From 529f36105732de8d92591e87207c8bc70ae1d6ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ooshhub <>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2025 08:44:17 +1030
Subject: [PATCH] add 0.9.0

 autoButtons/0.9.0/autoButtons.js | 2680 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 2680 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 autoButtons/0.9.0/autoButtons.js

diff --git a/autoButtons/0.9.0/autoButtons.js b/autoButtons/0.9.0/autoButtons.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3293b0a53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoButtons/0.9.0/autoButtons.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2680 @@
+var API_Meta = API_Meta || {};
+API_Meta.autoButtons = { offset: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, lineCount: -1 };
+  try {
+    throw new Error('');
+  } catch (e) {
+    API_Meta.autoButtons.offset = (parseInt(e.stack.split(/\n/)[1].replace(/^.*:(\d+):.*$/, '$1'), 10) - (13));
+  }
+(() => {
+  const scriptName = `autoButtons`,
+      scriptVersion = `0.9.0`,
+      mathOpsZeroPatch = true,
+      debugLevel = 2;
+  let undoUninstall = null,
+      cacheBusted = false;
+  const beaconRollDiscriminator = 'advancedroll';
+  const debug = {
+    log: function (...args) {
+      if (debugLevel > 3) console.log(...args)
+    },
+    info: function (...args) {
+      if (debugLevel > 2)
+    },
+    warn: function (...args) {
+      if (debugLevel > 1) console.warn(...args)
+    },
+    error: function (...args) {
+      if (debugLevel > 0) console.error(...args)
+    },
+  }
+  /**
+   */
+  const startScript = () => {
+    const Services = new ServiceLocator({ name: 'autoButtonServices' });
+    const Config = new ConfigController(scriptName, {
+      version: scriptVersion,
+      store: {
+        customButtons: {}
+      },
+      settings: {
+        ...defaultScriptSettings,
+      },
+    });
+    Services.register({ serviceName: 'config', serviceReference: Config });
+    const ButtonStore = new ButtonManager({
+      name: 'ButtonStore',
+      defaultButtons: _defaultButtons,
+      services: [Services.config],
+    });
+    Services.register({ serviceName: 'buttons', serviceReference: ButtonStore });
+    const CLI = new CommandLineInterface({
+      name: `autoButtonsMenu`,
+      options: defaultCliOptions,
+    });
+    Services.register({ serviceName: 'cli', serviceReference: CLI });
+    const checkDependencies = async () => {
+      let err;
+      try {
+        err = typeof (MathOps) !== 'object' || typeof (TokenMod) !== 'object'
+            ? `${scriptName}: requires TokenMod and MathOps`
+            : typeof (MathOps.MathProcessor) !== 'function'
+                ? `${scriptName}: a newer version of MathOps is required.`
+                : null;
+      } catch (e) {
+        err = `${scriptName} dependencies could not be resolved - MathOps and TokenMod are required.`
+      }
+      if (err) new ChatDialog({ title: `Fatal Error - ${scriptName} exiting...`, content: err }, 'error');
+      return !err;
+    }
+    // Check install and version
+    const checkInstall = async () => {
+      let firstTimeSetup;
+      if (!(await checkDependencies())) return;
+      if (!state[scriptName] || !state[scriptName].version) {
+        log(`autoButtons: first time setup...`);
+        firstTimeSetup = 1;
+        state[scriptName] = Config.initialState();
+      }
+      if (typeof (state[scriptName].version) === 'number' && state[scriptName].version % 1 !== 0) {
+        state[scriptName].version = `${state[scriptName].version}`.replace(/\D/g, '').split('', 3).join('.')
+      }
+      if (state[scriptName].version < Config.version) {
+        const v = state[scriptName].version;
+        if (v < `0.1.3`) { /* 0.5.3 fix - bad key names for very old versions */
+          Object.assign(state[scriptName].settings, { ignoreAPI: 1 }); // new Config key
+        }
+        if (v < `0.2.0`) {
+          Object.assign(state[scriptName].settings, { overkill: 0, overheal: 0, enabledButtons: [] }); // new Config keys
+        }
+        if (v < `0.3.0`) {
+          Config.loadPreset(); // structure of preset has changed - reload
+        }
+        if (v < `0.5.0`) { // major refactor - move buttons over to new button store
+          Helpers.copyOldButtonStore();
+          state[scriptName].settings.bump = state[scriptName].settings.bump || true;
+          state[scriptName].settings.targetTokens = state[scriptName].settings.targetTokens || false;
+        }
+        if (v < `0.6.0`) {
+          // Remove the old buttons store
+          if (state[scriptName].settings.buttons && state[scriptName].store) delete state[scriptName].settings.buttons;
+          // Update template property structure
+          if (state[scriptName].settings.templates.damageProperties.damage && !state[scriptName].settings.templates.damageProperties.damageFields) {
+            state[scriptName].settings.templates.damageProperties.damageFields = state[scriptName].settings.templates.damageProperties.damage;
+            delete state[scriptName].settings.templates.damageProperties.damage;
+            state[scriptName].settings.templates.damageProperties.critFields = state[scriptName].settings.templates.damageProperties.crit;
+            delete state[scriptName].settings.templates.damageProperties.crit;
+          }
+        }
+        if (v < `0.7.0`) {
+          // Two default buttons renamed - damageCrit => crit, and damageFull => damage
+          const currentShownButtons = state[scriptName].settings.enabledButtons;
+          debug.log(currentShownButtons);
+          if (currentShownButtons) {
+            const {
+              oldDamage,
+              oldCrit
+            } = currentShownButtons.reduce((out, v, i) => v === 'damageCrit' ? {
+              ...out,
+              oldCrit: i
+            } : v === 'damageFull' ? { ...out, oldDamage: i } : out, {});
+            if (oldDamage != null) currentShownButtons[oldDamage] = 'damage';
+            if (oldCrit != null) currentShownButtons[oldCrit] = 'crit';
+            debug.log(state[scriptName].settings.enabledButtons);
+          }
+        }
+        if (v < `0.8.9`) {
+          log(`Backing up math strings on custom buttons...`);
+          if (state[scriptName].store && state[scriptName].store.customButtons) {
+            for (const button in state[scriptName].store.customButtons) {
+              if (state[scriptName].store.customButtons[button].mathString) {
+                state[scriptName].store.customButtons[button].mathBackup = state[scriptName].store.customButtons[button].mathString;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        state[scriptName].version = Config.version;
+        log(`***UPDATED*** ====> ${scriptName} to v${Config.version}`);
+      }
+      Config.fetchFromState();
+      if (
+          (!Config.getSetting('templates/names') || !Config.getSetting('templates/names').length) ||
+          (!Config.getSetting('enabledButtons') || !Config.getSetting('enabledButtons').length)) {
+        if (firstTimeSetup) Config.loadPreset();
+        else new ChatDialog({
+          title: `${scriptName} Install`,
+          content: `No roll templates registered, or no buttons enabled. AutoButtons will not currently do anything. If you're still setting things up, this is probably ok, otherwise you may want to <a href="${styles.components.confirmApiCommand('reset sheet settings')} --reset" style="${styles.list.controls.create}">Reset</a> to default sheet settings.`
+        }, 'error');
+      }
+      // Check state of buttons, repair if needed
+      if (!state[scriptName].store) Helpers.copyOldButtonStore();
+      for (const button in state[scriptName].store.customButtons) {
+        state[scriptName].store.customButtons[button].default = false;
+        const { err } = ButtonStore.addButton(state[scriptName].store.customButtons[button]);
+        const errorString = `${err}`;
+        if (err) {
+          new ChatDialog({ title: `${scriptName}: invalid button **${button}**`, content: errorString }); // **${state[scriptName].store.customButtons[button].name}** - ${err}
+          const recoverButton = { ...state[scriptName].store.customButtons[button], mathString: '0' };
+          const { err } = ButtonStore.addButton(recoverButton);
+          if (!err) {
+            new ChatDialog({
+              title: `${scriptName}: recovered button`,
+              content: `Button math was cleared, the problem math string was ${recoverButton.mathBackup}.`
+            });
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      const allButtons = ButtonStore.getButtonNames(),
+          enabledButtons = Config.getSetting('enabledButtons');
+      const validButtons = enabledButtons.filter(v => allButtons.includes(v));
+      if (validButtons.length !== enabledButtons.length) {
+        debug.warn(`Invalid button found in enabledButtons - button hidden.`);
+        Config.changeSetting('enabledButtons', validButtons, { overwriteArray: true });
+      }
+      log(`=( Initialised ${scriptName} - v${Config.version} )=`);
+    }
+    // Send buttons to chat
+    const sendButtons = (damage, crit, msg, beaconRoll = false) => {
+      const beaconSheetName = beaconRoll
+          ? preset[Config.getSetting('sheet')]?.beaconSheet?.sheet?.[0] ?? null
+          : null;
+      const beaconButtons = ButtonStore.getBeaconButtonNames(beaconSheetName);
+      const gmOnly = Config.getSetting('gmOnly') ? true : false
+      const activeButtons = Config.getSetting(`enabledButtons`) || [];
+      let name = beaconRoll
+          ? Helpers.findBeaconName(msg.content)
+          : Helpers.findName(msg.content);
+      const damageType = beaconRoll
+          ? Helpers.findBeaconDamageType(msg.content, beaconSheetName)
+          : '';
+      if (damageType)
+        name = `${name} - ${damageType}`;
+      const buttonArray = beaconRoll && beaconSheetName
+          ? activeButtons.filter(button => beaconButtons.includes(button))
+          : activeButtons;
+      const sortedButtons = Config.getSetting('autosort') ? buttonArray.sort((a, b) => a > b ? 1 : -1) : buttonArray;
+      const htmlArray = => ButtonStore.createApiButton(btn, damage, crit)).filter(v => v);
+      const darkMode = Config.getSetting('darkMode');
+      const baseSize = Config.getSetting('baseSize');
+      let sourceAttackAbility;
+      if (Config.getSetting('multiattack')) sourceAttackAbility = Helpers5e.findNpcAttack(msg, name);
+      const buttonBarLabel = sourceAttackAbility ? `<div class="rollname" style="${styles.rollName}"><a href="&grave;${sourceAttackAbility}" style="${styles.rollName}">${name}</a></div>` : `<div class="rollname" style="${styles.rollName}${Helpers.appendDarkMode('rollName', darkMode)}">${name}</div>`;
+      if (htmlArray.length < 1) {
+`No valid buttons were returned`);
+        return;
+      }
+      const buttonHtml = htmlArray.join('');
+      const buttonTemplate = `<div class="autobutton" style="${styles.outer}${Helpers.appendDarkMode('outer', darkMode)}${Helpers.appendBaseSize(baseSize)}${Config.getSetting('bump') ? styles.mods.bump : ''}}">${buttonBarLabel}${buttonHtml}</div>`;
+      Helpers.toChat(`${buttonTemplate}`, gmOnly);
+      cacheBusted = true;
+    }
+    // Deconstruct & repackage Roll20 roll object
+    const handleDamageRoll = (msg) => {
+      const dmgFields = Config.getSetting('templates/damageProperties/damageFields') || [],
+          critFields = Config.getSetting('templates/damageProperties/critFields') || [];
+      const damage = Helpers.processFields(dmgFields, msg),
+          crit = Helpers.processFields(critFields, msg);
+      if ('dnd5e_r20' === Config.getSetting('sheet')) {
+        const isSpell = Helpers5e.is5eAttackSpell(msg.content);
+        if (isSpell) {
+          const upcastDamageFields = Config.getSetting('templates/damageProperties/upcastDamage') || [],
+              upcastCritFields = Config.getSetting('templates/damageProperties/upcastCrit') || [];
+          const upcastDamage = Helpers.processFields(upcastDamageFields, msg),
+              upcastCrit = Helpers.processFields(upcastCritFields, msg);
+          Helpers.mergeDamageObjects(damage, upcastDamage);
+          Helpers.mergeDamageObjects(crit, upcastCrit);
+        }
+      }
+      sendButtons(damage, crit, msg);
+    }
+    // The input... it must be handled
+    const handleInput = (msg) => {
+      const msgIsGM = playerIsGM(msg.playerid);
+      if (msg.type === 'api' && msgIsGM && /^!autobut(ton)?s?\b/i.test(msg.content)) {
+        const cmdLine = (msg.content.match(/^![^\s]+\s+(.+)/i) || [])[1],
+            commands = cmdLine ? cmdLine.split(/\s*--\s*/g) : [];
+        commands.shift();
+        debug.log(commands);
+        if (commands.length) CLI.assess(commands);
+      }
+      else if (msg.rolltemplate && Config.getSetting('templates/names').includes(msg.rolltemplate)) {
+        const ignoreAPI = Config.getSetting('ignoreAPI');
+        if (ignoreAPI && /^api$/i.test(msg.playerid)) return;
+        handleDamageRoll(msg);
+      }
+      else if (msg.type === beaconRollDiscriminator && Config.getSetting('beacon')) {
+        const sheet = Config.getSetting('sheet');
+        const damageTotal = scanBeaconRollOutput(sheet, msg.content);
+        if (damageTotal > 0)
+          sendBeaconDamage(damageTotal, msg);
+      }
+    }
+    const sendBeaconDamage = (baseDamage, msg) => {
+      sendButtons({ dmg1: baseDamage, total: baseDamage }, { crit1: baseDamage, total: baseDamage }, msg, true)
+    }
+    const scanBeaconRollOutput = (sheet, msgContent) => {
+      const beaconSheet = preset[sheet]?.beaconSheet;
+      if (beaconSheet) {
+        const templateName = msgContent.match(beaconSheet.templates.nameGroupRegex)?.[1] ?? '';
+        if (beaconSheet.templates.nameTriggerRegex.test(templateName)) {
+          const header = msgContent.match(beaconSheet.templates.damageGroupRegex)?.[1] ?? '';
+          if (beaconSheet.templates.damageTriggerRegex.test(header)) {
+            const damageResult = msgContent.match(beaconSheet.templates.damageResultGroupRegex)?.[1] ?? '';
+            return damageResult
+                ? parseInt(damageResult)
+                : null;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Make script do stuff
+    checkInstall();
+    on('chat:message', handleInput);
+  }
+  /**
+   */
+      // Experimental Beacon support
+  const dndDamageTypes = ['custom', 'Acid', 'Bludgeoning', 'Cold', 'Fire', 'Force', 'Lightning', 'Necrotic', 'Piercing', 'Poison', 'Psychic', 'Radiant', 'Slashing', 'Thunder'];
+  const beaconPreset = {
+    dnd5e_2024: {
+      sheet: ['dnd5e_2024'],
+      templates: {
+        nameGroupRegex: /^<rolltemplate\sclass="([\w-]+)/,
+        nameTriggerRegex: /^dnd-2024/,
+        damageGroupRegex: /class="header__subtitle">([^<]+)/,
+        damageTriggerRegex: new RegExp(dndDamageTypes.reduce((output, type, index) => {
+          return`${output}${index === 0
+              ? `\(${type}|`
+              : index === dndDamageTypes.length - 1
+                  ? `${type}\)`
+                  : `${type}|`}`;
+        }, ''), 'i'),
+        damageResultGroupRegex: /data-result="(\d+)/,
+        damageFields: ['damage'],
+        critFields: ['crit'],
+        upcastDamage: [],
+        upcastCrit: [],
+      },
+      defaultButtons: ['damage', 'damageHalf', 'healingFull'],
+    }
+  };
+  const preset = {
+    dnd5e_r20: {
+      sheet: ['dnd5e_r20'],
+      beaconSheet: beaconPreset.dnd5e_2024,
+      templates: {
+        names: ['atkdmg', 'dmg', 'npcfullatk', 'npcdmg'],
+        damageProperties: {
+          damageFields: ['dmg1', 'dmg2', 'globaldamage'],
+          critFields: ['crit1', 'crit2', 'globaldamagecrit'],
+          upcastDamage: ['hldmg'],
+          upcastCrit: ['hldmgcrit'],
+        },
+      },
+      defaultButtons: ['crit', 'critHalf', 'damage', 'damageHalf', 'healingFull'],
+    },
+    custom: {
+      sheet: [],
+      templates: {
+        names: [],
+        damageProperties: {
+          damageFields: [],
+          critFields: [],
+        },
+      },
+      defaultButtons: []
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   */
+  const styles = {
+    error: `color: red; font-weight: bold;`,
+    outer: `position: relative; vertical-align: middle; font-family: pictos; display: block; background: #f4e6b6; border: 1px solid black; height: auto; line-height: 34px; text-align: center; border-radius: 2px;`,
+    rollName: `font-family: arial; font-size: 0.9em; color: black; font-style:italic; font-weight: bold; position:relative; overflow: hidden; display: block; line-height: 1.2em; margin: 1px 0px 0px 0px; white-space: nowrap; text-align: left; left: 2px;`,
+    buttonContainer: `display: flex; align-items: center; gap: 2px;`,
+    button: `display: inline-block; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; line-height: 2em; margin: auto 0.2em 0.2em 0.2em; height: 2em; width: 2em; border: #8c6700 1px solid;	box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px #805200; border-radius: 5px; background-color: whitesmoke; position: relative;`,
+    buttonShared: `background-color: transparent; border: none;	border-radius: 5px; padding: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden;	white-space: nowrap; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; text-decoration: none; font-size: 2em; `,
+    crit: `color: darkred; font-size: 2.2em; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px black; top: -0.05em;`,
+    crit2: `color: #ff4040; font-size: 1.3em; top: -0.05em;`,
+    full: `color: darkred; font-size: 2.0em;  text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px black; top: -0.05em;`,
+    half: `color: black; font-family: pictos three; font-size: 2.1em; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px black;`,
+    halfSmall: `color: black; font-family: pictos three; font-size: 1.5em; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;`,
+    half2: `color: whitesmoke; font-family: cursive; font-size: 0.55em; `,
+    critHalf: `color: #d51d1d; font-family: pictos three; font-size: 2.2em;  text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px black;`,
+    healFull: `color: green; font-size: 2.0em;  text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px black; top: -0.05em;`,
+    damageLabel: `font-family: cursive; font-size: 1.0em; font-weight: bolder; color: #f2c8c8; `,
+    healLabel: `color: #cdf7d1; font-family:cursive; font-size:1.2em; font-weight:bold; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; top: -0.05em;`,
+    resist: ` font-family: pictos three; font-size: 2.0em;  text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px black; color: #003f82;`,
+    resistSmall: ` font-family: pictos three; font-size: 1.5em;  color: #003f82; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px black;`,
+    resistLabel: `font-family: cursive; font-size: 0.55em; `,
+    imageIcon: `width: 100%;`, //background-color: transparent;	border: none;	border-radius: 5px; padding: 0px;
+    imageIcons: {
+      damage: ``,
+      damageHalf: ``,
+      crit: ``,
+      critHalf: ``,
+      healingFull: ``,
+      damagePrimary: ``,
+      damageSecondary: ``,
+      critPrimary: ``,
+      critSecondary: ``,
+      'resist%': ``,
+      'resistN': ``,
+      'resistCrit%': ``,
+      'resistCritN': ``,
+      'resistPrimary%': ``,
+      'resistPrimaryN': ``,
+      'resistSecondary%': ``,
+      'resistSecondaryN': ``,
+      'resistPrimaryCrit%': ``,
+      'resistPrimaryCritN': ``,
+      'resistSecondaryCrit%': ``,
+      'resistSecondaryCritN': ``,
+    },
+    darkMode: {
+      rollName: `color: white;`,
+      outer: `background: #31302c;`,
+      buttonContainer: `background-color: #7b7565; border-color: #aea190; box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #aea190;`,
+    },
+    list: {
+      container: `font-size: 1rem; background: #41415c; border: 5px solid #1c7b74; border-radius: 3px; color: white; vertical-align: middle;`,
+      header: `text-align: center; font-weight: bold; padding: 6px 0px 6px 0px; border-bottom: solid 1px darkgray; line-height: 1.5em;`,
+      body: `padding: 8px 1em 8px 1em;`,
+      row: `vertical-align: middle; margin: 0.2em auto 0.2em auto; font-size: 1.2em; line-height: 1.4em;`,
+      name: `display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle;	width: 60%; margin-left: 5%; overflow-x: hidden;`,
+      faded: `opacity: 0.4;`,
+      buttonContainer: `	display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: 10%; text-align: center; line-height: 1.2em; text-decoration: none;`,
+      controls: {
+        common: `position: relative; font-family: pictos; display: inline-block; background-color: darkgray; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; border: 1px solid #c2c2c2; border-radius: 3px; width: 1.1em; height: 1.1em; line-height: 1.1em; font-size: 1.2em;`,
+        show: `color: #03650b;`,
+        hide: `color: #2a2a2a;`,
+        disabled: `color: gray; cursor: pointer;`,
+        delete: `color: darkred;`,
+        create: `display: inline-block; background-color: darkgray; padding: 0px; margin: 1em 0; border: 1px solid #c2c2c2; border-radius: 3px;	color: #066a66; padding: 2px 5px 2px 5px; font-size: 1.1em; line-height: 1.2em;`,
+        no: `position: absolute; left: 0.4em; font-weight: bold; font-family: arial;`
+      },
+      footer: `text-align: center; font-weight: bold; padding: 6px 0px 6px 0px; border-top: solid 1px darkgray; line-height: 1.5em;`,
+    },
+    table: {
+      outer: `font-size: 1rem; overflow-x: auto; width: 100%;`,
+      table: `margin: 1em auto; width: 95%; justify-content: center; border: 1px solid #7fb07f;`,
+      headerRow: ``,
+      row: `background-color: #5e5e63; margin: 0.5em;`,
+      headerCell: `text-align: center; font-size: 1.2em; padding: 0.6em; border-bottom: 1px solid #7fb07f;`,
+      cell: `padding: 0.2em 0.3em; line-height: 1em; margin: 1px 0px;`,
+      rowBorders: `border-top: 1px solid #7fb07f;`,
+      footer: `margin: 0 auto 1.1em auto;`,
+      settingName: `border: 1px solid whitesmoke; padding: 0.4em 0; border-radius: 0.5em; cursor: help; margin: 1px auto;`,
+      button: `display: inline-block; background-color: darkgray; border: 1px solid #cae1df; box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px #bcdbd8; border-radius: 3px; color: #045754; padding: 0.3em 0.5em; margin: 0.2em 0!important; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.1em;`,
+    },
+    components: {
+      labelWithDelete: function (label, commandString) {
+        const styleOuter = `border: 1px solid whitesmoke; padding: 0.2rem 0rem; border-radius: 0.5rem; width: max-content; margin: 2px auto; display: inline-block; line-height: 1.2rem; white-space: nowrap;`,
+            styleDelete = `font-family: pictos; color: darkred;	background-color: gray; height: 1rem; line-height: 1.2rem; width: 1.2rem; text-align: center; margin: 0 1rem; border: 1px solid #aaa8a8; border-radius: 0.5rem;`,
+            styleLabel = `display: inline-block; overflow-x: clip; margin-left: 0.5rem;`
+        return `<div class="label-delete" style="${styleOuter}"><div style="${styleLabel}">${label}</div><a href="${commandString}" class="delete-button" style="${styleDelete}" title="Delete">&ast;</a></div>`
+      },
+      confirmApiCommand: function (confirmAction) {
+        return `!autobut?{Are you sure you wish to ${confirmAction}|Yes,&nbsp;|No,fffff}`;
+      },
+    },
+    report: ``,
+    // BUMP setting CSS - if Roll20 dick with the chatbar CSS this will need to be updated
+    mods: {
+      bump: `left: -5px; top: -30px; margin-bottom: -34px; padding-bottom: 1px;`
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   */
+  const _defaultButtons = {
+    crit: {
+      name: `crit`,
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20'],
+      tooltip: `Crit (%)`,
+      style: styles.crit,
+      style2: styles.crit2,
+      // style2: styles.critBackground,
+      math: (damage, crit) => -( +,
+      content: 'k',
+      content2: 'k'
+    },
+    critHalf: {
+      name: `critHalf`,
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20'],
+      tooltip: `Half Crit (%)`,
+      style: styles.critHalf,
+      style2: styles.halfSmall,
+      style3: styles.half2,
+      math: (damage, crit) => -(Math.floor(0.5 * ( +,
+      content: 'b',
+      content2: 'b',
+      content3: '1/2',
+    },
+    damage: {
+      name: `damage`,
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20', 'dnd5e_2024'],
+      tooltip: `Full (%)`,
+      style: styles.full,
+      math: (damage) => -(,
+      content: 'k',
+    },
+    damageHalf: {
+      name: `damageHalf`,
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20', 'dnd5e_2024'],
+      tooltip: `Half (%)`,
+      style: styles.half,
+      style2: styles.half2,
+      math: (damage) => -(Math.floor(0.5 *,
+      content: 'b',
+      content2: '1/2',
+    },
+    healingFull: {
+      name: `healingFull`,
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20', 'dnd5e_2024'],
+      tooltip: `Heal (%)`,
+      style: styles.healFull,
+      style2: styles.healLabel,
+      math: (damage) => (,
+      content: 'k',
+      content2: '+',
+    },
+    // Buttons added in 0.6.x
+    damagePrimary: {
+      name: `damagePrimary`,
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20', 'dnd5e_2024'],
+      tooltip: `Damage 1 (%)`,
+      style: styles.full,
+      style2: styles.damageLabel,
+      math: (damage) => -(damage.dmg1 + (damage.hldmg || 0) + damage.globaldamage),
+      content: 'k',
+      content2: '1',
+    },
+    damageSecondary: {
+      name: `damageSecondary`,
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20', 'dnd5e_2024'],
+      tooltip: `Damage 2 (%)`,
+      style: styles.full,
+      style2: styles.damageLabel,
+      math: (damage) => -(damage.dmg2),
+      content: 'k',
+      content2: '2',
+    },
+    critPrimary: {
+      name: `critPrimary`,
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20'],
+      tooltip: `Crit 1 (%)`,
+      style: styles.crit,
+      style2: styles.crit2,
+      style3: styles.damageLabel,
+      math: (damage, crit) => -(damage.dmg1 + crit.crit1 + (damage.hldmg || 0) + (crit.hldmgcrit || 0) + damage.globaldamage + crit.globaldamagecrit),
+      content: 'k',
+      content2: 'k',
+      content3: '1',
+    },
+    critSecondary: {
+      name: `critSecondary`,
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20'],
+      tooltip: `Crit 2 (%)`,
+      style: styles.crit,
+      style2: styles.crit2,
+      style3: styles.damageLabel,
+      math: (damage, crit) => -(damage.dmg2 + crit.crit2),
+      content: 'k',
+      content2: 'k',
+      content3: '2',
+    },
+    'resist%': {
+      name: 'resist%',
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20', 'dnd5e_2024'],
+      tooltip: `Damage Resist &percnt; (%)`,
+      style: styles.resist,
+      style2: styles.resistLabel,
+      math: (damage) => -(,
+      query: `*|Damage multiplier (??? &ast; %%MODIFIER%% damage)|0`,
+      content: 'b',
+      content2: '&percnt;',
+    },
+    'resistN': {
+      name: 'resistN',
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20', 'dnd5e_2024'],
+      tooltip: `Damage Resist Flat (%)`,
+      style: styles.resist,
+      style2: styles.resistLabel,
+      math: (damage) => -(,
+      query: `-|Damage resist (%%MODIFIER%% - ??? damage)|0`,
+      content: 'b',
+      content2: 'n',
+    },
+    'resistCrit%': {
+      name: 'resistCrit%',
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20'],
+      tooltip: `Crit Resist &percnt; (%)`,
+      style: styles.critHalf,
+      style2: styles.resistSmall,
+      style3: styles.resistLabel,
+      math: (damage, crit) => -( +,
+      query: `*|Damage multiplier (??? * %%MODIFIER%% damage)|0`,
+      content: 'b',
+      content2: 'b',
+      content3: '&percnt;',
+    },
+    'resistCritN': {
+      name: 'resistCritN',
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20'],
+      tooltip: `Crit Resist Flat (%)`,
+      style: styles.critHalf,
+      style2: styles.resistSmall,
+      style3: styles.resistLabel,
+      math: (damage, crit) => -( +,
+      query: `-|Damage resist (%%MODIFIER%% - ??? damage)|0`,
+      content: 'b',
+      content2: 'b',
+      content3: 'n',
+    },
+    'resistPrimary%': {
+      name: 'resistPrimary%',
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20', 'dnd5e_2024'],
+      tooltip: `Damage Resist 1 &percnt; (%)`,
+      style: styles.resist,
+      style2: styles.resistLabel,
+      math: (damage) => -(damage.dmg1 + (damage.hldmg || 0) + damage.globaldamage),
+      query: `*|Damage multiplier (??? * %%MODIFIER%% damage)|0`,
+      content: 'b',
+      content2: '1&percnt;',
+    },
+    'resistPrimaryN': {
+      name: 'resistPrimaryN',
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20', 'dnd5e_2024'],
+      tooltip: `Damage Resist 1 Flat (%)`,
+      style: styles.resist,
+      style2: styles.resistLabel,
+      math: (damage) => -(damage.dmg1 + (damage.hldmg || 0) + damage.globaldamage),
+      query: `-|Damage resist (%%MODIFIER%% - ??? damage)|0`,
+      content: 'b',
+      content2: '1n',
+    },
+    'resistSecondary%': {
+      name: 'resistSecondary%',
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20', 'dnd5e_2024'],
+      tooltip: `Damage Resist 2 &percnt; (%)`,
+      style: styles.resist,
+      style2: styles.resistLabel,
+      math: (damage) => -(damage.dmg2),
+      query: `*|Damage multiplier (??? * %%MODIFIER%% damage)|0`,
+      content: 'b',
+      content2: '&percnt;2',
+    },
+    'resistSecondaryN': {
+      name: 'resistSecondaryN',
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20', 'dnd5e_2024'],
+      tooltip: `Damage Resist 2 Flat (%)`,
+      style: styles.resist,
+      style2: styles.resistLabel,
+      math: (damage) => -(damage.dmg2),
+      query: `-|Damage resist (%%MODIFIER%% - ??? damage)|0`,
+      content: 'b',
+      content2: 'n2',
+    },
+    'resistPrimaryCrit%': {
+      name: 'resistPrimaryCrit%',
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20', 'dnd5e_2024'],
+      tooltip: `Crit Resist 1 &percnt; (%)`,
+      style: styles.critHalf,
+      style2: styles.resistSmall,
+      style3: styles.resistLabel,
+      math: (damage, crit) => -(damage.dmg1 + crit.crit1 + (damage.hldmg || 0) + (crit.hldmgcrit || 0) + damage.globaldamage + crit.globaldamagecrit),
+      query: `*|Damage multiplier (??? * %%MODIFIER%% damage)|0`,
+      content: 'b',
+      content2: 'b',
+      content3: '1&percnt;',
+    },
+    'resistPrimaryCritN': {
+      name: 'resistPrimaryCritN',
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20', 'dnd5e_2024'],
+      tooltip: `Crit Resist 1 Flat (%)`,
+      style: styles.critHalf,
+      style2: styles.resistSmall,
+      style3: styles.resistLabel,
+      math: (damage, crit) => -(damage.dmg1 + crit.crit1 + (damage.hldmg || 0) + (crit.hldmgcrit || 0) + damage.globaldamage + crit.globaldamagecrit),
+      query: `-|Damage resist (%%MODIFIER%% - ??? damage)|0`,
+      content: 'b',
+      content2: 'b',
+      content3: '1n',
+    },
+    'resistSecondaryCrit%': {
+      name: 'resistSecondaryCrit%',
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20', 'dnd5e_2024'],
+      tooltip: `Crit Resist 2 &percnt; (%)`,
+      style: styles.critHalf,
+      style2: styles.resistSmall,
+      style3: styles.resistLabel,
+      math: (damage, crit) => -(damage.dmg2 + crit.crit2),
+      query: `*|Damage multiplier (??? * %%MODIFIER%% damage)|0`,
+      content: 'b',
+      content2: 'b',
+      content3: '&percnt;2',
+    },
+    'resistSecondaryCritN': {
+      name: 'resistSecondaryCritN',
+      sheets: ['dnd5e_r20', 'dnd5e_2024'],
+      tooltip: `Crit Resist 2 Flat (%)`,
+      style: styles.critHalf,
+      style2: styles.resistSmall,
+      style3: styles.resistLabel,
+      math: (damage, crit) => -(damage.dmg2 + crit.crit2),
+      query: `-|Damage resist (%%MODIFIER%% - ??? damage)|0`,
+      content: 'b',
+      content2: 'b',
+      content3: 'n2',
+    },
+  };
+  // Global regex
+  const rx = { on: /\b(1|true|on)\b/i, off: /\b(0|false|off)\b/i };
+  /**
+   */
+  class Helpers {
+    // Process roll object according to rolltemplate fields
+    static processFields(fieldArray, msg) {
+      let output = {}
+      const rolls = msg.inlinerolls;
+ = fieldArray.reduce((m, v) => {
+        const rxIndex = new RegExp(`{${v}=\\$\\[\\[\\d+`, 'g'),
+            indexResult = msg.content.match(rxIndex);
+        if (indexResult) {
+          const index = indexResult.pop().match(/\d+$/)[0],
+              total = isNaN(rolls[index] ? 0 : rolls[index];
+          output[v] = total;
+          return m + total;
+        } else { // if roll template property's inline roll is not found, return 0 to prevent errors down the line
+          output[v] = 0;
+        }
+        return m;
+      }, 0);
+      return output;
+    }
+    // Simple name finder, provided rolltemplate has some kind of 'name' property
+    static findName(msgContent) {
+      const rxRname = /{rname=(.+?)}}/i;
+      const rxName = /{name=(.+?)}}/i;
+      let name = msgContent.match(rxRname) || msgContent.match(rxName);
+      return name ? name[1] : 'Apply:';
+    }
+    static findBeaconName(msgContent) {
+      const name = msgContent.match(/class="header__title">([^<]+)/)?.[1];
+      return name ?? 'Apply:';
+    }
+    static findBeaconDamageType(msgContent, beaconSheetName) {
+      return msgContent.match(beaconPreset[beaconSheetName]?.templates?.damageGroupRegex)?.[1] ?? '';
+    }
+    // sendChat shortcut
+    static toChat(msg, whisper = true) {
+      let prefix = whisper ? `/w gm ` : '';
+      sendChat(scriptName, `${prefix}${msg}`, { noarchive: true });
+    }
+    static toArray(inp) {
+      return Array.isArray(inp) ? inp : [inp];
+    }
+    static emproper(inpString) {
+      let words = inpString.split(/\s+/g);
+      return => `${w[0].toUpperCase()}${w.slice(1)}`).join(` `);
+    }
+    // Split {{handlebars=moustache}} notation to key:value
+    static splitHandlebars(inputString) {
+      let output = {},
+          kvArray = inputString.match(/{{[^}]+}}/g) || [];
+      kvArray.forEach(kv => {
+        kv = kv.replace(/({{|}})/g, '');
+        const key = kv.match(/^[^=]+/),
+            value = (kv.match(/=(.+)/) || [])[1] || ``;
+        if (key) output[key] = value;
+      });
+      return Object.keys(output).length ? output : null;
+    }
+    // Camelise a name if user tries to use whitespace
+    static camelise(inp, options = { enforceCase: false }) {
+      if (typeof (inp) !== 'string') return null;
+      const words = inp.split(/[\s_]+/g);
+      return, i) => {
+        const wPre = i > 0 ? w[0].toUpperCase() : w[0].toLowerCase();
+        const wSuf = options.enforceCase ? w.slice(1).toLowerCase() : w.slice(1);
+        return `${wPre}${wSuf}`;
+      }).join('');
+    }
+    /**
+     * Grab a dark mode CSS append string if it exists and dark mode is enabled
+     * @param {string} styleName - keyname of style
+     * @param {boolean} darkModeEnabled - boolean dark mode setting
+     * @param {object} stylesPath - parent object of target key/value pair
+     * @returns {string} - CSS style string
+     */
+    static appendDarkMode(styleName, darkModeEnabled, stylesPath = styles) {
+      return (!darkModeEnabled || !stylesPath || !stylesPath.darkMode || !stylesPath.darkMode[styleName]) ? `` : stylesPath.darkMode[styleName];
+    }
+    static appendBaseSize(fontSize) {
+      const validated = this.clamp(parseFloat(fontSize ?? ''), 0.5, 3.0);
+      return validated > 0
+          ? `font-size: ${validated}rem; line-height: ${validated}rem; `
+          : 'font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1rem; ';
+    }
+    static clamp(value, min, max) {
+      if ([value, min, max].some(v => isNaN(v)))
+        return null;
+      return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, value));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Check if an object is a basic JS object
+     * @param {any} input
+     * @returns {boolean}
+     */
+    static isObj(input) {
+      return (typeof (input) === 'object' && (!input.constructor || ! || === 'Object'));
+    }
+    static copyObj(inputObj) {
+      return (typeof inputObj !== 'object') ? null : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(inputObj));
+    }
+    static getObjectPath(pathString, baseObject, createPath, deleteTarget) {
+      const parts = pathString.split(/\/+/g);
+      const objRef = parts.reduce((m, v, i) => {
+        if (m == null) return;
+        if (m[v] == null) {
+          if (createPath) m[v] = {};
+          else return null;
+        }
+        if (deleteTarget && (i === parts.length - 1)) delete m[v];
+        else return m[v];
+      }, baseObject)
+      return objRef;
+    }
+    // If value exists in array, it will be removed, otherwise it will be added. No validation done.
+    static modifyArray(targetArray, newValue) {
+      if (!Array.isArray(targetArray || newValue == null)) return { err: `modifyArray error, bad parameters` };
+      if (targetArray.includes(newValue)) {
+        Helpers.filterAndMutate(targetArray, (v) => v === newValue);
+        return { msg: `Removed ${newValue} from array.` }
+      } else {
+        targetArray = targetArray.push(newValue);
+        return { msg: `Added ${newValue} to array.` }
+      }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Filter an array by reference
+     * @param {array.<string>} inputArray
+     * @param {function} predicate
+     * @return {boolean} success/failure
+     */
+    static filterAndMutate(inputArray, predicate) {
+      if (typeof (predicate) !== 'function' || !Array.isArray(inputArray)) {
+        debug.error(`filterAndMutate requires an array and a predicate function.`);
+        return false;
+      }
+      for (let i = inputArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+        if (predicate(inputArray[i])) inputArray.splice(i, 1);
+      }
+      return true;
+    }
+    static copyOldButtonStore() {
+      let names = [];
+      state[scriptName].store = state[scriptName].store || {};
+      state[scriptName].store.customButtons = Helpers.copyObj(state[scriptName].customButtons) || {}; // copy old store to new store
+      for (const button in state[scriptName].store.customButtons) {
+        state[scriptName].store.customButtons[button].name = state[scriptName].store.customButtons[button].name || button;
+        state[scriptName].store.customButtons[button].mathString = state[scriptName].store.customButtons[button].mathString || state[scriptName].store.customButtons[button].math;
+        names.push(state[scriptName].store.customButtons[button].name);
+      }
+      if (names.length) new ChatDialog({ title: 'Buttons copied to new version', content: names });
+    }
+    /**
+     * Recalculate the total key in a damage object
+     * @param {object} damageObject
+     */
+    static recalculateDamageTotal(damageObject) {
+ = 0;
+      for (const key in damageObject) += key === 'total' ? 0 : damageObject[key];
+    }
+    /**
+     * Merge two damage objects together and recalculate total
+     * @param {object} baseObject
+     * @param {object} addObject
+     */
+    static mergeDamageObjects(baseObject, addObject) {
+      Object.assign(baseObject, addObject);
+      Helpers.recalculateDamageTotal(baseObject);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   */
+  class Helpers5e {
+    // Spell detection
+    static is5eAttackSpell(msgContent) {
+      const rxSpell = /{spelllevel=(cantrip|\d+)/;
+      return rxSpell.test(msgContent) ? 1 : 0;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Find a repeating_npcaction attack from the roll template content. Optionally supply the attack name.
+     * @param {Object} msg - r20 message object
+     * @param {string} [attackName] - name of the attack
+     * @returns {?string} - content of @{rollbase} in the target attack
+     */
+    static findNpcAttack = (msg, attackName) => {
+      if (!msg.rolltemplate || !/^npc/.test(msg.rolltemplate)) return;
+      const rx = {
+        attackName: /rname=(.+?)}}/,
+        characterName: /{{name=(.+?)}}/,
+        attackNameAttribute: /^repeating_npcaction_(-[0-z-]{19})_name/i,
+      };
+      attackName = attackName || (msg.content.match(rx.attackName) || [])[1];
+      const characterName = (msg.content.match(rx.characterName) || [])[1],
+          char = findObjs({ type: 'character', name: characterName })[0];
+      if (!char || !attackName) return null;
+      const attackRowId = findObjs({ type: 'attribute', characterid: }).reduce((out, attribute) => {
+        if (attribute.get('current') === attackName) {
+          const rowMatch = attribute.get('name').match(rx.attackNameAttribute);
+          if (rowMatch) return rowMatch[1];
+        }
+        return out;
+      }, ``);
+      return attackRowId ? `&commat;&lcub;${characterName}|repeating_npcaction_${attackRowId}_rollbase&rcub;` : null;
+      // const targetRollAttribute = findObjs({ type: 'attribute', characterid:, name: `repeating_npcaction_${attackRowId}_rollbase` })[0];
+      // if (targetRollAttribute) return targetRollAttribute.get('current');
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * MATH-OPS - Transform autoButtons math strings and damage objects for MathOps API
+   */
+  class MathOpsTransformer {
+    constructor() {
+      throw new Error(`${} cannot be instantiated.`);
+    }
+    static rxKeyDigitReplacer = /(damage||crit)\.(\w+)/g;
+    static replacers = {
+      0: 'Zero',
+      1: 'One',
+      2: 'Two',
+      3: 'Three',
+      4: 'Four',
+      5: 'Five',
+      6: 'Six',
+      7: 'Seven',
+      8: 'Eight',
+      9: 'Nine',
+    };
+    static prefixJoin = 'X';
+    /**
+     * Replace all digits in a string with alpha characters
+     * @param {string} inputString
+     * @returns {string}
+     */
+    static digitReplacer(inputString) {
+      if (!/\d/.test(inputString)) return inputString;
+      let modifiedString = inputString;
+      for (const digit in this.replacers) {
+        const rxReplacer = new RegExp(digit, 'g');
+        modifiedString = modifiedString.replace(rxReplacer, this.replacers[digit]);
+      }
+      return modifiedString;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Transform the keynames in the damage object to make them MathOps-friendly
+     * @param {object} damageObject - autoButtons damage object with damage values
+     * @param {string} prefix - prefix string, damage or crit
+     * @returns {object} - autoButtons damage object with numerals replaced with alpha character in key names
+     */
+    static transformDamageObject(damageObject, prefix) {
+      return Object.entries(damageObject).reduce((output, [key, value]) => {
+        const newKey = `${prefix}${this.prefixJoin}${this.digitReplacer(key)}`;
+        output[newKey] = value;
+        return output;
+      }, {});
+    }
+    /**
+     * Transform a math string for MathOps - same transform as the damage objects
+     * @param {string} mathString - autoButtons math string
+     * @returns {string} - math string with key references transformed to remove digits
+     */
+    static transformMathString(mathString) {
+      const doTransform = (match, prefix, keyName) => {
+        return `${prefix}${this.prefixJoin}${this.digitReplacer(keyName)}`;
+      }
+      const transform = mathString.replace(this.rxKeyDigitReplacer, doTransform);
+      return /^\s*[+-]/.test(transform)
+          ? `0${transform}`
+          : transform;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Transform the damage and crit objects for use with MathOps
+     * @param {object} damageObject - autoButtons damage object with damage values
+     * @param {object} critObject - autoButtons crit object with damage values
+     * @returns {object} - flattened object with all numerals in keynames replaced with alpha characters, prefixed with parent object name
+     */
+    static transformMathOpsPayload(damageObject, critObject = {}) {
+      return {
+        ...this.transformDamageObject(damageObject, 'damage'),
+        ...this.transformDamageObject(critObject, 'crit'),
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   */
+  const defaultCliOptions = [
+    {
+      name: 'bump',
+      rx: /^bump/i,
+      description: `Bump the button UI up to the top of the chat message`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        return this.config.changeSetting('bump', args, { createPath: true, force: 'boolean' })
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'targetTokens',
+      rx: /^targett/i,
+      description: `Use target instead of select for applying damage to tokens`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        const result = this.config.changeSetting('targetTokens', args, { createPath: true, force: 'boolean' });
+        if (this.config.getSetting('targetTokens') && result.success && result.msg) result.msg.push(`*Important*: Players cannot use targeting unless TokenMod is set to allow players to use token ids.`);
+        return result;
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'reset',
+      rx: /^reset/i,
+      description: `Reset configuration from preset`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function () {
+        if (this.config.getSetting('sheet')) {
+          this.config.loadPreset();
+          return { success: 1, msg: `Config reset from preset: "${this.config.getSetting('sheet')}"` };
+        } else return { err: `No preset found!` };
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'bar',
+      rx: /^(hp)?bar/i,
+      description: `Select which token bar represents hit points`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        const newVal = parseInt(`${args}`.replace(/\D/g, ''));
+        if (newVal > 0 && newVal < 4) {
+          return this.config.changeSetting('hpBar', newVal);
+        } else return { err: `token bar value must be 1, 2 or 3` }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'loadPreset',
+      rx: /^loadpre/i,
+      description: `Select a preset for a Game System`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController', buttons: 'ButtonManager' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        const newVal = args.trim();
+        if (Object.keys(preset).includes(newVal)) {
+          const newSheet = this.config.changeSetting('sheet', newVal);
+          if (newSheet.msg) {
+            this.config.loadPreset();
+            this.buttons.verifyButtons();
+            return { success: 1, msg: `Preset changed: ${newVal}` };
+          } else return { err: `Error changing preset to "${newVal}"` };
+        } else return { err: `Couldn't find sheet/preset: ${args}` }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'listTemplates',
+      rx: /^(list)?templ/i,
+      description: `List roll templates the script is listening for`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function () {
+        const templates = this.config.getSetting(`templates/names`),
+            confirm = styles.components.confirmApiCommand(`delete this template name?`),
+            templateText = Helpers.toArray(templates).map(v => [
+              styles.components.labelWithDelete(v, `${confirm}autobut --deleteTemplate ${v}`)
+            ]),
+            footerContent = `<a href="!autobut --addTemplate ?{Roll template name}" style="${styles.list.controls.create}">Add template</a>`;
+        templateText.unshift(['Template name']);
+        new ChatDialog({ content: templateText, title: `Roll Template List`, footer: footerContent }, 'table');
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'addTemplate',
+      rx: /^addtem/i,
+      description: `Add roll template name to listen list for damage rolls`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        if (!this.config.getSetting('templates/names').includes(args)) {
+          const result = this.config.changeSetting('templates/names', args);
+          if (result.success) result.msg = `Added template ${args} to listener list`;
+          return result;
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'removeTemplate',
+      rx: /^(remove|delete)tem/i,
+      description: `Remove roll template from listen list`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        if (this.config.getSetting('templates/names').includes(args)) {
+          const result = this.config.changeSetting('templates/names', args);
+          if (result.success) result.msg = `Removed template ${args} to listener list`;
+          return result;
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'listProperties',
+      rx: /^(list)?(propert|props)/i,
+      description: `List roll template properties inline rolls are grabbed from`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function () {
+        const properties = this.config.getSetting('templates/damageProperties'),
+            confirm = styles.components.confirmApiCommand(`delete this template property?`),
+            styleCategory = `font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;`
+        let templateText = [['Category', 'Properties']];
+        if (typeof properties === 'object') {
+          for (let category in properties) {
+            const propButtons = properties[category].map(prop => styles.components.labelWithDelete(prop, `${confirm}autobut --deleteprop ${category}/${prop}`));
+            templateText.push([
+              `<span style="${styleCategory}">${category}</span>`,
+              `${propButtons.join(`<br>`)}<br><a href="!autobut --addProp ${category}/?{Roll template property name}" style="${styles.list.controls.create}">Add Property</a>`
+            ]);
+          }
+        } else return { err: `Error getting damage properties from state` }
+        new ChatDialog({
+          title: 'Roll Template Properties',
+          content: templateText,
+          borders: { row: true }
+        }, 'table');
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'addProperty',
+      rx: /^addprop/i,
+      description: `Add a roll template property to the listener`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController', },
+      action: function (args) {
+        const parts = args.match(/([^/]+)\/(.+)/);
+        if (parts && parts.length === 3) {
+          if (this.config.getSetting(`templates/damageProperties/${parts[1]}`) == null) {
+            Helpers.toChat(`Created new roll template damage property category: ${parts[1]}`);
+            state[scriptName].settings.templates.damageProperties[parts[1]] = [];
+          }
+          return this.config.changeSetting(`templates/damageProperties/${parts[1]}`, parts[2]);
+        } else {
+          return { err: `Bad property path supplied, must be in the form "category/propertyName". Example: damage/dmg1` };
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'removeProperty',
+      rx: /^(remove|delete)?prop/i,
+      description: `Remove a roll template property from the listener`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController', },
+      action: function (args) {
+        const parts = args.match(/([^/]+)\/(.+)/);
+        if (parts && parts.length === 3) {
+          const currentArray = this.config.getSetting(`templates/damageProperties/${parts[1]}`);
+          if (currentArray != null) {
+            const result = this.config.changeSetting(`templates/damageProperties/${parts[1]}`, parts[2]);
+            if (result.success && !/^(damage|crit)$/i.test(parts[1])) { // Clean up category if it's now empty, and isn't a core category
+              const newArray = this.config.getSetting(`templates/damageProperties/${parts[1]}`);
+              if (newArray.length === 0) {
+                delete state[scriptName].settings.templates.damageProperties[parts[1]];
+                result.msg += `\nCategory ${parts[1]} was empty, and was removed.`;
+              }
+            }
+            return result;
+          } else return { err: `Could not find roll template property category: ${parts[1]}` }
+        } else {
+          return { err: `Bad property path supplied, must be in the form "category/propertyName". Example: damage/dmg1` }
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'listButtons',
+      rx: /^(list)?button/i,
+      description: `List available buttons`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController', buttons: 'ButtonManager' },
+      action: function () {
+        const removableButtons = this.buttons.getButtonNames({ default: false }),
+            usedButtons = this.config.getSetting('enabledButtons'),
+            unusedButtons = this.buttons.getButtonNames({ hidden: true }),
+            availableButtons = this.buttons.getButtonNames({ hidden: true, currentSheet: true }),
+            reorderedButtons = usedButtons.concat(unusedButtons);
+        const links = {
+          hide: `!autoButton --hideButton %name%`,
+          show: `!autoButton --showButton %name%`,
+          delete: `${styles.components.confirmApiCommand(`delete button %name%?`)}--deleteButton %name%`,
+          disabled: `#`
+        }
+        const labels = {
+          hide: `E<span style="${}">/</span>`,
+          show: 'E',
+          delete: 'D',
+          disabled: '!'
+        };
+        const controls = ['show', 'hide', 'delete'];
+        const listBody = => {
+          const fadeText = usedButtons.includes(button) ? '' : styles.list.faded;
+          let rowHtml = `<div class="list-row" style="${styles.list.row}"><div class="button-name" style="${}${fadeText}">${removableButtons.includes(button) ? '' : '&ast;'}%name%</div>`;
+          controls.forEach(control => {
+            const controlType = (
+                (control === 'show' && availableButtons.includes(button)) ||
+                (control === 'hide' && usedButtons.includes(button)) ||
+                (control === 'delete' && removableButtons.includes(button))) ?
+                control : 'disabled';
+            rowHtml += `<div class="control-${control}" style="${styles.list.buttonContainer}" title="${Helpers.emproper(`${control} button`)}"><a href="${links[controlType]}" style="${styles.list.controls.common}${styles.list.controls[controlType]}">${labels[control]}</a></div>`;
+          });
+          return `${rowHtml.replace(/%name%/g, button)}</div>`;
+        });
+        const headerText = `autoButton list (sheet: ${this.config.getSetting('sheet')})`,
+            bodyText = listBody.join(''),
+            footerText = `<a style="${styles.list.controls.create}" href="!autobut --createbutton {{name=?{Name?|newButton}}} {{content=?{Pictos Character?|k}}} {{tooltip=?{Tooltip?|This is a button}}} {{math=?{Math function|-(floor(;&rpar;}}}">Create New Button</a>`;
+        new ChatDialog({ header: headerText, body: bodyText, footer: footerText }, 'listButtons');
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'showButton',
+      rx: /^showbut/i,
+      description: `Add a button to the button bar`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController', buttons: 'ButtonManager' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        const newVal = args.trim();
+        const validButtons = this.buttons.getButtonNames({ hidden: true, currentSheet: true });
+        if (validButtons.includes(newVal)) {
+          return this.config.changeSetting('enabledButtons', newVal);
+        } else new ChatDialog({
+          title: 'Error',
+          content: `Unrecognised or incompatible button: "${newVal}"`
+        }, 'error');
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'hideButton',
+      rx: /^hidebut/i,
+      description: `Remove a button from the template`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController', buttons: 'ButtonManager' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        const newVal = args.trim();
+        const validButtons = this.buttons.getButtonNames({ shown: true, currentSheet: true });
+        if (validButtons.includes(newVal)) {
+          return this.config.changeSetting('enabledButtons', newVal);
+        } else new ChatDialog({
+          title: 'Error',
+          content: `Unrecognised or incompatible button: "${newVal}"`
+        }, 'error');
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'reorderButtons',
+      rx: /^(re)?order/i,
+      description: `Change order of buttons`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        if (!args) return;
+        const newIndices = args.replace(/[^\d,]/g, '').split(/,/g),
+            currentOrder = this.config.getSetting('enabledButtons');
+        let newOrder = [];
+        let valid = true;
+        newIndices.forEach(buttonIndex => {
+          const realIndex = buttonIndex - 1;
+          if (realIndex > -1 && realIndex < currentOrder.length) {
+            if (currentOrder[realIndex]) {
+              newOrder.push(currentOrder[realIndex]);
+              currentOrder[realIndex] = null;
+            }
+          } else valid = false;
+        });
+        if (!valid) return { err: `Invalid button order input: ${args}. Indices must be between 1 and total number of buttons in use.` }
+        newOrder = newOrder.concat(currentOrder.filter(v => v));
+        if (newOrder.length === currentOrder.length) return this.config.changeSetting('enabledButtons', newOrder, { overwriteArray: true });
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'createButton',
+      rx: /^createbut/i,
+      description: `Create a new button`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController', buttons: 'ButtonManager' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        const buttonData = Helpers.splitHandlebars(args);
+        if (buttonData && {
+          if (/^[^A-Za-z]/.test( return { err: `Invalid button name: must start with a letter` };
+          let buttonName = /\s/.test( ? Helpers.camelise( :;
+          if (this.buttons.getButtonNames().includes(buttonName)) return { err: `Invalid button name, already in use: "${buttonName}"` }
+          if (!buttonData.math) return { err: `Button must have an associated function, {{math=...}}` }
+          buttonData.default = false;
+          buttonData.mathString = buttonData.math;
+          const result = this.buttons.addButton(buttonData);
+          if (result.success) {
+            this.buttons.showButton(buttonName);
+            return result;
+          } else return result.err || `An error occurred creating the button.`;
+        } else return { err: `Bad input for button creation` }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'editButton',
+      rx: /^editbut/i,
+      description: `Edit an existing button`,
+      requiredServices: { buttons: 'ButtonManager' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        let buttonData = Helpers.splitHandlebars(args);
+        debug.log(buttonData);
+        if (buttonData && {
+          if (this.buttons.getButtonNames().includes( {
+            return this.buttons.editButton(buttonData);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'deleteButton',
+      rx: /^del(ete)?but/i,
+      description: `Remove a button`,
+      requiredServices: { buttons: 'ButtonManager', config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        const removeResult = this.buttons.removeButton(args.trim()),
+            buttonIsEnabled = this.config.getSetting('enabledButtons').includes(args);
+        if (removeResult.success) {
+          if (buttonIsEnabled) this.config.changeSetting('enabledButtons', args);
+          return removeResult;
+        } else return removeResult;
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'ignoreApi',
+      rx: /^ignoreapi/i,
+      description: `Ignore anything sent to chat by the API`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        return this.config.changeSetting('ignoreAPI', args)
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'overheal',
+      rx: /^overh/i,
+      description: `Allow healing to push hp above hpMax`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        return this.config.changeSetting('overheal', args)
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'overkill',
+      rx: /^overk/i,
+      description: `Allow healing to push hp above hpMax`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        return this.config.changeSetting('overkill', args)
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'gmOnly',
+      rx: /^gmo/i,
+      description: `Whisper the buttons to GM, or post publicly`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        return this.config.changeSetting('gmOnly', args)
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'imageIcons',
+      rx: /^imagei/i,
+      description: `Render default icons as images (may solve font aligntment issues on Mac / ChromeOS)`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        return this.config.changeSetting('imageIcons', args)
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: `cloneButton`,
+      rx: /^clonebut/i,
+      description: `Clone a button`,
+      requiredServices: { buttons: 'ButtonManager' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        const parts = args.trim().split(/\s+/g),
+            originalButtonName = parts[0],
+            cloneName = parts[1];
+        return this.buttons.cloneButton(originalButtonName, cloneName);
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: `renameButton`,
+      rx: /^renamebut/i,
+      description: `Rename a button (Custom buttons only)`,
+      requiredServices: { buttons: 'ButtonManager' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        const parts = args.trim().split(/\s+/g),
+            originalButtonName = parts[0],
+            newName = parts[1];
+        return this.buttons.renameButton(originalButtonName, newName);
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'darkMode',
+      rx: /^dark/i,
+      description: `Palette change for the button bar`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        return this.config.changeSetting('darkMode', args)
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'baseSize',
+      rx: /^(base)?size/i,
+      description: 'Change the base size of the buttons',
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (arg) {
+        const validated = parseFloat(`${arg}`);
+        if (!validated || validated < 0.5 || validated > 3) {
+          new ChatDialog({
+            title: 'Error',
+            content: `Please use a value between 0.5 and 3.0 for base size setting."`,
+          }, 'error');
+        }
+        else
+          return this.config.changeSetting('baseSize', validated);
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'multiattack',
+      rx: /^multiat/i,
+      description: `Attempt to link the button bar label to the source attack for easy repeat rolls`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        return this.config.changeSetting('multiattack', args)
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'allowNegatives',
+      rx: /^negative/i,
+      description: `Allow final results to be negative`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        return this.config.changeSetting('allowNegatives', args)
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'autosort',
+      rx: /^autosort/i,
+      description: `Auto sort buttons by unicode order`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        return this.config.changeSetting('autosort', args)
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'autohide',
+      rx: /^autohide/i,
+      description: `Autohide buttons with 0 reported damage`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        return this.config.changeSetting('autohide', args)
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'report',
+      rx: /^report/i,
+      description: `Change settings for reporting HP changes to chat`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        const newVal = `${args}`.replace(/\W/g, '').toLowerCase();
+        return this.config.changeSetting('report', newVal);
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'repair',
+      rx: /^repair/,
+      description: `Attempt to repair a button from the backed up math string.`,
+      requiredServices: { buttons: 'ButtonManager' },
+      action: function () {
+        for (const _button in this.buttons._buttons) {
+          const button = this.buttons._buttons[_button];
+          if (!button.default) {
+            if (!button.mathString.trim() || button.mathString.trim() === '0') {
+              if (button.mathBackup) {
+                const valid = ButtonManager.validateMathString(button.mathBackup,;
+                if (valid.success) {
+                  button.mathString = button.mathBackup;
+                  this.buttons.saveToStore();
+                  new ChatDialog({ content: `${} was restored from backup.` });
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'settings',
+      rx: /^setting/i,
+      description: `Open settings UI`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function () {
+        this.config.getSettingsMenu()
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'beacon',
+      rx: /^beacon/i,
+      description: `Toggle Beacon support`,
+      requiredServices: { config: 'ConfigController' },
+      action: function (args) {
+        return this.config.changeSetting('beacon', args);
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'help',
+      rx: /^(\?$|h$|help)/i,
+      description: `Display script help`,
+      action: function () {
+        new ChatDialog({
+          title: `Script Help`,
+          content: `Please visit the <a href="" style="color:#6bb75d!important; font-weight: bold;">autoButtons thread</a> for documentation.`
+        })
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      name: 'uninstall',
+      rx: /^uninstall$/i,
+      description: `Remove all script settings from API state`,
+      action: function (args) {
+        if (/^undo/i.test(args)) {
+          state[scriptName] = Helpers.copyObj(undoUninstall);
+          new ChatDialog({
+            title: 'Reverse! Reverse the reverse!',
+            content: `State settings have been restored. Let's pretend that never happend, eh?`
+          }, 'error')
+        } else if (!undoUninstall) {
+          undoUninstall = Helpers.copyObj(state[scriptName]);
+          state[scriptName] = null;
+          delete state[scriptName];
+          new ChatDialog({
+            header: `${scriptName} uninstalled!`,
+            body: `Removed all ${scriptName} data from API state. Click the 'whoopsie' button below if you didn't mean to destroy all your settings!<br>Otherwise, all settings will be *permantently* lost on sandbox restart.<br>Deleting the script now will result in a complete removal of the script and all associated data.`,
+            footer: `<a style="${styles.list.controls.create}" href="!autobut --uninstall undo">Restore!</a>`,
+          }, 'listButtons');
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  ];
+  /**
+   *
+   * Must have a valid type to be pulled into SettingsManager as a setting
+   * 'object' type can be used for nesting settings keys
+   * 'validate' is a validator for the input, not necessarily the key itself (e.g. an array might accept strings in the validator)
+   * 'name'/'description' are only used for chat menu UI
+   * 'menuAction' must be supplied. Starting with '$' will automatically convert into a button with leading API command syntax, otherwise supply actual text required
+   */
+  const defaultScriptSettings = {
+    sheet: {
+      type: 'string',
+      range: ['dnd5e_r20', 'custom'],
+      rangeLabels: ['DnD5e by Roll20', 'Custom'],
+      validate: function (v) {
+        return this.range.includes(v)
+      },
+      default: 'dnd5e_r20',
+      name: 'Character sheet',
+      description: 'Character sheet in use',
+      menuAction: `$--loadPreset`
+    },
+    enabledButtons: {
+      type: 'array',
+      validate: (v) => typeof (v) === 'string',
+      default: [],
+    },
+    gmOnly: {
+      type: 'boolean',
+      default: true,
+      name: `GM-only buttons`,
+      description: `Whether the buttons are visible to players`,
+      menuAction: `$--gmo`,
+    },
+    hpBar: {
+      type: 'integer',
+      range: [1, 2, 3],
+      validate: function (v) {
+        return this.range.includes(v)
+      },
+      default: 1,
+      name: `Token HP bar`,
+      description: `Which token bar contains hit points`,
+      menuAction: `$--bar`,
+    },
+    ignoreAPI: {
+      type: 'boolean',
+      default: true,
+      name: `Ignore API posts`,
+      description: `Ignore any automated damage rolls made by scripts`,
+      menuAction: `$--ignoreapi`,
+    },
+    overheal: {
+      type: 'boolean',
+      default: false,
+      name: `Allow overheal`,
+      description: `Allow HP to go above max`,
+      menuAction: `$--overheal`,
+    },
+    overkill: {
+      type: 'boolean',
+      default: false,
+      name: `Allow overkill`,
+      description: `Allow HP to go below 0`,
+      menuAction: `$--overkill`,
+    },
+    targetTokens: {
+      type: 'boolean',
+      default: false,
+      name: `Target tokens`,
+      description: `Use a target click to target token, instead of current selection`,
+      menuAction: `$--targettoken`,
+    },
+    bump: {
+      type: 'boolean',
+      default: true,
+      name: `Slim buttons`,
+      description: `CSS to bump the button container up in chat to save some space`,
+      menuAction: `$--bump`,
+    },
+    imageIcons: {
+      type: 'boolean',
+      default: true,
+      name: `Image Icons`,
+      description: `Render default icons as images (may solve font aligntment issues on Mac / ChromeOS)`,
+      menuAction: `$--imageicon`,
+    },
+    darkMode: {
+      type: 'boolean',
+      default: false,
+      name: `Dark Mode`,
+      description: `Palette change for the button bar`,
+      menuAction: `$--darkMode`,
+    },
+    baseSize: {
+      type: 'float',
+      default: 1.0,
+      name: 'Base Size',
+      description: 'Base size of button styles',
+      menuAction: '$--size',
+    },
+    multiattack: {
+      type: 'boolean',
+      default: false,
+      name: `Multiattack`,
+      description: `Attempt to link the button bar label to the source attack for easy repeat rolls. 5e only.`,
+      menuAction: `$--multiattack`,
+    },
+    allowNegatives: {
+      type: 'boolean',
+      default: false,
+      name: `Allow negatives`,
+      description: `Allow final results to be negative. This can cause healing to cause damage, or damage to heal`,
+      menuAction: `$--negatives`,
+    },
+    autosort: {
+      type: 'boolean',
+      default: false,
+      name: `Sort buttons`,
+      description: `Auto sort buttons by unicode order`,
+      menuAction: `$--autosort`,
+    },
+    autohide: {
+      type: 'boolean',
+      default: true,
+      name: `Autohide buttons`,
+      description: `Autohide buttons with 0 reported damage`,
+      menuAction: `$--autohide`,
+    },
+    beacon: {
+      type: 'boolean',
+      default: false,
+      name: 'Enable Beacon support',
+      description: 'Experimental beacon sheet support for DnD2024',
+      menuAction: `$--beacon`,
+    },
+    report: {
+      type: 'string',
+      range: ['off', 'gm', 'control', 'all'],
+      rangeLabels: ['Off', 'GM', 'Character', 'Public'],
+      validate: function (v) {
+        return this.range.find(r => r.toLowerCase() === v.toLowerCase())
+      },
+      default: 'Off',
+      name: `Report changes`,
+      description: `Report hitpoint changes to chat`,
+      menuAction: `$--report`,
+    },
+    templates: {
+      type: 'object',
+      names: {
+        type: 'array',
+        validate: (v) => typeof (v) === 'string',
+        default: [],
+        name: `Roll templates & properties`,
+        description: `Names of roll templates & properties watched by autoButtons`,
+        menuAction: `<a href="!autobut --listTemplates" style="${styles.table.button}">Templates</a><br><a href="!autobut --listProps" style="${styles.table.button}">Properties</a>`,
+      },
+      damageProperties: {
+        type: 'object',
+        damageFields: {
+          type: 'array',
+          validate: (v) => typeof (v) === 'string',
+          default: [],
+        },
+        critFields: {
+          type: 'array',
+          validate: (v) => typeof (v) === 'string',
+          default: []
+        },
+        upcastDamage: {
+          type: 'array',
+          validate: (v) => typeof (v) === 'string',
+          default: []
+        },
+        upcastCrit: {
+          type: 'array',
+          validate: (v) => typeof (v) === 'string',
+          default: []
+        },
+        get value() {
+          const output = {};
+          for (const key in this) {
+            if (key === 'value') continue;
+            if (this[key].value) output[key] = this[key].value;
+          }
+          return output;
+        }
+      },
+    },
+  }
+  /**
+   */
+  /**
+   * Service Locator - Find a registered service from any scope in the script with ServiceLocator.getLocator().getService('serviceName')
+   */
+  class ServiceLocator {
+    static _active = null;
+    _services = {};
+    constructor(services = {}) {
+      if (ServiceLocator._active) return ServiceLocator._active;
+ = `ServiceLocator`;
+      for (let svc in services) {
+        this._services[svc] = services[svc]
+      }
+      ServiceLocator._active = this;
+    }
+    static getLocator() {
+      return ServiceLocator._active
+    }
+    register({ serviceName, serviceReference }) {
+      if (!this._services[serviceName]) this._services[serviceName] = serviceReference
+    }
+    // Find a service. If service has multiple instances, make sure to request by instance name, or only the first registered constructor name will be returned.
+    // Search by Class Constructor Name is only suitable for unique class instances
+    getService(serviceName) {
+      if (this._services[serviceName]) return { [serviceName]: this._services[serviceName] }
+      else {
+        const rxServices = new RegExp(`${serviceName}`, 'i')
+        for (let service in this._services) {
+          if (this._services[service].constructor && rxServices.test(this._services[service] return this._services[service];
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Settings Manager - Handles fetch and store of user settings to state{} object, reads and writes to user settings. Processes the defaultScriptSettings{} object on init. Access via ConfigManager
+   */
+  class SettingsManager {
+    _settingsKeys = {};
+    constructor(settingsData = {}) {
+      const processObject = (currentObject, targetPath) => {
+        for (const key in currentObject) {
+          if (!currentObject[key].type) {
+            debug.log(`Skipping ${key}, no type found`);
+            continue;
+          }
+          debug.log(`Processing ${key}...`);
+          if (currentObject[key].type === 'object' && Helpers.isObj(currentObject[key])) {
+            targetPath[key] = currentObject[key];
+            processObject(currentObject[key], targetPath[key]);
+          } else if (this._validateKey(currentObject[key], currentObject[key].default)) {
+            targetPath[key] = currentObject[key];
+            targetPath[key].value = currentObject[key].default;
+          } else debug.warn(`${}: Bad key used in constructor: ${key} default value does not match specified type`, currentObject[key]);
+        }
+      }
+      processObject(settingsData, this._settingsKeys);
+      debug.log(this._settingsKeys);
+    }
+    get settingsKeys() {
+      return this._settingsKeys
+    }
+    // Validate a settings key and the stored value
+    _validateKey(settingsKey, settingsValue) {
+      if (!settingsKey) return false;
+      // debug.log(`Validating ${settingsValue}...`);
+      const passValidation = (
+          settingsKey.type === 'array' && Array.isArray(settingsValue)
+          || ['float', 'integer', 'number'].includes(settingsKey.type) && typeof (settingsValue) === 'number'
+          || typeof (settingsValue) === settingsKey.type
+      ) ? true : false;
+      // debug.log(passValidation);
+      return passValidation;
+    }
+    // Validate an input to be stored in a settings key (e.g. may be a primitive value to be stored in an object type key)
+    // Returns undefined for failed validation, otherwise returns value ready for storage
+    _validateNewValue(settingsKey, newValue, options = { forceValidation: null }) {
+      if (!settingsKey || typeof (settingsKey) !== 'object' || !settingsKey.type || newValue === undefined) return debug.error(`${}: Bad settings key`, settingsKey);
+      // Handle keys with validators (Objects and Arrays must have a validator since they can't be passed from Roll20)
+      if (typeof (options.forceValidation) === 'function') {
+        if (options.forceValidation(newValue)) return newValue;
+        else return undefined;
+      } else if (typeof (settingsKey.validate) === 'function') {
+        if (settingsKey.validate(newValue)) return newValue;
+        else return undefined;
+      }
+      // Handle booleans
+      else if (settingsKey.type === 'boolean') {
+        if (rx.on.test(newValue)) return true;
+        else if ( return false;
+        else return undefined;
+      }
+      // Otherwise, type match
+      else if (settingsKey.type === 'integer' && parseInt(newValue) === parseInt(newValue)) return parseInt(newValue);
+      else if (settingsKey.type === 'float' && parseFloat(newValue) === parseFloat(newValue)) return parseFloat(newValue);
+      else if (settingsKey.type === typeof (newValue)) return newValue;
+      else return undefined;
+    }
+    _writeSetting(settingsKey, newValue, options = { overwriteArray: false }) {
+      const validationOptions = (options.overwriteArray) ? { forceValidation: (v) => Array.isArray(v) } : {},
+          validData = this._validateNewValue(settingsKey, newValue, validationOptions);
+      if (validData === undefined) {
+        debug.error(`${}: Settings change not applied, value failed validation`, settingsKey, newValue);
+        return { err: `${}: Settings change not applied, value failed validation` }
+      } else {
+        if (settingsKey.type === 'array') {
+          if (options.overwriteArray && Array.isArray(newValue)) {
+            settingsKey.value = newValue;
+            return { msg: `Saved new Array: [${newValue.join(', ')}]` }
+          } else return Helpers.modifyArray(settingsKey.value, newValue);
+        } else {
+          settingsKey.value = newValue;
+          return { msg: `Saved value: ${newValue}` }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    importSettingsValues(importedKeys = {}) {
+      if (typeof (importedKeys) !== 'object') return debug.error(`${}: Bad settings import, must only supply object type`);
+      const processObject = (currentObject, targetPath) => {
+        for (const key in currentObject) {
+          if (targetPath[key]) {
+            if (!targetPath[key].type) {
+              debug.log(`Skipping ${key}, no type defined`);
+              continue;
+            }
+            if (targetPath[key].type === 'object' && Helpers.isObj(currentObject[key])) {
+              processObject(currentObject[key], targetPath[key]);
+            } else if (this._validateKey(targetPath[key], currentObject[key])) {
+              targetPath[key].value = currentObject[key];
+            } else debug.warn(`${}: Key "${key}" failed validation`, currentObject[key]);
+          } else debug.warn(`${}: Key "${key}" does not exist.`, currentObject[key]);
+        }
+      }
+      processObject(importedKeys, this._settingsKeys);
+      debug.log(this._settingsKeys);
+    }
+    exportSettingsValues() {
+      const output = {};
+      const processObject = (currentObject, targetPath) => {
+        for (const key in currentObject) {
+          if (currentObject[key].type === 'object' && Helpers.isObj(currentObject[key])) {
+            targetPath[key] = {};
+            processObject(currentObject[key], targetPath[key]);
+          } else if (currentObject[key].type) {
+            targetPath[key] = currentObject[key].value;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      processObject(this._settingsKeys, output);
+      return output;
+    }
+    // Provide path relative to {Config._settings}, e.g. changeSetting('sheet', 'mySheet');
+    // booleans with no "newValue" supplied will be toggled
+    // Use options.force 'type' to force a type on the setting e.g. array or boolean
+    // Combine with options.createPath: true to create a new setting of the correct type
+    updateSetting(pathString, newValue, options = { createPath: false, overwriteArray: false, force: null }) {
+      if (typeof (pathString) !== 'string' || newValue === undefined) return { err: `Bad path string or no new value supplied.` };
+      // Can probably remove this bit now that a .value key is used
+      const keyName = (pathString.match(/[^/]+$/) || [])[0],
+          path = /.+\/.+/.test(pathString) ? pathString.match(/(.+)\/[^/]+$/)[1] : '',
+          configPath = path ? Helpers.getObjectPath(path, this._settingsKeys, options.createPath) : this._settingsKeys,
+          targetKey = configPath[keyName];
+      if (targetKey) {
+        debug.log(`changeSetting - ${keyName}`, targetKey, options, newValue);
+        if (targetKey.type === 'boolean') {
+          newValue = (newValue == null || newValue === '') ? !targetKey.value :
+              rx.on.test(newValue) ? true :
+         ? false :
+                      newValue;
+        }
+        const result = this._writeSetting(targetKey, newValue, options);
+        if (result.msg) result.msg = `Changed setting: ${pathString}<br>${result.msg}`;
+        else if (result.err) result.err = `Changed setting: ${pathString}<br>${result.err}`;
+        return result;
+      } else {
+        return { err: `Settings key not found - *${pathString}*` }
+      }
+    }
+    readSetting(pathString) {
+      if (typeof (pathString) !== 'string') return;
+      const targetKey = Helpers.getObjectPath(pathString, this._settingsKeys, false);
+      return targetKey ? targetKey.value : undefined;
+    }
+    // Export this._settingsKeys as chatbar-friendly text
+    getMenuText() {
+      const output = [];
+      const processObject = (currentObject, targetOutput) => {
+        for (const key in currentObject) {
+          if (currentObject[key].type === 'object') {
+            processObject(currentObject[key], targetOutput);
+          } else if (currentObject[key].menuAction) {
+            const name = currentObject[key].name || key,
+                hover = currentObject[key].description ? `title="${currentObject[key].description}"` : ``,
+                settingName = `<div class="setting-name" style="${styles.table.settingName}" ${hover}>${name}</div>`,
+                currentSetting = `${currentObject[key].value}`;
+            // Entry has a custom menu action
+            if (/^[^$]/.test(currentObject[key].menuAction)) {
+              targetOutput.push([settingName, currentObject[key].menuAction]);
+            }
+            // Autofill prompt for boolean or defined range
+            else {
+              const queryRange =
+                      currentObject[key].type === 'boolean' ? ['True', 'False']
+                          : currentObject[key].range ?
+                              currentObject[key].rangeLabels ? currentObject[key], i) => `${currentObject[key].rangeLabels[i] || v},${v}`)
+                                  : Helpers.toArray(currentObject[key].range)
+                              : '',
+                  queryString = queryRange ? `?{Select new value|${queryRange.join('|')}}` : `?{Enter new value}`,
+                  cliFlag = (`${currentObject[key].menuAction}`.match(/^\$(.+)/) || [])[1] || `--${key}`,
+                  commandString = `!${scriptName} ${cliFlag} ${queryString}`;
+              targetOutput.push([settingName, `<a href="${commandString}" style="${styles.table.button}">${currentSetting}</a>`]);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      processObject(this._settingsKeys, output);
+      return output;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Config Controller - Handles user settings via injected SettingsManager, and Custom Button storage via internal _store
+   */
+  class ConfigController {
+    _version = { M: 0, m: 0, p: 0 };
+    constructor(scriptName, scriptData = {}) {
+      Object.assign(this, {
+        name: scriptName || `newScript`,
+        _settings: new SettingsManager(scriptData.settings) || {},
+        _store: || {},
+      });
+      if (scriptData.version) this.version = scriptData.version;
+    }
+    get version() {
+      return `${this._version.M}.${this._version.m}.${this._version.p}`
+    }
+    set version(newVersion) {
+      if (typeof (newVersion) === 'object' && newVersion.M && newVersion.m && newVersion.p) Object.assign(this._version, newVersion);
+      else {
+        const parts = `${newVersion}`.split(/\./g);
+        if (!parts.length) debug.error(`Bad version number, not setting version.`)
+        else Object.keys(this._version).forEach((v, i) => this._version[v] = parseInt(parts[i]) || 0);
+      }
+    }
+    initialState() {
+      return {
+        version: this.version,
+        settings: this._settings.exportSettingsValues(),
+        store: this._store
+      }
+    }
+    fromStore(path) {
+      return Helpers.getObjectPath(path, this._store, false)
+    }
+    toStore(path, data) { // Supplying data=null will delete the target
+      const ref = Helpers.getObjectPath(path, this._store, true);
+      let msg;
+      if (ref) {
+        if (data) {
+          Object.assign(ref, data);
+          msg = `New data written to "${path}"`;
+        } else if (data === null) {
+          Helpers.getObjectPath(path, this._store, false, true);
+          msg = `${path} deleted from store.`;
+        } else return { success: 0, err: `Bad data supplied (type: ${typeof data})` }
+      } else return { success: 0, err: `Bad store path: "${path}"` }
+      this.saveToState();
+      return { success: 1, msg: msg }
+    }
+    fetchFromState() {
+      Object.assign(this, { _store: state[scriptName].store, });
+      this._settings.importSettingsValues(state[scriptName].settings);
+    }
+    saveToState() {
+      Object.assign(state[scriptName], {
+        settings: this._settings.exportSettingsValues(),
+        store: this._store,
+      });
+    }
+    changeSetting(pathString, newValue, options) {
+      options = typeof (options) === 'object' ? options : undefined;
+      const result = this._settings.updateSetting(pathString, newValue, options);
+      debug.log(`Setting change attempted`, result);
+      if (result.msg) this.saveToState();
+      return result;
+    }
+    getSetting(pathString) {
+      const currentValue = this._settings.readSetting(pathString);
+      return (typeof currentValue === 'object') ? Helpers.copyObj(currentValue) : currentValue;
+    }
+    loadPreset() {
+      const currentSheet = this.getSetting('sheet') || '';
+      if (Object.keys(preset).includes(currentSheet)) {
+        // Load template names
+        this._settings.updateSetting('templates/names', preset[currentSheet].templates.names, { overwriteArray: true });
+        // Load damage properties
+        for (const key in preset[currentSheet].templates.damageProperties) {
+          //`Processing ${key} in preset...`);
+          this._settings.updateSetting(`templates/damageProperties/${key}`, preset[currentSheet].templates.damageProperties[key], { overwriteArray: true });
+        }
+        this._settings.updateSetting('enabledButtons', preset[currentSheet].defaultButtons || [], { overwriteArray: true });
+        this.saveToState();
+        return { res: 1, data: `${this.getSetting('sheet')}` }
+      } else return { res: 0, err: `Preset not found for sheet: "${currentSheet}"` }
+    }
+    getSettingsMenu() {
+      const menuOptions = this._settings.getMenuText(),
+          confirm = styles.components.confirmApiCommand(`reset to default sheet settings?`),
+          footerContent = `<div style="${styles.table.footer}"><a href="${confirm} --reset" style="${styles.list.controls.create}">Reset Sheet Settings</a>`;
+      menuOptions.unshift(['Key', 'Setting']);
+      new ChatDialog({
+        title: `${scriptName} settings<br>v${scriptVersion}`,
+        content: menuOptions,
+        footer: footerContent
+      }, 'table');
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Button Manager - Handles CRUD operations, math/query functions and HTML output for all buttons, both internal and Custom Button
+   */
+  class ButtonManager {
+    static _buttonKeys = ['sheets', 'content', 'content2', 'content3', 'tooltip', 'style', 'style2', 'style3', 'math', 'default', 'mathString', 'query'];
+    static _editKeys = ['clone', 'rename'];
+    _locator = null;
+    _Config = {};
+    _buttons = {};
+    constructor(data = {}) {
+      Object.assign(this, { name: || 'newButtonManager' });
+      // Requires access to a ConfigController
+      this._locator = ServiceLocator.getLocator() || this._locator;
+      this._Config = this._locator ? this._locator.getService('ConfigController') : null;
+      if (!this._Config) return {};
+      for (let button in data.defaultButtons) {
+        this._buttons[button] = new Button(data.defaultButtons[button], styles)
+      }
+    }
+    get keys() {
+      return ButtonManager._buttonKeys
+    }
+    get editKeys() {
+      return [...ButtonManager._buttonKeys, ...ButtonManager._editKeys]
+    }
+    getBeaconButtonNames(beaconSheet) {
+      return Object.values(this._buttons).reduce((output, button) => {
+        return (!button.sheets?.length || button.sheets.includes(beaconSheet)) ? [, ...output] : output
+      }, []);
+    }
+    getButtonNames(filters = { default: null, currentSheet: null, shown: null, hidden: null }) {
+      let buttons = Object.entries(this._buttons);
+      const sheet = this._Config.getSetting('sheet'),
+          enabledButtons = this._Config.getSetting('enabledButtons');
+      if (typeof filters.default === 'boolean') buttons = buttons.filter(kv => kv[1].default === filters.default);
+      if (typeof filters.currentSheet === 'boolean') buttons = buttons.filter(kv => (!kv[1].sheets.length || sheet === 'custom' || (kv[1].sheets.includes(sheet) === filters.currentSheet)));
+      if (typeof filters.shown === 'boolean') buttons = buttons.filter(kv => (enabledButtons.includes(kv[0]) === filters.shown));
+      if (typeof filters.hidden === 'boolean') buttons = buttons.filter(kv => (enabledButtons.includes(kv[0]) === !filters.hidden));
+      const output = => kv[0]);
+      // debug.log(`button names: ${output.join(', ')}`);
+      return output;
+    }
+    static validateMathString(inputString, buttonName) {
+      inputString = `${inputString}`;
+      // Default buttons will send in a JS function, remove the declaration part
+      inputString = inputString.replace(/^.*?=>\s*/, '');
+      let newFormula = inputString;
+      const mathOpsString = MathOpsTransformer.transformMathString(newFormula);
+      // Create a test object
+      const damageKeyMatches = inputString.match(/damage\.(\w+)/g) || [],
+          critKeyMatches = inputString.match(/crit\.(\w+)/g) || [],
+          damageKeys = damageKeyMatches.reduce((output, key) => ({
+            ...output,
+            [key.replace(/^[^.]*\./, '')]: 5
+          }), {}),
+          critKeys = critKeyMatches.reduce((output, key) => ({
+            ...output,
+            [key.replace(/^[^.]*\./, '')]: 5
+          }), {});
+      const { config } = ServiceLocator.getLocator().getService('config');
+      const damageProperties = [
+        ...Object.values(config.getSetting('templates/damageProperties')).reduce((output, category) => [...output, ...category], []),
+        'total',
+      ];
+      const invalidProperties = [...Object.keys(damageKeys), ...Object.keys(critKeys)].filter(key => !(damageProperties.includes(key)));
+      const mathOpsKeys = MathOpsTransformer.transformMathOpsPayload(damageKeys, critKeys);
+      let error;
+      try {
+        const testResult = MathOps.MathProcessor({ code: mathOpsString, known: mathOpsKeys });
+        if (testResult.message) {
+          error = testResult.message;
+        } else if (isNaN(testResult)) {
+          error = `The supplied math did not return a number: ${inputString}`;
+        }
+      } catch (e) {
+        error = `Math failed validation - ${e}`;
+      }
+      if (invalidProperties.length) new ChatDialog({
+        title: `Button Warning: "${buttonName}"`,
+        content: `The following damage properties in the button are not set up in this game: ${invalidProperties.join(', ')}`
+      }, 'error');
+      return error
+          ? { success: false, err: error }
+          : { success: true, err: null }
+    }
+    addButton(buttonData = {}) {
+      const newButton = buttonData.default === false ? new CustomButton(buttonData) : new Button(buttonData);
+      if (newButton.err || !newButton.math) return {
+        success: 0,
+        err: newButton.err || `Button ${} could not be created.`
+      }
+      if (this._buttons[]) return { success: 0, err: `Button "${}" already exists` };
+      this._buttons[] = newButton;
+      this.saveToStore();
+      return { success: 1, msg: `New Button "${}" successfully created` }
+    }
+    editButton(buttonData = {}) {
+      const modded = [];
+      if (!this._buttons[]) return {
+        success: 0,
+        err: `Button "${}" does not exist.`
+      }
+      if (this._buttons[].default) return { success: 0, err: `Cannot edit default buttons.` }
+      this.editKeys.forEach(k => {
+        debug.log(k, buttonData[k]);
+        if (buttonData[k] != null) {
+          if (k === 'default') return; // Don't allow reassignment of 'default' property
+          else if (k === 'math') {
+            const { success, err } = ButtonManager.validateMathString(buttonData[k],;
+            if (!success) return { err };
+            else {
+              this._buttons[].mathString = buttonData[k];
+              modded.push(k);
+            }
+          } else if (/^style/.test(k)) {
+            this._buttons[][k] = styles[buttonData[k]] || buttonData[k] || '';
+            modded.push(k);
+          }
+              // else if (k === 'query') {
+              //   this._buttons[].query = Button.splitAndEscapeQuery(buttonData.query);
+              //   modded.push(k);
+          // }
+          else {
+            this._buttons[][k] = buttonData[k];
+            modded.push(k);
+          }
+        }
+      });
+      if (modded.length) this.saveToStore();
+      return modded.length ? {
+        success: 1,
+        msg: `Modified ${} fields: ${modded.join(', ')}`
+      } : { success: 0, err: `No fields supplied.` }
+    }
+    removeButton(buttonName) {
+      if (!this._buttons[buttonName]) return { success: 0, err: `Button "${buttonName}" does not exist.` }
+      if (this._buttons[buttonName].default) return { success: 0, err: `Cannot delete default buttons.` }
+      delete this._buttons[buttonName];
+      this._Config.toStore(`customButtons/${buttonName}`, null);
+      return { success: 1, msg: `Removed "${buttonName}".` }
+    }
+    cloneButton(originalButtonName, newButtonName) {
+      if (this._buttons[originalButtonName] && newButtonName) {
+        const cloneName = /\s/.test(newButtonName) ? Helpers.camelise(newButtonName) : newButtonName,
+            cloneData = { ...this._buttons[originalButtonName], name: cloneName, default: false },
+            copyResult = this.addButton(cloneData);
+        return copyResult.success ? {
+          success: 1,
+          msg: `Cloned button ${originalButtonName} => ${cloneName}`
+        } : copyResult;
+      } else return { err: `Could not find button "${originalButtonName}", or bad clone button name "${newButtonName}"` }
+    }
+    renameButton(originalButtonName, newButtonName) {
+      if (!this._buttons[originalButtonName]) return {
+        success: 0,
+        err: `Button "${originalButtonName}" could not be found`
+      };
+      if (this._buttons[originalButtonName].default) return {
+        success: 0,
+        err: `Cannot rename a default button.`
+      };
+      const cloneName = /\s/.test(newButtonName) ? Helpers.camelise(newButtonName) : newButtonName,
+          cloneResult = this.cloneButton(originalButtonName, cloneName);
+      if (cloneResult.success) {
+        this.removeButton(originalButtonName);
+        return { success: 1, msg: `Renamed button ${originalButtonName} => ${cloneName}` };
+      } else return cloneResult;
+    }
+    showButton(buttonName) {
+      if (this._buttons[buttonName] && !this._Config.getSetting('enabledButtons').includes(buttonName)) {
+        return this._Config.changeSetting('enabledButtons', buttonName)
+      }
+    }
+    hideButton(buttonName) {
+      if (this._buttons[buttonName] && this._Config.getSetting('enabledButtons').includes(buttonName)) {
+        return this._Config.changeSetting('enabledButtons', buttonName)
+      }
+    }
+    saveToStore() {
+      const customButtons = this.getButtonNames({ default: false });
+      customButtons.forEach(button => this._Config.toStore(`customButtons/${button}`, Helpers.copyObj(this._buttons[button])));
+    }
+    _getReportTemplate(barNumber) {
+      const template = `'*({name}) {bar${barNumber}_value;before}HP -> {bar${barNumber}_value}HP*'`;
+      return template;
+      // Styled report template for if Aaron implements decoding in TM
+      // const templateRaw = `'<div class="autobuttons-tm-report" style="${}">{name}: {bar1_value:before}HP >> {bar1_value}HP</div>'`;
+      // return encodeURIComponent(templateRaw);
+      // !token-mod --set bar1_value|-[[floor(query*17)]]!
+    }
+    _getImageIcon(buttonName, cacheBust, version = '2a') {
+      if (!cacheBusted) {
+        cacheBust = true;
+      }
+      const url = `${buttonName}.png?${version}`.replace(/%/g, 'P');
+      return cacheBust ?
+          `${url}${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000)}`
+          : url;
+      // May need to switch to this if images move
+      // return styles.imageIcons[buttonName];
+    }
+    createApiButton(buttonName, damage, crit) {
+      //[buttonName]);
+      const btn = this._buttons[buttonName],
+          autoHide = this._Config.getSetting(`autohide`),
+          bar = this._Config.getSetting('hpBar'),
+          overheal = this._Config.getSetting('overheal'),
+          overkill = this._Config.getSetting('overkill'),
+          sendReport = (this._Config.getSetting('report') || ``).toLowerCase(),
+          reportString = ['all', 'gm', 'control'].includes(sendReport)
+              ? ` --report ${sendReport}|${this._getReportTemplate(bar)}`
+              : ``,
+          darkMode = this._Config.getSetting('darkMode');
+      const zeroBound = this._Config.getSetting('allowNegatives') ? false : true,
+          boundingPre = zeroBound ? `{0, ` : ``,
+          boundingPost = zeroBound ? `}kh1` : ``;
+      const queryString = Button.splitAndEscapeQuery(btn.query) || '';
+      if (!btn || typeof (btn.math) !== 'function') {
+        debug.error(`${scriptName}: error creating API button ${buttonName}`);
+        return ``;
+      }
+      const modifier = this.resolveButtonMath(btn, damage, crit),
+          tooltip = btn.tooltip.replace(/%/, `${modifier} HP`),
+          setWithQuery = queryString ? `&lsqb;&lsqb;${boundingPre}${queryString.replace(/%%MODIFIER%%/g, Math.abs(modifier))}${boundingPost}&rsqb;&rsqb;` : `${Math.abs(modifier)}`,
+          tokenModCmd = (modifier > 0) ? (!overheal) ? `+${setWithQuery}!` : `+${setWithQuery}` : (modifier < 0 && !overkill) ? `-${setWithQuery}!` : `-${setWithQuery}`,
+          selectOrTarget = (this._Config.getSetting('targetTokens') === true) ? `--ids &commat;&lcub;target|token_id} ` : ``,
+          buttonHref = `!token-mod ${selectOrTarget}--set bar${bar}_value|${tokenModCmd}${reportString}`,
+          useImageIcon = this._Config.getSetting('imageIcons') && btn.default,
+          buttonContent = useImageIcon ? `<a href="${buttonHref}" style="${styles.buttonShared}"><img src="${this._getImageIcon(}" style="${styles.imageIcon}"/></a>`
+              : `<a href="${buttonHref}" style="${styles.buttonShared}${}">${btn.content}</a>`,
+          buttonContent2 = useImageIcon ? ``
+              : btn.content2 ? `<a href="${buttonHref}" style="${styles.buttonShared}${btn.style2}">${btn.content2}</a>` : ``,
+          buttonContent3 = useImageIcon ? ``
+              : btn.content3 ? `<a href="${buttonHref}" style="${styles.buttonShared}${btn.style3}">${btn.content3}</a>` : ``;
+      return (autoHide && modifier == 0) ?
+          ``
+          : `<div class="button-container" style="${styles.button}${Helpers.appendDarkMode('buttonContainer', darkMode)}"  title="${tooltip}">${buttonContent}${buttonContent2}${buttonContent3}</div>`;
+    }
+    verifyButtons() {
+      const currentSheet = this._Config.getSetting('sheet'),
+          currentButtons = this._Config.getSetting('enabledButtons'),
+          validButtons = currentButtons.filter(button => {
+            if (currentSheet === 'custom' || this._buttons[button] && this._buttons[button].sheets.includes(currentSheet)) return 1;
+          });
+      if (validButtons.length !== currentButtons.length) {
+        const { success, msg, err } = this._Config.changeSetting('enabledButtons', validButtons);
+        if (success && msg) new ChatDialog({ content: msg, title: 'Buttons Changed' });
+        else if (err) new ChatDialog({ content: err }, 'error');
+      }
+    }
+    resolveButtonMath(button, damage, crit) {
+      const buttonType =;
+      if (buttonType === 'CustomButton') {
+, MathOpsTransformer.transformMathOpsPayload(damage, crit), MathOpsTransformer.transformMathString(button.mathString));
+        let mathOpsString = MathOpsTransformer.transformMathString(button.mathString);
+        const mathOpsDamageKeys = MathOpsTransformer.transformMathOpsPayload(damage, crit);
+        // MathOps zeroed key patch
+        mathOpsString = mathOpsZeroPatch ? this.resolveZeroedKeys(mathOpsString, mathOpsDamageKeys) : mathOpsString;
+        debug.warn(mathOpsString);
+        let result = MathOps.MathProcessor({ code: mathOpsString, known: mathOpsDamageKeys });
+        return isNaN(result) ? 0 : result;
+      } else if (buttonType === 'Button') {
+        return button.math(damage, crit);
+      }
+    }
+    resolveZeroedKeys(mathOpsString, mathOpsDamageKeys) {
+      for (const key in mathOpsDamageKeys) {
+        if (mathOpsDamageKeys[key] === 0) {
+          const rxReplacer = new RegExp(key, 'g');
+          mathOpsString = mathOpsString.replace(rxReplacer, '0');
+        }
+      }
+      return mathOpsString;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Button - Basic schema of a Button object
+   */
+  class Button {
+    constructor(buttonData = {}, styleData = styles) {
+      Object.assign(this, {
+        name: || 'newButton',
+        sheets: Array.isArray(buttonData.sheets) ? buttonData.sheets : [],
+        tooltip: `${buttonData.tooltip || ''}`,
+        style: styleData[] || || '',
+        style2: styleData[buttonData.style2] || buttonData.style2 || '',
+        style3: styleData[buttonData.style3] || buttonData.style3 || '',
+        content: buttonData.content || '?',
+        content2: buttonData.content2 || '',
+        content3: buttonData.content3 || '',
+        math: buttonData.math || null,
+        mathString: buttonData.mathString,
+        query: buttonData.query || ``,
+        default: buttonData.default === false ? false : true,
+        mathBackup: buttonData.mathBackup || '',
+      });
+      debug.log(this);
+      if (typeof (this.math) !== 'function') return { err: `Button "${}" math function failed validation` };
+    }
+    static splitAndEscapeQuery(queryString) {
+      if (!queryString || typeof (queryString) !== 'string') return ``;
+      const replacers = {
+        '*': `&ast;`,
+        '+': `&plus;`,
+      }
+      const replacerFunction = (m) => replacers[m],
+          rxQuerySplit = /^[+*/-][+-0]?\|/,
+          rxReplacers = new RegExp(`[${Object.keys(replacers).reduce((out,v) => out += `\\${v}`, ``)}]`, 'g');
+      let operator = (queryString.match(rxQuerySplit) || [])[0] || ``,
+          query = queryString.replace(rxQuerySplit, ''),
+          roundingPre = ``,
+          roundingPost = ``;
+      // Deal with rounding for * and /
+      if (/^[*/]/.test(operator)) {
+        roundingPre = operator[1] === '+' ?
+            `ceil(`
+            : `floor(`
+        roundingPost = `)`;
+      }
+      operator = (operator[0] || ``).replace(rxReplacers, replacerFunction);
+      return query ? `${roundingPre}%%MODIFIER%%${operator}&quest;&lcub;${query}&rcub;${roundingPost}` : ``;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Custom Button - user-made buttons pass through here for validation before being passed to superclass
+   */
+  class CustomButton extends Button {
+    constructor(buttonData = {}) {
+      if (!buttonData.mathString) return { err: `Button must contain a math string.` };
+      const { success, err } = ButtonManager.validateMathString(buttonData.mathString,;
+      if (!success) {
+        return { err };
+      }
+      Object.assign(buttonData, {
+        name: || 'newCustomButton',
+        mathString: buttonData.mathString,
+        math: (code, known) => MathOps.MathProcessor({
+          code: MathOpsTransformer.transformMathString(code),
+          known
+        }),
+        style: || 'full',
+        query: buttonData.query || ``,
+        default: false,
+        mathBackup: buttonData.mathBackup || buttonData.mathString,
+      });
+      super(buttonData);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Command Line Interface - handle adding and removing CLI Options, and assess chat input when passed in from HandleInput()
+   */
+  class CommandLineInterface {
+    _locator = null;
+    _services = {};
+    _options = {};
+    constructor(cliData = {}) {
+ = || `Cli`;
+      this._locator = ServiceLocator.getLocator();
+      if (!this._locator) debug.warn(`${} could not find the service locator. Any commands relying on services will be disabled.`);
+      Object.assign(this._services, {
+        config: this._locator.getService('ConfigController'),
+        buttons: this._locator.getService('ButtonManager'),
+        cli: this,
+      });
+      if (cliData.options && cliData.options.length) this.addOptions(cliData.options);
+      debug.log(`Initialised CLI`);
+    }
+    // Add one or more options to the CLI
+    addOptions(optionData) {
+      optionData = Helpers.toArray(optionData);
+      optionData.forEach(data => {
+        if ( && !this._options[]) {
+          const suppliedServices = { cli: this }
+          if (data.requiredServices) {
+            for (let service in data.requiredServices) {
+              const svc =
+                  service === 'ConfigController' ? this._services.config
+                      : service === 'ButtonManager' ? this._services.buttons
+                          : this._locator.getService(data.requiredServices[service]);
+              if (svc) suppliedServices[service] = svc;
+              else return debug.warn(`${}: Warning - Service "${service}" could not be found for option ${}. CLI option not registered.`);
+            }
+          }
+ = suppliedServices;
+          this._options[] = new CommandLineOption(data);
+        } else debug.warn(`Bad data supplied to CLI Option constructor`);
+      });
+    }
+    assess(commandArray, reportToChat = true) {
+      let changed = [], errs = [];
+      commandArray.forEach(command => {
+        const cmd = (command.match(/^([^\s]+)/) || [])[1],
+            args = (command.match(/\s+(.+)/) || ['', ''])[1];
+        for (let option in this._options) {
+          if (this._options[option].rx.test(cmd)) {
+            const { msg, err } = (this._options[option].action(args) || {});
+            // debug.log(msg||err);
+            if (msg) changed.push(Helpers.toArray(msg).join('<br>'));
+            if (err) errs.push(err);
+          }
+        }
+      });
+      if (changed.length && reportToChat) {
+        //;
+        const chatData = {
+          title: `${scriptName} settings changed`,
+          content: changed
+        };
+        new ChatDialog(chatData);
+      }
+      if (errs.length) new ChatDialog({ title: 'Errors', content: errs }, 'error');
+    }
+    trigger(option, ...args) {
+      if (this._options[option]) this._options[option].action(...args)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Command Line Option - basic model for a user-facing CLI option
+   */
+  class CommandLineOption {
+    constructor(optionData = {}) {
+      for (let service in {
+        this[service] =[service];
+      }
+      Object.assign(this, {
+        name: || 'newOption',
+        rx: optionData.rx || new RegExp(`${}`, 'i'),
+        description: optionData.description || `Description goes here...`,
+        action: optionData.action
+      });
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Chat Dialog - Short-lived layout class which, by default, is sent straight to chat once constructed.
+   * Can be instantiated and persisted by disabling the default autoSend in the constructor
+   */
+  class ChatDialog {
+    static _templates = {
+      none: ({ content }) => `${content}`,
+      default: ({ title, content }) => {
+        const msgArray = content ? Helpers.toArray(content) : [],
+            body = => `<div class="default-row" style="line-height: 1.5em;">${row}</div>`).join('')
+        return `
+          <div class="default" style="${styles.list.container} background-color: #4d4d4d; border-color: #1e7917; text-align: center;">
+            <div class="default-header" style="${styles.list.header}">${title || scriptName}</div>
+            <div class="default-body" style="${styles.list.body}">
+              ${body}
+            </div>
+          </div>`;
+      },
+      table: ({ title, content, footer, borders }) => {
+        const rowBorders = borders && borders.row ? styles.table.rowBorders : ``;
+        const msgArray = content ? Helpers.toArray(content) : [],
+            columns = msgArray[0].length || 1,
+            tableRows =, i) => {
+              const tc = i === 0 ? 'th' : 'td',
+                  tcStyle = i === 0 ? styles.table.headerCell : `${styles.table.cell}${rowBorders}`,
+                  trStyle = i === 0 ? styles.table.headerRow : styles.table.row;
+              let cells = ``;
+              for (let i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
+                cells += `<${tc} style="${tcStyle}">${row[i]}</${tc}>`
+              }
+              return `
+              <tr style="${trStyle}">
+                ${cells}
+              </tr>`;
+            }).join(''),
+            footerContent = footer ? `<div class="table-footer" style="${styles.table.footer}">${footer}</div>` : ``;
+        return `
+        <div class="table" style="${styles.list.container} background-color: #4d4d4d; border-color: #1e7917; text-align: center;">
+          <div class="table-header" style="${styles.list.header}">${title || scriptName}</div>
+          <div class="table-body" style="${styles.table.outer}">
+            <table style="${styles.table.table}">
+              ${tableRows}
+            </table>
+          </div>
+          ${footerContent}
+        </div>
+        `;
+      },
+      error: ({ title, content }) => {
+        const errArray = content ? Helpers.toArray(content) : [];
+        return `
+          <div class="error" style="${styles.list.container} border-color: #8d1a1a; background-color: #646464; text-align: center;">
+            <div class="error-header" style="${styles.list.header} font-weight: bold;">${title}</div>
+            <div class="error-body" style="${styles.list.body} border: none; padding: 6px 10px 6px 10px; line-height: 1.5em;">${errArray.join('<br>')}</div>
+          </div>`;
+      },
+      listButtons: ({ header, body, footer }) => {
+        return `
+        <div class="autobutton-list" style="${styles.list.container}">
+          <div class="autobutton-header" style="${styles.list.header}">${header}</div>
+          <div class="autobutton-body" style="${styles.list.body}">
+            ${body}
+          </div>
+          <div class="autobutton-footer" style="${styles.list.footer}">
+            <div style="${styles.list.buttonContainer}width:auto;">${footer}</div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        `;
+      }
+    }
+    constructor(message, template = 'default', autoSend = true) {
+      this.msg = ChatDialog._templates[template] ? ChatDialog._templates[template](message) : null;
+      if (this.msg) {
+        this.msg = this.msg.replace(/\n/g, '');
+        if (autoSend) Helpers.toChat(this.msg);
+      } else {
+        debug.warn(`${scriptName}: error creating chat dialog, missing template "${template}"`);
+        return {};
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  on('ready', startScript);
+  try {
+    throw new Error('');
+  } catch (e) {
+    API_Meta.autoButtons.lineCount = (parseInt(e.stack.split(/\n/)[1].replace(/^.*:(\d+):.*$/, '$1'), 10) - API_Meta.autoButtons.offset);
+  }
+/* */