startMarker = segment.getPointAtLength(0), prevEndMarker = subPathMarkers.pop(); + if (prevEndMarker) {startMarker[2] = 0.5 * (prevEndMarker[2] + startMarker[2]);} + subPathMarkers.push(startMarker); + } + if (segment.hasEnd) { + let endMarker = segment.getPointAtLength(segment.totalLength); + subPathMarkers.push(endMarker); + } + } + } + markers = markers.concat(subPathMarkers); + } + return markers; + }; + }; + + var SvgElem = function(obj, inherits) { + let styleCache = Object.create(null); + let childrenCache = null; + this.name = obj.nodeName; + this.isOuterElement = obj === svg || !obj.parentNode; + this.inherits = inherits || (!this.isOuterElement ? createSVGElement(obj.parentNode, null) : null); + this.stack = (this.inherits ? this.inherits.stack.concat(obj) : [obj]); + this.style = parseStyleAttr(typeof obj.getAttribute === 'function' && obj.getAttribute('style')); + this.css = useCSS ? getComputedStyle(obj) : getStyle(obj); + this.allowedChildren = []; + this.attr = function(key) { + if (typeof obj.getAttribute === 'function') { + return obj.getAttribute(key); + } + }; + this.resolveUrl = function(value) { + let temp = (value || '').match(/^\s*(?:url\("(.*)#(.*)"\)|url\('(.*)#(.*)'\)|url\((.*)#(.*)\)|(.*)#(.*))\s*$/) || []; + let file = temp[1] || temp[3] || temp[5] || temp[7], + id = temp[2] || temp[4] || temp[6] || temp[8]; + if (id) { + if (!file) { + let svgObj = svg.getElementById(id); + if (svgObj) { + if (this.stack.indexOf(svgObj) === -1) { + return svgObj; + } else { + warningCallback('SVGtoPDF: loop of circular references for id "' + id + '"'); + return; + } + } + } + if (documentCallback) { + let svgs = documentCache[file]; + if (!svgs) { + svgs = documentCallback(file); + if (!isArrayLike(svgs)) {svgs = [svgs];} + for (let i = 0; i < svgs.length; i++) { + if (typeof svgs[i] === 'string') {svgs[i] = parseXml(svgs[i]);} + } + documentCache[file] = svgs; + } + for (let i = 0; i < svgs.length; i++) { + let svgObj = svgs[i].getElementById(id); + if (svgObj) { + if (this.stack.indexOf(svgObj) === -1) { + return svgObj; + } else { + warningCallback('SVGtoPDF: loop of circular references for id "' + file + '#' + id + '"'); + return; + } + } + } + } + } + }; + this.computeUnits = function(value, unit, percent, isFontSize) { + if (unit === '%') { + return parseFloat(value) / 100 * (isFontSize || percent != null ? percent : this.getViewport()); + } else if (unit === 'ex' || unit === 'em') { + return value * {'em':1, 'ex':0.5}[unit] * (isFontSize ? percent : this.get('font-size')); + } else { + return value * {'':1, 'px':1, 'pt':96/72, 'cm':96/2.54, 'mm':96/25.4, 'in':96, 'pc':96/6}[unit]; + } + }; + this.computeLength = function(value, percent, initial, isFontSize) { + let parser = new StringParser((value || '').trim()), temp1, temp2; + if (typeof (temp1 = parser.matchNumber()) === 'string' && typeof (temp2 = parser.matchLengthUnit()) === 'string' && !parser.matchAll()) { + return this.computeUnits(temp1, temp2, percent, isFontSize); + } + return initial; + }; + this.computeLengthList = function(value, percent, strict) { + let parser = new StringParser((value || '').trim()), result = [], temp1, temp2; + while (typeof (temp1 = parser.matchNumber()) === 'string' && typeof (temp2 = parser.matchLengthUnit()) === 'string') { + result.push(this.computeUnits(temp1, temp2, percent)); + parser.matchSeparator(); + } + if (strict && parser.matchAll()) {return;} + return result; + }; + this.getLength = function(key, percent, initial) { + return this.computeLength(this.attr(key), percent, initial); + }; + this.getLengthList = function(key, percent) { + return this.computeLengthList(this.attr(key), percent); + }; + this.getUrl = function(key) { + return this.resolveUrl(this.attr(key)) + }; + this.getNumberList = function(key) { + let parser = new StringParser((this.attr(key) || '').trim()), result = [], temp; + while (temp = parser.matchNumber()) { + result.push(Number(temp)); + parser.matchSeparator(); + } + result.error = parser.matchAll(); + return result; + } + this.getViewbox = function(key, initial) { + let viewBox = this.getNumberList(key); + if (viewBox.length === 4 && viewBox[2] >= 0 && viewBox[3] >= 0) {return viewBox;} + return initial; + }; + this.getPercent = function(key, initial) { + let value = this.attr(key); + let parser = new StringParser((value || '').trim()), temp1, temp2; + let number = parser.matchNumber(); + if (!number) {return initial;} + if (parser.match('%')) {number *= 0.01;} + if (parser.matchAll()) {return initial;} + return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, number)); + }; + this.chooseValue = function(args) { + for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { + if (arguments[i] != null && arguments[i] === arguments[i]) {return arguments[i];} + } + return arguments[arguments.length - 1]; + }; + this.get = function(key) { + if (styleCache[key] !== undefined) {return styleCache[key];} + let keyInfo = Properties[key] || {}, value, result; + for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { + switch (i) { + case 0: + if (key !== 'transform') { // the CSS transform behaves strangely + value = this.css[keyInfo.css || key]; + } + break; + case 1: + value = this.style[key]; + break; + case 2: + value = this.attr(key); + break; + } + if (value === 'inherit') { + result = (this.inherits ? this.inherits.get(key) : keyInfo.initial); + if (result != null) {return styleCache[key] = result;} + } + if (keyInfo.values != null) { + result = keyInfo.values[value]; + if (result != null) {return styleCache[key] = result;} + } + if (value != null) { + let parsed; + switch (key) { + case 'font-size': + result = this.computeLength(value, this.inherits ? this.inherits.get(key) : keyInfo.initial, undefined, true); + break; + case 'baseline-shift': + result = this.computeLength(value, this.get('font-size')); + break; + case 'font-family': + result = value || undefined; + break; + case 'opacity': case 'stroke-opacity': case 'fill-opacity': case 'stop-opacity': + parsed = parseFloat(value); + if (!isNaN(parsed)) { + result = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parsed)); + } + break; + case 'transform': + result = parseTranform(value); + break; + case 'stroke-dasharray': + if (value === 'none') { + result = []; + } else if (parsed = this.computeLengthList(value, this.getViewport(), true)) { + let sum = 0, error = false; + for (let j = 0; j < parsed.length; j++) { + if (parsed[j] < 0) {error = true;} + sum += parsed[j]; + } + if (!error) { + if (parsed.length % 2 === 1) { + parsed = parsed.concat(parsed); + } + result = (sum === 0 ? [] : parsed); + } + } + break; + case 'color': + if (value === 'none' || value === 'transparent') { + result = 'none'; + } else { + result = parseColor(value); + } + break; + case 'fill': case 'stroke': + if (value === 'none' || value === 'transparent') { + result = 'none'; + } else if (value === 'currentColor') { + result = this.get('color'); + } else if (parsed = parseColor(value)) { + return parsed; + } else if (parsed = (value || '').split(' ')) { + let object = this.resolveUrl(parsed[0]), + fallbackColor = parseColor(parsed[1]); + if (object == null) { + result = fallbackColor; + } else if (object.nodeName === 'linearGradient' || object.nodeName === 'radialGradient') { + result = new SvgElemGradient(object, null, fallbackColor); + } else if (object.nodeName === 'pattern') { + result = new SvgElemPattern(object, null, fallbackColor); + } else { + result = fallbackColor; + } + } + break; + case 'stop-color': + if (value === 'none' || value === 'transparent') { + result = 'none'; + } else if (value === 'currentColor') { + result = this.get('color'); + } else { + result = parseColor(value); + } + break; + case 'marker-start': case 'marker-mid': case 'marker-end': case 'clip-path': case 'mask': + if (value === 'none') { + result = 'none'; + } else { + result = this.resolveUrl(value); + } + break; + case 'stroke-width': + parsed = this.computeLength(value, this.getViewport()); + if (parsed != null && parsed >= 0) { + result = parsed; + } + break; + case 'stroke-miterlimit': + parsed = parseFloat(value); + if (parsed != null && parsed >= 1) { + result = parsed; + } + break; + case 'word-spacing': case 'letter-spacing': + result = this.computeLength(value, this.getViewport()); + break; + case 'stroke-dashoffset': + result = this.computeLength(value, this.getViewport()); + if (result != null) { + if (result < 0) { // fix for crbug.com/660850 + let dasharray = this.get('stroke-dasharray'); + for (let j = 0; j < dasharray.length; j++) {result += dasharray[j];} + } + } + break; + } + if (result != null) {return styleCache[key] = result;} + } + } + return styleCache[key] = (keyInfo.inherit && this.inherits ? this.inherits.get(key) : keyInfo.initial); + }; + this.getChildren = function() { + if (childrenCache != null) {return childrenCache;} + let children = []; + for (let i = 0; i < obj.childNodes.length; i++) { + let child = obj.childNodes[i]; + if (!child.error && this.allowedChildren.indexOf(child.nodeName) !== -1) { + children.push(createSVGElement(child, this)); + } + } + return childrenCache = children; + }; + this.getParentVWidth = function() { + return (this.inherits ? this.inherits.getVWidth(): viewportWidth); + }; + this.getParentVHeight = function() { + return (this.inherits ? this.inherits.getVHeight() : viewportHeight); + }; + this.getParentViewport = function() { + return Math.sqrt(0.5 * this.getParentVWidth() * this.getParentVWidth() + 0.5 * this.getParentVHeight() * this.getParentVHeight()); + }; + this.getVWidth = function() { + return this.getParentVWidth(); + }; + this.getVHeight = function() { + return this.getParentVHeight(); + }; + this.getViewport = function() { + return Math.sqrt(0.5 * this.getVWidth() * this.getVWidth() + 0.5 * this.getVHeight() * this.getVHeight()); + }; + this.getBoundingBox = function() { + let shape = this.getBoundingShape(); + return shape.getBoundingBox(); + }; + }; + + var SvgElemStylable = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElem.call(this, obj, inherits); + this.transform = function() { + doc.transform.apply(doc, this.getTransformation()); + }; + this.clip = function() { + if (this.get('clip-path') !== 'none') { + let clipPath = new SvgElemClipPath(this.get('clip-path'), null); + clipPath.useMask(this.getBoundingBox()); + return true; + } + }; + this.mask = function() { + if (this.get('mask') !== 'none') { + let mask = new SvgElemMask(this.get('mask'), null); + mask.useMask(this.getBoundingBox()); + return true; + } + }; + this.getFill = function(isClip, isMask) { + let opacity = this.get('opacity'), + fill = this.get('fill'), + fillOpacity = this.get('fill-opacity'); + if (isClip) {return DefaultColors.white;} + if (fill !== 'none' && opacity && fillOpacity) { + if (fill instanceof SvgElemGradient || fill instanceof SvgElemPattern) { + return fill.getPaint(this.getBoundingBox(), fillOpacity * opacity, isClip, isMask); + } + return opacityToColor(fill, fillOpacity * opacity, isMask); + } + }; + this.getStroke = function(isClip, isMask) { + let opacity = this.get('opacity'), + stroke = this.get('stroke'), + strokeOpacity = this.get('stroke-opacity'); + if (isClip || isEqual(this.get('stroke-width'), 0)) {return;} + if (stroke !== 'none' && opacity && strokeOpacity) { + if (stroke instanceof SvgElemGradient || stroke instanceof SvgElemPattern) { + return stroke.getPaint(this.getBoundingBox(), strokeOpacity * opacity, isClip, isMask); + } + return opacityToColor(stroke, strokeOpacity * opacity, isMask); + } + }; + }; + + var SvgElemHasChildren = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemStylable.call(this, obj, inherits); + this.allowedChildren = ['use', 'g', 'a', 'svg', 'image', 'rect', 'circle', 'ellipse', 'line', 'polyline', 'polygon', 'path', 'text']; + this.getBoundingShape = function() { + let shape = new SvgShape(), + children = this.getChildren(); + for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { + if (children[i].get('display') !== 'none') { + if (typeof children[i].getBoundingShape === 'function') { + let childShape = children[i].getBoundingShape().clone(); + if (typeof children[i].getTransformation === 'function') { + childShape.transform(children[i].getTransformation()); + } + shape.mergeShape(childShape); + } + } + } + return shape; + }; + this.drawChildren = function(isClip, isMask) { + let children = this.getChildren(); + for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { + if (children[i].get('display') !== 'none') { + if (typeof children[i].drawInDocument === 'function') { + children[i].drawInDocument(isClip, isMask); + } + } + } + }; + }; + + var SvgElemContainer = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemHasChildren.call(this, obj, inherits); + this.drawContent = function(isClip, isMask) { + this.transform(); + let clipped = this.clip(), + masked = this.mask(), + group; + if ((this.get('opacity') < 1 || clipped || masked) && !isClip) { + group = docBeginGroup(getPageBBox()); + } + this.drawChildren(isClip, isMask); + if (group) { + docEndGroup(group); + doc.fillOpacity(this.get('opacity')); + docInsertGroup(group); + } + }; + }; + + var SvgElemUse = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemContainer.call(this, obj, inherits); + let x = this.getLength('x', this.getVWidth(), 0), + y = this.getLength('y', this.getVHeight(), 0), + child = this.getUrl('href') || this.getUrl('xlink:href'); + if (child) {child = createSVGElement(child, this);} + this.getChildren = function() { + return child ? [child] : []; + }; + this.drawInDocument = function(isClip, isMask) { + doc.save(); + this.drawContent(isClip, isMask); + doc.restore(); + }; + this.getTransformation = function() { + return multiplyMatrix(this.get('transform'), [1, 0, 0, 1, x, y]); + }; + }; + + var SvgElemSymbol = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemContainer.call(this, obj, inherits); + let width = this.getLength('width', this.getParentVWidth(), this.getParentVWidth()), + height = this.getLength('height', this.getParentVHeight(), this.getParentVHeight()); + if (inherits instanceof SvgElemUse) { + width = inherits.getLength('width', inherits.getParentVWidth(), width); + height = inherits.getLength('height', inherits.getParentVHeight(), height); + } + let aspectRatio = (this.attr('preserveAspectRatio') || '').trim(), + viewBox = this.getViewbox('viewBox', [0, 0, width, height]); + this.getVWidth = function() { + return viewBox[2]; + }; + this.getVHeight = function() { + return viewBox[3]; + }; + this.drawInDocument = function(isClip, isMask) { + doc.save(); + this.drawContent(isClip, isMask); + doc.restore(); + }; + this.getTransformation = function() { + return multiplyMatrix(parseAspectRatio(aspectRatio, width, height, viewBox[2], viewBox[3]), [1, 0, 0, 1, -viewBox[0], -viewBox[1]]); + }; + }; + + var SvgElemGroup = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemContainer.call(this, obj, inherits); + this.drawInDocument = function(isClip, isMask) { + doc.save(); + if (this.link && !isClip && !isMask) {this.addLink();} + this.drawContent(isClip, isMask); + doc.restore(); + }; + this.getTransformation = function() { + return this.get('transform'); + }; + }; + + var SvgElemLink = function(obj, inherits) { + if (inherits && inherits.isText) { + SvgElemTspan.call(this, obj, inherits); + this.allowedChildren = ['textPath', 'tspan', '#text', '#cdata-section', 'a']; + } else { + SvgElemGroup.call(this, obj, inherits); + } + this.link = this.attr('href') || this.attr('xlink:href'); + this.addLink = function() { + if (this.link.match(/^(?:[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:|\/\/)?/i) && this.getChildren().length) { + let bbox = this.getBoundingShape().transform(getGlobalMatrix()).getBoundingBox(); + docInsertLink(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3], this.link); + } + } + }; + + var SvgElemSvg = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemContainer.call(this, obj, inherits); + let width = this.getLength('width', this.getParentVWidth(), this.getParentVWidth()), + height = this.getLength('height', this.getParentVHeight(), this.getParentVHeight()), + x = this.getLength('x', this.getParentVWidth(), 0), + y = this.getLength('y', this.getParentVHeight(), 0); + if (inherits instanceof SvgElemUse) { + width = inherits.getLength('width', inherits.getParentVWidth(), width); + height = inherits.getLength('height', inherits.getParentVHeight(), height); + } + let aspectRatio = this.attr('preserveAspectRatio'), + viewBox = this.getViewbox('viewBox', [0, 0, width, height]); + if (this.isOuterElement && preserveAspectRatio) { + x = y = 0; + width = viewportWidth; + height = viewportHeight; + aspectRatio = preserveAspectRatio; + } + this.getVWidth = function() { + return viewBox[2]; + }; + this.getVHeight = function() { + return viewBox[3]; + }; + this.drawInDocument = function(isClip, isMask) { + doc.save(); + if (this.get('overflow') === 'hidden') { + new SvgShape().M(x, y).L(x + width, y).L(x + width, y + height).L(x, y + height).Z() + .transform(this.get('transform')) + .insertInDocument(); + doc.clip(); + } + this.drawContent(isClip, isMask); + doc.restore(); + }; + this.getTransformation = function() { + return multiplyMatrix( + this.get('transform'), + [1, 0, 0, 1, x, y], + parseAspectRatio(aspectRatio, width, height, viewBox[2], viewBox[3]), + [1, 0, 0, 1, -viewBox[0], -viewBox[1]] + ); + }; + }; + + var SVGElemImage = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemStylable.call(this, obj, inherits); + let link = imageCallback(this.attr('href') || this.attr('xlink:href') || ''), + x = this.getLength('x', this.getVWidth(), 0), + y = this.getLength('y', this.getVHeight(), 0), + width = this.getLength('width', this.getVWidth(), 'auto'), + height = this.getLength('height', this.getVHeight(), 'auto'), + image; + try { + image = doc.openImage(link); + } catch(e) { + warningCallback('SVGElemImage: failed to open image "' + link + '" in PDFKit'); + } + if (image) { + if (width === 'auto' && height !== 'auto') { + width = height * image.width / image.height; + } else if (height === 'auto' && width !== 'auto') { + height = width * image.height / image.width; + } else if (width === 'auto' && height === 'auto') { + width = image.width; + height = image.height; + } + } + if (width === 'auto' || width < 0) {width = 0;} + if (height === 'auto' || height < 0) {height = 0;} + this.getTransformation = function() { + return this.get('transform'); + }; + this.getBoundingShape = function() { + return new SvgShape().M(x, y).L(x + width, y).M(x + width, y + height).L(x, y + height); + }; + this.drawInDocument = function(isClip, isMask) { + if (this.get('visibility') === 'hidden' || !image) {return;} + doc.save(); + this.transform(); + if (this.get('overflow') === 'hidden') { + doc.rect(x, y, width, height).clip(); + } + this.clip(); + this.mask(); + doc.translate(x, y); + doc.transform.apply(doc, parseAspectRatio(this.attr('preserveAspectRatio'), width, height, image ? image.width : width, image ? image.height : height)); + if (!isClip) { + doc.fillOpacity(this.get('opacity')); + doc.image(image, 0, 0); + } else { + doc.rect(0, 0, image.width, image.height); + docFillColor(DefaultColors.white).fill(); + } + doc.restore(); + }; + }; + + var SvgElemPattern = function(obj, inherits, fallback) { + SvgElemHasChildren.call(this, obj, inherits); + this.ref = (function() { + let ref = this.getUrl('href') || this.getUrl('xlink:href'); + if (ref && ref.nodeName === obj.nodeName) { + return new SvgElemPattern(ref, inherits, fallback); + } + }).call(this); + let _attr = this.attr; + this.attr = function(key) { + let attr = _attr.call(this, key); + if (attr != null || key === 'href' || key === 'xlink:href') {return attr;} + return this.ref ? this.ref.attr(key) : null; + }; + let _getChildren = this.getChildren; + this.getChildren = function() { + let children = _getChildren.call(this); + if (children.length > 0) {return children;} + return this.ref ? this.ref.getChildren() : []; + }; + this.getPaint = function(bBox, gOpacity, isClip, isMask) { + let bBoxUnitsPattern = (this.attr('patternUnits') !== 'userSpaceOnUse'), + bBoxUnitsContent = (this.attr('patternContentUnits') === 'objectBoundingBox'), + x = this.getLength('x', (bBoxUnitsPattern ? 1 : this.getParentVWidth()), 0), + y = this.getLength('y', (bBoxUnitsPattern ? 1 : this.getParentVHeight()), 0), + width = this.getLength('width', (bBoxUnitsPattern ? 1 : this.getParentVWidth()), 0), + height = this.getLength('height', (bBoxUnitsPattern ? 1 : this.getParentVHeight()), 0); + if (bBoxUnitsContent && !bBoxUnitsPattern) { // Use the same units for pattern & pattern content + x = (x - bBox[0]) / (bBox[2] - bBox[0]) || 0; + y = (y - bBox[1]) / (bBox[3] - bBox[1]) || 0; + width = width / (bBox[2] - bBox[0]) || 0; + height = height / (bBox[3] - bBox[1]) || 0; + } else if (!bBoxUnitsContent && bBoxUnitsPattern) { + x = bBox[0] + x * (bBox[2] - bBox[0]); + y = bBox[1] + y * (bBox[3] - bBox[1]); + width = width * (bBox[2] - bBox[0]); + height = height * (bBox[3] - bBox[1]); + } + let viewBox = this.getViewbox('viewBox', [0, 0, width, height]), + aspectRatio = (this.attr('preserveAspectRatio') || '').trim(), + aspectRatioMatrix = multiplyMatrix( + parseAspectRatio(aspectRatio, width, height, viewBox[2], viewBox[3], 0), + [1, 0, 0, 1, -viewBox[0], -viewBox[1]] + ), + matrix = parseTranform(this.attr('patternTransform')); + if (bBoxUnitsContent) { + matrix = multiplyMatrix([bBox[2] - bBox[0], 0, 0, bBox[3] - bBox[1], bBox[0], bBox[1]], matrix); + } + matrix = multiplyMatrix(matrix, [1, 0, 0, 1, x, y]); + if ((matrix = validateMatrix(matrix)) && (aspectRatioMatrix = validateMatrix(aspectRatioMatrix)) && (width = validateNumber(width)) && (height = validateNumber(height))) { + let group = docBeginGroup([0, 0, width, height]); + doc.transform.apply(doc, aspectRatioMatrix); + this.drawChildren(isClip, isMask); + docEndGroup(group); + return [docCreatePattern(group, width, height, matrix), gOpacity]; + } else { + return fallback ? [fallback[0], fallback[1] * gOpacity] : undefined; + } + }; + this.getVWidth = function() { + let bBoxUnitsPattern = (this.attr('patternUnits') !== 'userSpaceOnUse'), + width = this.getLength('width', (bBoxUnitsPattern ? 1 : this.getParentVWidth()), 0); + return this.getViewbox('viewBox', [0, 0, width, 0])[2]; + }; + this.getVHeight = function() { + let bBoxUnitsPattern = (this.attr('patternUnits') !== 'userSpaceOnUse'), + height = this.getLength('height', (bBoxUnitsPattern ? 1 : this.getParentVHeight()), 0); + return this.getViewbox('viewBox', [0, 0, 0, height])[3]; + }; + }; + + var SvgElemGradient = function(obj, inherits, fallback) { + SvgElem.call(this, obj, inherits); + this.allowedChildren = ['stop']; + this.ref = (function() { + let ref = this.getUrl('href') || this.getUrl('xlink:href'); + if (ref && ref.nodeName === obj.nodeName) { + return new SvgElemGradient(ref, inherits, fallback); + } + }).call(this); + let _attr = this.attr; + this.attr = function(key) { + let attr = _attr.call(this, key); + if (attr != null || key === 'href' || key === 'xlink:href') {return attr;} + return this.ref ? this.ref.attr(key) : null; + }; + let _getChildren = this.getChildren; + this.getChildren = function() { + let children = _getChildren.call(this); + if (children.length > 0) {return children;} + return this.ref ? this.ref.getChildren() : []; + }; + this.getPaint = function(bBox, gOpacity, isClip, isMask) { + let children = this.getChildren(); + if (children.length === 0) {return;} + if (children.length === 1) { + let child = children[0], + stopColor = child.get('stop-color'); + if (stopColor === 'none') {return;} + return opacityToColor(stopColor, child.get('stop-opacity') * gOpacity, isMask); + } + let bBoxUnits = (this.attr('gradientUnits') !== 'userSpaceOnUse'), + matrix = parseTranform(this.attr('gradientTransform')), + spread = this.attr('spreadMethod'), + grad, + x1, x2, y1, y2, r2, + nAfter = 0, + nBefore = 0, + nTotal = 1; + if (bBoxUnits) { + matrix = multiplyMatrix([bBox[2] - bBox[0], 0, 0, bBox[3] - bBox[1], bBox[0], bBox[1]], matrix); + } + if (matrix = validateMatrix(matrix)) { + if (this.name === 'linearGradient') { + x1 = this.getLength('x1', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVWidth()), 0); + x2 = this.getLength('x2', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVWidth()), (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVWidth())); + y1 = this.getLength('y1', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVHeight()), 0); + y2 = this.getLength('y2', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVHeight()), 0); + } else { + x2 = this.getLength('cx', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVWidth()), (bBoxUnits ? 0.5 : 0.5 * this.getVWidth())); + y2 = this.getLength('cy', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVHeight()), (bBoxUnits ? 0.5 : 0.5 * this.getVHeight())); + r2 = this.getLength('r', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getViewport()), (bBoxUnits ? 0.5 : 0.5 * this.getViewport())); + x1 = this.getLength('fx', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVWidth()), x2); + y1 = this.getLength('fy', (bBoxUnits ? 1 : this.getVHeight()), y2); + if (r2 < 0) { + warningCallback('SvgElemGradient: negative r value'); + } + let d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2)), + multiplier = 1; + if (d > r2) { // according to specification + multiplier = r2 / d; + x1 = x2 + (x1 - x2) * multiplier; + y1 = y2 + (y1 - y2) * multiplier; + } + r2 = Math.max(r2, d * multiplier * (1 + 1e-6)); // fix for edge-case gradients see issue #84 + } + if (spread === 'reflect' || spread === 'repeat') { + let inv = inverseMatrix(matrix), + corner1 = transformPoint([bBox[0], bBox[1]], inv), + corner2 = transformPoint([bBox[2], bBox[1]], inv), + corner3 = transformPoint([bBox[2], bBox[3]], inv), + corner4 = transformPoint([bBox[0], bBox[3]], inv); + if (this.name === 'linearGradient') { // See file 'gradient-repeat-maths.png' + nAfter = Math.max((corner1[0] - x2) * (x2 - x1) + (corner1[1] - y2) * (y2 - y1), + (corner2[0] - x2) * (x2 - x1) + (corner2[1] - y2) * (y2 - y1), + (corner3[0] - x2) * (x2 - x1) + (corner3[1] - y2) * (y2 - y1), + (corner4[0] - x2) * (x2 - x1) + (corner4[1] - y2) * (y2 - y1)) + / (Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2)); + nBefore = Math.max((corner1[0] - x1) * (x1 - x2) + (corner1[1] - y1) * (y1 - y2), + (corner2[0] - x1) * (x1 - x2) + (corner2[1] - y1) * (y1 - y2), + (corner3[0] - x1) * (x1 - x2) + (corner3[1] - y1) * (y1 - y2), + (corner4[0] - x1) * (x1 - x2) + (corner4[1] - y1) * (y1 - y2)) + / (Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2)); + } else { + nAfter = Math.sqrt(Math.max(Math.pow(corner1[0] - x2, 2) + Math.pow(corner1[1] - y2, 2), + Math.pow(corner2[0] - x2, 2) + Math.pow(corner2[1] - y2, 2), + Math.pow(corner3[0] - x2, 2) + Math.pow(corner3[1] - y2, 2), + Math.pow(corner4[0] - x2, 2) + Math.pow(corner4[1] - y2, 2))) / r2 - 1; + } + nAfter = Math.ceil(nAfter + 0.5); // Add a little more because the stroke can extend outside of the bounding box + nBefore = Math.ceil(nBefore + 0.5); + nTotal = nBefore + 1 + nAfter; // How many times the gradient needs to be repeated to fill the object bounding box + } + if (this.name === 'linearGradient') { + grad = doc.linearGradient(x1 - nBefore * (x2 - x1), y1 - nBefore * (y2 - y1), x2 + nAfter * (x2 - x1), y2 + nAfter * (y2 - y1)); + } else { + grad = doc.radialGradient(x1, y1, 0, x2, y2, r2 + nAfter * r2); + } + for (let n = 0; n < nTotal; n++) { + let offset = 0, + inOrder = (spread !== 'reflect' || (n - nBefore) % 2 === 0); + for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { + let child = children[inOrder ? i : children.length - 1 - i], + stopColor = child.get('stop-color'); + if (stopColor === 'none') {stopColor = DefaultColors.transparent;} + stopColor = opacityToColor(stopColor, child.get('stop-opacity') * gOpacity, isMask); + offset = Math.max(offset, inOrder ? child.getPercent('offset', 0) : 1 - child.getPercent('offset', 0)); + if (i === 0 && stopColor[0].length === 4) {grad._colorSpace = 'DeviceCMYK';} // Fix until PR #763 is merged into PDFKit + if (i === 0 && offset > 0) { + grad.stop((n + 0) / nTotal, stopColor[0], stopColor[1]); + } + grad.stop((n + offset) / (nAfter + nBefore + 1), stopColor[0], stopColor[1]); + if (i === children.length - 1 && offset < 1) { + grad.stop((n + 1) / nTotal, stopColor[0], stopColor[1]); + } + } + } + grad.setTransform.apply(grad, matrix); + return [grad, 1]; + } else { + return fallback ? [fallback[0], fallback[1] * gOpacity] : undefined; + } + } + }; + + var SvgElemBasicShape = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemStylable.call(this, obj, inherits); + this.dashScale = 1; + this.getBoundingShape = function() { + return this.shape; + }; + this.getTransformation = function() { + return this.get('transform'); + }; + this.drawInDocument = function(isClip, isMask) { + if (this.get('visibility') === 'hidden' || !this.shape) {return;} + doc.save(); + this.transform(); + this.clip(); + if (!isClip) { + let masked = this.mask(), + group; + if (masked) { + group = docBeginGroup(getPageBBox()); + } + let subPaths = this.shape.getSubPaths(), + fill = this.getFill(isClip, isMask), + stroke = this.getStroke(isClip, isMask), + lineWidth = this.get('stroke-width'), + lineCap = this.get('stroke-linecap'); + if (fill || stroke) { + if (fill) { + docFillColor(fill); + } + if (stroke) { + for (let j = 0; j < subPaths.length; j++) { + if (isEqual(subPaths[j].totalLength, 0)) { + if ((lineCap === 'square' || lineCap === 'round') && lineWidth > 0) { + if (subPaths[j].startPoint && subPaths[j].startPoint.length > 1) { + let x = subPaths[j].startPoint[0], + y = subPaths[j].startPoint[1]; + docFillColor(stroke); + if (lineCap === 'square') { + doc.rect(x - 0.5 * lineWidth, y - 0.5 * lineWidth, lineWidth, lineWidth); + } else if (lineCap === 'round') { + doc.circle(x, y, 0.5 * lineWidth); + } + doc.fill(); + } + } + } + } + let dashArray = this.get('stroke-dasharray'), + dashOffset = this.get('stroke-dashoffset'); + if (isNotEqual(this.dashScale, 1)) { + for (let j = 0; j < dashArray.length; j++) { + dashArray[j] *= this.dashScale; + } + dashOffset *= this.dashScale; + } + docStrokeColor(stroke); + doc.lineWidth(lineWidth) + .miterLimit(this.get('stroke-miterlimit')) + .lineJoin(this.get('stroke-linejoin')) + .lineCap(lineCap) + .dash(dashArray, {phase: dashOffset}); + } + for (let j = 0; j < subPaths.length; j++) { + if (subPaths[j].totalLength > 0) { + subPaths[j].insertInDocument(); + } + } + if (fill && stroke) { + doc.fillAndStroke(this.get('fill-rule')); + } else if (fill) { + doc.fill(this.get('fill-rule')); + } else if (stroke) { + doc.stroke(); + } + } + let markerStart = this.get('marker-start'), + markerMid = this.get('marker-mid'), + markerEnd = this.get('marker-end'); + if (markerStart !== 'none' || markerMid !== 'none' || markerEnd !== 'none') { + let markersPos = this.shape.getMarkers(); + if (markerStart !== 'none') { + let marker = new SvgElemMarker(markerStart, null); + marker.drawMarker(false, isMask, markersPos[0], lineWidth); + } + if (markerMid !== 'none') { + for (let i = 1; i < markersPos.length - 1; i++) { + let marker = new SvgElemMarker(markerMid, null); + marker.drawMarker(false, isMask, markersPos[i], lineWidth); + } + } + if (markerEnd !== 'none') { + let marker = new SvgElemMarker(markerEnd, null); + marker.drawMarker(false, isMask, markersPos[markersPos.length - 1], lineWidth); + } + } + if (group) { + docEndGroup(group); + docInsertGroup(group); + } + } else { + this.shape.insertInDocument(); + docFillColor(DefaultColors.white); + doc.fill(this.get('clip-rule')); + } + doc.restore(); + }; + }; + + var SvgElemRect = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemBasicShape.call(this, obj, inherits); + let x = this.getLength('x', this.getVWidth(), 0), + y = this.getLength('y', this.getVHeight(), 0), + w = this.getLength('width', this.getVWidth(), 0), + h = this.getLength('height', this.getVHeight(), 0), + rx = this.getLength('rx', this.getVWidth()), + ry = this.getLength('ry', this.getVHeight()); + if (rx === undefined && ry === undefined) {rx = ry = 0;} + else if (rx === undefined && ry !== undefined) {rx = ry;} + else if (rx !== undefined && ry === undefined) {ry = rx;} + if (w > 0 && h > 0) { + if (rx && ry) { + rx = Math.min(rx, 0.5 * w); + ry = Math.min(ry, 0.5 * h); + this.shape = new SvgShape().M(x + rx, y).L(x + w - rx, y).A(rx, ry, 0, 0, 1, x + w, y + ry) + .L(x + w, y + h - ry).A(rx, ry, 0, 0, 1, x + w - rx, y + h).L(x + rx, y + h) + .A(rx, ry, 0, 0, 1, x, y + h - ry).L(x, y + ry).A(rx, ry, 0, 0, 1, x + rx, y).Z(); + } else { + this.shape = new SvgShape().M(x, y).L(x + w, y).L(x + w, y + h).L(x, y + h).Z(); + } + } else { + this.shape = new SvgShape(); + } + }; + + var SvgElemCircle = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemBasicShape.call(this, obj, inherits); + let cx = this.getLength('cx', this.getVWidth(), 0), + cy = this.getLength('cy', this.getVHeight(), 0), + r = this.getLength('r', this.getViewport(), 0); + if (r > 0) { + this.shape = new SvgShape().M(cx + r, cy).A(r, r, 0, 0, 1, cx - r, cy).A(r, r, 0, 0, 1, cx + r, cy).Z(); + } else { + this.shape = new SvgShape(); + } + }; + + var SvgElemEllipse = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemBasicShape.call(this, obj, inherits); + let cx = this.getLength('cx', this.getVWidth(), 0), + cy = this.getLength('cy', this.getVHeight(), 0), + rx = this.getLength('rx', this.getVWidth(), 0), + ry = this.getLength('ry', this.getVHeight(), 0); + if (rx > 0 && ry > 0) { + this.shape = new SvgShape().M(cx + rx, cy).A(rx, ry, 0, 0, 1, cx - rx, cy).A(rx, ry, 0, 0, 1, cx + rx, cy).Z(); + } else { + this.shape = new SvgShape(); + } + }; + + var SvgElemLine = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemBasicShape.call(this, obj, inherits); + let x1 = this.getLength('x1', this.getVWidth(), 0), + y1 = this.getLength('y1', this.getVHeight(), 0), + x2 = this.getLength('x2', this.getVWidth(), 0), + y2 = this.getLength('y2', this.getVHeight(), 0); + this.shape = new SvgShape().M(x1, y1).L(x2, y2); + }; + + var SvgElemPolyline = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemBasicShape.call(this, obj, inherits); + let points = this.getNumberList('points'); + this.shape = new SvgShape(); + for (let i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i += 2) { + if (i === 0) { + this.shape.M(points[i], points[i+1]); + } else { + this.shape.L(points[i], points[i+1]); + } + } + if (points.error) {warningCallback('SvgElemPolygon: unexpected string ' + points.error);} + if (points.length % 2 === 1) {warningCallback('SvgElemPolyline: uneven number of coordinates');} + }; + + var SvgElemPolygon = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemBasicShape.call(this, obj, inherits); + let points = this.getNumberList('points'); + this.shape = new SvgShape(); + for (let i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i += 2) { + if (i === 0) { + this.shape.M(points[i], points[i+1]); + } else { + this.shape.L(points[i], points[i+1]); + } + } + this.shape.Z(); + if (points.error) {warningCallback('SvgElemPolygon: unexpected string ' + points.error);} + if (points.length % 2 === 1) {warningCallback('SvgElemPolygon: uneven number of coordinates');} + }; + + var SvgElemPath = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemBasicShape.call(this, obj, inherits); + this.shape = new SvgShape().path(this.attr('d')); + let pathLength = this.getLength('pathLength', this.getViewport()); + this.pathLength = pathLength > 0 ? pathLength : undefined; + this.dashScale = (this.pathLength !== undefined ? this.shape.totalLength / this.pathLength : 1); + }; + + var SvgElemMarker = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemHasChildren.call(this, obj, inherits); + let width = this.getLength('markerWidth', this.getParentVWidth(), 3), + height = this.getLength('markerHeight', this.getParentVHeight(), 3), + viewBox = this.getViewbox('viewBox', [0, 0, width, height]); + this.getVWidth = function() { + return viewBox[2]; + }; + this.getVHeight = function() { + return viewBox[3]; + }; + this.drawMarker = function(isClip, isMask, posArray, strokeWidth) { + doc.save(); + let orient = this.attr('orient'), + units = this.attr('markerUnits'), + rotate = (orient === 'auto' ? posArray[2] : (parseFloat(orient) || 0) * Math.PI / 180), + scale = (units === 'userSpaceOnUse' ? 1 : strokeWidth); + doc.transform(Math.cos(rotate) * scale, Math.sin(rotate) * scale, -Math.sin(rotate) * scale, Math.cos(rotate) * scale, posArray[0], posArray[1]); + let refX = this.getLength('refX', this.getVWidth(), 0), + refY = this.getLength('refY', this.getVHeight(), 0), + aspectRatioMatrix = parseAspectRatio(this.attr('preserveAspectRatio'), width, height, viewBox[2], viewBox[3], 0.5); + if (this.get('overflow') === 'hidden') { + doc.rect(aspectRatioMatrix[0] * (viewBox[0] + viewBox[2] / 2 - refX) - width / 2, aspectRatioMatrix[3] * (viewBox[1] + viewBox[3] / 2 - refY) - height / 2, width, height).clip(); + } + doc.transform.apply(doc, aspectRatioMatrix); + doc.translate(-refX, -refY); + let group; + if (this.get('opacity') < 1 && !isClip) { + group = docBeginGroup(getPageBBox()); + } + this.drawChildren(isClip, isMask); + if (group) { + docEndGroup(group); + doc.fillOpacity(this.get('opacity')); + docInsertGroup(group); + } + doc.restore(); + }; + }; + + var SvgElemClipPath = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemHasChildren.call(this, obj, inherits); + this.useMask = function(bBox) { + let group = docBeginGroup(getPageBBox()); + doc.save(); + if (this.attr('clipPathUnits') === 'objectBoundingBox') { + doc.transform(bBox[2] - bBox[0], 0, 0, bBox[3] - bBox[1], bBox[0], bBox[1]); + } + this.clip(); + this.drawChildren(true, false); + doc.restore(); + docEndGroup(group); + docApplyMask(group, true); + }; + }; + + var SvgElemMask = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemHasChildren.call(this, obj, inherits); + this.useMask = function(bBox) { + let group = docBeginGroup(getPageBBox()); + doc.save(); + let x, y, w, h; + if (this.attr('maskUnits') === 'userSpaceOnUse') { + x = this.getLength('x', this.getVWidth(), -0.1 * (bBox[2] - bBox[0]) + bBox[0]); + y = this.getLength('y', this.getVHeight(), -0.1 * (bBox[3] - bBox[1]) + bBox[1]); + w = this.getLength('width', this.getVWidth(), 1.2 * (bBox[2] - bBox[0])); + h = this.getLength('height', this.getVHeight(), 1.2 * (bBox[3] - bBox[1])); + } else { + x = this.getLength('x', this.getVWidth(), -0.1) * (bBox[2] - bBox[0]) + bBox[0]; + y = this.getLength('y', this.getVHeight(), -0.1) * (bBox[3] - bBox[1]) + bBox[1]; + w = this.getLength('width', this.getVWidth(), 1.2) * (bBox[2] - bBox[0]); + h = this.getLength('height', this.getVHeight(), 1.2) * (bBox[3] - bBox[1]); + } + doc.rect(x, y, w, h).clip(); + if (this.attr('maskContentUnits') === 'objectBoundingBox') { + doc.transform(bBox[2] - bBox[0], 0, 0, bBox[3] - bBox[1], bBox[0], bBox[1]); + } + this.clip(); + this.drawChildren(false, true); + doc.restore(); + docEndGroup(group); + docApplyMask(group, true); + }; + }; + + var SvgElemTextContainer = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemStylable.call(this, obj, inherits); + this.allowedChildren = ['tspan', '#text', '#cdata-section', 'a']; + this.isText = true; + this.getBoundingShape = function() { + let shape = new SvgShape(); + for (let i = 0; i < this._pos.length; i++) { + let pos = this._pos[i]; + if (!pos.hidden) { + let dx0 = pos.ascent * Math.sin(pos.rotate), dy0 = -pos.ascent * Math.cos(pos.rotate), + dx1 = pos.descent * Math.sin(pos.rotate), dy1 = -pos.descent * Math.cos(pos.rotate), + dx2 = pos.width * Math.cos(pos.rotate), dy2 = pos.width * Math.sin(pos.rotate); + shape.M(pos.x + dx0, pos.y + dy0).L(pos.x + dx0 + dx2, pos.y + dy0 + dy2) + .M(pos.x + dx1 + dx2, pos.y + dy1 + dy2).L(pos.x + dx1, pos.y + dy1); + } + } + return shape; + }; + this.drawTextInDocument = function(isClip, isMask) { + if (this.link && !isClip && !isMask) {this.addLink();} + if (this.get('text-decoration') === 'underline') { + this.decorate(0.05 * this._font.size, -0.075 * this._font.size, isClip, isMask); + } + if (this.get('text-decoration') === 'overline') { + this.decorate(0.05 * this._font.size, getAscent(this._font.font, this._font.size) + 0.075 * this._font.size, isClip, isMask); + } + let fill = this.getFill(isClip, isMask), + stroke = this.getStroke(isClip, isMask), + strokeWidth = this.get('stroke-width'); + if (this._font.fauxBold) { + if (!stroke) { + stroke = fill; + strokeWidth = this._font.size * 0.03; + } else { + strokeWidth += this._font.size * 0.03; + } + } + let children = this.getChildren(); + for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { + let childElem = children[i]; + switch(childElem.name) { + case 'tspan': case 'textPath': case 'a': + if (childElem.get('display') !== 'none') { + childElem.drawTextInDocument(isClip, isMask); + } + break; + case '#text': case '#cdata-section': + if (this.get('visibility') === 'hidden') {continue;} + if (fill || stroke || isClip) { + if (fill) { + docFillColor(fill); + } + if (stroke && strokeWidth) { + docStrokeColor(stroke); + doc.lineWidth(strokeWidth) + .miterLimit(this.get('stroke-miterlimit')) + .lineJoin(this.get('stroke-linejoin')) + .lineCap(this.get('stroke-linecap')) + .dash(this.get('stroke-dasharray'), {phase:this.get('stroke-dashoffset')}); + } + docBeginText(this._font.font, this._font.size); + docSetTextMode(!!fill, !!stroke); + for (let j = 0, pos = childElem._pos; j < pos.length; j++) { + if (!pos[j].hidden && isNotEqual(pos[j].width, 0)) { + let cos = Math.cos(pos[j].rotate), sin = Math.sin(pos[j].rotate), skew = (this._font.fauxItalic ? -0.25 : 0); + docSetTextMatrix(cos * pos[j].scale, sin * pos[j].scale, cos * skew - sin, sin * skew + cos, pos[j].x, pos[j].y); + docWriteGlyph(pos[j].glyph); + } + } + docEndText(); + } + break; + } + } + if (this.get('text-decoration') === 'line-through') { + this.decorate(0.05 * this._font.size, 0.5 * (getAscent(this._font.font, this._font.size) + getDescent(this._font.font, this._font.size)), isClip, isMask); + } + }; + this.decorate = function(lineWidth, linePosition, isClip, isMask) { + let fill = this.getFill(isClip, isMask), + stroke = this.getStroke(isClip, isMask); + if (fill) { + docFillColor(fill); + } + if (stroke) { + docStrokeColor(stroke); + doc.lineWidth(this.get('stroke-width')) + .miterLimit(this.get('stroke-miterlimit')) + .lineJoin(this.get('stroke-linejoin')) + .lineCap(this.get('stroke-linecap')) + .dash(this.get('stroke-dasharray'), {phase:this.get('stroke-dashoffset')}); + } + for (let j = 0, pos = this._pos; j < pos.length; j++) { + if (!pos[j].hidden && isNotEqual(pos[j].width, 0)) { + let dx0 = (linePosition + lineWidth / 2) * Math.sin(pos[j].rotate), + dy0 = -(linePosition + lineWidth / 2) * Math.cos(pos[j].rotate), + dx1 = (linePosition - lineWidth / 2) * Math.sin(pos[j].rotate), + dy1 = -(linePosition - lineWidth / 2) * Math.cos(pos[j].rotate), + dx2 = pos[j].width * Math.cos(pos[j].rotate), + dy2 = pos[j].width * Math.sin(pos[j].rotate); + new SvgShape().M(pos[j].x + dx0, pos[j].y + dy0) + .L(pos[j].x + dx0 + dx2, pos[j].y + dy0 + dy2) + .L(pos[j].x + dx1 + dx2, pos[j].y + dy1 + dy2) + .L(pos[j].x + dx1, pos[j].y + dy1).Z() + .insertInDocument(); + if (fill && stroke) { + doc.fillAndStroke(); + } else if (fill) { + doc.fill(); + } else if (stroke) { + doc.stroke(); + } + } + } + }; + }; + + var SvgElemTextNode = function(obj, inherits) { + this.name = obj.nodeName; + this.textContent = obj.nodeValue; + }; + + var SvgElemTspan = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemTextContainer.call(this, obj, inherits); + }; + + var SvgElemTextPath = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemTextContainer.call(this, obj, inherits); + let pathObject, pathLength, temp; + if ((temp = this.attr('path')) && temp.trim() !== '') { + let pathLength = this.getLength('pathLength', this.getViewport()); + this.pathObject = new SvgShape().path(temp); + this.pathLength = pathLength > 0 ? pathLength : this.pathObject.totalLength; + this.pathScale = this.pathObject.totalLength / this.pathLength; + } else if ((temp = this.getUrl('href') || this.getUrl('xlink:href')) && temp.nodeName === 'path') { + let pathElem = new SvgElemPath(temp, this); + this.pathObject = pathElem.shape.clone().transform(pathElem.get('transform')); + this.pathLength = this.chooseValue(pathElem.pathLength, this.pathObject.totalLength); + this.pathScale = this.pathObject.totalLength / this.pathLength; + } + }; + + var SvgElemText = function(obj, inherits) { + SvgElemTextContainer.call(this, obj, inherits); + this.allowedChildren = ['textPath', 'tspan', '#text', '#cdata-section', 'a']; + (function (textParentElem) { + let processedText = '', remainingText = obj.textContent, textPaths = [], currentChunk = [], currentAnchor, currentDirection, currentX = 0, currentY = 0; + function doAnchoring() { + if (currentChunk.length) { + let last = currentChunk[currentChunk.length - 1]; + let first = currentChunk[0] + let width = last.x + last.width - first.x; + let anchordx = {'startltr': 0, 'middleltr': 0.5, 'endltr': 1, 'startrtl': 1, 'middlertl': 0.5, 'endrtl': 0}[currentAnchor + currentDirection] * width || 0; + for (let i = 0; i < currentChunk.length; i++) { + currentChunk[i].x -= anchordx; + } + } + currentChunk = []; + } + function adjustLength(pos, length, spacingAndGlyphs) { + let firstChar = pos[0], lastChar = pos[pos.length - 1], + startX = firstChar.x, endX = lastChar.x + lastChar.width; + if (spacingAndGlyphs) { + let textScale = length / (endX - startX); + if (textScale > 0 && textScale < Infinity) { + for (let j = 0; j < pos.length; j++) { + pos[j].x = startX + textScale * (pos[j].x - startX); + pos[j].scale *= textScale; + pos[j].width *= textScale; + } + } + } else { + if (pos.length >= 2) { + let spaceDiff = (length - (endX - startX)) / (pos.length - 1); + for (let j = 0; j < pos.length; j++) { + pos[j].x += j * spaceDiff; + } + } + } + currentX += length - (endX - startX); + } + function recursive(currentElem, parentElem) { + currentElem._x = combineArrays(currentElem.getLengthList('x', currentElem.getVWidth()), (parentElem ? parentElem._x.slice(parentElem._pos.length) : [])); + currentElem._y = combineArrays(currentElem.getLengthList('y', currentElem.getVHeight()), (parentElem ? parentElem._y.slice(parentElem._pos.length) : [])); + currentElem._dx = combineArrays(currentElem.getLengthList('dx', currentElem.getVWidth()), (parentElem ? parentElem._dx.slice(parentElem._pos.length) : [])); + currentElem._dy = combineArrays(currentElem.getLengthList('dy', currentElem.getVHeight()), (parentElem ? parentElem._dy.slice(parentElem._pos.length) : [])); + currentElem._rot = combineArrays(currentElem.getNumberList('rotate'), (parentElem ? parentElem._rot.slice(parentElem._pos.length) : [])); + currentElem._defRot = currentElem.chooseValue(currentElem._rot[currentElem._rot.length - 1], parentElem && parentElem._defRot, 0); + if (currentElem.name === 'textPath') {currentElem._y = [];} + let fontOptions = {fauxItalic: false, fauxBold: false}, + fontNameorLink = fontCallback(currentElem.get('font-family'), currentElem.get('font-weight') === 'bold', currentElem.get('font-style') === 'italic', fontOptions); + try { + doc.font(fontNameorLink); + } catch(e) { + warningCallback('SVGElemText: failed to open font "' + fontNameorLink + '" in PDFKit'); + } + currentElem._pos = []; + currentElem._index = 0; + currentElem._font = {font: doc._font, size: currentElem.get('font-size'), fauxItalic: fontOptions.fauxItalic, fauxBold: fontOptions.fauxBold}; + let textLength = currentElem.getLength('textLength', currentElem.getVWidth(), undefined), + spacingAndGlyphs = currentElem.attr('lengthAdjust') === 'spacingAndGlyphs', + wordSpacing = currentElem.get('word-spacing'), + letterSpacing = currentElem.get('letter-spacing'), + textAnchor = currentElem.get('text-anchor'), + textDirection = currentElem.get('direction'), + baseline = getBaseline(currentElem._font.font, currentElem._font.size, currentElem.get('alignment-baseline') || currentElem.get('dominant-baseline'), currentElem.get('baseline-shift')); + if (currentElem.name === 'textPath') { + doAnchoring(); + currentX = currentY = 0; + } + let children = currentElem.getChildren(); + for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { + let childElem = children[i]; + switch(childElem.name) { + case 'tspan': case 'textPath': case 'a': + recursive(childElem, currentElem); + break; + case '#text': case '#cdata-section': + let rawText = childElem.textContent, renderedText = rawText, words; + childElem._font = currentElem._font; + childElem._pos = []; + remainingText = remainingText.substring(rawText.length); + if (currentElem.get('xml:space') === 'preserve') { + renderedText = renderedText.replace(/[\s]/g, ' '); + } else { + renderedText = renderedText.replace(/[\s]+/g, ' '); + if (processedText.match(/[\s]$|^$/)) {renderedText = renderedText.replace(/^[\s]/, '');} + if (remainingText.match(/^[\s]*$/)) {renderedText = renderedText.replace(/[\s]$/, '');} + } + processedText += rawText; + if (wordSpacing === 0) { + words = [renderedText]; + } else { + words = renderedText.split(/(\s)/); + } + for (let w = 0; w < words.length; w++) { + let pos = getTextPos(currentElem._font.font, currentElem._font.size, words[w]); + for (let j = 0; j < pos.length; j++) { + let index = currentElem._index, + xAttr = currentElem._x[index], + yAttr = currentElem._y[index], + dxAttr = currentElem._dx[index], + dyAttr = currentElem._dy[index], + rotAttr = currentElem._rot[index], + continuous = !(w === 0 && j === 0); + if (xAttr !== undefined) {continuous = false; doAnchoring(); currentX = xAttr;} + if (yAttr !== undefined) {continuous = false; doAnchoring(); currentY = yAttr;} + if (dxAttr !== undefined) {continuous = false; currentX += dxAttr;} + if (dyAttr !== undefined) {continuous = false; currentY += dyAttr;} + if (rotAttr !== undefined || currentElem._defRot !== 0) {continuous = false;} + let position = { + glyph: pos[j].glyph, + rotate: (Math.PI / 180) * currentElem.chooseValue(rotAttr, currentElem._defRot), + x: currentX + pos[j].xOffset, + y: currentY + baseline + pos[j].yOffset, + width: pos[j].width, + ascent: getAscent(currentElem._font.font, currentElem._font.size), + descent: getDescent(currentElem._font.font, currentElem._font.size), + scale: 1, + hidden: false, + continuous: continuous + }; + currentChunk.push(position); + childElem._pos.push(position); + currentElem._pos.push(position); + currentElem._index += pos[j].unicode.length; + if (currentChunk.length === 1) { + currentAnchor = textAnchor; + currentDirection = textDirection; + } + currentX += pos[j].xAdvance + letterSpacing; + currentY += pos[j].yAdvance; + } + if (words[w] === ' ') { + currentX += wordSpacing; + } + } + break; + default: + remainingText = remainingText.substring(childElem.textContent.length); + } + } + if (textLength && currentElem._pos.length) { + adjustLength(currentElem._pos, textLength, spacingAndGlyphs); + } + if (currentElem.name === 'textPath' || currentElem.name === 'text') { + doAnchoring(); + } + if (currentElem.name === 'textPath') { + textPaths.push(currentElem); + let pathObject = currentElem.pathObject; + if (pathObject) { + currentX = pathObject.endPoint[0]; currentY = pathObject.endPoint[1]; + } + } + if (parentElem) { + parentElem._pos = parentElem._pos.concat(currentElem._pos); + parentElem._index += currentElem._index; + } + } + function textOnPath(currentElem) { + let pathObject = currentElem.pathObject, + pathLength = currentElem.pathLength, + pathScale = currentElem.pathScale; + if (pathObject) { + let textOffset = currentElem.getLength('startOffset', pathLength, 0); + for (let j = 0; j < currentElem._pos.length; j++) { + let charMidX = textOffset + currentElem._pos[j].x + 0.5 * currentElem._pos[j].width; + if (charMidX > pathLength || charMidX < 0) { + currentElem._pos[j].hidden = true; + } else { + let pointOnPath = pathObject.getPointAtLength(charMidX * pathScale); + if (isNotEqual(pathScale, 1)) { + currentElem._pos[j].scale *= pathScale; + currentElem._pos[j].width *= pathScale; + } + currentElem._pos[j].x = pointOnPath[0] - 0.5 * currentElem._pos[j].width * Math.cos(pointOnPath[2]) - currentElem._pos[j].y * Math.sin(pointOnPath[2]); + currentElem._pos[j].y = pointOnPath[1] - 0.5 * currentElem._pos[j].width * Math.sin(pointOnPath[2]) + currentElem._pos[j].y * Math.cos(pointOnPath[2]); + currentElem._pos[j].rotate = pointOnPath[2] + currentElem._pos[j].rotate; + currentElem._pos[j].continuous = false; + } + } + } else { + for (let j = 0; j < currentElem._pos.length; j++) { + currentElem._pos[j].hidden = true; + } + } + } + recursive(textParentElem, null); + for (let i = 0; i < textPaths.length; i++) { + textOnPath(textPaths[i]); + } + })(this); + this.getTransformation = function() { + return this.get('transform'); + }; + this.drawInDocument = function(isClip, isMask) { + doc.save(); + this.transform(); + this.clip(); + let masked = this.mask(), group; + if (masked) { + group = docBeginGroup(getPageBBox()); + } + this.drawTextInDocument(isClip, isMask); + if (group) { + docEndGroup(group); + docInsertGroup(group); + } + doc.restore(); + }; + }; + + options = options || {}; + var pxToPt = options.assumePt ? 1 : (72/96), // 1px = 72/96pt, but only if assumePt is false + viewportWidth = (options.width || doc.page.width) / pxToPt, + viewportHeight = (options.height || doc.page.height) / pxToPt, + preserveAspectRatio = options.preserveAspectRatio || null, // default to null so that the attr can override if not passed + useCSS = options.useCSS && typeof SVGElement !== 'undefined' && svg instanceof SVGElement && typeof getComputedStyle === 'function', + warningCallback = options.warningCallback, + fontCallback = options.fontCallback, + imageCallback = options.imageCallback, + colorCallback = options.colorCallback, + documentCallback = options.documentCallback, + precision = Math.ceil(Math.max(1, options.precision)) || 3, + groupStack = [], + documentCache = {}, + links = [], + styleRules = []; + + if (typeof warningCallback !== 'function') { + warningCallback = function(str) { + if (typeof console !== undefined && typeof console.warn === 'function') {console.warn(str);} + }; + } + if (typeof fontCallback !== 'function') { + fontCallback = function(family, bold, italic, fontOptions) { + // Check if the font is already registered in the document + if (bold && italic) { + if (doc._registeredFonts.hasOwnProperty(family + '-BoldItalic')) { + return family + '-BoldItalic'; + } else if (doc._registeredFonts.hasOwnProperty(family + '-Italic')) { + fontOptions.fauxBold = true; + return family + '-Italic'; + } else if (doc._registeredFonts.hasOwnProperty(family + '-Bold')) { + fontOptions.fauxItalic = true; + return family + '-Bold'; + } else if (doc._registeredFonts.hasOwnProperty(family)) { + fontOptions.fauxBold = true; + fontOptions.fauxItalic = true; + return family; + } + } + if (bold && !italic) { + if (doc._registeredFonts.hasOwnProperty(family + '-Bold')) { + return family + '-Bold'; + } else if (doc._registeredFonts.hasOwnProperty(family)) { + fontOptions.fauxBold = true; + return family; + } + } + if (!bold && italic) { + if (doc._registeredFonts.hasOwnProperty(family + '-Italic')) { + return family + '-Italic'; + } else if (doc._registeredFonts.hasOwnProperty(family)) { + fontOptions.fauxItalic = true; + return family; + } + } + if (!bold && !italic) { + if (doc._registeredFonts.hasOwnProperty(family)) { + return family; + } + } + // Use standard fonts as fallback + if (family.match(/(?:^|,)\s*serif\s*$/)) { + if (bold && italic) {return 'Times-BoldItalic';} + if (bold && !italic) {return 'Times-Bold';} + if (!bold && italic) {return 'Times-Italic';} + if (!bold && !italic) {return 'Times-Roman';} + } else if (family.match(/(?:^|,)\s*monospace\s*$/)) { + if (bold && italic) {return 'Courier-BoldOblique';} + if (bold && !italic) {return 'Courier-Bold';} + if (!bold && italic) {return 'Courier-Oblique';} + if (!bold && !italic) {return 'Courier';} + } else if (family.match(/(?:^|,)\s*sans-serif\s*$/) || true) { + if (bold && italic) {return 'Helvetica-BoldOblique';} + if (bold && !italic) {return 'Helvetica-Bold';} + if (!bold && italic) {return 'Helvetica-Oblique';} + if (!bold && !italic) {return 'Helvetica';} + } + }; + } + if (typeof imageCallback !== 'function') { + imageCallback = function(link) { + return link.replace(/\s+/g, ''); + }; + } + if (typeof colorCallback !== 'function') { + colorCallback = null; + } else { + for (let color in DefaultColors) { + let newColor = colorCallback(DefaultColors[color]); + DefaultColors[color][0] = newColor[0]; + DefaultColors[color][1] = newColor[1]; + } + } + if (typeof documentCallback !== 'function') { + documentCallback = null; + } + + if (typeof svg === 'string') {svg = parseXml(svg);} + if (svg) { + let styles = svg.getElementsByTagName('style'); + for (let i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { + styleRules = styleRules.concat(parseStyleSheet(styles[i].textContent)); + } + let elem = createSVGElement(svg, null); + if (typeof elem.drawInDocument === 'function') { + if (options.useCSS && !useCSS) { + warningCallback('SVGtoPDF: useCSS option can only be used for SVG *elements* in compatible browsers'); + } + let savedFillColor = doc._fillColor; + doc.save().translate(x || 0, y || 0).scale(pxToPt); + elem.drawInDocument(); + for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { + doc.page.annotations.push(links[i]); + } + doc.restore(); + doc._fillColor = savedFillColor; + } else { + warningCallback('SVGtoPDF: this element can\'t be rendered directly: ' + svg.nodeName); + } + } else { + warningCallback('SVGtoPDF: the input does not look like a valid SVG'); + } + +}; + +if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined') { + module.exports = SVGtoPDF; +} diff --git a/src/PDFDocument.js b/src/PDFDocument.js index 6d126d5fd..4fc0b2139 100644 --- a/src/PDFDocument.js +++ b/src/PDFDocument.js @@ -1,19 +1,26 @@ -import PDFKit from '@foliojs-fork/pdfkit'; +import PDFKit from "pdfkit"; const typeName = (bold, italics) => { - let type = 'normal'; + let type = "normal"; if (bold && italics) { - type = 'bolditalics'; + type = "bolditalics"; } else if (bold) { - type = 'bold'; + type = "bold"; } else if (italics) { - type = 'italics'; + type = "italics"; } return type; }; class PDFDocument extends PDFKit { - constructor(fonts = {}, images = {}, patterns = {}, attachments = {}, options = {}, virtualfs = null) { + constructor( + fonts = {}, + images = {}, + patterns = {}, + attachments = {}, + options = {}, + virtualfs = null + ) { super(options); this.fonts = {}; @@ -26,7 +33,7 @@ class PDFDocument extends PDFKit { normal: fontDef.normal, bold: fontDef.bold, italics: fontDef.italics, - bolditalics: fontDef.bolditalics + bolditalics: fontDef.bolditalics, }; } } @@ -35,11 +42,16 @@ class PDFDocument extends PDFKit { for (let pattern in patterns) { if (patterns.hasOwnProperty(pattern)) { let patternDef = patterns[pattern]; - this.patterns[pattern] = this.pattern(patternDef.boundingBox, patternDef.xStep, patternDef.yStep, patternDef.pattern, patternDef.colored); + this.patterns[pattern] = this.pattern( + patternDef.boundingBox, + patternDef.xStep, + patternDef.yStep, + patternDef.pattern, + patternDef.colored + ); } } - this.images = images; this.attachments = attachments; this.virtualfs = virtualfs; @@ -61,7 +73,9 @@ class PDFDocument extends PDFKit { provideFont(familyName, bold, italics) { let type = this.getFontType(bold, italics); if (this.getFontFile(familyName, bold, italics) === null) { - throw new Error(`Font '${familyName}' in style '${type}' is not defined in the font section of the document definition.`); + throw new Error( + `Font '${familyName}' in style '${type}' is not defined in the font section of the document definition.` + ); } this.fontCache[familyName] = this.fontCache[familyName] || {}; @@ -83,7 +97,7 @@ class PDFDocument extends PDFKit { } provideImage(src) { - const realImageSrc = src => { + const realImageSrc = (src) => { let image = this.images[src]; if (!image) { @@ -94,12 +108,12 @@ class PDFDocument extends PDFKit { return this.virtualfs.readFileSync(image); } - let index = image.indexOf('base64,'); + let index = image.indexOf("base64,"); if (index < 0) { return this.images[src]; } - return Buffer.from(image.substring(index + 7), 'base64'); + return Buffer.from(image.substring(index + 7), "base64"); }; if (this._imageRegistry[src]) { @@ -111,10 +125,12 @@ class PDFDocument extends PDFKit { try { image = this.openImage(realImageSrc(src)); if (!image) { - throw new Error('No image'); + throw new Error("No image"); } } catch (error) { - throw new Error(`Invalid image: ${error.toString()}\nImages dictionary should contain dataURL entries (or local file paths in node.js)`); + throw new Error( + `Invalid image: ${error.toString()}\nImages dictionary should contain dataURL entries (or local file paths in node.js)` + ); } image.embed(this); @@ -136,9 +152,9 @@ class PDFDocument extends PDFKit { } provideAttachment(src) { - const checkRequired = obj => { + const checkRequired = (obj) => { if (!obj) { - throw new Error('No attachment'); + throw new Error("No attachment"); } if (!obj.src) { throw new Error('The "src" key is required for attachments'); @@ -147,7 +163,7 @@ class PDFDocument extends PDFKit { return obj; }; - if (typeof src === 'object') { + if (typeof src === "object") { return checkRequired(src); } @@ -162,9 +178,9 @@ class PDFDocument extends PDFKit { setOpenActionAsPrint() { let printActionRef = this.ref({ - Type: 'Action', - S: 'Named', - N: 'Print' + Type: "Action", + S: "Named", + N: "Print", }); this._root.data.OpenAction = printActionRef; printActionRef.end(); diff --git a/src/TextBreaker.js b/src/TextBreaker.js index e43ae07a0..4e4aff3df 100644 --- a/src/TextBreaker.js +++ b/src/TextBreaker.js @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import LineBreaker from '@foliojs-fork/linebreak'; +import LineBreaker from 'linebreak'; import { isObject } from './helpers/variableType'; import StyleContextStack from './StyleContextStack'; diff --git a/src/browser-extensions/standard-fonts/Courier.js b/src/browser-extensions/standard-fonts/Courier.js index 3d78b16a5..11e65d7a4 100644 --- a/src/browser-extensions/standard-fonts/Courier.js +++ b/src/browser-extensions/standard-fonts/Courier.js @@ -1,27 +1,62 @@ -var fs = require('fs'); +var fs = require("fs"); var fontContainer = { vfs: { - 'data/Courier.afm': { data: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../../node_modules/@foliojs-fork/pdfkit/js/data/Courier.afm', 'utf8'), encoding: 'utf8' }, - 'data/Courier-Bold.afm': { data: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../../node_modules/@foliojs-fork/pdfkit/js/data/Courier-Bold.afm', 'utf8'), encoding: 'utf8' }, - 'data/Courier-Oblique.afm': { data: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../../node_modules/@foliojs-fork/pdfkit/js/data/Courier-Oblique.afm', 'utf8'), encoding: 'utf8' }, - 'data/Courier-BoldOblique.afm': { data: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../../node_modules/@foliojs-fork/pdfkit/js/data/Courier-BoldOblique.afm', 'utf8'), encoding: 'utf8' } + "data/Courier.afm": { + data: fs.readFileSync( + __dirname + "/../../../node_modules/pdfkit/js/data/Courier.afm", + "utf8" + ), + encoding: "utf8", + }, + "data/Courier-Bold.afm": { + data: fs.readFileSync( + __dirname + "/../../../node_modules/pdfkit/js/data/Courier-Bold.afm", + "utf8" + ), + encoding: "utf8", + }, + "data/Courier-Oblique.afm": { + data: fs.readFileSync( + __dirname + "/../../../node_modules/pdfkit/js/data/Courier-Oblique.afm", + "utf8" + ), + encoding: "utf8", + }, + "data/Courier-BoldOblique.afm": { + data: fs.readFileSync( + __dirname + + "/../../../node_modules/pdfkit/js/data/Courier-BoldOblique.afm", + "utf8" + ), + encoding: "utf8", + }, }, fonts: { Courier: { - normal: 'Courier', - bold: 'Courier-Bold', - italics: 'Courier-Oblique', - bolditalics: 'Courier-BoldOblique' - } - } + normal: "Courier", + bold: "Courier-Bold", + italics: "Courier-Oblique", + bolditalics: "Courier-BoldOblique", + }, + }, }; -var _global = typeof window === 'object' ? window : typeof global === 'object' ? global : typeof self === 'object' ? self : this; -if (typeof _global.pdfMake !== 'undefined' && typeof _global.pdfMake.addFontContainer !== 'undefined') { +var _global = + typeof window === "object" + ? window + : typeof global === "object" + ? global + : typeof self === "object" + ? self + : this; +if ( + typeof _global.pdfMake !== "undefined" && + typeof _global.pdfMake.addFontContainer !== "undefined" +) { _global.pdfMake.addFontContainer(fontContainer); } -if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { +if (typeof module !== "undefined") { module.exports = fontContainer; } diff --git a/src/browser-extensions/standard-fonts/Helvetica.js b/src/browser-extensions/standard-fonts/Helvetica.js index e65f701fb..3baa5111b 100644 --- a/src/browser-extensions/standard-fonts/Helvetica.js +++ b/src/browser-extensions/standard-fonts/Helvetica.js @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ var fs = require('fs'); var fontContainer = { vfs: { - 'data/Helvetica.afm': { data: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../../node_modules/@foliojs-fork/pdfkit/js/data/Helvetica.afm', 'utf8'), encoding: 'utf8' }, - 'data/Helvetica-Bold.afm': { data: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../../node_modules/@foliojs-fork/pdfkit/js/data/Helvetica-Bold.afm', 'utf8'), encoding: 'utf8' }, - 'data/Helvetica-Oblique.afm': { data: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../../node_modules/@foliojs-fork/pdfkit/js/data/Helvetica-Oblique.afm', 'utf8'), encoding: 'utf8' }, - 'data/Helvetica-BoldOblique.afm': { data: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../../node_modules/@foliojs-fork/pdfkit/js/data/Helvetica-BoldOblique.afm', 'utf8'), encoding: 'utf8' } + 'data/Helvetica.afm': { data: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../../node_modules/pdfkit/js/data/Helvetica.afm', 'utf8'), encoding: 'utf8' }, + 'data/Helvetica-Bold.afm': { data: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../../node_modules/pdfkit/js/data/Helvetica-Bold.afm', 'utf8'), encoding: 'utf8' }, + 'data/Helvetica-Oblique.afm': { data: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../../node_modules/pdfkit/js/data/Helvetica-Oblique.afm', 'utf8'), encoding: 'utf8' }, + 'data/Helvetica-BoldOblique.afm': { data: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../../node_modules/pdfkit/js/data/Helvetica-BoldOblique.afm', 'utf8'), encoding: 'utf8' } }, fonts: { Helvetica: { diff --git a/src/browser-extensions/standard-fonts/Symbol.js b/src/browser-extensions/standard-fonts/Symbol.js index 0022a62c0..70180c4b7 100644 --- a/src/browser-extensions/standard-fonts/Symbol.js +++ b/src/browser-extensions/standard-fonts/Symbol.js @@ -1,21 +1,37 @@ -var fs = require('fs'); 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