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Thursday at the library

It’s Thursday afternoon and the von der Surwitz siblings meet in their reserved study room at the main university library to go over Wednesday’s lecture and examples. After Wednesday’s class, they’re glad they and the other ItCS participants had met with Professor Chandra at the Novalis Tech Open House two weeks prior to the start of school and had gotten a heads-up on what was ahead, including her repository. As a result they all had gone down the minimal prerequisite rabbit holes and were more or less ready.

Ursula von der Surwitz has plugged in her laptop to the big monitor and is scrolling through Professor Chandra’s first substantive lecture on Wednesday of the first week of classes[fn:1].

For most of us our first experience with the abstraction power of numbers begins when our parents teach us to hold up three fingers to show everyone we’re three years old. And so we were introduced to the idea of seeing an abstract numerical magnitude such as the number three as a mapping or connection of three fingers to three years of life.

Then at some point we learn what mathematician Eugenia Cheng[fn:2] calls the “counting poem,” i.e., we learn how to count from one to ten, usually on our fingers. And about this time we learn to negotiate numerically, like when we said, I’ll give so many of these if you give me so many of that. But then begins formal school math, and each year math becomes progressively less interesting, less popular — to the point of being a hated subject. This in my opinion is due to the curriculum being based on conditioned learning, the when you see this, do this method … unfortunately.

But if you major in math in college you eventually start to see in the later years[fn:3] — after the four Freshman and Sophomore semesters of calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra — what is commonly called “higher math.” And these upper-semester math courses can be a complete reboot of math, weeding out vague, ad hoc, /parochial/[fn:4] notions, replacing them with a rigorous, theoretical, formalistic, foundational understanding of math. As mathematician Joe Fields says, this is when you stop being a “see this, do this” calculator and become a prover, i.e., a deeper thinker about math.

Set theory is a big part of this formalism[fn:5]. Set theory is an exacting, don’t-take-stuff-for-granted world, which turns out to be good for the computer world as well since computer circuits don’t attend human grade school, don’t learn poems, and don’t have fingers[fn:6]. Again, if you want a computer to understand something, you have to spell it out in very precise and exacting ways. That is to say, you’re always facing logical entailment (LE) with computers. So how then does a computer understand numbers? And isn’t a computer doing numbers the same way a clock does time? Think about it. Does a ticking clock that you have to wind up have any real concept of time? No, it doesn’t.

One fascinating twist of mathematical history is how, on the whole, the Greeks seemed to favor geometry over numbers. Their mastery of geometry really got going with Euclid’s Elements ca. 300 BC, which starts with just a point and a line and from there builds up expansive theorems about complex geometric shapes, i.e., no numbers[fn:7]. Even when Euclid’s geometry worked with the concepts of length and angles, no numbers were employed[fn:8]. And as the physicist Julian Barbour said, A triangle is known for its shape not its size.

This week we’ll talk about numbers in a fairly theoretical but not really difficult manner. Along with the math, we’ll do some work with Haskell that you should be ready for[fn:9].

𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: So like Professor Chandra said yesterday, we need to see things in terms of set theory from here on out.
[murmurs of agreement] \ 𝔘𝔴𝔢: And like she said, with set theory we can properly define relations and function. All of which sounds rather ominous. Like everything we thought we knew was about to go away.\ [more agreement murmurs] \ 𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: [continuing] So here’s her breakdown of what she called number classification or taxonomy. [scrolling…] \


  • $\mathbb{N}\;$: the natural counting numbers, often starting with $0\;$; otherwise, with $1\;$.
  • $\mathbb{Z}\;$: whole number integers — just like $\mathbb{N}\;$ but with the positive numbers duplicated as negative numbers, along with $0\;$ between them.
  • $\mathbb{Q}\;$: the rational numbers — composed as $\frac{a}{b}\;$ where $a$ and $b$ are integers and $b$ cannot be $0\;$ — although this is really too simple and we’ll be expanding on it later.
  • $\mathbb{R}\;$: the real numbers are the limit of a convergent sequence of rational numbers… Really? Yes, but this is a higher math sort of definition. Suffice it to say for now reals are the rational numbers (including recurring decimals) along with ir-rational numbers (non-recurring decimals), e.g., the square root of $2\;$. In other words, numbers that are expressed with decimals[fn:10]. Lots more to come…
  • $\mathbb{C}\;$: the complex numbers are of the form $a + bi\;$ where $a$ and $b$ are real numbers and $i$ is the square root of $-1\;$. Again, lots more later.


𝔘𝔴𝔢: Right. We’re not supposed to worry about this too much yet; we’ll go into it more later. Just realize that we’re talking about the set of natural numbers, the set of real numbers, et cetera.
[murmurs of agreement] \ 𝔘𝔱𝔢: Their traits and properties, as she said. And the fact that each number “species” is a subset of the next one up [writing on the whiteboard]

\begin{align*} \mathbb{N} ⊂ \mathbb{Z} ⊂ \mathbb{Q} ⊂ \mathbb{R}\ ⊂ \mathbb{C} \end{align*}

𝔘𝔱𝔢: [continuing] One is contained by the other.
𝔘𝔴𝔢: [paging through his written notes] Then she once more drove home the point that set theory is important [quoting]

Set theory is the basic foundation of math, and is fundamental to the discrete math of computer science. But there’s a new kid is on the block, namely, category theory, which is even more foundational than set theory. With Haskell we’ll encounter some of the rudiments of category theory now and then. \ …⌟

𝔘𝔴𝔢: Anybody know what that means?
𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: We all watched the video? [clicking on this YouTube link] Did you all watch it? \ 𝔘𝔱𝔢: Ahhh, yes, but I can tell I’m a long way from really getting it, or why it’s such a big deal. \ 𝔘𝔴𝔢: So we see a bunch of stuff we supposedly already know being repackaged in a way that uncovers how we really only had a superficial understanding of the concepts. \ [laughter] \ 𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: I watched it, but it’ll take some time to sink in because [nodding to Uwe] on one level I guess I understood, but I don’t think I caught what the whole point was[fn:11]. I suppose that’s coming as well. \ 𝔘𝔱𝔢: But wasn’t it a bit ominous the way she said this is higher math — if not grad school stuff? But we’re not supposed to be intimidated! No! At least not yet. \ [nods and laughter] \ 𝔘𝔴𝔢: Like they’ve been saying, we’re Versuchskaninchen. \ [laughter] \ 𝔘𝔱𝔢: Guinea pigs. No, but I’m getting the impression this could be a great course. \ [nods]

Numbers in Haskell

𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: [scrolling] So we then come to Haskell’s version of the numbers.
[all study the screen] \ 𝔘𝔱𝔢: Which is supposed to be close to the whole mathematical taxonomy. \


  • Int: limited-precision integers in at least the range $[-229 , 229)\;$.
  • Integer: arbitrary-precision integers (read lots of integers, lots more than Int).
  • Rational: arbitrary-precision rational numbers.
  • Float: single-precision floating-point numbers.
  • Double: double-precision floating-point numbers
  • Complex: complex numbers as defined in Data.Complex.


𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: And she tells us not to worry about what precision and floating-point mean for the time being.
𝔘𝔱𝔢: Right, because they’re part of how the electrical logic circuits do numbers. The whole “logical entailment” of doing numbers on an electric machine thing. \ [murmurs of agreement] \ 𝔘𝔴𝔢: And we’re not to worry about natural numbers yet. We’ll do those separate. \ [murmurs of agreement] \

The qualities of quantity

𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: [scrolling] So here’s more.

A number is a concept, first and foremost a symbol related to quantity and magnitude. And as such a number has great powers of abstraction. Numbers may be applied in the abstraction exercises of counting or enumerating, as well as measuring things[fn:12].

Consider these qualities of quantities

  • cardinality, or how many?
  • ordinality, or what order?
  • enumeration, or, generally, how do we count out things?

As we’ve said, when we bring the computer into this quantification game, we cannot assume these basic qualities as given[fn:13].

𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: [continuing] Any thoughts, questions?
[all study the screen] \ 𝔘𝔱𝔢: Let’s go on.


In everyday language cardinal numbers are simply the counting numbers, $\mathbb{N}\;$, either as words or numerical symbols. In set theory, however, cardinality has a different meaning, i.e., the number the objects in a set. So if we consider the box of stars in the diagram above to be a set of stars, then the cardinality of this set is $3$ since there are three stars[fn:14]


\,Sstars \,&= 3 \
\,\{a, b, c\}\,&= 3 \
\,\mathbb{N}\,&= ∞ \
\,\mathbb{Z}\,&= ∞


But why are we being so “conceptual” about the simple idea of amount, and why must we give it a fancy name? Again, math likes to formalize things, nail things down. Starting with exactness and precision we can then build very complex and logically-based math[fn:15]. Now, if two sets have the same cardinality, is this somehow significant? Above, we see that both the set of natural numbers and the set of integers have infinity as their cardinality. Are, therefore, $\mathbb{N}$ and $\mathbb{Z}$ the same “size?”

The bijection principle states that two sets have the same size if and only if there is a bijection (injective and surjective together) between them[fn:16].

Which means $|\,Sstars \,|\;$ and $|\,\{a, b, c\}\,|\;$ can be matched up one-to-one, thus, they must have the same cardinality. But again, what about sets of things that supposedly have an infinite size? How do we “count,” or “pair up” infinite sets[fn:17]? Surprisingly, there are different kinds of infinity — which necessitates this exactness and preciseness. More about cardinality theory later.

𝔘𝔴𝔢: So basically, cardinality is a formalism from set theory about amount and magnatude. Fair enough.
𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: What about this section? [scrolling]

Haskell and cardinality

The first thing to know about Haskell and set theory is, yes, we can do real set theory with Haskell’s Data.Set package. But as beginners learning the ropes we will start with a simpler representation of sets through Haskell’s basic list data structure. Realize, however, that a list is not a set; they are two different beasts, and we’ll have to account for that. For one, a set may have duplicates, whereas a list holds a definite sequence of things, i.e., every element of the list is unique, even if some elements are repeated[fn:18]. So the set $\{1,2,1\}\;$ is the same as $\{1,2\}\;$ is the same as $\{2,1,1\}\;$ because sets don’t mind duplicates, nor do they worry about order[fn:19]. But the lists [1,2,1], [1,2], and [2,1,1] are in fact all different lists. Initially, we’ll practice set theory with lists and build alternate set theory code based on lists. Then when we understand “squirrel math” a little more, i.e., how to work with the data structures known as trees, we’ll do proper set theory with Haskell’s set theory module, Data.Set[fn:20]. For the immediate future we’ll consider a list to be a beginner’s substitute for a set. And so a simple “how many” function on a list standing in for a set is length

length [1,2,3,4,5]

Again, more to come. Watch this space[fn:21].

𝔘𝔴𝔢: So, bottom line, we’re not going to have real sets with Haskell right away, just a sort of Ersatz sets with lists. Are we all sort of familiar with Haskell lists from the Learn You…?
[murmurs of affirmation as Ursula clicks on a tab showing LYAHFGG’s section on lists] \ 𝔘𝔱𝔢: So what about finding another example of sets having duplicates and being in different order? [looks back and forth] \ 𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: Well, here’s mine [scrolling to her personal annotation of the professors notes and reading aloud]

A “set” of students in a class pass around a sign-in sheet each day on which they sign their name. Some days the names are in one order, other days another order, depending on how it was passed around the room. And sometimes a student accidentally signs twice. But it’s still the same set of students, order and duplicate sign-ins notwithstanding. \ …⌟

𝔘𝔴𝔢: Oooh, notwithstanding! You’re getting fancy with your English.
[laughter] \ 𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: Hey, no brain-shaming! \ [laughter] \ 𝔘𝔴𝔢: [continuing] No, really, that’s a great example because it brings out the difference between the actual set and how it’s being — represented. \ 𝔘𝔱𝔢: So do we all understand her side note about set unions? \ 𝔘𝔴𝔢: I drew some Venn diagrams [pulls out a hand drawing and places it on the table] and, yes, you can see how all the overlaps are telling us not to worry about the duplicates of the individual sets making up the union. \ 𝔘𝔱𝔢: Right, and it’s curious how when you just look at the set notations, you don’t necessarily see that. At least I don’t. I mean [writing on the board] $A ∪ B ∪ C = \{x \;|\; x ∈ A \;\;\text{or}\;\;x ∈ B\;\; \text{or}\;\;x ∈ C \}\quad\;\;$ doesn’t necessarily tell you it doesn’t want duplicates. \ 𝔘𝔴𝔢: By the way, don’t forget union and intersection are binary, right? \ [nods of agreement] \ 𝔘𝔱𝔢: All right then, [correcting her formula] $A ∪ B = \{x \;|\; x ∈ A \;\;\text{or}\;\;x ∈ B\;\}\;\;\;\;$. Satisfied? \ [Ursula giggles] \ 𝔘𝔴𝔢: All right, unless you have the word or to mean that we don’t keep picking up the same element from the different sets. But the inclusive or of set union means it can be from one or the other — or from both of them. So I definitely see your point, the set notation doesn’t tell us not to include duplicates — without some exclusive sort of inclusive or. Only the Venn diagram really shows us this. I mean, the whole point of this is to think about whether the definition of set union rules out duplicates, doesn’t worry about order, and has commutativity. I don’t see that \ [murmurs of agreement] \ 𝔘𝔱𝔢: So in the rabbit hole on logic, we had the truth tables, right? So they talked about logical or, which they also called disjunction. And then they had a truth table for or which showed how the only time something wasn’t true was when both of the statements were false. \ 𝔘𝔴𝔢: Basically, it’s the same operations with both sets and logic. \ 𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: More later. \ [murmurs of agreement] \ 𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: All right, so what about this brain teaser? \ 𝔘𝔱𝔢: Right. [getting up and writing on the board]

\begin{align*} A ∪ B &= B ∪ A, \[.5em] A ∩ B &= B ∩ A, \[.5em] (A ∪ B) ∪ C &= A ∪ (B ∪ C), \quad and \[.5em] (A ∩ B) ∩ C &= A ∩ (B ∩ C) \end{align*}

𝔘𝔱𝔢: [continuing] The first thing we have to know is what are union and intersection in the world of lists? I figured out that putting lists together come in two forms, the cons operation, and the concatenation operator.
𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: Right. Like this. [creating a source block]

1 : []

𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: [continuing] for cons and then this for concatenation

[1] ++ [2]

𝔘𝔴𝔢: You showed me that stackoverflow post where they created a union function for lists. But then one commentor noted how no, these list versions of union didn’t allow for commutativity and all.
𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: Exactly. Only the Data.Set, the true set theory package did. \ [silence while digesting the ideas] \ 𝔘𝔱𝔢: Yeah, right, I looked through it, but I consider myself just a beginner with Haskell, but it seemed to be talking mainly about how you eliminate duplicates. \ 𝔘𝔴𝔢: But what about that “equational reasoning”? One of you guys went into that, didn’t you? \ [Ursula and Ute trade glances] \ 𝔘𝔱𝔢: Well, I looked it up on Wikipedia and was redirected to an article that was actually called Universal algebra [Ursula brings up the article on the monitor], and in the Basic idea section \ 𝔘𝔴𝔢: Once again, on that fateful day when we sat down and talked with Professor Chandra she told us to not fear the rabbit hole! \ [laughter] \ 𝔘𝔱𝔢: And to expect a whole new way of seeing math. \ 𝔘𝔴𝔢: Right, that didn’t present itself serially, one thing after another. No, we’re taking this on in parallel. \ [murmurs of agreement] \ 𝔘𝔱𝔢: I did email Professor Chandra, and she said the Universal algebra page was not very specific for what Haskell meant by equational reasoning — and she gave me another link, which we can look at — but that it contained a lot of good stuff, and we should try to get the gist of it. \ [rueful murmurs] \ 𝔘𝔱𝔢: [continuing, reading from her laptop]

An algebraic structure consists of a nonempty set $A$ (called the underlying set, carrier set or domain), a collection of operations on $A$ (typically binary operations such as addition and multiplication), and a finite set of identities, known as axioms, that these operations must satisfy. \ …⌟

𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: [bringing the page up on the monitor] Here it is.

import Data.Set (Set, lookupMin, lookupMax)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
Set.union (Set.fromList [1, 3, 5, 7]) (Set.fromList [0, 2, 4, 6])
fromList [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
Set.union (Set.fromList [0, 2, 4, 6]) (Set.fromList [1, 3, 5, 7])
fromList [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
fromList []
Set.union (fromList [1,2,3]) (Set.empty)
fromList [1,2,3]
Set.intersection  (fromList [1,2,3]) (Set.empty)
fromList []
import Data.Ratio

𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: Let’s leave it for now. So moving on [scrolling].


In everyday language the concept of order is conveyed when we say first, second, third, fourth, etc[fn:22]. And we’re done, right? But again, as seen from set theory — as well as from the computer world — (re-)establishing order is important and cannot always be taken for granted. In fact, a great deal of investigation surrounds ordinality.

The counting numbers, the set $\mathbb{N}\;$, would seem to have order built in. For example, everybody knows that $3$ comes after $2\;$ etc., they’re in ascending order based on the incrementally greater amounts they represent. And neither does the set $\mathbb{N}\;$ have repeats. Also, if we create a geometric visual for $\mathbb{N}\;$, that is to say, we draw a line and mark places on the line for each number, we can subdivide the line into /intervals/[fn:23] and order is related to inequalities.

But order, and all it’s implications, is not always a given in real life. What if we wrote the numbers from one to ten on small squares of paper, put them in a box, and then shook them out on the floor in a straight line? Would they be in order? Chances are, no. And what about sets of things that aren’t inherently numerical, such as colors?

So if we don’t have things in proper order—which is often the case in the real world—we have to put things in order ourselves. And that means we will need to sort a set of unsorted elements into some order. Sorting, in fact, is one of the more basic tasks computers do in the everyday world[fn:24].

But to sort we need to compare things. Obviously, ten whole numbers written clearly on ten squares of paper can be easily sorted by hand[fn:25]. But what if we had thousands of squares of paper, each with a unique number? Then we’d have a long task ahead of us. But no matter how big or small the task, we would compare two numbers at a time and then make a judgement based on whether one number was

  • greater than
  • equal to
  • less than

the other number, then rearranging as needed.

Ordinality in Haskell

Haskell is a typed language with a feature called /type classes/[fn:26]. A Haskell type class encompasses traits, patterns, concepts, or what we might call a certain “-ness” that can be imparted to data types. In Haskell, for example, numbers and the characters of the alphabet can be directly compared for “equal-ness,” and when we test at the ghci REPL prompt, this seems to be built-in

((5 == 3) || ('a' == 'a')) || ('b' == 'B')

Mindful of LE, we see that Haskell’s Eq class housing this equal-ness must have some sort of behind-the-scenes mechanism that allows us to take two things, analyze them, then return a decision, true or false (yes they are equal, no they’re not equal), on whether two said things were equal or not — all of this just for doing some typing, e.g., 5 == 3 into the REPL.

Something else to consider is how some things don’t necessarily have the concept of equal or not equal straight out of the box. What if we created a data type for colors and we wanted to compare the individual color values for equal-ness? Intuitively, we might say red, yellow, and blue are equal since they are all primary colors; likewise, orange, green, and violet are equal because they’re the secondary colors. But what if we just say each color is equal to itself and not equal to any of the others? … So how would we establish equal-ness for colors? If we want to type Green == Blue into the REPL it’s up to us to have created some sort of equal-ness and told Haskell about it.

Data types that need to establish equal-ness for themselves can apply to the Haskell Eq type class for membership. Type class membership is registered with an instance statement. To see all the data types that have an instance registered with Eq we can use :info (abbreviated :i) at the REPL[fn:27]

:i Eq
type Eq :: * -> Constraint
class Eq a where
  (==) :: a -> a -> Bool
  (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
  {-# MINIMAL (==) | (/=) #-}
  	-- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-0.7.0:GHC.Classes’
instance Eq Int -- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-0.7.0:GHC.Classes’
instance Eq Float -- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-0.7.0:GHC.Classes’
instance Eq Double -- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-0.7.0:GHC.Classes’
instance Eq Char -- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-0.7.0:GHC.Classes’
instance Eq Bool -- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-0.7.0:GHC.Classes’

which gives us a long list (abbreviated above) of data types that have equal-ness defined[fn:28]. Notice the two “prescribed” methods (functions) (==) and (/=). These functions are the mechanism used by Eq to establish equal-ness. They must be custom defined in each instance declaration in order for a data type to have its own established equal-ness[fn:29]. And so if you create a new type, you, the programmer, must come up with your own version of these two functions, (==) and (/=) to establish the trait, the property of equal-ness for that new data type. As LYAHFGG notes, the type signature for the equal-ness function (==) is[fn:30]

:t (==)

which indicates (==) takes two inputs of some type a and returns a Bool type, i.e., either True or False. Good, we saw how that works with our examples above. But there’s another wrinkle to this story. So if (==) is a function that takes two objects of type a, e.g., two integers, real numbers, characters, booleans, etc., how can we use this same symbol (==) in so many different contexts? Looking above, how did Haskell know to use integer equal-ness rules (defined by instance Eq Int) when comparing integers, and then letter equal-ness rules (defined by instance Eq Char) when comparing letters? This feat is what we call /ad hoc polymorphism/[fn:31], which allows just a single function symbol, e.g., (==), to be used (overloaded) in many different contexts. And so Haskell figures out behind the scenes which instance to apply. Neat.

Let’s take a closer look at a color type by defining our own[fn:32] [fn:33]

data Color = Red | Yellow | Blue | Green deriving (Show,Read)

Obviously, the colors red, yellow, blue, and green have no intrinsic numerical properties by which to compare one with the other. However, Haskell’s type class system still allows us to create some manner of equal-ness for it. And so we write this version of an instance of Eq for Color

instance Eq Color where
  Red == Red = True      -- could also be (==) Red Red = True
  Yellow == Yellow = True
  Blue == Blue = True
  Green == Green = True
  _ == _ = False         -- anything getting to this point must be false

And so we’ve hand-coded our own equal-ness for Color by spelling out how (==) works for Color. This literally tells Haskell what Color equal-ness should be by customizing how the function (==) should work. Let’s have another look at the type signature for (==)

:t (==)

As LYAHFGG notes, the Eq a part is known as a class constraint. This means whatever a might be[fn:34], it must have an equal-ness instance already registered for it — which we do — otherwise, Haskell won’t know how to compare two things of a for equal-ness[fn:35].

(Red == Red) && (Red /= Green)

Good, it’s working and we now can compare Color values for equal-ness, but how do we order colors? No matter how we establish one color before the other, it might seem arbitrary, but we can do it if we want. For basic order-ness Haskell has the type class Ord to which types can register

:i Ord
type Ord :: * -> Constraint
class Eq a => Ord a where
  compare :: a -> a -> Ordering
  (<) :: a -> a -> Bool
  (<=) :: a -> a -> Bool
  (>) :: a -> a -> Bool
  (>=) :: a -> a -> Bool
  max :: a -> a -> a
  min :: a -> a -> a
  {-# MINIMAL compare | (<=) #-}
  	-- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-0.7.0:GHC.Classes’
instance Ord Ordering -- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-0.7.0:GHC.Classes’
instance Ord Int -- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-0.7.0:GHC.Classes’
instance Ord Float -- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-0.7.0:GHC.Classes’
instance Ord Double -- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-0.7.0:GHC.Classes’
instance Ord Char -- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-0.7.0:GHC.Classes’
instance Ord Bool -- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-0.7.0:GHC.Classes’
instance Ord Integer -- Defined in ‘GHC.Num.Integer’

Note how the Ord declaration itself has a class constraint, i.e., Eq a =>. This means any data type a must already have its Eq instance registered. Hence, Eq is a sort of super-class, and yes, type classes can build hierarchies of themselves.

Again, we see Ord has a minimum requirement for order-ness, namely, that we define the method[fn:36] (function) compare … and then we get all the other order-ness methods, (<)min for free, as in Haskell is smart enough to figure them out just based on what you gave for compare. Neat[fn:37].

:t compare
compare :: Ord a => a -> a -> Ordering

The function compare is, like (==), a binary (two inputs) operation that takes inputs of the same data type a and returns something of type Ordering. So what is Ordering? Let’s ask

:i Ordering
type Ordering :: *
data Ordering = LT | EQ | GT
  	-- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-0.7.0:GHC.Types’
instance Eq Ordering -- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-0.7.0:GHC.Classes’
instance Monoid Ordering -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Ord Ordering -- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-0.7.0:GHC.Classes’
instance Semigroup Ordering -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Enum Ordering -- Defined in ‘GHC.Enum’
instance Show Ordering -- Defined in ‘GHC.Show’
instance Read Ordering -- Defined in ‘GHC.Read’
instance Bounded Ordering -- Defined in ‘GHC.Enum’

There’s a lot of information here. Note the data type declaration for Ordering is

data Ordering = LT | EQ | GT

While the type Bool had two data constructors True and False, Ordering has three — LT, EQ, and GT. Now, let’s write code to register an instance of Ord for ~Color~[fn:38]

instance Ord Color where
  compare Red Red = EQ
  compare Red _ = GT
  compare _ Red = LT
  compare Yellow Yellow = EQ
  compare Yellow _ = GT
  compare _ Yellow = LT
  compare Blue Blue = EQ
  compare Blue _ = GT
  compare _ Blue = LT
  compare Green Green = EQ

Again, the Ord type class required us to create our own compare method, which painstakingly we did. Now we can compare two values of Color for order-ness with our basic Ord comparison operators[fn:39], >, <, and ==,

((Blue < Green) || (Red == Red)) && (Yellow >= Blue)
(min Red Yellow) > (max Blue Green)

Now, how many possible combinations of these four colors would we have to make in order to test all possible cases? This is a topic the basics of which we’ll explore later. But here’s a taste of these future endeavors. Perhaps you noticed in LYAHFGG the talk about list comprehensions. These mimic set comprehensions fairly closely

\begin{align*} & C = \{Red,Yellow,Blue,Green \}
& \{(x,y) \;|\; x ∈ C, \;y ∈ C \} \end{align*}

And in Haskell

cset = [Red,Yellow,Blue,Green]
[ (x,y) | x <- cset, y <- cset]

Let’s define another color type and simply rely on Haskell’s deriving to create instances for Eq and Ord

data Color2 = Green2 | Blue2 | Yellow2 | Red2 deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord)
(Red2 == Red2 && Red2 == Green2)

For equal-ness deriving simply made everything equal to itself and not equal to other colors—just like we did before by hand. Then for order-ness deriving simply took the Color2 data constructors in the order they were declared and ranked them in ascending order

((Green2 < Blue2) == (Blue2 < Yellow2)) == (Yellow2 < Red2)

Types of types

We should explain one more thing at this point, namely, what that first line of our :i readouts says

:i Color
: type Color :: *
: data Color = Red | Yellow | Blue | Green
:   	-- Defined at omni1.1.hs:29:1
: instance [safe] Eq Color -- Defined at omni1.1.hs:30:10
: instance [safe] Ord Color -- Defined at omni1.1.hs:36:10
: instance [safe] Read Color -- Defined at omni1.1.hs:29:57
: instance [safe] Show Color -- Defined at omni1.1.hs:29:52

type Color :: * is telling us that the type of the type Color is *. Huh? So if the type of values Red or Green is Color, the type of Color is it’s kind, here expressed by the symbol *. Color has kind *, which says Color is a type constructor of arity null, or a nullary type constructor. So what does this mean? Let’s take it apart…

Arity is something functions have. $f(x) = x^2\;$ has an arity of one since it takes just the one parameter, $x$. For $f(x,y) = x^2y1/3\;\;$ arity is two — and we usually say binary since it takes two parameters, $x$ and $y\;$. But $f() = 5\;$ is a function that takes no parameters and always returns $5\;$. It’s arity is null[fn:40].

In the second line, the data type declaration line, we see the left side of the = is Color, which is the type constructor, and on the right side are the data constructors or value constructors, which are Red | Yellow | Blue | Green, which are also referred to as just the values of Color. Again, the type of Red is Color, and the type of Color is *, which is Haskell’s way of noting Color has an arity of null. Which is just like $f() = 5\;$ only that it has values[fn:41] Red, Yellow, Blue, or Green as possible values instead of just $5$. And like $5$, we can consider them as constants. Yes, it might be odd to consider a data type as a sort of function taking parameters, but under Haskell’s hood they do. So we might say Color takes the null parameter and returns one of its color data constructors as a value. Odd, but that’s Haskell.

So what would be an example of type with higher arity? What would a data type look like that had a type constructor on the left side of = that did in fact take input like a function — and what does such a thing give us? Consider this data type

data StreetShops a = Grant a | Lee a | Lincoln a deriving (Show,Read)

And its kind will look like this

:k StreetShops
StreetShops :: * -> *

The form * -> * is Haskell’s way of saying the data type StreetShops indeed takes a single parameter like a function. And that parameter a is, like before, leveraging parametric polymorphism, meaning a can be any data type. This in turn makes StreetShops polymorphic, i.e., its values Grant, Lee, and Lincoln are able to take input of different data types. For example, if we want our StreetShops value Grant to represent a list of all the shops we visit on Grant Street[fn:42]

shopsOnGrant = Grant ["Tre Chic","Dollar Chasm","Gofer Burgers"]
Grant ["Tre Chic","Dollar Chasm","Gofer Burgers"]
:t shopsOnGrant
shopsOnGrant :: StreetShops [String]

So each of the data constructors can take a parameter a, which can be anything. If we want a StreetShops value to hold the average number of visitors per day[fn:43]

visitorsOnGrant = Grant 1294
Grant 1294
:t visitorsOnGrant
visitorsOnGrant :: Num a => StreetShops a

Again, StreetShops, by having kind or arity of one, is polymorphic in its one parameter a. And in reality there is no just StreetShops type; instead, StreetShops has to be teamed up with another type to be used. To be sure, StreetShops is a contrived example of the * -> * kind. In reality there are probably better ways of managing data about streets. But we’ll certainly use lots of data types with higher arity, especially when we start going deeper into some of the more math-derived features in Haskell. And so that’s why we wanted to introduce what may seem pretty abstract at this point[fn:44].

The Num super class

Did you notice that Num a => class constraint in the type details of visitorsOnGrant? When we created the variable visitorsOnGrant we gave the value constructor Grant a number — but we didn’t say what sort of number, Int, Integer, Float… Haskell then inferred that it was something numerical and constrained it with the type class Num

Let’s take another look at the concept of class hierarchy. Remember how we had Eq equal-ness as a prerequisite for Ord order-ness? We needed equal-ness to then create order-ness. Consider this

:t 1
1 :: Num p => p

This is Haskell’s way of saying, Yes, this is some sort of literal number you gave me. And all I can say back to you is it is a number. And so the generic parameter p has the class constraint that whatever p may be (here we provided 1), it must be registered with the type class Num. So what is this Num class?

:i Num
type Num :: * -> Constraint
class Num a where
  (+) :: a -> a -> a
  (-) :: a -> a -> a
  (*) :: a -> a -> a
  negate :: a -> a
  abs :: a -> a
  signum :: a -> a
  fromInteger :: Integer -> a
  {-# MINIMAL (+), (*), abs, signum, fromInteger, (negate | (-)) #-}
  	-- Defined in ‘GHC.Num’
instance Num Word -- Defined in ‘GHC.Num’
instance Num Integer -- Defined in ‘GHC.Num’
instance Num Int -- Defined in ‘GHC.Num’
instance Num Float -- Defined in ‘GHC.Float’
instance Num Double -- Defined in ‘GHC.Float’

Here we see number-ness defined through its methods. Whatever type might want to be considered a number will need to have these operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, negation, etc., i.e., register an instance with the Num class[fn:45].

Actually, Num is a great place to start really seeing how mathematical Haskell is. :i Num gives us good look, but, as we mentioned before,, in this case GHC.Num.


What is this? Why is this mentioned? A simple starter explanation is that we have here a set of guidelines for how addition and multiplication must behave in order to have an instance of Num. Let’s continue…

So if multiplication is just a glorified sort of addition, and division is glorified subtraction[fn:46], then that makes addition and subtraction the basis of arithmetic, but they have a very fundamentally different behavior when used in the wild that we must, in turn, account for. Yes, addition puts things together and subtraction takes something away from another thing. But there’s further -ness to addition that subtraction doesn’t have, namely, order doesn’t seem to matter, whereas it does with subtraction (and of course division). Obviously it matters which number gets subtracted or divided by which, but not with addition and multiplication.

We mentioned binary operators before, which means whenever we add or subtract we’re really taking just two numbers at a time[fn:47], i.e., the arity of the (+) operator is two, or (+) is a binary operation. But again, why are we concerned with this?

Notice at GHC.Num it says

The Haskell Report defines no laws for Num. However, (+) and (*) are customarily expected to define a ring and …

The Haskell Report is a reference manual for how Haskell is put together, often just showing us how certain pieces of the language are coded under the hood. Typically, you see a Backus-Naur description[fn:48], then some description/talk, maybe also examples and “translations[fn:49].” GHC.Num says there is no particular mention in the HR of these arithmetical laws, but (+) and (*) should define a ring. So here the lore is getting deep. What is meant by a /ring/[fn:50]? Well, a ring is something from abstract algebra, which you’ll see in a mathematics curriculum once you’re beyond Frosh college math including calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra. The basic idea is that a ring is a set containing a set of numbers, along with key arithmetical operators behaving in certain ways. In other words, a ring is a sort of like a package which includes numbers and the operations that work on those numbers[fn:51]. Then neatly bundled like this, we can do and say things about them as a whole. But let’s leave it at that for now. We’ll soon explore other similar “packagings” (semigroups, monoids, etc.) from abstract algebra that are brought over for use in Haskell.

Continuing, if the so-called /fundamental laws of arithmetic/[fn:52] say

  1. $a + b = b + a\quad$ (additive commutativity, AC)
  2. $ab = bc\quad$ (multiplicative commutativity, MC)
  3. $a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c\quad$ (additive associativity, AA)
  4. $a(bc) = (ab)c\quad$ (multiplicative associativity, MA)
  5. $a(b + c) = ab + ac\quad$ (distributive law, DL)

then in order to have “number-ness” a Num instance for a number type should have these behaviors when added or multiplied. But if we compare, these five laws concerning addition and multiplication aren’t exactly the same as those Haskell laws mentioned above from GHC.Num. For one, Where’s #2, multiplicative commutativity, i.e., $ab = bc\;$? It turns out not everything has MC; hence, we don’t want to be obligated to defining MC for everything. An example is when multiplying matrices. Maybe we’re not that far, but no, matrix multiplication does not guarantee $ab = bc\;$. Another potential divergence is additive inverse and multiplicative inverse. These should be defined on any type wanting to join the Num class. More on that later.

$\mathfrak{Fazit}\;$: Num is a super-class that is a prerequisite “constraint” for anything number-like in Haskell. And so any type with which we want to do basic arithmetic, i.e., to have number-ness, must register an instance with the type class Num, defining the minimum set of methods in order to perform basic math operations.

This has been a brief, hurried introduction to ordinality — with a small detour to explore some of the LE of what numbers are vis-à-vis Haskell and computers. The notion of order is everywhere and cannot be taken for granted. And the idea of ordinality goes pretty deep in higher math. See this and this fire hose treatments as somewhere between RO and RFYI. (And see this for something we’ll eventually take a Haskell stab at.) Note especially the order axioms and the properties of ordered fields. In general, these treatments are upper-level/grad math — or, yes, upper-level comp-sci, depending on your future school’s program. Remember, comp-sci dips and weaves around and through higher math with little or no warning — a bit like physics routinely takes off into high math-land as well.


[fn:1] This is also on her GitHub repository.

[fn:2] See her popular layman’s book How To Bake $π\;$. One interesting aspect of this book is her treatment of category theory, which is a superset of type theory, much of which is baked into Haskell.

[fn:3] In many places in the world the typical American college Freshman-Sophomore math sequence of calculus, diff-eqs, and linear algebra is completed at the college-prep level. For example, Germany and Switzerland have college freshmen starting with Analysis.

[fn:4] parochial: … very limited or narrow in scope or outlook; provincial…

[fn:5] Make sure you’re attacking the LibreTexts series, e.g., one of the first three rabbit holes in the math section.

[fn:6] If machines were capable of conditioned learning, your car should be able to self-drive certain oft-travelled routes, e.g., from your home to the grocery store.

[fn:7] It was a long-revered feat of logical minimalism that all two-dimensional shapes in Elements could be produced with just a compass and a straightedge. Follow the Wikipedia link and note the animation of the construction of a hexagon. It wasn’t until the development of calculus and infinitesimal methods in the Renaissance that this compass-and-stick purity was set aside.

[fn:8] Later we’ll explore how Descartes united algebra and geometry.

[fn:9] Make sure you’re getting along with the Haskell rabbit hole materials — at the very least worked through half of LYAHFFG.

[fn:10] Two questions: Are repeating decimal numbers also rational? If yes, then why can’t rational numbers represent all numbers? That is, why do we need real and complex numbers? Programming challenge: Write a function that takes a real decimal number and figures out its fraction, e.g. $3.14$ is $157/50\:$. Does Haskell have a built-in way to do this? Hint: Check out Convert decimal number to rational. Maybe compare with how Julia and Racket do it.

[fn:11] Professor Chandra connected this to Haskell by mentioning Haskell’s “point-free” programming … but didn’t elaborate.

[fn:12] But then measuring must be “quantified” by counting unit-wise what was measured; hence, everything comes back to counting. This will come up when we explore real numbers versus rational numbers.

[fn:13] Inside your head you automatically know how many and in what order the numbers $1$ through $10$ are. However, a computer must be taught such basic quantitative qualities.

[fn:14] We indicate the set’s cardinality by surrounding the symbol for a set with pipes ( **|** ), e.g., $|Sstars|\;$. This is not the same as absolute value, although they might be cousins.

[fn:15] Have a look at this Wikipedia discussion of cardinality. Later we will look into cardinal numbers, which is a deeper dive into set theory.

[fn:16] We’ll look at injective, surjective, and bijective when we delve into functions from a set theory perspective. Also, mathematical logic will introduce us to if and only if.

[fn:17] To excite your curiosity, isn’t $∞ + 1$ still just $∞\;$? The Greeks contemplated this and concluded that infinity has the power to consume, destroy individual numbers. It wasn’t until the German mathematician Georg Cantor came along in the late nineteenth century that we learned to wrangle infinity.

[fn:18] So it’s not really a “grocery list,” it’s a “grocery set” since $\{eggs,sugar,coffee,eggs\}\;\;\;$ is invariably interpreted as just $\{eggs,sugar,coffee\}\;\;$, right? Or would you go ahead and get eggs twice? Can you come up with another real-world example where a set of things doesn’t care about order or duplicates?

[fn:19] Why is this? There is a LE to the definition of a set union, namely, $A ∪ B = \{x \;\;|\;\; x ∈ A \;\;\;or\;\;\; x ∈ B \}\quad$. Consider the sets $A = \{1,2,3\}\;$, $B = \{2,3,4\}\;$, and $C = \{3,4,5\}\;$. If you draw out Their union $A ∪ B ∪ C = \{x \;|\; x ∈ A \;\;\text{or}\;\;x ∈ B\;\; \text{or}\;\;x ∈ C \}\quad\;\;$ as a Venn diagram, you’ll see how duplicates get left out.

[fn:20] Take a look at this Hackage page. It has an intro to Haskell’s sets. Get in the habit of perusing Hackage whenever you’re using a Haskell function or data type you don’t quite understand. Sometimes you’ll have to just dive into the code, but sometimes there are excellent intro docs like this. And yet there are also set operations in Data.List. Perhaps look into these two options.

[fn:21] Meanwhile, here’s a brain-teaser that goes to the heart of this set-list issue — especially in Haskell, Why are set union and intersection commutative and associative due to their lack of order?

[fn:22] See this brief discussion.

[fn:23] Typically, real numbers are represented geometrically by a “number line” whereby interval notation allows for sections of this line to be considered, e.g., closed interval $[\,a,b\,]\;$, open interval $(a,b)\:$, and more exotics like an open ray $(-∞, a)\:$.

[fn:24] We will eventually investigate how costly in computer time and resources an operation like sorting is. Stay tuned.

[fn:25] A jigsaw puzzle can be seen as a sorting game based on shape, color, and patterns of the pieces.

[fn:26] For a quick introduction with examples go here in LYAHFGG.

[fn:27] Go ahead and check out the entry for Eq here. Note the properties (==) should follow: reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity, extentionality, and negation. We’ll dive into what this all means when we look closer into the higher algebra of sets and functions. Note all the built-in, “batteries-included” Eq instances for the various types. Some are rather exotic.

[fn:28] Quick LE question: Can functions be compared for equal-ness? Here’s a direct quote from a prominent combinatorics text: When two formulas enumerate the same set, then they must be equal. But not so fast in the computer world. To say f x == g x Haskell isn’t logically set up to actually prove (demonstrate) and accept that f and g always give the same results given the same x input. We would literally have to test every possible x, which is not possible. Still, we’ll examine this idea a bit closer soon. It’s a real big deal in numerical math.

[fn:29] Note {-# MINIMAL (==) | (/=) #-} which is a directive meaning we may choose to define either (==) or (note the or pipe | ) (/=), i.e., we don’t actually have to define both because by defining one, the other will be automatically generated. Neat.

[fn:30] :t is short for :type.

[fn:31] ad hoc, from Latin to this, is something put together on the fly for one narrow, pressing, or special purpose. polymorphic, from Greek polus much, many, and morphism, having the shape, form, or structure, i.e., having many shapes.

[fn:32] As LYAHFGG says, Read and Show are also type classes to which you may register your data type. Here we’ve used the deriving keyword to let Haskell figure it out, i.e., we’re not defining Read and Show ourselves; rather, we’re telling Haskell to auto-generate and register these instances for us.

[fn:33] We’ll go into more detail about declaring our own data types as we progress. But for now we’ll say Color is a sum type, as opposed to a product type. Sum types are patterned after the addition principle which we’ll also go into later. Note, the pipes $\;|\;$ between the colors can be understood as logical or—as in we must choose one or the other of the colors.

[fn:34] …and this is an example of parametric polymorphism where the parameter (aka type variable) a can be any data type. In Haskell, smaller-case letters such as a, b, c, etc., are generic parameter names and can indicate any data type. In (==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool we see that two inputs of the same type a are fed to (==), which produces a Bool output. Another example would be myFunc :: a -> b -> a. Here the type signature says the inputs don’t have to be of the same type (although they could be), but no matter what type the parameter b is, the output will be of type a.

[fn:35] For our Color we’ve created our own equal-ness, although in this example we could have let Haskell figure it out, i.e., ...| Green deriving (Eq) would have done the same thing. This was an easy one. Haskell can’t always figure out the less obvious cases.

[fn:36] The habit of calling a set of functions associated with a Haskell type class methods might be a hold/spill-over from the world of object-oriented programming where an OOP class will have method functions attached to it. This is called encapsulation, i.e., a system for keeping things that belong together together. However, an OOP class and a Haskell type class are entirely different beasts. So let’s keep our head stuck in the Haskell particle accelerator for now…

[fn:37] In general, anytime your programming language starts writing code for you, it’s cool…

[fn:38] We make heavy use of the wildcard _ by which we mean any variable can be in the _ position. For example compare Red _ = GT means when we compare Red to anything else, Red will always be greater than it. We also leveraged the order of these declarations, i.e., by having compare Red _ = GT at the very start, Red versus anything will be sorted out first. This is a conditional situation implicitly, which we’ll use lots more.

[fn:39] Remember, math operators in Haskell are just a sort of function. Which means (==) Red Red is identical to Red == Red. Haskell requires operators in the function (prefix) position to be in parentheses, whereas in the infix (between) position they can be naked operators. Notice min Red Yellow that min is in the prefix position. Just put back-ticks around it to use it infix: Red `min` Yellow.

[fn:40] This may be slightly confusing since in Algebra you probably learned about constant functions expressed as, e.g., $f(x) = 5\;$, which is just a horizontal line $y = 5$ for any $x\;$ you plug in.

[fn:41] If a data constructor (also called value constructor) has a nullary type constructor, as does Color, then just like with $f() = 5$ the $5$ is a constant, and so are the values Red, Yellow, Blue, Green considered constants.

[fn:42] We’ll give data constructor Grant a list of elements of type String, a Haskell String being, in reality, a type synonym for list of type Char, which are individual Unicode characters.
λ> "Tre Chic" == ['T','r','e',' ','C','h','i','c'] \ True

[fn:43] Haskell has great powers of inferring, i.e., when we ask it what type visitorsOnGrant is, it deduces this from how we created visitorsOnGrant, namely: visitorsOnGrant :: Num a => StreetShops a.

[fn:44] As another example of introducing an abstract subject out of the blue and way early, do you remember middle school math trying to show you commutativity, distributivity, and associativity? Well, they become important in higher math, especially in abstract algebra. Haskell has lots of higher algebra baked in, and yes, you’ll finally see a real-world application of commutativity, distributivity, and associativity soon!

[fn:45] Actually, our example :t 1 relies on the method fromInteger, but we’ll unpack that later. Even more actually, a whole lot of complex magic is going on behind the scenes when dealing with naked (literal) numbers like this. So yes, this is an example of LE for doing numbers on computers with programming languages.

[fn:46] Multiplication is often phrased, e.g., “five fives,” i.e., five sets of five are to be considered (read added) together. Likewise, division “divide $8$ by $2$ is just subtract $2$ from $8$ over and over and keep track of how many times you can do this until there’s either nothing left or a number less than $2\;$.

[fn:47] Think about it, even when you’ve got a whole list (vertical or horizontal) of numbers to add, you’re really doing them two at a time. One number becomes the addend and the other becomes the augend, which is sort of a carrying-over holder to which the next addend is added. So if we’re adding $1 + 2 + 5\;$ we might add $1 + 2\;$ and then remember the augend is $3\;$, then take addend $5$ and add it to augend $3$ to get $8\;$.

[fn:48] More on Backus–Naur Form later. It’s used extensively to create a metasyntax for programming languages. Maybe rabbit-hole this Wikipedia treatment.

[fn:49] Try Haskell’s list comprehension. Don’t expect to understand what they’re saying just yet, but appreciate the magic and all the devilish details. And while you’re at it you might further appreciate just what a list comprehension is by looking at this Rosetta Code article. Again, YMMV on what you can grasp at this point, but maybe notice how Haskell is very Set-builder notation-friendly, while other languages just seem to be kludging something together. Again, maybe a bit too advanced, but check out Haskell’s entry for the Pythagorean triplets. Experiment with the code. A big part of learning to program is to read and experiment with code.

[fn:50] Have a look at this LibreText explanation but don’t try it without first getting through the basic set theory stuff in the assigned rabbit-hole.

[fn:51] Algebra in higher math is redefined to be a system that always “packages” a set of numbers with a set of useful operators/operations on those numbers. It’s good to start thinking this way in order to understand what Haskell and lots of computer science is doing and saying.

[fn:52] …taken from Richard Courant’s seminal What is Mathematics?