Web based electric vehicles fleet simulator (UI prototype for EV chargers experiments).
This project motivation is discovering new automotive
This subject is strongly connected to my passion: Industrial Internet of Things
- drive mini EV car emulator actor (use arrows keys on keyboard)
- switch beetwen cars in fleet (+ / - keys on keyboard)
- EV car discharging when is used
- EV charger react with car
- EV charging when is on station
$ git clone https://github.com/bieli/electric-vehicles-fleet-simulator.git
$ cd electric-vehicles-fleet-simulator/src
$ google-chrome index.html
- use pure JavaScript to delivery simulator basic UI for web browser GUI
- push pre-alpha version on github
- add code formatter for JavaScript
- fix problem with car charging only on 3rd station
- add WebSockets client and server
- add WebSockets impl. for sending statuses about EV cars activity as real-time data streams
- add backend for processing data streams with metrics from EV cars fleet
- add analytics dashboard with interesting EV cars fleet metrics
- use Deep Learing to a few creative features in case of simulation similar to real cars behaviuors
- add real maps from city plans
- add autonomous car feature
- node version manager (nvm)
- node lts version
- npm
- make