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go to the subject directory: rm -rf .*

Modelling the auditory cortex using task optimized Deep Learning models module defines the Neural_Data class that provides routines for loading the neural data.

Example code to use "Dataset" class:

from auditory_cortex.Dataset import Neural_Data
data = dataset.Neural_Data(path, session)

#"path_of_working_directory" is the address of the folder containing channel files and json file.


data.retrieve_spike_times(sent = sentence_code)

Returns times of spikes, relative to stimulus onset or absolute time

provide 'sentence_code' or 'trial_number' as argument

Returns a dictionary, with channel # as the keys to the spike_times of specific channel.

data.retrieve_spikes_count(sent = sentence_code, win=bin_size)

Returns number of spikes in every 'win' miliseconds duration following the stimulus onset time.

provide 'sentence_code' or 'trial_number' as argument

provide 'bin_size' as the desired size of bin in miliseconds

Returns a dictionary, with channel # as the keys to the spikes_count of specific channel.

Installing the virtual environment on Gilbreth

In order to install the virtual environment on Gilbreth..

  • Load latest cuda and anaconda module to be able to use conda command on Gilbreth module load cuda/12.1.1
    module load anaconda/2020.11-py38

  • Creating virtual environemt as a 'module' for ease of loading on Gilbreth. -p specifies location where packages are installed, -m specifies location where module file is created. conda-env-mod create -p /depot/jgmakin/data/conda_env/cortex_project -m /depot/jgmakin/data/conda_env/etc/modules -j to remove it: conda-env-mod delete -p /depot/jgmakin/data/conda_env/cortex_project -m /depot/jgmakin/data/conda_env/etc/modules -j

  • Loading the newly created environment as a module. module purge module load anaconda/2020.11-py38 module use /depot/jgmakin/data/conda_env/etc/modules module load conda-env/cortex_project-py3.8.5

  • Install rest of the packages. conda install numpy scipy matplotlib pandas jiwer cupy pytorch=2.0.1 torchaudio=2.0.2 tensorflow=2.13 tensorflow-probability=0.21 -c conda-forge -c pytorch

    pip install tensorflow==2.13 tensorflow-probability==0.21

    module loaded for cudatoolkit=11.8 cudnn=8.6

pretrained 'Wav2Letter':

Link of the website that provides pretrained 'Wav2letter' is:

The checkpoint 'wget' is downloaded to: /scratch/gilbreth/ahmedb/wav2letter/pretrained