Name of the software | Its license | Copyright | Usage in NLoop |
EventStoreDB | 3-Clause BSD License | To store everything including Swap state, secret keys, etc. | |
NBitcon | MIT License | To use Bitcoin-related types | |
DotNetLightning | MIT License | To use LN-related primitive types | |
FsToolKit.ErrorHandling | MIT license | For handling Result , TaskResult effectively |
FSharp.Contro.AsyncSeq | Apache License 2.0 | To use asynchronous sequences | |
FSharp.SystemTextJson | MIT license | For Json (de)serialization of F# Specific types such as Records and Unions | |
DigiralRuby.ExchangeSharp | MIT license | To query the currency's exchange rate against the server API. | |
FSharp.Control.Reactive | MSPL | For handling Reactive Extensions in F#-native way | |
Giraffe | Apache License 2.0 | For web API | |
Ply | MIT License | For handling task in F# CE |
System.Commandline | MIT License | For parsing commandline options | |
NReco.Logging.File | MIT License | For logging into the file | |
ameier38/ouroboros | MIT License | It does not depend directly, but an idea of how to implement an event-sourcing is heavily influenced by this project. |