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Shane Sturrock - C/Java/Bash etc. Linux system administration (BioIT superuser), interested in coding, performance tuning, automated testing, correctness (fit for purpose methods)
- interests: Fastq based read quality trim. Effect of trimming/read dropping on tag count per sample. UNEAK. Standard downstream analysis (after vcf table), sanity checks. Evaluation of sequence depth per sample. rtGBS, metagenomic GBS, exome GBS.
- skills: pipeline development, Ruby, testing/debugging.
Marcus Davy Bash/Perl/R. Quality control, Random Tag GBS, simulation validation, vcf calling workflows freebayes/samtools, Reproducible research
Mauro Truglio: Python, R. Quality control, GBS adapters balancing, coding in general.
Rob Elshire; Bash / AWK / general unixy stuff, GBS best practices, automation, reproducible research, TASSEL
Patrick Biggs: interests: data QC, data visualisation, comparative genomics skills: Perl, MySQL, (want to have better R skills)
- interests: communication and feedback loops between lab staff, bioinformatician, statistician and IT staff; data visualization
- skills: Python, bash, awk, SNP chip design
Kevin Murray:
- interests: Comprehensive QC of reads and samples, simulation & validation tools, NextRAD, moving to reproducible pipelines, moving to using stacks for de novo GBS.
- skills: C/C++, Python, R, workflow & pipeline management, sysadmin. Have implemented full Fastq read quality control pipeline for GBS.
- requirements: Scalable and reproducible analysis pipelines, accurate and trustworthy de novo GBS analysis.
Mingshu Cao:
- interests: apply GBS to understand complex genetic structures in plants
- skills: to understand data using an array of computational and statistical tools; trained as a plant geneticist and computer science practitioner; A veteran R user and an enthusiatic Julia user
- Aurelie:
- interests: reproducibility, BBS data on bacteria
- skills: awk/bash, HPC