Utilities for Synergia.
Read the Docs: http://rssynergia.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html
Copyright (c) 2015-2018 RadiaSoft LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Point your browser to the following URL
Click on the "Sign in with GitHub" button
A GitHub login is required. If you're not already logged in, then please do so.
If you have not previously authorized the JupyterHub server on GitHub, please do so now.
If you see a green "My Server" button, then click on it.
If you see a Jupyter server home page, then look towards the upper right part of your browser.
Click the "New" button, then select "Terminal" from the dropdown menu.
The Jupyter commandline terminal window will open in a new tab.
In the Jupyter terminal window, clone this repo as follows:
> git clone https://github.com/radiasoft/rssynergia
Go back to the JupyterHub home page (i.e. the URL referenced above)
You should see that there is now a directory called 'rssynergia'
Drill down into this directory by clicking on directory names, to:
Click on the Jupyter notebook named "sc_drift_expansion.ipynb"
This opens the notebook.
Repeatedly hitting "shift-enter" on your keyboard will execute the cells one by one.
Work in the Jupyter terminal window you opened above.
You are in a Python2 environment in Fedora 27 linux
You are username "vagrant"
You have sudo privileges with password "vagrant"
By default, you are in directory /home/vagrant/jupyter/
Move to the 'radiasoft' working directory
> cd /home/vagrant/src/radiasoft
Many particle accelerator and radiation codes have been installed.
You can see the build directories in the local subdirectory '/home/vagrant/src/radiasoft/codes'
However, these are not suitable for development.
From within the .../radiasoft/ directory, follow the download instructions for the Synergia source code:
Assuming the build completed without errors, cd into the synergia source directory:
> cd /home/vagrant/src/radiasoft/synergia2-devel/build/synergia2
Invoke the test suite in this directory via:
> make test
If some of the tests don't pass, then please create an issue here describing the problem, with a screenshot:
Install VirtualBox on your computer
Install Vagrant on your computer
Create a directory in a linux, unix or cygwin environment
> mkdir synergia_devel
> cd synergia_devel
In this directory, create a text file named "Vagrantfile" with the following contents:
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.box = "radiasoft/beamsim"
config.vm.hostname = "rs"
config.ssh.insert_key = false
config.ssh.forward_x11 = true
config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest:8000, host:8000
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: false
Invoke 'vagrant' as follows
> vagrant up
Wait several minutes, because the container is large
ssh into the container as follows
> vagrant ssh
You are in a Python2 environment in Fedora 27 linux
You are username "vagrant"
You have sudo privileges with password "vagrant"
The directory /vagrant is synced with the local directory you created above.
Move to the 'radiasoft' working directory
> cd src/radiasoft
Now you can follow the "Install and build Synergia2" instructions above
The source code is found in the following subdirectory
> cd /home/vagrant/src/radiasoft/synergia2-devel/build/synergia2/src/