Command Group | Command | Example | Description |
Account Group | show |
!account show test@ |
Shows information about given account |
add |
!account add test@ 123456 test |
Allows you to add a new user account | |
setpassword |
!account setpassword test@ 123654 |
Allows you to set a new password for account | |
setbtag |
!account setbtag test@ NonTest |
Allows you to change battle tag for account | |
setuserlevel |
!account setuserlevel admin |
Allows you to set a new user level for account | |
Mute Command | mute |
!mute test@ |
Disable chat functions for user |
Command Group | Command | Example | Description |
Spawn command | spawn |
!spawn 6632 |
Spawn a mob by ID |
Level up command | levelup |
!levelup 2 |
Levels you character |
Unlock Artisans command | unlockart |
!unlockart |
Unlock all artisans for you in Campaign |
Platinum command | platinum |
!platinum 100 |
Platinum for you |
Gold command | gold |
!gold 100 |
Gold for you? |
Item command | item |
!item p71_ethereal_10 |
Get any Item by Name |
Teleport command | tp |
!tp 71150 |
Teleport character to World by ID |
SpeedHack command | speed |
!speed 2 |
Increase you speed character |
Lookup Command | lookup |
!lookup item axe |
Display all founded in game objects with entered text in Name |
!lookup world Tristram |
!lookup actor zombie |
!lookup power Punch |
Available commands from !commands
Provides account management commands.
Disables chat messages for the account for some defined time span.
Switch private Tag for connect
Makes your character with absurd amount of damage. Useful for testing.
Makes your character with full resource. Useful for testing.
Get current game information.
Manage your followers.
Changes difficulty of the game
Heals yourself
Makes you invulnerable
Spawns a mob.
Usage: spawn [actorSNO] [amount]
Levels your character.
Optionally specify the number of levels: !levelup [count]
Unlock all artisans: !unlockart
Platinum for your character.
Optionally specify the number of levels: !platinum [count]
Upgrade Stash.
Gold for your character.
Optionally specify the number of gold: !gold [count]
Platinum for your character.
Optionally specify the number of levels: !platinum [count]
Platinum for your character.
Optionally specify the number of levels: !eff [count]
Spawns an item (with a name or type).
Usage: item [type |] [amount]
Drops an epic item for your class.
Optionally specify the number of items: !drop [1-20]
Transfers your character to another world.
Starts a conversation.
Usage: conversation snoConversation
Modify speed walk of you character.
Usage: !speed
Reset: !speed
Lists available commands for your user-level.
usage: help
Type 'commands' to get a list of available commands.
Retrieves information about quest states and manipulates quest progress.
Usage: quest [triggers | trigger eventType eventValue | advance snoQuest]
Searches in sno databases.
Usage: lookup [actor|conv|power|scene|la|sp|weather]
You can use the official website to search items:
// Sample: Firebird's Breast
// Url:
// Name: Unique_Chest_Set_06_x1
You can also access the elements created for testing during game development :)