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File metadata and controls

1058 lines (729 loc) · 49.6 KB






# addA1RangeBounds( range ) ⇒ RangeA1

Fill the any missing bounds in range objects. Top will be set to 0, bottom to 1048575, left to 0, and right to 16383, if they are null or undefined.

  context: [ 'Sheet1' ],
  range: {
    top: 0,
    left: 0,
    bottom: 1,
    $top: true,
    $left: false,
    $bottom: false,
// => {
//   context: [ 'Sheet1' ],
//   range: {
//     top: 0,
//     left: 0,
//     bottom: 1,
//     right: 16383,
//     $top: true,
//     $left: false,
//     $bottom: false,
//     $right: false
//   }
// }
Name Type Description
range RangeA1 The range part of a reference object.

RangeA1 – same range with missing bounds filled in.

# addTokenMeta( tokenlist, [context = {}] ) ⇒ Array<TokenEnhanced>

Runs through a list of tokens and adds extra attributes such as matching parens and ranges.

The context parameter defines default reference attributes: { workbookName: 'report.xlsx', sheetName: 'Sheet1' }. If supplied, these are used to match A1 to Sheet1!A1.

All tokens will be tagged with a .depth number value to indicating the level of nesting in parentheses as well as an .index number indicating their zero based position in the list.

The returned output will be the same array of tokens but the following properties will added to tokens (as applicable):

Parentheses ( )

Matching parens will be tagged with .groupId string identifier as well as a .depth number value (indicating the level of nesting).

Closing parens without a counterpart will be tagged with .error (boolean true).

Curly brackets { }

Matching curly brackets will be tagged with .groupId string identifier. These may not be nested in Excel.

Closing curly brackets without a counterpart will be tagged with .error (boolean true).

Ranges (REF_RANGE or REF_BEAM type tokens)

All ranges will be tagged with .groupId string identifier regardless of the number of times they occur.

Tokens of type UNKNOWN

All will be tagged with .error (boolean true).

Name Type Default Description
tokenlist Array<Token> An array of tokens (from tokenize())
[context] object {} A contest used to match A1 to Sheet1!A1.
[context].sheetName string "" An implied sheet name ('Sheet1')
[context].workbookName string "" An implied workbook name ('report.xlsx')

Array<TokenEnhanced> – The input array with the enchanced tokens

# fixRanges( formula, [options = {}] ) ⇒ string | Array<Token>

Normalizes A1 style ranges and structured references in a formula or list of tokens.

It ensures that that the top and left coordinates of an A1 range are on the left-hand side of a colon operator:


When { addBounds: true } is passed as an option, the missing bounds are also added. This can be done to ensure Excel compatible ranges. The fixes then additionally include:


Structured ranges are normalized cleaned up to have consistent order and capitalization of sections as well as removing redundant ones.

Returns the same formula with the ranges updated. If an array of tokens was supplied, then a new array is returned.

Name Type Default Description
formula string | Array<Token> A string (an Excel formula) or a token list that should be adjusted.
[options] object {} Options
[options].addBounds boolean false Fill in any undefined bounds of range objects. Top to 0, bottom to 1048575, left to 0, and right to 16383.
[options].thisRow boolean false Enforces using the [#This Row] instead of the @ shorthand when serializing structured ranges.
[options].xlsx boolean false Switches to the [1]Sheet1!A1 or [1]!name prefix syntax form for external workbooks. See:

string | Array<Token> – A formula string or token list (depending on which was input)

# fromCol( columnString ) ⇒ number

Convert a column string representation to a 0 based offset number ("C" = 2).

The method expects a valid column identifier made up of only A-Z letters, which may be either upper or lower case. Other input will return garbage.

Name Type Description
columnString string The column string identifier

number – Zero based column index number

# isError( token ) ⇒ boolean

Determines whether the specified token is an error.

Returns true if the input is a token of type ERROR (#VALUE!). In all other cases false is returned.

Name Type Description
token any The token

boolean – True if the specified token is error, False otherwise.

# isFunction( token ) ⇒ boolean

Determines whether the specified token is a function.

Returns true if the input is a token of type FUNCTION. In all other cases false is returned.

Name Type Description
token any The token

boolean – True if the specified token is function, False otherwise.

# isFxPrefix( token ) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if the input is a token of type FX_PREFIX (leading = in formula). In all other cases false is returned.

Name Type Description
token any The token

boolean – True if the specified token is effects prefix, False otherwise.

# isLiteral( token ) ⇒ boolean

Determines whether the specified token is a literal.

Returns true if the input is a token of type BOOLEAN (TRUE or FALSE), ERROR (#VALUE!), NUMBER (123.4), or STRING ("lorem ipsum"). In all other cases false is returned.

Name Type Description
token any The token

boolean – True if the specified token is literal, False otherwise.

# isOperator( token ) ⇒ boolean

Determines whether the specified token is an operator.

Returns true if the input is a token of type OPERATOR (+ or :). In all other cases false is returned.

Name Type Description
token any The token

boolean – True if the specified token is operator, False otherwise.

# isRange( token ) ⇒ boolean

Determines whether the specified token is a range.

Returns true if the input is a token that has a type of either REF_RANGE (A1 or A1:B2), REF_TERNARY (A1:A, A1:1, 1:A1, or A:A1), or REF_BEAM (A:A or 1:1). In all other cases false is returned.

Name Type Description
token any A token

boolean – True if the specified token is range, False otherwise.

# isReference( token ) ⇒ boolean

Determines whether the specified token is a reference.

Returns true if the input is a token of type REF_RANGE (A1 or A1:B2), REF_TERNARY (A1:A, A1:1, 1:A1, or A:A1), REF_BEAM (A:A or 1:1), or REF_NAMED (myrange). In all other cases false is returned.

Name Type Description
token any The token

boolean – True if the specified token is reference, False otherwise.

# isWhitespace( token ) ⇒ boolean

Determines whether the specified token is whitespace.

Returns true if the input is a token of type WHITESPACE ( ) or NEWLINE (\n). In all other cases false is returned.

Name Type Description
token any The token

boolean – True if the specified token is whitespace, False otherwise.

# mergeRefTokens( tokenlist ) ⇒ Array<Token>

Merges context with reference tokens as possible in a list of tokens.

When given a tokenlist, this function returns a new list with ranges returned as whole references (Sheet1!A1:B2) rather than separate tokens for each part: (Sheet1,!,A1,:,B2).

Name Type Description
tokenlist Array<Token> An array of tokens (from tokenize())

Array<Token> – A new list of tokens with range parts merged.

# parse( formula, [options = {}] ) ⇒ AstExpression

Parses a string formula or list of tokens into an AST.

The parser requires mergeRefs to have been true in tokenlist options, because it does not recognize reference context tokens.

The AST Abstract Syntax Tree's format is documented in

See also: nodeTypes.

Name Type Default Description
formula string | Array<Token> An Excel formula string (an Excel expression) or an array of tokens.
[options] object {} Options
[options].allowNamed boolean true Enable parsing names as well as ranges.
[options].allowTernary boolean false Enables the recognition of ternary ranges in the style of A1:A or A1:1. These are supported by Google Sheets but not Excel. See:
[options].negativeNumbers boolean true Merges unary minuses with their immediately following number tokens (-,1) => -1 (alternatively these will be unary operations in the tree).
[options].permitArrayCalls boolean false Function calls are allowed as elements of arrays. This is a feature in Google Sheets while Excel does not allow it.
[options].permitArrayRanges boolean false Ranges are allowed as elements of arrays. This is a feature in Google Sheets while Excel does not allow it.
[options].r1c1 boolean false Ranges are expected to be in the R1C1 style format rather than the more popular A1 style.
[options].withLocation boolean false Nodes will include source position offsets to the tokens: { loc: [ start, end ] }
[options].xlsx boolean false Switches to the [1]Sheet1!A1 or [1]!name prefix syntax form for external workbooks. See:

AstExpression – An AST of nodes

# parseA1Ref( refString, [options = {}] ) ⇒ ReferenceA1 | null

Parse a string reference into an object representing it.

// => {
//   context: [ 'Sheet1' ],
//   range: {
//     top: 0,
//     left: 0,
//     bottom: 1,
//     right: 1
//     $top: true,
//     $left: false,
//     $bottom: false,
//     $right: true
//   }
// }

For A:A or A1:A style ranges, null will be used for any dimensions that the syntax does not specify:

Name Type Default Description
refString string An A1-style reference string
[options] object {} Options
[options].allowNamed boolean true Enable parsing names as well as ranges.
[options].allowTernary boolean false Enables the recognition of ternary ranges in the style of A1:A or A1:1. These are supported by Google Sheets but not Excel. See:
[options].xlsx boolean false Switches to the [1]Sheet1!A1 or [1]!name prefix syntax form for external workbooks. See:

ReferenceA1 | null – An object representing a valid reference or null if it is invalid.

# parseR1C1Ref( refString, [options = {}] ) ⇒ ReferenceR1C1 | null

Parse a string reference into an object representing it.

// => {
//   context: [ 'Sheet1' ],
//   range: {
//     r0: 9,
//     c0: 8,
//     r1: 9,
//     c1: 8,
//     $c0: true,
//     $c1: true
//     $r0: false,
//     $r1: false
//   }
// }
Name Type Default Description
refString string An R1C1-style reference string
[options] object {} Options
[options].allowNamed boolean true Enable parsing names as well as ranges.
[options].allowTernary boolean false Enables the recognition of ternary ranges in the style of A1:A or A1:1. These are supported by Google Sheets but not Excel. See:
[options].xlsx boolean false Switches to the [1]Sheet1!A1 or [1]!name prefix syntax form for external workbooks. See:

ReferenceR1C1 | null – An object representing a valid reference or null if it is invalid.

# parseStructRef( ref, [options = {}] ) ⇒ ReferenceStruct | null

Parse a structured reference string into an object representing it.

// => {
//   context: [ 'workbook.xlsx' ],
//   sections: [ 'data' ],
//   columns: [ 'my column', '@foo' ],
//   table: 'tableName',
// }

For A:A or A1:A style ranges, null will be used for any dimensions that the syntax does not specify:

Name Type Default Description
ref string A structured reference string
[options] object {} Options
[options].xlsx boolean false Switches to the [1]Sheet1!A1 or [1]!name prefix syntax form for external workbooks. See:

ReferenceStruct | null – An object representing a valid reference or null if it is invalid.

# stringifyA1Ref( refObject, [options = {}] ) ⇒ string

Get an A1-style string representation of a reference object.

  context: [ 'Sheet1' ],
  range: {
    top: 0,
    left: 0,
    bottom: 1,
    right: 1,
    $top: true,
    $left: false,
    $bottom: false,
    $right: true
// => 'Sheet1!A$1:$B2'
Name Type Default Description
refObject ReferenceA1 A reference object
[options] object {} Options
[options].xlsx boolean false Switches to the [1]Sheet1!A1 or [1]!name prefix syntax form for external workbooks. See:

string – The reference in A1-style string format

# stringifyR1C1Ref( refObject, [options = {}] ) ⇒ string

Get an R1C1-style string representation of a reference object.

  context: [ 'Sheet1' ],
  range: {
    r0: 9,
    c0: 8,
    r1: 9,
    c1: 8,
    $c0: true,
    $c1: true
    $r0: false,
    $r1: false
// => 'Sheet1!R[9]C9:R[9]C9'
Name Type Default Description
refObject ReferenceR1C1 A reference object
[options] object {} Options
[options].xlsx boolean false Switches to the [1]Sheet1!A1 or [1]!name prefix syntax form for external workbooks. See:

string – The reference in R1C1-style string format

# stringifyStructRef( refObject, [options = {}] ) ⇒ string

Get a string representation of a structured reference object.

  context: [ 'workbook.xlsx' ],
  sections: [ 'data' ],
  columns: [ 'my column', '@foo' ],
  table: 'tableName',
// => 'workbook.xlsx!tableName[[#Data],[Column1]:[Column2]]'
Name Type Default Description
refObject ReferenceStruct A structured reference object
[options] object {} Options
[options].thisRow boolean false Enforces using the [#This Row] instead of the @ shorthand when serializing structured ranges.
[options].xlsx boolean false Switches to the [1]Sheet1!A1 or [1]!name prefix syntax form for external workbooks. See:

string – The structured reference in string format

# toCol( columnIndex ) ⇒ string

Convert a 0 based offset number to a column string representation (2 = "C").

The method expects a number between 0 and 16383. Other input will return garbage.

Name Type Description
columnIndex number Zero based column index number

string – The column string identifier

# tokenize( formula, [options = {}] ) ⇒ Array<Token>

Breaks a string formula into a list of tokens.

The returned output will be an array of objects representing the tokens:

  { type: FX_PREFIX, value: '=' },
  { type: FUNCTION, value: 'SUM' },
  { type: OPERATOR, value: '(' },
  { type: REF_RANGE, value: 'A1:B2' },
  { type: OPERATOR, value: ')' }

Token types may be found as an Object as the tokenTypes export on the package (import {tokenTypes} from '@borgar/fx';).

To support syntax highlighting as you type, STRING tokens are allowed to be "unterminated". For example, the incomplete formula ="Hello world would be tokenized as:

  { type: FX_PREFIX, value: '=' },
  { type: STRING, value: '"Hello world', unterminated: true },

See also: tokenTypes.

Name Type Default Description
formula string An Excel formula string (an Excel expression) or an array of tokens.
[options] object {} Options
[options].allowTernary boolean false Enables the recognition of ternary ranges in the style of A1:A or A1:1. These are supported by Google Sheets but not Excel. See:
[options].mergeRefs boolean true Should ranges be returned as whole references (Sheet1!A1:B2) or as separate tokens for each part: (Sheet1,!,A1,:,B2). This is the same as calling mergeRefTokens
[options].negativeNumbers boolean true Merges unary minuses with their immediately following number tokens (-,1) => -1 (alternatively these will be unary operations in the tree).
[options].r1c1 boolean false Ranges are expected to be in the R1C1 style format rather than the more popular A1 style.
[options].withLocation boolean true Nodes will include source position offsets to the tokens: { loc: [ start, end ] }
[options].xlsx boolean false Enables a [1]Sheet1!A1 or [1]!name syntax form for external workbooks found only in XLSX files.

Array<Token> – An AST of nodes

# translateToA1( formula, anchorCell, [options = {}] ) ⇒ string | Array<Token>

Translates ranges in a formula or list of tokens from relative R1C1 syntax to absolute A1 syntax.

Returns the same formula with the ranges translated. If an array of tokens was supplied, then the same array is returned.

translateToA1("=SUM(RC[1],R2C5,Sheet!R3C5)", "D10");
// => "=SUM(E10,$E$2,Sheet!$E$3)");

If an input range is -1,-1 relative rows/columns and the anchor is A1, the resulting range will (by default) wrap around to the bottom of the sheet resulting in the range XFD1048576. This may not be what you want so may set wrapEdges to false which will instead turn the range into a #REF! error.

translateToA1("=R[-1]C[-1]", "A1");
// => "=XFD1048576");

translateToA1("=R[-1]C[-1]", "A1", { wrapEdges: false });
// => "=#REF!");

Note that if you are passing in a list of tokens that was not created using mergeRefs and you disable edge wrapping (or you simply set both options to false), you can end up with a formula such as =#REF!:B2 or =Sheet3!#REF!:F3. These are valid formulas in the Excel formula language and Excel will accept them, but they are not supported in Google Sheets.

Name Type Default Description
formula string | Array<Token> A string (an Excel formula) or a token list that should be adjusted.
anchorCell string A simple string reference to an A1 cell ID (AF123 or$C$5).
[options] object {} The options
[options].allowTernary boolean true Enables the recognition of ternary ranges in the style of A1:A or A1:1. These are supported by Google Sheets but not Excel. See:
[options].mergeRefs boolean true Should ranges be treated as whole references (Sheet1!A1:B2) or as separate tokens for each part: (Sheet1,!,A1,:,B2).
[options].wrapEdges boolean true Wrap out-of-bounds ranges around sheet edges rather than turning them to #REF! errors
[options].xlsx boolean false Switches to the [1]Sheet1!A1 or [1]!name prefix syntax form for external workbooks. See:

string | Array<Token> – A formula string or token list (depending on which was input)

# translateToR1C1( formula, anchorCell, [options = {}] ) ⇒ string | Array<Token>

Translates ranges in a formula or list of tokens from absolute A1 syntax to relative R1C1 syntax.

Returns the same formula with the ranges translated. If an array of tokens was supplied, then the same array is returned.

translateToR1C1("=SUM(E10,$E$2,Sheet!$E$3)", "D10");
// => "=SUM(RC[1],R2C5,Sheet!R3C5)");
Name Type Default Description
formula string | Array<Token> A string (an Excel formula) or a token list that should be adjusted.
anchorCell string A simple string reference to an A1 cell ID (AF123 or$C$5).
[options] object {} The options
[options].allowTernary boolean true Enables the recognition of ternary ranges in the style of A1:A or A1:1. These are supported by Google Sheets but not Excel. See:
[options].xlsx boolean false Switches to the [1]Sheet1!A1 or [1]!name prefix syntax form for external workbooks. See:

string | Array<Token> – A formula string or token list (depending on which was input)


# nodeTypes = Readonly<Record<string, string>>

A dictionary of the types used to identify AST node variants.

See also: parse.

Name Type Description
ARRAY string An array expression ({1,2;3,4})
BINARY string A binary operation (10+10)
CALL string A function call expression (SUM(1,2))
ERROR string An error literal (#VALUE!)
IDENTIFIER string A function name identifier (SUM)
LITERAL string A literal (number, string, or boolean) (123, "foo", false)
REFERENCE string A range identifier (A1)
UNARY string A unary operation (10%)

# tokenTypes = Readonly<Record<string, string>>

A dictionary of the types used to identify token variants.

See also: tokenize.

Name Type Description
BOOLEAN string Boolean literal (TRUE)
CONTEXT string Reference context ([Workbook.xlsx]Sheet1)
CONTEXT_QUOTE string Quoted reference context ('[My workbook.xlsx]Sheet1')
ERROR string Error literal (#VALUE!)
FUNCTION string Function name (SUM)
FX_PREFIX string A leading equals sign at the start of a formula (=)
NEWLINE string Newline character (\n)
NUMBER string Number literal (123.4, -1.5e+2)
OPERATOR string Newline (\n)
REF_BEAM string A range "beam" identifier (A:A or 1:1)
REF_NAMED string A name / named range identifier (income)
REF_RANGE string A range identifier (A1)
REF_STRUCT string A structured reference identifier (table[[Column1]:[Column2]])
REF_TERNARY string A ternary range identifier (B2:B)
STRING string String literal ("Lorem ipsum")
UNKNOWN string Any unidentifiable range of characters.
WHITESPACE string Whitespace character sequence ( )


# BinaryExpression = Node

Name Type
arguments Array<AstExpression>
[loc] SourceLocation
operator "=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "<>" | "-" | "+" | "*" | "/" | "^" | ":" | " " | "," | "&"
type "BinaryExpression"

# CallExpression = Node

Name Type
arguments Array<AstExpression>
callee Identifier
[loc] SourceLocation
type "CallExpression"

# ErrorLiteral = Node

Name Type
[loc] SourceLocation
raw string
type "ErrorLiteral"
value string

# Identifier = Node

Name Type
[loc] SourceLocation
name string
type "Identifier"

# LambdaExpression = Node

Name Type
body null | AstExpression
[loc] SourceLocation
params Array<Identifier>
type "LambdaExpression"

# LetDeclarator = Node

Name Type
id Identifier
init null | AstExpression
[loc] SourceLocation
type "LetDeclarator"

# LetExpression = Node

Name Type
body null | AstExpression
declarations Array<LetDeclarator>
[loc] SourceLocation
type "LetExpression"

# Literal = Node

Name Type
[loc] SourceLocation
raw string
type "Literal"
value string | number | boolean

# MatrixExpression = Node

Name Type
arguments `Array<Array<(ReferenceIdentifier
[loc] SourceLocation
type "ArrayExpression"

# RangeA1

A range in A1 style coordinates.

Name Type Description
[$bottom] boolean | null Signifies that bottom is a "locked" value
[$left] boolean | null Signifies that left is a "locked" value
[$right] boolean | null Signifies that right is a "locked" value
[$top] boolean | null Signifies that top is a "locked" value
[bottom] number | null Bottom row of the range
[left] number | null Left column of the range
[right] number | null Right column of the range
[top] number | null Top row of the range
[trim] "head" | "tail" | "both" Should empty rows and columns at the top/left or bottom/right be discarded when range is read?

# RangeR1C1

A range in R1C1 style coordinates.

Name Type Description
[$c0] boolean | null Signifies that c0 is an absolute value
[$c1] boolean | null Signifies that c1 is an absolute value
[$r0] boolean | null Signifies that r0 is an absolute value
[$r1] boolean | null Signifies that r1 is an absolute value
[c0] number | null Left column of the range
[c1] number | null Right column of the range
[r0] number | null Top row of the range
[r1] number | null Bottom row of the range

# ReferenceA1

A reference containing an A1 style range. See [] for documentation on how scopes work in Fx.

Name Type Description
[context] Array<string> A collection of scopes for the reference
[range] RangeA1 The reference's range
[sheetName] string A context sheet scope
[workbookName] string A context workbook scope

# ReferenceIdentifier = Node

Name Type
kind "name" | "range" | "beam" | "table"
[loc] SourceLocation
type "ReferenceIdentifier"
value string

# ReferenceR1C1

A reference containing a R1C1 style range. See [] for documentation on how scopes work in Fx.

Name Type Description
[context] Array<string> A collection of scopes for the reference
[range] RangeR1C1 The reference's range
[sheetName] string A context sheet scope
[workbookName] string A context workbook scope

# ReferenceStruct

A reference containing a table slice definition. See [] for documentation on how scopes work in Fx.

Name Type Description
[columns] Array<string> The sections this reference targets
[context] Array<string> A collection of scopes for the reference
[sections] Array<string> The sections this reference targets
[sheetName] string A context sheet scope
[table] string The table this reference targets
[workbookName] string A context workbook scope

# SourceLocation = Array<number>

# Token extends Record<string, any>

A formula language token.

Name Type Description
[loc] Array<number> Source position offsets to the token
type string The type of the token
[unterminated] boolean Signifies an unterminated string token
value string The value of the token

# TokenEnhanced extends Token

A token with extra meta data.

Name Type Description
[depth] number This token's level of nesting inside parentheses
[error] boolean Token is of unknown type or a paren without a match
[groupId] string The ID of a group which this token belongs (e.g. matching parens)
index number A zero based position in a token list

# UnaryExpression = Node

Name Type
arguments Array<AstExpression>
[loc] SourceLocation
operator "+" | "-" | "%" | "#" | "@"
type "UnaryExpression"