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Taylor Hornby edited this page Dec 28, 2015 · 41 revisions


Make sure to read our Home#Background and Home#Design Goals.

This is our roadmap, to be refined over time.

  1. Private Alpha release - introduces a functional (although perhaps awkward) low-level rpc interface, the zc-raw-* operations.
  2. Calgary Redesign - alters the protocol to integrate Zerocash operations in a more principled manner. Supports only the same zc-raw-* API.
  3. Calgary Implementation - see:
  4. Synchronization Point - Target Date: 2016-01-15: Website launch
  5. Target Date: 2016-01-15: Public Alpha - zc-raw-* RPC interface. Few features.
  6. Synchronization Point - Target Date: 2016-01-22 Handoff of mpc code to us (create GitHub repository).
  7. Synchronization Point - Target Date: 2016-01-16? PR event - online article.
  8. Synchronization Point - Target Date: 2016-01-20? PR event - print article.
  9. Target Date: 2016-04-01 Beta Release - a public release with all of our feature in 1.0 goals (see Feature Selection below).
  10. Target Date: 2016-04-01 Assemble external security review team.
  11. 1.0 Feature Freeze - a cutoff after which no feature changes are allowed.
  12. Target Date: 2016-05-01? MPC software ready for practice runs / refinement.
  13. Synchronization Point - Target Date: ???: Parameter Ceremony - the official ceremony for secure parameter selection.
  14. Synchronization Point - Target Date: 2016-05-?? - Stewardship Org established.
  15. Target Date: 2016-08-01 - 1.0 Launch - the birth of the official blockchain.
  16. 1.1 Release - a set of feature not in 1.0, feature maybe in 1.0, and other features which:
    • can be implemented without consensus changes.
    • are the most valuable remaining tasks for the ecosystem.

Note that the above `Roadmap`_ doesn't quite capture some "concurrent" processes that only have a partial order, most notably the parameter setup code, which can be developed independently until the Parameter Ceremony.

Tightly intertwined with the roadmap is our feature selection decisions. See issue tracking#Feature Selection.

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