BlobCity DB is an All-in-One Database. It offers support for natively storing 17 different formats of data, including JSON, XML, CSV, PDF, Word, Excel, Log, GIS, Image amongst others. It run two full feature storage engines. One that stores data in memory and the other that stores data on disk. In-memeory storage offers sheer performance for real-time analytics, while the disk storage make BlobCity an excellent alternative for DataLakes.
BlobCity is a proud graduate from Cohort #2 of the NetApp Excellerator. We were closed source until the Excellerator happened. |
Full technical docs for using BlobCity can be found at
Your contributions are welcome. Join our Slack community and request to become a contributor.
BlobCity DB was created by Sanket Sarang along with notable contributions from Akshay Dewan and Karun Japhet, amongst others. BlobCity DB is sponsored by BlobCity, Inc..
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Kraken was our internal project code name until open sourcing. You may still find some mentions of it in the code docs.