- PR#67 - Add support for non
- PR#66 - Fix Chef-13 warning for https://docs.chef.io/deprecations_namespace_collisions.html
- Cleanup all foodcritic warnings
- PR#65 - Chef-13 amazon compatibility fix
- PR#57 - Add Mac OS X install support
- PR#59 - Parameterize InfluxDB Package Repo URL
- PR#58 - Fixing :delete action for resource 'telegraf_outputs'
- PR#60 - Reverse CHANGELOG.md order so the newest releases are at the top
- PR#49 - Enumerate supported operating systems in metadata.rb
- PR#50 - Feature/windows support
- PR#48 - Removing default influxDB output
- PR#44 - Add tests for input file
- PR#47 - Change back to toml-rb gem
- Rename sensitive resource to rootonly as it will raise an exception in Chef13
- PR#37 - Add delete action to input/output LWRPs
- PR#40 - Add support for install_type=file
- PR#43 - Switch from toml-rb to toml gem
- PR#34 - Allow specifying gem source for toml-rb
- PR#21 - Fix incorrect config if 'toml-rb' > 0.3.12
- PR#27 - Default to latest telegraf; only use stable apt repo
- PR#30 - Add service restart retries
- Pin toml-rb to '~> 0.3.0'
- Pin toml-rb to v0.3.12
- PR#16 - fix installation on Amazon Linux; add tests for ubuntu 15.04 and amazon linux
- PR#19 - enforce permissions on config files, optionally suppress logging file updates
- Default to telegraf 0.10.2
- Bugfix telegraf_inputs chefspec matcher
- Default to telegraf 0.10.1
- Add initial support for telegraf 0.10.x
- Add LICENSE file
- Merge #12 Allow specifying whether or not to bring in external repository (don-code)
- Update matchers for chefspec testing
- Change format for output/plugins to not require a top level name
- Add sane defaults for plugins/outputs path
- Add install_version property to install resource to enforce specific telegraf version
- Add support for multiple outputs/plugins config files
- Add support for restarting the service when config changes
- Add source URL to metadata
- Initial release