When executed, UCI dataset is extracted directly into ./data/
See the README.md for details.
The resulting ./tidy.data.txt
dataset includes mean and standard deviation variables for the following original variables (X, Y, Z directions included):
tBodyAcc, tGravityAcc, tBodyAccJerk, tBodyGyro, tBodyGyroJerk, tBodyAccMag, tBodyAccJerkMag, tBodyGyroMag, tBodyGyroJerkMag, fBodyAcc, fBodyAccJerk, fBodyGyro, fBodyAccMag, fBodyBodyAccJerkMag, fBodyBodyGyroMag, fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag.
The script, run_analysis.R
, does the following,
- Load dataset files
- Merges the three test and train files into a single data frame
- Set textual columns heading from provided file
- Keep only only mean and std variables
- Computes means of these variables, grouped by subject/activity.
- Saves to
For more details, consult README.md and run_analysis.R.