- New location row in task edit screen
- Add location departure notifications
- Set CalDAV completion percentage and status
- Bug fixes
- Update translations
- Brazilian Portuguese - douglaslmr
- Bulgarian - ddmdima96
- Dutch - revdbrink
- French - Florian_Dubois
- German - marmo, sNiXx, Strubbl
- Hebrew - elazar
- Hungarian - kaciokos
- Italian - dfdario
- Japanese - naofumi
- Lithuanian - gacuxz
- Polish - bilbolodz, hadogenes
- Spanish - i2nm7s
- Turkish - etc
- New white theme color
- New icons
- New list and tag chips
- Linkify text when editing tasks
- Option to linkify text on task list
- Show description on task list
- Move due date next to title
- Updated hidden task visualization
- No longer require contacts permission (Oreo+)
- Dropped support for Android 4.0
- Update translations
- Brazilian Portuguese - douglaslmr
- Bulgarian - ddmdima96
- Chinese - Atlantids
- Dutch - revdbrink
- French - Florian_Dubois
- German - marmo
- Hebrew - elazar
- Hungarian - kaciokos
- Italian - dfdario, passero
- Lithuanian - gacuxz
- Spanish - i2nm7s
- Turkish - etc
- Fix translation error
- Remove missed call functionality due to Google Play Developer policy change
- Fix manual sort issue affecting Samsung Oreo devices
- Fix refresh issue affecting Pure Calendar Widget
- Fix memory leak
- Schedule jobs with WorkManager instead of android-job
- Update translations
- French - Fabeuss, primokorn
- Hebrew - elazar
- Korean - timeforwarp
- Fix notification badge issues
- Allow non-SSL connections
- Allow user-defined certificate authorities
- Update Chinese translations (Atlantids)
- Customize launcher icon
- Customize shortcut widget icon and label
- Add custom text selection action (Android 6+)
- Target Android P
- Remove 'Tasks' from notification body
- Fix localization issues - @marmo
- Fix crash when calendar permissions are revoked
- Fix crash when opening task from widget
- Fix crash when recording audio note
- Fix crash when dismissing dialogs
- Fix crash in backup import
- Fix crash on invalid URL during CalDAV setup
- Fix crash when editing task
- Update translations
- Brazilian Portuguese - douglaslmr
- Bulgarian - ddmdima96
- Dutch - revdbrink
- French - Florian_Dubois, MystEre84
- German - @marmo, sNiXx, Strubbl
- Hungarian - kaciokos
- Italian - dfdario
- Korean - timeforwarp
- Lithuanian - gacuxz
- Polish - hadogenes
- Russian - @uryevich
- Spanish - i2nm7s
- Turkish - etc
- Fix crash when creating shortcuts on pre-Oreo devices
- Fix crash when Google Task or CalDAV list is missing
- Downgrade Play Services for compatibility with MicroG
- Update translations
- German - marmo
- Fix crash when deleting 1000+ tasks at once
- Fix hidden dates in date picker
- Fix crash on bad response from billing client
- Report crash when database fails to open
- Update translations
- Dutch - revdbrink
- German - marmo
- Fix crash caused by leftover Google Analytics campaign tracker
- Fix crash when manually sorting Google Task lists
- Fix multi account Google Task sync issue
- Fix crash caused by missing tag metadata
- Fix crash caused by missing Android System WebView
- Replace Google Analytics with Firebase Analytics
- Add Crashlytics exception reporting
- Fix crash caused by missing Google Task metadata
- Change to annual subscription pricing
- CalDAV synchronization
- Sync with multiple Google Task accounts
- Default theme changed to blue
- Display Google Task and CalDAV chips on task list
- Display sync error icon in navigation drawer
- Move tasks between Google Task and CalDAV lists using multi-select
- Add "Don't Sync" option when choosing a Google Task or CalDAV list
- Add option to restrict background synchronization to unmetered connections
- Custom filters with due date criteria no longer set a due time of 23:59/11:59PM
- Internal improvements to notification scheduling should reduce notification delays
- Fix list animation bug
- Update translations
- Bulgarian - ddmdima96
- Dutch - revdbrink
- French - Florian_Dubois
- German - jens_neuss, Marmo
- Hungarian - kaciokos
- Italian - dfdario, Tsanten
- Japanese - naofumi
- Lithuanian - gacuxz
- Polish - bilbolodz, porridge
- Russian - gacuxz, uryevich
- Slovak - Cuco
- Spanish - i2nm7s
- Turkish - etc