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MDMOD Standard Version 2 Specification Draft

utz82 edited this page Apr 30, 2019 · 4 revisions

MDMOD Version 2 Specification Draft

This specification draft outlines the upcoming MDAL Module (MDMOD) standard Version 2. The standard is not yet finalized, and may change at any point.

Notable changes from Version 1 include:

  • Blocks are addressed through numerical identifiers instead of named strings.
  • Automatic scope resolution is dropped, and replaced by explicit Assignments.
  • The Group element is introduced.
  • Blocks and Groups are delimited by curly brackets.
  • Order lists (sequences) no longer have special syntax, and instead are treated as ordinary Blocks. Order Lists are now entirely virtual and always use a matrix style like in Famitracker or LSDJ, as opposed to glob style used by XM.



General Rules

Horizontal white-space is meaningless, and is ignored. Vertical white-space is also ignored except within the context of Blocks (see next section), where a line break denotes the start of a new Step.

Numbers can be given either in decimal or hexadecimal notation. Hexadecimal numbers are prefixed with the dollar sign $.

Strings are delimited with double quotes ".


MDAL modules are constructed from four basic elements: Groups, Blocks, Steps, and Fields. The underlying MDCONF configuration defines which Groups, Blocks, and Fields are available.

Groups are the highest order structure in MDMOD. Groups can contain other Groups, Blocks, and Fields, the details of which are specified by the underlying MDCONFiguration. An unlimited number of instances of each Group can exist in a module, unless specified otherwise by the underlying MDCONF.

Blocks are units containing an unlimited number of Steps (unless specified otherwise in the underlying MDCONF), which are in turn constructed from one or more Fields. In traditional terms, a Block can represent any logical unit such as a pattern, an order list, or a sample. Blocks are specified in the same manner as Groups. An unlimited number of block instances can exist in a module, unless specified otherwise by the underlying MDCONF.

A Step is a unit containing one or more Fields, as specified by the underlying MDCONF. Steps are delimited by a line break. A line containing only white-space or comments is not taken into account. The dot (.) qualifier denotes a step that is identical to the step before it. A number can be appended to the dot qualifier to denote no change for the given number of steps.

Fields are the lowest order unit, containing a single value. There are nine different types of Fields. Types are specified by the MDCONFiguration. The available types are:

  • INT/UINT: a signed resp. unsigned integer with a given range.
  • KEY/UKEY: a list of named parameters, which evaluates to a signed resp. unsigned integer.
  • NOTE: a musical note. Notes are written as note name + octave, eg. 'c4' represents a C note in the fourth octave. For sharps, an 'is' is appended to the note name, eg. "cis4". Flats are not used.
  • STRING: a text string. Must be enclosed in double quotes.
  • TRIGGER: a field that takes no arguments.
  • LABEL: used to assign an identifier to the given step.
  • REFERENCE: a reference to a group or block instance, or a LABEL within that group or block.

INT, UINT, and NOTE Fields may use Modifiers, if enabled by the configuration. Modifiers modify a given Field value, using a simple arithmetic operation. Modifiers are appended to the Field value. The available modifiers are + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), / (division), % (module), | (logical or), ^ (logical exclusive or), and & (logical and). For example, the declaration NOTE = a4 + 1 will add an offset of 1 to whatever the note a4 evaluates to in the context of the given MDCONFiguration.

Default Elements

The special global Fields CONFIG, AUTHOR, TITLE, LICENSE, and COMMENT are available in every MDCONFiguration.

The CONFIG global field specifies the name of MDCONFiguration to use for the module. Every MD Module must set the CONFIG field.

The AUTHOR, TITLE, COMMENT, and LICENSE global fields are optional, and may be used to specify the author, title, license, and additional information for a module.


The elemental syntax construct in MDAL is the assignment. Values are assigned to element instances with the following syntax:

ELEMENT(instance) "name" = value

where ELEMENT is an element identifier (ie. its name), instance is a numerical instance identifier, name is an optional name for the instance, and value is either a plain field value, or a group/block value enclosed in curly braces {}. If the instance identifier is omitted, it is assumed to be 0.

For block assignments, a number of special syntax rules are used.

  • A linebreak signifies the start of a new step (equivalent to a new row in tracker patterns).
  • Multiple field assignments on a given step are seperated with a comma ,.
  • Instance identifiers are ignored, and identifiers are assigned based on the current step instead.
  • A dot . signifies an empty step, ie. a step with no changes. A number n may be appended to the dot to signal n consecutive empty steps.
  • If all of the block's field elements are assigned to in the correct order, anything except the values can be omitted.
  • If the block contains only one field element, linebreaks can be omitted. That means you can specify the contents of such a block instance as a simple list of comma separated values.

For the following example, assume that FOO is a group element, BAR is a block element, and BAZ and BOZ are field elements.

FOO = {                // assign to group FOO, instance 0
  BAR(0) "intro" = {   // assign to block BAR, instance 0, name the instance "intro"
    BAZ = 1, BOZ = 0   // step 0: assign 1 to field BAZ, instance 0; assign 0 to field BOZ, instance 0
	.                  // no new assignments on step 1
	.2                 // no assignments on step 2 and 3
	2,1                // assign 2 to field BAZ, instance 4; assign 1 to field BOZ, instance 4

Including External Resources

You can assign to an external resource in plain text format with the INCLUDE directive. Some configurations may also allow assignment to binary files, using the INCBIN directive. These directives must be followed by a file path , and the whole directive must be delimited by square brackets [].

The following example assigns instance 0 of the SAMPLE element to an external binary file:

SAMPLE = [INCBIN "my_sample.raw"]


Both C style block comments (a block of text encased in /* ... */) as well as C++ style single line comments (prepended with two slashes //) are supported.


The following example assumes an underlying MDCONFiguration that specifies

  • a global Field called BPM which is of type UINT
  • a Group called PATTERNS, which contains 3 Blocks:
    • an ORDER block of which only one instance can exist, containing two Fields of type REFERENCE called CH1 and CH2
    • two Blocks called CH1 and CH2 respectively, each containing two Fields called "NOTE" and "SAMPLE", which are of type NOTE and REFERENCE, respectively.
  • a Group called SAMPLES, which contains a Block called SAMPLE, which contains a single field (name and type are not relevant for this example)
// This is a line comment, which will be ignored by the parser.
/* This is
   a multi-line comment. */

CONFIG = "MyConfig"                        // use "MyConfig". Every MDMOD must set the CONFIG field.

AUTHOR = "Great Artist"                    // This is "My Great Song" by "Great Artist"
TITLE = "My Great Song"                    // AUTHOR and TITLE are available for all configurations.
BPM = 120                                  // BPM is an additional global field defined by the configuration.

PATTERNS = {                               // Begin of group PATTERNS. The configuration specifies that only
                                           // one instance of this group can exist, so the instance qualifier
                                           // can be omitted.

  ORDER = {                                // Defines an order (sequence) block for the blocks in group
                                           // PATTERNS. Orders blocks follow the same syntax rules as ordinary
                                           // blocks.

    CH1 = $00, CH2 = $00                   // First step, setting field CH1 to 0 and field CH2 to 1.
                                           // In this case, CH1 and CH2 are assumed to be references to
                                           // instances of the the Blocks by the same name.
    0,0                                    // Same as above. Since all fields are specified, field qualifiers
                                           // can be omitted.
    .                                      // Repeat the above line.
    CH2 = 1                                // Set CH2 to 1. CH1 is still set to $00.

  CH1(0) "intro" = {                       // Define instance 0 of block CH1 and name it "intro".
    NOTE = a3, SAMPLE = 0                  // First step, setting field NOTE to "a3", and field SAMPLE to 0.
    .                                      // No change from previous step.
    NOTE = c4                              // Set field NOTE to "c4". SAMPLE is still set to 0.
    e4, 1                                  // Field qualifiers can be omitted if all fields are set.
    .4                                     // No change from the previous step for 4 more steps.

  CH2(0) = {                               // Instance names are optional.
    .8                                     // Do nothing for 8 rows. Note that block lengths for CH1 and CH2
                                           // need not match. If necessary, blocks will be padded with blank
                                           // lines.

  CH2(1) = [INCLUDE "ptn1.txt"]            // load the contents of the block from an external file.

}                                          // End of group PATTERNS.

SAMPLES = {                                // Begin of group SAMPLES.
  SAMPLE(0) "kick" = [INCBIN "kick.raw"]   // Load the contents of the block from an external binary.

  SAMPLE(1) = {
    0,8,14,22,3,16,9                       // Since the block contains only one field, both the field
                                           // qualifier and line breaks can be omitted.

}                                          // End of group SAMPLES.
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