Name | Type | Description | Notes |
chromosome | Chromosome | chromosome on which this gene is located. This may be redundant with information in sequence_feature objects but is included here for convenience | [optional] |
description | String | full text description | [optional] |
diseaseAssociations | [Association] | diseases associated with alterations of gene | [optional] |
families | [NamedObject] | Families, superfamilies etc to which these gene belongs | [optional] |
fullName | String | full name, e.g. Synaptosome Associated Protein 29 | [optional] |
functionAssociations | [Association] | GO assocations for wild type gene | [optional] |
genotypeAssociations | [Association] | associations to genotypes in which this gene is altered | [optional] |
homologyAssociations | [Association] | orthology and paralogy assocations for this gene | [optional] |
interactionAssociations | [Association] | associations to genes that interact (may be physical or genetic) | [optional] |
literatureAssociations | [Association] | publications for this gene | [optional] |
pathwayAssociations | [Association] | Assocations to pathways in which this gene is involved, including LEGO models | [optional] |
phenotypeAssociations | [Association] | phenotypes associated with alterations of gene | [optional] |
sequenceFeatures | [SequenceFeature] | Sequence feature representing particular instance on a genome | [optional] |
summaries | [SummaryPropertyValue] | Attributed textual summaries | [optional] |
systematicName | String | E.g. SPBC428.08c for clr4 in PomBase | [optional] |
transcripts | [Transcript] | All transcripts belonging to this gene | [optional] |