The von der Surwitzes pop over to the student center cafe for a break. They grab a large mineral water, a brand they knew in Germany, and Ute has packed some Vollkornbrot sandwiches of hummus and cucumber. They sit at a table and pour the water and pass around out the sandwiches.
𝔘𝔱𝔢: All right, so I
emailed the professor about a couple of questions from that first
chapter of The Haskell Road, and she replied saying, first, she’s
happy we’re tackling the material early. And she mentioned some
resources — a few texts she has on reserve at the library.
𝔘𝔴𝔢: Sort of like, I’m
not going to give you the answers. I’m going to point you in the right
direction. What books are they? \
[murmurs of acknowledgement] \
𝔘𝔱𝔢: Math. Upper level
college texts. Abstract algebra and number theory. \
𝔘𝔴𝔢: I’ve heard
computer science has all these higher math concepts, but then you
don’t go as far as a math major does. \
[silence, eating and drinking] \
𝔘𝔴𝔢: [continuing] I
guess you’re just supposed to learn as much as you can. But like she
said at the open house, a computer scientist is really an applied
mathematician. \
[murmurs of agreement] \
𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: And the math is
the hardest part for incoming CS students, those first four semesters,
ergo, that’s what we’re emphasizing it in this course. \
[nods of agreement then silence as they eat and drink] \
𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: [continuing] So
no hand-waving. And she doesn’t have a set amount she wants us to get
through. The course is open-ended. I just find that amazing. \
[murmurs of agreement] \
𝔘𝔴𝔢: But I’m sure we’ll
need to keep moving and not be laggards about it. \
[murmurs of agreement] \
𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: A whole year,
the whole school year. Her sabbatical ends next summer, but I’m pretty
sure I’ll want to continue. I don’t know if I want to be a computer
scientist or software engineer, but learning this can’t hurt. \
𝔘𝔱𝔢: I guess you could
say Novalis is sort of an open Gynmasium. \
[soft laughter] \
𝔘𝔴𝔢: And what happens
afterward? They definitely want you to just keep going at the U. Which
I wouldn’t mind at all. \
[looks about the table] \
𝔘𝔱𝔢: Yes, and lots of
people just drift into a half-and-half situation where there taking
courses over at the U. \
𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: Well, Father
has tenure now. But I don’t know if Mutti can go on working from
here. [shrugging and sighing] Anyway, I guess you two will cross that
bridge before I will. \
𝔘𝔱𝔢: [laughing] Hardly!
You’re right there with us in everything we’re doing this coming year.
- cite:&cummings2021proofs
- cite:&forman2015whole
Back at the library study room they’ve checked out the reserved books and are looking through sections of those that deal with the basic theory of division.
𝔘𝔱𝔢: [reading from the
Divisibility section of /Proofs, A Long-Form Mathematical
Textbook/[fn:1]] All right, so Professor Chandra wants us to
understand divisibility before we go to greatest common divisor, and
before we talk about primes. She said, You have to know all of the
implications of “divided by” before you can advance. And like it’s
saying in here, [reading] you could just say,
[Ursula and Uwe read the section from a second copy] \
𝔘𝔱𝔢: [continuing] But
we don’t want that definition, we want this definition [getting up
and writing on the board]
\begin{align} ∃ \: k ∈ \mathbb{Z},\; a ≠ 0, \;\;a \mid b \;\; \text{if} \;\; b = a ⋅ k \end{align}
𝔘𝔱𝔢: [continuing] The
[murmurs of approval] \
𝔘𝔴𝔢: I like how he says
good definitions don’t just fall out of the sky. \
[murmurs of agreement] \
𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: Then the
examples, like
\begin{align*} a, b, c ∈ \mathbb{Z},\;\; a \mid b \;∧\; b \mid c \implies a \mid c \end{align*}
𝔘𝔱𝔢: [continuing] And
then he goes on to prove it by saying assume the if part, the
\begin{align*} b &= a ⋅ s \[.4em] c &= b ⋅ t \end{align*}
𝔘𝔱𝔢: [continuing] for
some integers
\begin{align*} c &= b ⋅ t \[.4em] &= (a ⋅ s) ⋅ t \[.4em] &= a ⋅ (s ⋅ t) \quad\quad \ldots \; \text{associativity} \end{align*}
𝔘𝔱𝔢: [continuing] So
since we have the form
𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: Good. Let’s
switch over to this other book [she picks up a Springer Verlag
book[fn:2] and pages through it] Ah, in this book there’s a section
called Divisors and the Greatest Common Divisor. [paging to section,
reading] Oh, here’s one, Determine whether true or false [writing on
the board]
\begin{align*} 2 \mid (6n + 4) \end{align*}
𝔘𝔴𝔢: Interesting. So writing it in the divisibility way [gets up and writes on the board]
\begin{align*} (6n + 4) = 2k \end{align*}
𝔘𝔴𝔢: So before we freak out and get lost, let’s just notice that [writing]
\begin{align} 2(3n + 4) &= 2k \[.4em] 3n + 4 &= k \end{align}
𝔘𝔴𝔢: [continuing] I’d
say we don’t need to go any further with this.
𝔘𝔱𝔢: And this whole
formal divisibility thing helps because if you just saw this one day
[writing on the board]
\begin{align} \frac{(6n + 4)}{2} = 3n + 2 \end{align}
𝔘𝔱𝔢: [continuing]
you’ve now got a second way to see the idea that the equation is true
for any
𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: [looking
ironically] Thanks, Uwe, Ute, for keeping it real. \
[laughter] \
𝔘𝔱𝔢: [reading text] All
right, we have this example [writing on board]
\begin{align*} 0 \mid 11 \end{align*}
𝔘𝔱𝔢: [continuing] which
is false because there can’t be any
[nods of agreement] \
𝔘𝔱𝔢: [continuing] All
right, how about this?
Prove that if
$\,a \mid b$ then$-\, a \mid b$
𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: Let’s just logic it out [getting up and writing on the board]
\begin{align*} b & = a ⋅ k \[.4em] b &= (-a) ⋅ (-k) \[.4em] b &= - (a) ⋅ (k) \[.4em] b &= - a ⋅ k \end{align*}
- a \mid b \quad \text{for some}\; k ∈ \mathbb{Z}
𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: [continuing] So
[silence while the others study the board] \
𝔘𝔴𝔢: Hold it. I’m not
sure we’ve got the spirit of this, quite. \
𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: How so? \
𝔘𝔴𝔢: [going to the
board] We need to make sure we understand this as [writing]
Plot the integers
$x$ which satisfy$5 \mid (x - 2)$
𝔘𝔱𝔢: [going to the
board and writing] So if that’s to be true then we’ve got
\begin{align*} -3 - 2 &= 5 ⋅ -1 \[.4em] 2 - 2 &= 5 ⋅ 0 \[.4em] 7 - 2 &= 5 ⋅ 1 \[.4em] 12 - 2 &= 5 ⋅ 2 \[.4em] \ldots \end{align*}
𝔘𝔱𝔢: [continuing] And
the so-called geometric view of this set of
\clip (-0.6,-0.2) rectangle (0.6,1.51);
\draw[step = .5cm, help lines] (-1.4,-1.4) grid (1.4,1.4);
\filldraw[fill=green!20,draw = green!50!black] (0,0) -- (3mm,0mm)
arc [start angle = 0, end angle = 30,radius = 3mm] -- cycle;
\draw[->] (-1.5,0) -- (1.5,0);
\draw[->] (0,-1.5) -- (0,1.5);
\draw (0,0) circle [radius=1cm];
\foreach \x in {-1,-0.5,1}
\draw(\x cm, 1pt) -- (\x cm, -1 pt) node [anchor = north] {$\x$};
\foreach \y in {-1,-0.5,1}
\draw(1pt,\y cm) -- (-1pt, \y cm) node[anchor = east] {$\y$};
\draw[->] (-3,0) -- (-2,0) arc[radius=0.5cm,start angle=-180,end angle=0] (-1,0) -- (1,0) arc[radius=0.5cm,start angle=180,end angle=0] (2,0) -- (3,0);
\filldraw (-1.5,0) circle[radius=1mm];
\filldraw (1.5,0) circle[radius=3mm];
\draw[very thick] (1,0) -- (2,0);
\path [draw=black, fill=black] (1,0) circle (2pt);
\path [draw=black, fill=white, thick] (2,0.0) circle (2pt);
\draw[latex-latex] (-3.5,0) -- (3.5,0) ;
\foreach \x in {-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3}
\draw[shift={(\x,0)},color=black] (0pt,3pt) -- (0pt,-3pt);
\foreach \x in {-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3}
\draw[shift={(\x,0)},color=black] (0pt,0pt) -- (0pt,-3pt) node[below]
\draw [-] (-3,0) -- (3,0);
\draw (-3,-0.2) -- (-3,0.2);
\draw (3,-0.2) -- (3,0.2);
\draw (1.8,-0.2) -- (1.8,0.2); % u_5
\draw (0.6,-0.2) -- (0.6,0.2); % u_4
\draw (-0.6,-0.2) -- (-0.6,0.2); % u_3
\draw (-1.8,-0.2) -- (-1.8,0.2); % u_2
% u1
\node [below] at (-3,-0.32) {$x_1 = 0$};
\node [above] at (-3,0.2) {$u_1 = 1$};
% u2
\node [below] at (-1.8,-0.2) {$x_2 = \frac{1}{4}$};
\node [above] at (-1.8,0.2) {$u_2$};
% u3
%\node [below] at (-0.6,-0.2) {$x_3 = \frac{1}{2}$};
%\node [above] at (-0.6,0.2) {$u_3$};
% u4
%\node [below] at (0.6,-0.2) {$x_4 = \frac{3}{4}$};
%\node [above] at (0.6,0.2) {$u_4$};
% u5
% \node [below] at (1.8,-0.32) {$x_4 = 1$};
% \node [above] at (1.8,0.2) {$u_5$};
% u6
%\node [below] at (3,-0.32) {$x_6$};
%\node [above] at (3,0.2) {Ghost Node};
time/.style={minimum height=5mm,minimum width=6mm,fill=#1,text=black},
% every node/.style={draw},
\draw[black,-latex] (0,0)--(11,0);
\foreach \i in {0,...,10} {
\def\ann{$ $}
\def\ann{$ 2X$}
\draw[] (\i*\dx,.2) -- (\i*\dx,-.2)
node[pos=0,above=2mm,time=white] (P\i) {\ann}
node[pos=1,below=2mm,time=white] (Q\i) {$\i$};
\node[time=white] at (P9) (x) {$2X(1-\frac{0.12}{12})^{-4\times12}(1+\frac{0.10}{2})^{5\times2} $};
\draw[-latex] (P0)--(P4.center);
\draw[-latex] ([xshift=1mm]P4.center)--(P6.east);
\draw[thick,->] (0,0) -- (4.5,0) node[anchor=north west] {x axis};
\draw[thick,->] (0,0) -- (0,4.5) node[anchor=south east] {y axis};
𝔘𝔴𝔢: Good. gold
standard for figuring out lowest common denominator.
𝔘𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔞: I’d say so, but
now we need to see how Haskell does it internally, and how The
Haskell Road… does it and stop being amateurs. \
[laughter] \
𝔘𝔴𝔢: I feel like you
and the professor are like very strong bakers kneading and kneading
and kneading my brain [demonstrates with imaginary brain-dough]
[laughter] \
𝔘𝔴𝔢: No, this had
really worked out, you, Ursula, racing ahead with the Haskell. And I
going ahead with the set theory, and you, Ute, going on ahead with the
math logic. I mean, we’re definitely making progress. It’s just that
we have so much to learn! \
[fn:1] Proofs; A Long-Form Mathematics Textbook by Jay Cummings
[fn:2] The Whole Truth About Whole Numbers by Sylvia Forman and Agnes M. Rash;
[fn:3] An Illustrated Theory of Numbers by Martin H. Weissman.
[fn:13] See Wikipedia’s Set-builder notation
[fn:12] See this from LYAHFGG.
[fn:11] A famous line from a Stefan Georg poem: Ich fühle Luft von anderem Planeten or I feel (the) air of (the other) another planet.
[fn:10] Available here. The page dealing with sections is here in 3.2.1. Also The wiki.haskell.org has a page on sections as well.
[fn:9] …In arithmetic and number
theory, the least common multiple, lowest common multiple, or
smallest common multiple of two integers
[fn:8] See the article here.
[fn:7] See Typeclasses 101 in Learn You a Haskell….
[fn:6] See Why it is impossible to divide Integer number in Haskell?
[fn:5] Check out anonymous or lambda functions here.
[fn:4] Professor Chandra has demonstrated at the Racket command line
how rationals could be directly added, e.g.,
> (+ 1/32 1/943720)
and get back \