Welcome to the documentation for the BIGACE CMS!
This documentation looks funky, as it is an auto-import from a dokuwiki installation, using the DokuWiki-to-Markdown-Converter. It was imported to keep the history of Bigace alive, without the need of hosting the old infrastructure.
- Install BIGACE - Step-by-step to your new Bigace driven website
- Upgrade your System - Step-by-step to the next Bigace Version
- Plugins & Extensions - A list of existing addon's, plugins, templates and modules
- User Manual - Using BIGACE and its Administration, editing content, resizing images ...
- Developer - Extending Bigace with your code. Write plugins, design layouts
- Administrator - Administrate and configure your Bigace installation
Quick links:
- Templates - create your own page design
- Smarty Tags - for templates customization & dynamic data
- Smarty Introduction - basic usages and links
- PHP API - use the core API to extend BIGACE
- Portlets - creation and customization of Portlets
- Smarty - using templates in external applications
- Search - integrate search in your design
- Plugins - how to build installable Plugins
- Modules - a short introduction
Core API:
- Access database - use the BIGACE db framework
- Update container - package format to install BIGACE extensions
- Classes - can easily be used in your code
- Core Libraries - important BIGACE core functions
- Translations - enable your extension for multiple languages
More stuff:
- Editor Framework - integrate a new editor
- Admin Themes - customize the administration look & feel
- Zend Framework - extend your applications with this rich API
Code Snippets:
- Fetch a Category Tree and loop above its entries
- BIGACE AJAX - fetch item information without reloading pages
- URL Rewriting - SEO friendly (beauty) URLs
- LightHTTPD - for those using this light-weight webserver
- IIS - using BIGACE on Windows servers
- User attributes - configure the available user attributes
- Languages - create new languages
- Updates - administrate and install updates
- Community configuration - understand and change the Community configuration
- FCKeditor - internals, configuration and updating
- Captcha - changing the used implementation
- SSL - for authentication and administration
- .htaccess - protect your system and increase your data security
- Config files - the most important configurations at a glance
- Database tuning - Expert level: increase the speed of item calls
- Move to a new Server - transfering BIGACE to a new host
- UTF8 - UTF8 and migration infos (for upgrading to 2.5)
- FileLogger - write log entries to a file instead of the database
Core Development:
- Building BIGACE - the ANT scripts
- bigace:subversion - fetch the latest snapshot
- bigace:todo - ideas for BIGACE, the Website, Documentation ...