Releases: boscore/ibc_contracts
v4.1.2 release notes
Add action unregtoken
to facilitate remove records in table accepts
and stats
v4.1.1 release notes
- The logic of checking the token quantity limit is added in the function
, so as to ensure that the next hub transaction will not fail due to the quantity limit.
v4.1.0 release notes
- Modify
table definition
Add fieldorig_pure_memo
to record the memo information of the original transaction.
Note: theibc_plugin_bos
project has also been upgraded to tagibc-v4.1.0
You have to useibc_plugin_bos (ibc-v4.1.0)
andibc_contracts (v4.1.0)
at the same time, or it's not compatible .
v4.0.0 release notes
Added ibc-hub protocol, please refer to for detail.
Upgrade from v3 to v4 need follew
The ibc.token
need to upgrade, ibc.chain
The prebuild contract can be found in:
- Contracts for parallel chain build-without-HUB
- Contracts for HUB chain build-with-HUB
v3.0.0 release notes
Add a feature, which controls whether to check the relay auth by setting the constant check_relay_auth
defined in file ibc.chain.hpp
If check_relay_auth is set to true, actions to check the relay permission include:
in contract ibc.chain : chaininit, pushsection, rmfirstsctn, pushblkcmits
in contract ibc.token : cash, rollback, rmunablerb
please refer to relay-management for more detail.
The prebuild for bosibc contracts can be get in bos.contract-prebuild
v2.1.0 release notes
- Add new table 'stat' ( whose definition is same with stat in eosio.token ) and sync with table 'stats' of ibc.token contract, in order to compatible with the command 'cleos get currency stats ...'
v2.0.0 release notes
- Support batch-pbft(BOSCore 3.0 mainnet) and pipeline-bft(EOSIO mainnet) consensus mechanisms.
- Enhancing the function of ibc.token contract, so that one ibc.token contract can cooperate with many ibc.chain contracts, and users only need to interact with one ibc.token contract to achieve inter-blockchain transfer with multiple side-chains.
- Delete the dependence on relay account permissions and make IBC system completely decentralized.
- Supporting multiple relay channels, which enhances the high availability of IBC systems.
v1.0.5 release notes
fixed memo length error.
v1.0.3 release notes
modify "new_memo" format in inline "transfer" action which is triggered by "cash" action
source code
Such as one BOS account bos3account1 transfer 10 BOS to eos3account1@eos and with notes of memo "123456789 hi!"
$cleos transfer bos3account1 "10.0000 BOS" eos3account1@eos 123456789 hello!
Then there will be an inline transfer triggered on EOS mainnet and with the whole memo as bellow:
transfer eos3account1 "10.0000 BOS" 123456789 hi! | from peerchain ...
v1.0.2 release notes
When withdraw is executed, token first transfers to the account of the ibc.token contract, which temporarily stores the asset in case the transaction rolled back and token returned to the user.
When executing cash_confirm corresponding to this withdraw action, burning those token is required to remove the temporary assets under the ibc.token account, but the last step is ignored in previous versions, as a result, there be a large number of assets under the ibc.token account that does not belong to it, this repair completes the last step code.