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Team Levels

James McNair edited this page Feb 19, 2021 · 4 revisions

What are Levels?

All teams have a level associated with them, this level dictates the permissions for the team. Per level permissions include:

  • Maximum number of players in their team
  • Maximum number of chests allowed to be claimed

Teams can level up either with team score, or with their team balance. This can be determined in the config.


All set up for levels is available in the config

the config exert:

      # This is used set a maximum size for a team.
      # - If this feature is unwanted, set the teamLimit to -1 and there will be unlimited places in each team
      # - Keep this value reasonable, as Java cannot cope with larger numbers (over 2 billion), so if you want the team to be limitless, set the value to -1 instead of something large
      # Possible values: [-1, any positive whole number]
      teamLimit: 10
      # This is used to determine the maximum number of chests that a team can claim
      # - If this is set to 0 teams will not be allowed any claims (though it is recommended you do that through permissions instead of the config option)
      # - If this is set to -1 there will be no limit on the number of chests
      # Possible values: [Any positive whole number, 0, -1]
      maxChests: 2
      # This is used to determine the maximum number of warps that a team can set 
      # - If this is set to 0 teams will not be allowed any warps (though it is recommended you do that through permissions instead of the config option) 
      # - If this is set to -1 there will be no limit on the number of warps
      # Possible values: [Any positive whole number, 0, -1]
      maxWarps: 2
      # Price is determined for all levels aside level 1,
      # - If this value ends with 's' it will take score from the team
      # - If this value ends with 'm' it will take money from the team balance
      price: 100s 
      teamLimit: 20
      maxChests: 2
      maxWarps: 2

note at the start of each individual level number there is an l (This is caused by YAML formatting rules)

A visual representation

As the config above is hard to understand, below is a visual representation of what it is signifying

Level Price teamLimit maxChests maxWarps
l1 Free 10 2 2
l2 100 score 20 2 2

Notice how the max chests are declared for both the first level and the second level thought it has not changed. This is currently required for the plugin to work, else the maxChests will be assumed to be 0.

Setting the price

It is also important to determine the price for each subsequent level after the first level. As if the price is not correctly defined the rank will not exist. The price of a rank can either be determined in score:

price: 100s

Or in money (this will be taken out of the team balance)

price: 100m

A level cannot have both a score and a monetary cost, it can only have one or the other.

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