diff --git a/react/src/views/Boxes/BoxesView.test.tsx b/react/src/views/Boxes/BoxesView.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e77bc720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/react/src/views/Boxes/BoxesView.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+import "@testing-library/jest-dom";
+import { GraphQLError } from "graphql";
+import { base2 } from "mocks/bases";
+import { organisation1, organisation2 } from "mocks/organisations";
+import { screen, render } from "tests/test-utils";
+import Boxes, { BOXES_LOCATIONS_TAGS_SHIPMENTS_FOR_BASE_QUERY } from "./BoxesView";
+const initialQuery = {
+ request: {
+ variables: {
+ baseId: "2",
+ },
+ },
+ result: {
+ data: {
+ // TODO: the data should be placed in the mocks
+ base: {
+ __typename: "Base",
+ locations: [
+ {
+ __typename: "ClassicLocation",
+ defaultBoxState: "Lost",
+ id: "14",
+ name: "LOST",
+ seq: 14,
+ },
+ {
+ __typename: "ClassicLocation",
+ defaultBoxState: "Scrap",
+ id: "15",
+ name: "SCRAP",
+ seq: 15,
+ },
+ {
+ __typename: "ClassicLocation",
+ defaultBoxState: "InStock",
+ id: "16",
+ name: "Stockroom",
+ seq: 16,
+ },
+ {
+ __typename: "ClassicLocation",
+ defaultBoxState: "InStock",
+ id: "17",
+ name: "WH1",
+ seq: 17,
+ },
+ {
+ __typename: "ClassicLocation",
+ defaultBoxState: "InStock",
+ id: "18",
+ name: "WH2",
+ seq: 18,
+ },
+ ],
+ tags: [
+ {
+ __typename: "Tag",
+ color: "#f37167",
+ description: "Donation from company x",
+ id: "10",
+ name: "company X",
+ type: "Box",
+ },
+ {
+ __typename: "Tag",
+ color: "#d89016",
+ description: "",
+ id: "11",
+ name: "new",
+ type: "All",
+ },
+ {
+ __typename: "Tag",
+ color: "#0097ff",
+ description: "Hold back for emergencies",
+ id: "12",
+ name: "emergency",
+ type: "Box",
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ boxes: {
+ __typename: "BoxPage",
+ elements: [
+ {
+ __typename: "Box",
+ comment: null,
+ history: [],
+ labelIdentifier: "4495955",
+ location: {
+ __typename: "ClassicLocation",
+ base: {
+ __typename: "Base",
+ id: "2",
+ name: "Thessaloniki",
+ },
+ defaultBoxState: "Scrap",
+ id: "15",
+ name: "SCRAP",
+ },
+ numberOfItems: 99,
+ product: {
+ __typename: "Product",
+ deletedOn: null,
+ gender: "none",
+ id: "233",
+ name: "Toothbrush",
+ },
+ shipmentDetail: null,
+ size: {
+ __typename: "Size",
+ id: "68",
+ label: "One size",
+ },
+ state: "Scrap",
+ tags: [],
+ },
+ {
+ __typename: "Box",
+ comment: null,
+ history: [],
+ labelIdentifier: "1481666",
+ location: {
+ __typename: "ClassicLocation",
+ base: {
+ __typename: "Base",
+ id: "2",
+ name: "Thessaloniki",
+ },
+ defaultBoxState: "Scrap",
+ id: "15",
+ name: "SCRAP",
+ },
+ numberOfItems: 23,
+ product: {
+ __typename: "Product",
+ deletedOn: null,
+ gender: "Men",
+ id: "267",
+ name: "Sweatpants",
+ },
+ shipmentDetail: null,
+ size: {
+ __typename: "Size",
+ id: "52",
+ label: "Mixed",
+ },
+ state: "Scrap",
+ tags: [
+ {
+ __typename: "Tag",
+ color: "#d89016",
+ description: "",
+ id: "11",
+ name: "new",
+ type: "All",
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ __typename: "Box",
+ comment: null,
+ history: [
+ {
+ __typename: "HistoryEntry",
+ changeDate: "2023-10-29T15:02:58+00:00",
+ changes: "changed box state from Scrap to InStock",
+ id: "30946",
+ user: {
+ __typename: "User",
+ id: "17",
+ name: "Dev Coordinator",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ __typename: "HistoryEntry",
+ changeDate: "2023-10-29T15:02:51+00:00",
+ changes: "changed box state from InStock to Scrap",
+ id: "30945",
+ user: {
+ __typename: "User",
+ id: "17",
+ name: "Dev Coordinator",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ __typename: "HistoryEntry",
+ changeDate: "2023-10-29T15:02:40+00:00",
+ changes: "changed box state from Scrap to InStock",
+ id: "30944",
+ user: {
+ __typename: "User",
+ id: "17",
+ name: "Dev Coordinator",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ __typename: "HistoryEntry",
+ changeDate: "2023-10-29T15:02:40+00:00",
+ changes: "changed box location from SCRAP to WH2",
+ id: "30943",
+ user: {
+ __typename: "User",
+ id: "17",
+ name: "Dev Coordinator",
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ labelIdentifier: "8650860",
+ location: {
+ __typename: "ClassicLocation",
+ base: {
+ __typename: "Base",
+ id: "2",
+ name: "Thessaloniki",
+ },
+ defaultBoxState: "InStock",
+ id: "18",
+ name: "WH2",
+ },
+ numberOfItems: 33,
+ product: {
+ __typename: "Product",
+ deletedOn: null,
+ gender: "UnisexKid",
+ id: "350",
+ name: "Robes",
+ },
+ shipmentDetail: null,
+ size: {
+ __typename: "Size",
+ id: "52",
+ label: "Mixed",
+ },
+ state: "InStock",
+ tags: [
+ {
+ __typename: "Tag",
+ color: "#f37167",
+ description: "Donation from company x",
+ id: "10",
+ name: "company X",
+ type: "Box",
+ },
+ {
+ __typename: "Tag",
+ color: "#d89016",
+ description: "",
+ id: "11",
+ name: "new",
+ type: "All",
+ },
+ {
+ __typename: "Tag",
+ color: "#0097ff",
+ description: "Hold back for emergencies",
+ id: "12",
+ name: "emergency",
+ type: "Box",
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ pageInfo: {
+ __typename: "PageInfo",
+ hasNextPage: false,
+ },
+ totalCount: 268,
+ },
+ shipments: [
+ {
+ __typename: "Shipment",
+ id: "1",
+ sourceBase: {
+ __typename: "Base",
+ id: "1",
+ name: "Lesvos",
+ organisation: {
+ __typename: "Organisation",
+ id: "1",
+ name: "BoxAid",
+ },
+ },
+ state: "Preparing",
+ targetBase: {
+ __typename: "Base",
+ id: "2",
+ name: "Thessaloniki",
+ organisation: {
+ __typename: "Organisation",
+ id: "2",
+ name: "BoxCare",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ __typename: "Shipment",
+ id: "2",
+ sourceBase: {
+ __typename: "Base",
+ id: "1",
+ name: "Lesvos",
+ organisation: {
+ __typename: "Organisation",
+ id: "1",
+ name: "BoxAid",
+ },
+ },
+ state: "Canceled",
+ targetBase: {
+ __typename: "Base",
+ id: "3",
+ name: "Samos",
+ organisation: {
+ __typename: "Organisation",
+ id: "2",
+ name: "BoxCare",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+const initialQueryNetworkError = {
+ request: {
+ variables: {
+ baseId: "2",
+ },
+ },
+ result: {
+ errors: [new GraphQLError("Error!")],
+ },
+describe("4.8.1 - Initial load of Page", () => {
+ it(" - Is the Loading State Shown First?", async () => {
+ render(, {
+ routePath: "/bases/:baseId/boxes",
+ initialUrl: "/bases/2/boxes",
+ mocks: [initialQuery],
+ addTypename: true,
+ globalPreferences: {
+ dispatch: jest.fn(),
+ globalPreferences: {
+ organisation: { id: organisation2.id, name: organisation2.name },
+ availableBases: organisation1.bases,
+ selectedBase: { id: base2.id, name: base2.name },
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ // Test case
+ expect(screen.getByTestId("TableSkeleton")).toBeInTheDocument();
+ });
+ it(" - Failed to Fetch Initial Data", async () => {
+ render(, {
+ routePath: "/bases/:baseId/boxes",
+ initialUrl: "/bases/2/boxes",
+ mocks: [initialQueryNetworkError],
+ addTypename: true,
+ globalPreferences: {
+ dispatch: jest.fn(),
+ globalPreferences: {
+ organisation: { id: organisation2.id, name: organisation2.name },
+ availableBases: organisation1.bases,
+ selectedBase: { id: base2.id, name: base2.name },
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ // Test case
+ expect(
+ await screen.findByText(/could not fetch boxes data! Please try reloading the page./i),
+ ).toBeInTheDocument();
+ });