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bp2008's Project Index

Below are categorized lists of links to my most interesting projects.

Blue Iris Integrations

  • UI3 - A powerful, modern HTML5 web interface for Blue Iris.
  • biupdatehelper - A Windows service which archives Blue Iris update files and makes configuration backups.

Home Automation, Weather Sensors, etc.

  • AcuRiteSniffer - Reads weather data packets sent by AcuRite Access devices and makes the data accessible locally. Also supports ingesting data from rtl_433 software shared via MQTT.
  • HotkeyAutomation - Trigger web services using a keyboard and raspberry pi.
  • JsonDataExtractor - A Windows Service that can query a web service for JSON data and write parts of the data to text files.

IP Cameras

  • DahuaSunriseSunset - A Windows Service which changes the profile of dahua cameras between Night and Day at each sunset and sunrise.
  • OmxPlayerAuto - A .net/mono project designed for Raspberry Pi which enables basic remote management of omxplayer instances for the creation of a video wall. Also tested on Windows to launch "mpv" instances.
  • Timelapse - A web application that organizes, archives, and makes available photos from FTP-capable IP cameras.

Login Bypass / Password Changers

  • DahuaLoginBypass - Chrome extension that uses vulnerabilities CVE-2021-33044 and CVE-2021-33045 to log in to Dahua cameras without authentication.
  • HikPasswordHelper - A tool which exploits a backdoor in Hikvision camera firmwares circa 2014-2016 to help the owner change a forgotten password.

IT / DevOps Notes

Software Development

  • BPUtil - Utility classes for .net projects.
  • ErrorTracker - A light-weight event/error tracking service written in C#
  • GeolocationWebService - A simple web service that provides IP address location information using free data sources.
  • SmartPing - A slightly improved version of the Ping class from .NET Core, usable in .NET Framework apps.
  • turbojpegCLI - .NET wrapper for the libjpeg-turbo library. Not maintained.
  • x264net - .NET wrapper for x264, written in C++/CLI and usable from C# and VB.NET.

SSL/TLS Certificates

  • CertTrustManager - A simple Windows program which can hold an embedded SSL/TLS certificate (.cer file) and provides a button to trust or untrust that certificate.
  • SSL-Certificate-Maker - A graphical tool for generating SSL certificates without any prior knowledge. Can be used as your own private certificate authority.

Windows Desktop Utilities

  • BetterClearTypeTuner - A better way to configure ClearType font smoothing on Windows 10.
  • EnhancePointerPrecisionFixer - A system tray application for Windows that manages the "Enhance Pointer Precision" setting.
  • ImgurWin - A Windows application that enables easy uploads and screen captures, and automates the creation of various sized thumbnail links to the full image.
  • IPScanner - IP address scanner written in C#.
  • MonitorControl - A small Windows program that allows control of the local monitors via HTTP.
  • PingTracer - Graphical pinging and traceroute application. Ping Tracer continuously pings each network host between your computer and a given destination, helping identify the source of connectivity problems.
  • SetNetworkCategory - Lists the Network adapters on Windows and allows you to see and set the firewall category of each between "Public", "Private", and "Domain" modes.
  • StaticIp - A Windows program that makes it easy to assign and delete static IPv4 addresses on network interfaces that have DHCP enabled.
  • TaskbarDimmer - A windows tray application that dims the taskbar on all your monitors.
  • UPnPTest - A .NET GUI application for testing UPnP and NAT-PMP.

Windows Services

  • NetworkSpeedTest - A web-based speed test application suitable for LAN or internet speed tests.
  • WebProxy - An HTTP(S) reverse proxy server with web-based configuration.
  • WindowsServerMonitor - A small windows service which can be used to monitor and graph performance counters remotely.


Browser Extensions / Userscripts

  • Amazon-Product-Link-Shortener - A chrome extension which creates a short and clean link to the current product page, for easy sharing.
  • AmazonCustomerImageEnlarger - A Userscript which enlarges the customer image gallery on to make it fill most of the browser's viewport.
  • DahuaLoginBypass - Chrome extension that uses vulnerabilities CVE-2021-33044 and CVE-2021-33045 to log in to Dahua cameras without authentication.


  • BoomBoom - A bomberman clone which I originally released on the Ouya console in 2013. Like the Ouya console, this game was very unpopular. Runs on Windows using Java.

Mini web apps

These run in directly in a web browser, not requiring download or install

  • CircuitBreakerPlanner - A simple web application for planning a circuit breaker layout or documenting an existing panel.
  • GoogleAuthenticatorReader - Reads a QR Code containing exported TOTP tokens from Google Authenticator and displays the information in human-readable format.
  • RdpCalc - Helps generate a .rdp file that positions the Remote Desktop window where it will fill a monitor on Windows.

Miscellaneous Utilities

  • ImageOrganizer - Organizes a folder full of images by copying or moving them into a date-based directory structure.
  • MapStitcher - A simple program to bulk-download map tiles and stitch them together.
  • PdfScriptRemover - Removes JavaScript and embedded files from PDFs, powered by iText 7 for .NET.
  • SplitIntoMonthlyFolders - A simple program which moves files into folders named for the date the file was last modified (YYYY_MM).
  • VideoEncodingAutomation - Automates video encoding using HandbrakeCLI.


Although many of the projects in categories above are no longer actively maintained, the following projects are explicitly discontinued but still linked here for reference:

  • BlueIrisViewer - A Java application which can be used to view cameras hosted by Blue Iris. This is quite old and inefficient as it uses jpeg video.
  • CameraProxy - A Windows Service which acts as a "smart" proxy for IP network cameras. Uses the .NET framework and parts of the VLC media player libraries.
  • IpCameraSpeedometer - Approximates the speed of moving objects using an IP camera. This was never very accurate.
  • HdmiExtender - Captures the output of a Lenkeng LKV373 HDMI Extender TX (Sender) device, making the audio and video streams usable by 3rd party media players.
  • pnacl_player - H.264 video player using Chrome's portable native client (pluginless native code in Chrome). Still shipped with UI3, but not very useful.
  • UI2 - A custom web interface for Blue Iris Video Security Software. Development ceased in 2017 in favor of UI3.