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  • laravel >= 9


composer require biiiiiigmonster/laravel-clearable


relation is powerful, it can help us manage complex relationship's data. Usually, as the last section of the data life cycle, the "delete" behavior receives less attention. We often neglect the processing of the associated model data while deleting the data itself, the business will also be damaged due to these residual data.

This package can easily help you manage these related data's deletion relationships, with simple definitions. Let's try it!


For example, User model related Post model, it's also hoped that the associated Post model can be deleted after the User model deleted:

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
     * Get the posts for the user.
     * @return HasMany
    public function posts()
        return $this->hasMany(Post::class);

To accomplish this, you may add the BiiiiiigMonster\Clears\Concerns\HasClears trait to the models you would like to auto-clear. After adding one of the traits to the model, add the attribute name to the clears property of your model.

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use BiiiiiigMonster\Clears\Concerns\HasClears;

class User extends Model
    use HasClears;
     * The relationships that will be auto-clear when deleted.
     * @var array 
    protected $clears = ['posts'];

Once the relationship has been added to the clears list, it will be auto-clear when deleted.

Clear Configuration

Custom Clear

Sometimes you may occasionally need to define your own clear's logic, You may accomplish this by defining a class that implements the InvokableClear interface.

To generate a new clear object, you may use the make:clear Artisan command. we will place the new rule in the app/Clears directory. If this directory does not exist, We will create it when you execute the Artisan command to create your clear:

php artisan make:clear PostWithoutReleasedClear

Once the clear has been created, we are ready to define its behavior. A clear object contains a single method: __invoke. This method will determine whether the relation data is cleared.


namespace App\Clears;

use BiiiiiigMonster\Clears\Contracts\InvokableClear;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class PostWithoutReleasedClear implements InvokableClear
     * Decide if the clearable cleared.
     * @param Model $post
     * @return bool
    public function __invoke($post)
        return $post->status != 'published';

Once you have defined a custom clear type, you may attach it to a model attribute using its class name:

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use BiiiiiigMonster\Clears\Concerns\HasClears;
use App\Clears\PostWithoutReleasedClear;

class User extends Model
    use HasClears;
     * The relationships that will be auto-clear when deleted.
     * @var array 
    protected $clears = [
        'posts' => PostWithoutReleasedClear::class

Use Queue

When the relation data that we need to clear may be very large, it is a very good strategy to use queue to execute it.

Making it work is also simple, add the attribute name to the clearConnection property of your model.

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use BiiiiiigMonster\Clears\Concerns\HasClears;
use App\Clears\PostWithoutReleasedClear;

class User extends Model
    use HasClears;
     * The clearable that will be dispatch on this connection queue.
     * @var string|null 
    protected $clearConnection = 'redis';

Once the clearConnection has been declared, the posts's clear behavior will be executed using the queue connection.

Tips: Even you can also set protected $clearQueue as a string, which will run in the named queue.

Clearing At Runtime

At runtime, you may instruct a model instance to using the clear or setClears method just like append:

$user->clear(['posts' => PostWithoutReleasedClear::class])->delete();

$user->setClears(['posts' => PostWithoutReleasedClear::class])->delete();

PHP8 Attribute

The 'Attribute' feature is added to php8, which provides another form of configuration, and clear is ready for it.

It is very simple to use Attribute, we have defined an attribute of #[Clear], just only need to relate the method.

namespace App\Models;

use BiiiiiigMonster\Clears\Attributes\Clear;
use BiiiiiigMonster\Clears\Concerns\HasClears;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
    use HasClears;
     * Get the posts for the user.
     * @return HasMany
    public function posts()
        return $this->hasMany(Post::class);

Similarly, you can set Custom Clear in #[Clear], or even configure clearQueue separately:

#[Clear(PostWithoutReleasedClear::class, 'queue-name')]
public function posts()
    return $this->hasMany(Post::class);

Tips:#[Clear] will overwrite the corresponding configuration in protected $clears.

Support Relationship

Data's "deletion" is generally a sensitive operation, we do not want important data to declare clear by any relationships. Therefore, we don't support clear in the BelongsTo relationships.


  • HasOne
  • HasOneThrough
  • HasMany
  • HasManyThrough
  • MorphMany
  • MorphOne
  • BelongsToMany
  • MorphToMany

Tips:When the BelongsToMany and MorphToMany relationship declare is clear, deleted is the pivot model data.


  • BelongsTo
  • MorphTo


composer test
