See also the flatten-tool roadmap
- Spend some time on improving analytics
- In particular it would be useful to know how many validations end with error.
- Use IODC as an opportunity to do some user testing
- Spend some time on Cove deployment
- Configure our dev/staging/live servers more similarly, particularly wrt. OCDS/360 split, to avoid issues only being noticed when doing the live deploy.
- Redeploy some of our Cove instances so that they can be billed directly to clients.
- Review the specs of the servers used for cove
- Dedicate some time to misc bug fixes
- Validation of extensions is important for OCDS 1.1 live
- Ensure we support new style OCDS codelists
- Improve display of flatten-tool conversion errors
- A Large files policy - we need to decide how we handle them, and tell people how we handle them - need to say we have a time out now.
We’d like to (but are unlikely to have time for in the next 5 months):
- Start on the process of separating the code for the 360Giving and OCDS versions of the tool
- A 360 specific deploy on 360Giving domain
- Sentry user feedback from errors
- Provide a merge releases feature for OCDS data
- Spend some time talking with OCDS/360Giving data analysts to better understand their needs
- When to use CoVE and when to use other analysis tools, and how these fit together: ipython notebooks, sql output
- Programmatic access
- Finish work on programmatic access to Cove, this may include:
- "API" on conversion / validation / warnings / aggregate data
- Button to download a CSV/JSON of validation results/warnings/aggregate data
- Be available for offline use - i.e offering CoVE as a python library
- Completeness - a tree with percentages like some of the OCDS evaluation reports
- Also useful to flag whether it’s a required field
- Some questions around how this works with work with one of many files
- For 360 flag maybe what appears in the main sheet of the default spreadsheet template
- More OCDS summary statistics
- Extra warnings for fields that do not follow documentation guidelines.
- Improve the information we provide about OCDS record packages
We won’t:
- Do OCDS completeness based on the current basic/intermediate/advanced framework in the docs as that needs improvement first
Nice to haves:
- Show some graphs and maps
- Use Whoosh - python text search? - This should be a big help with exploring your data
- Work with IATI data.
- Custom quick and easy deployment.
PRs for deploying new features to live:
- June OpenDataServices#436
- July OpenDataServices#466
We did (from the roadmap):
- A specific sprint in May around the 360Giving version of CoVE
- Improved the words in the application and changed the layout - explain to users more about what's going on
- Use new source map in flatten-tool to provide validation information about the original spreadsheet users
- In a later month, applied some of the changes from that sprint to the OCDS version also.
- Some more work on errors
- Start some work on programmatic access to Cove as a Python library
- Testing loading lots of data from various published sources to check for regressions/changes, although not properly merged yet…
- Some work around Logging/reporting more information about how the application is being used
- Make it more clear about others can contribute to this project
- Cove can now be deployed with dev schema
- Cove now checks content-type and content-disposition to determine filetype
- Lots of work on flatten-tool, and now have a roadmap for that:
Additionally we did:
- Warnings from flatten-tool are now displayed in Cove
- Better format checking (uris)
- A Large files policy - we need to decide how we handle them, and tell people how we handle them - need to say we have a time out now.
We deliberately didn’t:
- Validate other formats directly (e.g csvs as csvs, excel as excel), taking a source map approach instead
We said we would, but didn’t get to:
- Start on the process of separating the 360Giving and OCDS versions of the tool
- Comprehensiveness
- Fields not being used/'coverage' for 360Giving based on spreadsheet on the website.
- Completeness of OCDS
- Finish work on programmatic access to Cove, this may include:
- "API" on conversion / validation / warnings / aggregate data
- Button to download a CSV/JSON of validation results/warnings/aggregate data
- Be available for offline use - i.e offering CoVE as a python library
- When to use CoVE and when to use other analysis tools, and how these fit together: ipython notebooks, sql output
We are planing a specific sprint in May around the 360Giving version of CoVE
We will continue with:
- Our current piece work on flatten-tool - and have a roadmap for the future
- A Large files policy - we need to decide how we handle them, and tell people how we handle them - need to say we have a time out now.
- Improving the words in the application - explain to users more about what's going on
We will:
- Start on the process of separating the 360Giving and OCDS versions of the tool
- Deal differently with JSON users and spreadsheet users (likely to be part of a 360 specific sprint)
- Validate other formats directly (e.g csvs as csvs, excel as excel)
- Comprehensiveness
- Fields not being used/'coverage' for 360 Giving based on spreadsheet on the website.
- Completeness of OCDS
- More work on errors
- Start some work on programmatic access to Cove, this may include:
- "API" on conversion / validation / warnings / aggregate data
- Button to download a CSV/JSON of validation results/warnings/aggregate data
- Be available for offline use - i.e offering CoVE as a python library
- When to use and when not - ipython notebooks, sql output
- Testing loading lots of data from various published sources to check for regressions/changes.
- Logging/reporting more information about how the application is being used
- Make it clear about others can contribute to this project
We want to do, but maybe not in the next 3 months:
- More OCDS summary statistics
- Provides a merge releases feature for OCDS data
- A 360 specific deploy on 360Giving domain
- Extra warnings for fields that do not follow documentation guidelines.
Nice to haves:
- Show some graphs and maps
- Use Whoosh - python text search? - This should be a big help with exploring your data
- Work with IATI data.
- Custom quick and easy deployment.
We have discussed but will not be doing the following in the foreseeable future:
- Comparison - see the difference between files
- Multiple files - upload many files at once and deal with them either collectively or individually
- Do we want a queue?
- We don't think it should become a datastore...
- Widget to let people embed links to converted data in their own websites (e.g. user publishers as CSV, but tags the link so that JSON and Excel links also provided);
We did:
- Be live for OCDS validator (end of Jan 2016)
- Have improved error messages
- Some work towards a lovely 360page... ...and a lovely OCDS page
- Have Transifex integration for translations
- Have a key facts panel for 360giving - schema used, date you did it etc
- (Maybe) How does it do a single function...Validate only - split validate/flatten (as a config option?) - we have a button to flatten now, by default we don’t
NB - We also did loads of other stuff that was not reflected in the original roadmap (in particular lots of flatten-tool work)
We’re part way towards:
- Have a roadmap for Flatten Tool - a core component
- Have a Large files policy - we need to decide how we handle them, and tell people how we handle them - need to say we have a time out now.
We didn’t:
- Start on the process of separating the 360Giving and OCDS versions of the tool
- Deal differently with JSON users and spreadsheet users
- Validate other formats directly (e.g csvs as csvs, excel as excel)
- Show - Fields not being used/'coverage' for 360 Giving based on spreadsheet on the website.
- Use Whoosh - python text search? - This should be a big help with exploring your data
- Show some graphs and maps
- Be available for offline use - i.e offering CoVE as a python library
- Maybe (not done):
- Work with IATI data.
- Custom quick and easy deployment.
- A 360 specific deploy on 360Giving domain
- Things we discussed and decided not to do, so didn’t do:
- Comparison - see the difference between files
- Multiple files - upload many files at once and deal with them either collectively or individually
- Provides a merge releases feature for OCDS data
- Do we want a queue?
- "API" on validation / warnings / aggregate data
- Button to download a CSV/JSON of results
- When to use and when not - ipython notebooks, sql output, (part of this is moving cove into a library)
- We don't think it should become a datastore...
- Widget to let people embed links to converted data in their own websites (e.g. user publishers as CSV, but tags the link so that JSON and Excel links also provided);