Draws a very simple horizontal bar with current metric value
<component type="bar" metric="accl.x" units="m/s^2" />
Place the bar component inside a translate
to move it around
Use width
and height
to control the size of the component, in pixels
<component type="bar" width="100" height="100" metric="speed" units="kph" />
Use fill
and outline
to change the fill and outline colours
Specify the colours, as usual, in r,g,b or r,g,b,a
<component type="bar" metric="accl.y" units="m/s^2" fill="255,255,255,128" />
<component type="bar" metric="accl.y" units="m/s^2" outline="255,0,255" />
To get rid of the outline completely, specify an alpha of 0
<component type="bar" metric="accl.y" units="m/s^2" outline="255,0,255,0" />
Use zero
to change the colour of the zero marker
<component type="bar" metric="accl.y" units="m/s^2" zero="255,0,255" />
Use bar
to change the colour of the bar itself
<component type="bar" metric="accl.y" units="m/s^2" bar="255,0,255" />
Use h-neg
and h-pos
as rgba values to control the highlight colours of ends of the bar
<component type="bar" metric="accl.y" units="m/s^2" h-neg="255,0,255" />
<component type="bar" metric="accl.y" units="m/s^2" h-pos="255,0,255" />
Use outline-width
to control the width of the outline
<component type="bar" metric="accl.y" units="m/s^2" outline-width="3" />
Use max
and min
to control the max and min values that the bar will display
<component type="bar" metric="accl.y" units="m/s^2" max="5" min="-1" />
<component type="bar" metric="accl.y" units="m/s^2" max="10" min="0" />
For example to plot acceleration values for all three axes
<translate y="0">
<component type="bar" width="400" height="50" metric="accl.x"/>
<component type="text" x="10" y="10" size="24" rgb="255,255,255">X Accl</component>
<component type="metric" x="200" y="15" metric="accl.x" size="24" rgb="255,255,255" dp="2" align="centre" />
<translate y="50">
<component type="bar" width="400" height="50" metric="accl.y" />
<component type="text" x="10" y="10" size="24" rgb="255,255,255">Y Accl</component>
<component type="metric" x="200" y="15" metric="accl.y" size="24" rgb="255,255,255" dp="2" align="centre"/>
<translate y="100">
<component type="bar" width="400" height="50" metric="accl.z" />
<component type="text" x="10" y="10" size="24" rgb="255,255,255">Z Accl</component>
<component type="metric" x="200" y="15" metric="accl.z" size="24" rgb="255,255,255" dp="2" align="centre"/>