sent ID's with repeats: [12,13,32,43,56,163,212,218,287,308]
Creating conda env with jupyter kernel at user specified location... conda-env-mod create -p /depot/jgmakin/data/conda_env/w2l_cortex --jupyter
Using the conda-env or module load anaconda/2020.11-py38 module load learning/conda-2020.11-py38-gpu module load cuda/11.0.3 module load ml-toolkit-gpu/pytorch/1.7.1
module load use.own module load conda-env/w2l_cortex-py3.8.5
tensorboard dev upload --logdir=/scratch/gilbreth/ahmedb/wav2letter/modified_w2l/logs/lightning_logs/
conda-env-mod create -n huggingface --jupyter
module load anaconda/2020.11-py38 module load use.own module load conda-env/huggingface-py3.8.5
- Install pytorch alingwith suitable pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
numpy scipy matplotlib pandas sentencepiece transformers[Audio] datasets soundfile librosa