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92 lines (73 loc) · 4.28 KB

File metadata and controls

92 lines (73 loc) · 4.28 KB


Quickdist creates and updates Quicklisp distributions from a directory of local projects. It maintains distinfo.txt, releases.txt, systems.txt and source archive - all that is needed for a distribution. Currently it requires GNU tar to work. (Configurable with *gnutar*, defaults to /bin/tar.)


A few dynamic variables and one function are exported.

Dynamic variables determine the layout of files on disk and on the web server. Such are the defaults:

(defparameter *distinfo-template*
  "name: {name}
version: {version}
distinfo-subscription-url: {base-url}/{name}.txt
release-index-url: {base-url}/{name}/{version}/releases.txt
system-index-url: {base-url}/{name}/{version}/systems.txt
(defparameter *distinfo-file-template* "{dists-dir}/{name}.txt")
(defparameter *dist-dir-template*      "{dists-dir}/{name}/{version}")
(defparameter *archive-dir-template*   "{dists-dir}/{name}/archive")
(defparameter *archive-url-template*   "{base-url}/{name}/archive")

The only exported function is quickdist.

quickdist (&key name (version :today) base-url projects-dir dists-dir)

name, version, base-url and dists-dir provide values for the templates. A special default version :today is resolved to the current date in YYYYMMDD format. projects-dir is the directory each subdirectory of which is treated as a separate project to be included in the distribution.


Suppose you have some projects in ~/projects/, you want to publish them from ~/dists/ and you name the distribution quickdist. Then after loading quickdist and hunchentoot:

cl-user> (quickdist:quickdist :name "quickdist" :base-url "http://localhost:4242/" :projects-dir "~/projects" :dists-dir "~/dists")
Processing {project1}...
Processing {project2}...

cl-user> (push (hunchentoot:create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler "/" "~/dists/") hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
(#<CLOSURE (lambda # :in hunchentoot:create-prefix-dispatcher) {100A30DEAB}> hunchentoot:dispatch-easy-handlers)

cl-user> (hunchentoot:start (make-instance 'hunchentoot:easy-acceptor :port 4242))
#<hunchentoot:easy-acceptor (host *, port 4242)>

cl-user> (ql-dist:install-dist "http://localhost:4242/quickdist.txt") - [2012-11-30 10:46:29] "get /quickdist.txt http/1.1" 200 241 "-" "quicklisp-client/2012112500 SBCL/1.1.0"
; Fetching #<url "http://localhost:4242/quickdist.txt">
; 0.24KB
241 bytes in 0.00 seconds (0.00KB/sec)
Installing dist "quickdist" version "20121130".
Press Enter to continue. - [2012-11-30 10:46:31] "get /quickdist/20121130/releases.txt http/1.1" 200 295 "-" "quicklisp-client/2012112500 SBCL/1.1.0"
; Fetching #<url "http://localhost:4242/quickdist/20121130/releases.txt">
; 0.29KB
295 bytes in 0.00 seconds (0.00KB/sec) - [2012-11-30 10:46:31] "get /quickdist/20121130/systems.txt http/1.1" 200 132 "-" "quicklisp-client/2012112500 SBCL/1.1.0"
; Fetching #<url "http://localhost:4242/quickdist/20121130/systems.txt">
; 0.13KB
132 bytes in 0.00 seconds (128.91KB/sec)
#<ql-dist:dist quickdist 20121130>

cl-user> (ql:quickload :symbol-namestring) ; for example
To load "symbol-namestring":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
  Install 1 Quicklisp release:
    symbol-namestring - [2012-11-30 10:47:23] "get /quickdist/archive/symbol-namestring-20120812.tgz http/1.1" 200 14842 "-" "quicklisp-client/2012112500 SBCL/1.1.0"
; Fetching #<url "http://localhost:4242/quickdist/archive/symbol-namestring-20120812.tgz">
; 14.49KB
14,842 bytes in 0.00 seconds (14494.14KB/sec)
; Loading "symbol-namestring"
[package symbol-namestring]

cl-user> (ql-dist:uninstall (ql-dist:find-dist "quickdist")) ; no longer want this dist

Priorities of distributions

When multiple distributions provide the same system, the latest installed distribution is prefered by default. If this is not what you want, you can inspect priorities with (ql-dist:preference (ql-dist:find-dist "{dist}"))) and set them with setf. For a finer-grained control projects (ql-dist:find-release-in-dist) and systems (ql-dist:find-system-in-dist) have preferences too.