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Conceptual REST application in Java Spring to store a hirerachy of "Image Products"

How to execute the app

Once you downloaded the application source to a local folder, cd to the root folder where the pom.xml file is and run the following commands:

compile the app: mvn compile
run the tests: mvn test
run the app: mvn spring-boot:run

API Endpoints

GET /products
Description: retrieves all products. By default, it won't retrieve child products or images.
Url Params: Optional: includeRelationship=[image[,product]]. If present the API to show the sets of child images and/or products. Ex: GET /products?includeRelationship=image,product
Response Codes: 200 - Success. 200 - In case there are no products at all it's returned an json with an empty list.
Response Data:

  • Example without relationships: [{"id":1,"name":"rootProduct","parentId":null},{"id":7,"name":"product","parentId":1}]
  • Example with relationships: [{"id":1,"name":"rootProduct","parentId":null,"childImageIds":[11,4,12,5],"childProductIds":[7]},{"id":7,"name":"product","parentId":1,"childImageIds":[],"childProductIds":[]}]

GET /products/{productId}
Description: retrieves a product identified by {productId}
Url Params: Optional: includeRelationship=[image[,product]]. If present the API to show the sets of child images and/or products. Ex: GET /products/1?includeRelationship=product,image
Response Codes: 200 - Success. 400 - Product Not Found.
Response Data: Ex: {"id":1,"name":"rootProduct","parentId":null,"childImageIds":[2],"childProductIds":[3,4]}

POST /products/{productId}
Description: adds a new product as child of the product identified by {productId}
Data params: Ex: { "name": "newProductName" }
Response Codes: 201 - Created. 400 - The parent product {productId} was not found in the system.
Response Headers: the Location response header shows the URL to access the created object.

PUT /products/{productId}
Description: updates a product identified by {productId}. Only the 'name' property can be updated, any other property will be ignored.
Data params: Ex: { "name": "otherProductName" }
Response Codes: 200 - Success. 400 - Product Not Found.

DELETE /products/{productId}
Description: deletes a product identified by {productId}, cascading the deletion to all its descending objects recursively.
Response Codes: 200 - Success. 400 - Product Not Found.

GET /images
Description: retrieves all images.
Response Codes: 200 - Success. 200 - In case there are no images at all it's returned an json with an empty list.

GET /images/{imageId}
Description: retrieves an image by its id
Response Codes: 200 - Success. 400 - Image Not Found.
Response Data: { "id": 3, "description": "image1", "parentId": 1 }

POST /products/{productId}/image
Description: adds an image as child of the product identified by {productId}
Data params: Ex: { "description": "imageName" }
Response Codes: 201 - Created. 400 - The parent product {productId} was not found in the system.
Response Headers: the Location response header shows the URL to access the object created.

PUT /images/{imageId}
Description: updates an image. Only the 'name' property can be updated, any other property will be ignored.
Data params: Ex: { "description": "otherImageName" }
Response Codes: 200 - Success. 400 - Image Not Found.

DELETE /images/{imageId}
Description: deletes an image identified by {imageId}
Response Codes: 200 - Success. 400 - Image Not Found.


We have a Product Entity with One to Many relationship with Image entity

Product also has a Many to One relationship with itself (Many Products to one Parent Product)

1- Build a Restful service using JAX-RS to perform CRUD operations on a Product resource using Image as a sub-resource of Product.

2- Your API classes should perform these operations:

  1. Create, update and delete products
  2. Create, update and delete images
  3. Get all products excluding relationships (child products, images)
  4. Get all products including specified relationships (child product and/or images)
  5. Same as 3 using specific product identity
  6. Same as 4 using specific product identity
  7. Get set of child products for specific product
  8. Get set of images for specific product