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SPIR-V Dialect

This document defines the SPIR-V dialect in MLIR.

SPIR-V is the Khronos Group’s binary intermediate language for representing graphics shaders and compute kernels. It is adopted by multiple Khronos Group’s APIs, including Vulkan and OpenCL.

Design Principles

SPIR-V defines a stable binary format for hardware driver consumption. Regularity is one of the design goals of SPIR-V. All concepts are represented as SPIR-V instructions, including declaring extensions and capabilities, defining types and constants, defining functions, attaching additional properties to computation results, etc. This way favors driver consumption but not necessarily compiler transformations.

The purpose of the SPIR-V dialect is to serve as the "proxy" of the binary format and to facilitate transformations. Therefore, it should

  • Stay as the same semantic level and try to be a mechanical 1:1 mapping;
  • But deviate representationally if possible with MLIR mechanisms.
  • Be straightforward to serialize into and deserialize from the SPIR-V binary format.


The SPIR-V dialect has the following conventions:

  • The prefix for all SPIR-V types and operations are spv..
  • Ops that directly mirror instructions in the binary format have CamelCase names that are the same as the instruction opnames (without the Op prefix). For example, spv.FMul is a direct mirror of OpFMul. They will be serialized into and deserialized from one instruction.
  • Ops with snake_case names are those that have different representation from corresponding instructions (or concepts) in the binary format. These ops are mostly for defining the SPIR-V structure. For example, spv.module and spv.constant. They may correspond to zero or more instructions during (de)serialization.
  • Ops with _snake_case names are those that have no corresponding instructions (or concepts) in the binary format. They are introduced to satisfy MLIR structural requirements. For example, spv._module_end and spv._merge. They maps to no instructions during (de)serialization.


A SPIR-V module is defined via the spv.module op, which has one region that contains one block. Model-level instructions, including function definitions, are all placed inside the block. Functions are defined using the builtin func op.

Compared to the binary format, we adjust how certain module-level SPIR-V instructions are represented in the SPIR-V dialect. Notably,

  • Requirements for capabilities, extensions, extended instruction sets, addressing model, and memory model is conveyed using spv.module attributes. This is considered better because these information are for the execution environment. It's easier to probe them if on the module op itself.
  • Annotations/decoration instructions are "folded" into the instructions they decorate and represented as attributes on those ops. This eliminates potential forward references of SSA values, improves IR readability, and makes querying the annotations more direct.
  • Types are represented using MLIR standard types and SPIR-V dialect specific types. There are no type declaration ops in the SPIR-V dialect.
  • Various normal constant instructions are represented by the same spv.constant op. Those instructions are just for constants of different types; using one op to represent them reduces IR verbosity and makes transformations less tedious.
  • Normal constants are not placed in spv.module's region; they are localized into functions. This is to make functions in the SPIR-V dialect to be isolated and explicit capturing.
  • Global variables are defined with the spv.globalVariable op. They do not generate SSA values. Instead they have symbols and should be referenced via symbols. To use a global variables in a function block, spv._address_of is needed to turn the symbol into a SSA value.
  • Specialization constants are defined with the spv.specConstant op. Similar to global variables, they do not generate SSA values and have symbols for reference, too. spv._reference_of is needed to turn the symbol into a SSA value for use in a function block.


The SPIR-V dialect reuses standard integer, float, and vector types and defines the following dialect-specific types:

spirv-type ::= array-type
             | pointer-type
             | runtime-array-type

Array type

This corresponds to SPIR-V array type. Its syntax is

element-type ::= integer-type
               | floating-point-type
               | vector-type
               | spirv-type

array-type ::= `!spv.array<` integer-literal `x` element-type `>`

For example,

!spv.array<4 x i32>
!spv.array<16 x vector<4 x f32>>

Image type

This corresponds to SPIR-V image type. Its syntax is

dim ::= `1D` | `2D` | `3D` | `Cube` | <and other SPIR-V Dim specifiers...>

depth-info ::= `NoDepth` | `IsDepth` | `DepthUnknown`

arrayed-info ::= `NonArrayed` | `Arrayed`

sampling-info ::= `SingleSampled` | `MultiSampled`

sampler-use-info ::= `SamplerUnknown` | `NeedSampler` | `NoSampler`

format ::= `Unknown` | `Rgba32f` | <and other SPIR-V Image Formats...>

image-type ::= `!spv.image<` element-type `,` dim `,` depth-info `,`
                           arrayed-info `,` sampling-info `,`
                           sampler-use-info `,` format `>`

For example,

!spv.image<f32, 1D, NoDepth, NonArrayed, SingleSampled, SamplerUnknown, Unknown>
!spv.image<f32, Cube, IsDepth, Arrayed, MultiSampled, NeedSampler, Rgba32f>

Pointer type

This corresponds to SPIR-V pointer type. Its syntax is

storage-class ::= `UniformConstant`
                | `Uniform`
                | `Workgroup`
                | <and other storage classes...>

pointer-type ::= `!spv.ptr<` element-type `,` storage-class `>`

For example,

!spv.ptr<i32, Function>
!spv.ptr<vector<4 x f32>, Uniform>

Runtime array type

This corresponds to SPIR-V runtime array type. Its syntax is

runtime-array-type ::= `!spv.rtarray<` element-type `>`

For example,

!spv.rtarray<vector<4 x f32>>

Struct type

This corresponds to SPIR-V struct type. Its syntax is

struct-member-decoration ::= integer-literal? spirv-decoration*
struct-type ::= `!spv.struct<` spirv-type (`[` struct-member-decoration `]`)?
                     (`, ` spirv-type (`[` struct-member-decoration `]`)?

For Example,

!spv.struct<f32 [0]>
!spv.struct<f32, !spv.image<f32, 1D, NoDepth, NonArrayed, SingleSampled, SamplerUnknown, Unknown>>
!spv.struct<f32 [0], i32 [4]>


A SPIR-V function is defined using the builtin func op. spv.module verifies that the functions inside it comply with SPIR-V requirements: at most one result, no nested functions, and so on.


Operation documentation is written in each op's Op Definition Spec using TableGen. A markdown version of the doc can be generated using mlir-tblgen -gen-doc.

Control Flow

SPIR-V binary format uses merge instructions (OpSelectionMerge and OpLoopMerge) to declare structured control flow. They explicitly declare a header block before the control flow diverges and a merge block where control flow subsequently converges. These blocks delimit constructs that must nest, and can only be entered and exited in structured ways.

In the SPIR-V dialect, we use regions to mark the boundary of a structured control flow construct. With this approach, it's easier to discover all blocks belonging to a structured control flow construct. It is also more idiomatic to MLIR system.

We introduce a spv.selection and spv.loop op for structured selections and loops, respectively. The merge targets are the next ops following them. Inside their regions, a special terminator, spv._merge is introduced for branching to the merge target.


spv.selection defines a selection construct. It contains one region. The region should contain at least two blocks: one selection header block and one merge block.

  • The selection header block should be the first block. It should contain the spv.BranchConditional or spv.Switch op.
  • The merge block should be the last block. The merge block should only contain a spv._merge op. Any block can branch to the merge block for early exit.
               | header block |                 (may have multiple outgoing branches)
                    / | \

   +---------+   +---------+   +---------+
   | case #0 |   | case #1 |   | case #2 |  ... (may have branches between each other)
   +---------+   +---------+   +---------+

                    \ | /
               | merge block |                  (may have multiple incoming branches)

For example, for the given function

void loop(bool cond) {
  int x = 0;
  if (cond) {
    x = 1;
  } else {
    x = 2;
  // ...

It will be represented as

func @selection(%cond: i1) -> () {
  %zero = spv.constant 0: i32
  %one = spv.constant 1: i32
  %two = spv.constant 2: i32
  %x = spv.Variable init(%zero) : !spv.ptr<i32, Function>

  spv.selection {
    spv.BranchConditional %cond, ^then, ^else

    spv.Store "Function" %x, %one : i32
    spv.Branch ^merge

    spv.Store "Function" %x, %two : i32
    spv.Branch ^merge


  // ...


spv.loop defines a loop construct. It contains one region. The region should contain at least four blocks: one entry block, one loop header block, one loop continue block, one merge block.

  • The entry block should be the first block and it should jump to the loop header block, which is the second block.
  • The merge block should be the last block. The merge block should only contain a spv._merge op. Any block except the entry block can branch to the merge block for early exit.
  • The continue block should be the second to last block and it should have a branch to the loop header block.
  • The loop continue block should be the only block, except the entry block, branching to the loop header block.
    | entry block |           (one outgoing branch)
    +-------------+           (two incoming branches)
    | loop header | <-----+   (may have one or two outgoing branches)
    +-------------+       |
          ...             |
         \ | /            |
           v              |
   +---------------+      |   (may have multiple incoming branches)
   | loop continue | -----+   (may have one or two outgoing branches)

         \ | /
    +-------------+           (may have multiple incoming branches)
    | merge block |

The reason to have another entry block instead of directly using the loop header block as the entry block is to satisfy region's requirement: entry block of region may not have predecessors. We have a merge block so that branch ops can reference it as successors. The loop continue block here corresponds to "continue construct" using SPIR-V spec's term; it does not mean the "continue block" as defined in the SPIR-V spec, which is "a block containing a branch to an OpLoopMerge instruction’s Continue Target."

For example, for the given function

void loop(int count) {
  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    // ...

It will be represented as

func @loop(%count : i32) -> () {
  %zero = spv.constant 0: i32
  %one = spv.constant 1: i32
  %var = spv.Variable init(%zero) : !spv.ptr<i32, Function>

  spv.loop {
    spv.Branch ^header

    %val0 = spv.Load "Function" %var : i32
    %cmp = spv.SLessThan %val0, %count : i32
    spv.BranchConditional %cmp, ^body, ^merge

    // ...
    spv.Branch ^continue

    %val1 = spv.Load "Function" %var : i32
    %add = spv.IAdd %val1, %one : i32
    spv.Store "Function" %var, %add : i32
    spv.Branch ^header


Block argument for Phi

There are no direct Phi operations in the SPIR-V dialect; SPIR-V OpPhi instructions are modelled as block arguments in the SPIR-V dialect. (See the Rationale doc for "Block Arguments vs Phi nodes".) Each block argument corresponds to one OpPhi instruction in the SPIR-V binary format. For example, for the following SPIR-V function foo:

  %foo = OpFunction %void None ...
%entry = OpLabel
  %var = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function
         OpSelectionMerge %merge None
         OpBranchConditional %true %true %false
 %true = OpLabel
         OpBranch %phi
%false = OpLabel
         OpBranch %phi
  %phi = OpLabel
  %val = OpPhi %int %int_1 %false %int_0 %true
         OpStore %var %val
%merge = OpLabel

It will be represented as:

func @foo() -> () {
  %var = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<i32, Function>

  spv.selection {
    %true = spv.constant true
    spv.BranchConditional %true, ^true, ^false

    %zero = spv.constant 0 : i32
    spv.Branch ^phi(%zero: i32)

    %one = spv.constant 1 : i32
    spv.Branch ^phi(%one: i32)

  ^phi(%arg: i32):
    spv.Store "Function" %var, %arg : i32


Serialization and deserialization

The serialization library provides two entry points, mlir::spirv::serialize() and mlir::spirv::deserialize(), for converting a MLIR SPIR-V module to binary format and back.

The purpose of this library is to enable importing SPIR-V binary modules to run transformations on them and exporting SPIR-V modules to be consumed by execution environments. The focus is transformations, which inevitably means changes to the binary module; so it is not designed to be a general tool for investigating the SPIR-V binary module and does not guarantee roundtrip equivalence (at least for now). For the latter, please use the assembler/disassembler in the SPIRV-Tools project.

A few transformations are performed in the process of serialization because of the representational differences between SPIR-V dialect and binary format:

  • Attributes on spv.module are emitted as their corresponding SPIR-V instructions.
  • spv.constants are unified and placed in the SPIR-V binary module section for types, constants, and global variables.
  • spv.selections and spv.loops are emitted as basic blocks with Op*Merge instructions in the header block as required by the binary format.

Similarly, a few transformations are performed during deserialization:

  • Instructions for execution environment requirements will be placed as attributes on spv.module.
  • OpConstant* instructions are materialized as spv.constant at each use site.
  • OpPhi instructions are converted to block arguments.
  • Structured control flow are placed inside spv.selection and spv.loop.