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FLOW Implmentation:


  • Javascript ES6
  • Flow
  • Node


  • 0.1


  • MIT


  • Checkout code from
git clone [email protected]:bhatti/PlexRBACJS.github


  • Building
cd flow
./yarn build
  • Running REST API
./yarn start
  • Command line
./yarn cli

Simple Example

Let's start with a banking example where a bank-object can be account, general-ledger-report or ledger-posting-rules and account is further grouped into customer account or loan account. Further, Let’s assume there are five roles: Teller, Customer-Service-Representative (CSR), Account, AccountingManager and LoanOfficer, where * A teller can modify customer deposit accounts — but only if customer and teller live in same region * A customer service representative can create or delete customer deposit accounts — but only if customer and teller live in same region * An accountant can create general ledger reports — but only if year is ## current year * An accounting manager can modify ledger-posting rules — but only if year is ## current year * A loan officer can create and modify loan accounts – but only if account balance is < 10000

Following classes can be used to define above security policies:

class User extends PrincipalImpl {
	credentials:  	string;
	region:  		string;
	constructor(theRealm: Realm, theUsername: string, theCredentials: string, theRegion: string) {
		super(theRealm, theUsername);
		this.credentials = theCredentials;
		this.region      = theRegion;
class Customer extends User {
class Employee extends User {
	constructor(theRealm: Realm, theUsername: string, theCredentials: string, theRegion: string) {
		super(theRealm, theUsername, theCredentials, theRegion);
class Account {
	id:         number;
	balance:    number;


Let’s initialize repository locator as follows:

let repositoryLocator = new RepositoryLocator('/test.db', () => {});

Creating a realm

Now, let’s create a realm for banking:

let realm = Realm('banking'));

Creating Claims

We can then create new claims and save them in the database as follows:

let ruDeposit   = Claim(realm, '(read|modify)', 'DepositAccount', 'employeeRegion == "MIDWEST"')); 

let cdDeposit   = Claim(realm, '(create|delete)', 'DepositAccount', 'employeeRegion == "MIDWEST"'));

let rdLedger    = Claim(realm, '(read|create)', 'GeneralLedger', 'transactionDateYear == currentYear'));

let cdLoan      = Claim(realm, '(create|delete)', 'LoanAccount', 'accountBalance < 10000'));

let ruLoan      = Claim(realm, '(read|modify)', 'LoanAccount', 'accountBalance < 10000'));

let rGlpr       = Claim(realm, 'read', 'GeneralLedgerPostingRules', 'transactionDateYear == currentYear'));

let cudGlpr     = Claim(realm, '(create|modify|delete)', 'GeneralLedgerPostingRules', 'year == currentYear'));

Creating Roles

Now, we will create roles for Teller, CSR, Accountant, AccountManager and LoanManager:

let employee        = new Role(realm, 'Employee');
let teller          = new Role(realm, 'Teller');
let csr             = new Role(realm, 'CSR');;
let accountant      = new Role(realm, 'Accountant');;
let accountantMgr   = new Role(realm, 'AccountingManager');;;;
accountantMgr .parents.add(accountant);;
let loanOfficer     = new Role(realm, 'LoanOfficer');; Claim(realm, '(create|delete)', 'LoanAccount', ''); Claim(realm, '(read|modify)', 'LoanAccount', '');
this.branchManager       = new Role(this.realm, 'BranchManager');

Creating Users

Next step is to create users for the realm or application so let’s define accounts for tom, cassy, ali, mike and larry, barry, i.e.,

let tom     = new Employee(realm, 'tom', 'pass');
let cassy   = new Employee(realm, 'cassy', 'pass');
let cassy   =;
let ali     = new Principal(realm, 'ali', 'pass');
let mike    = new Principal(realm, 'mike', 'pass');
let larry   = new Principal(realm, 'larry', 'pass');
let larry   =;
let barry     = new Principal(this.realm, 'barry');
// adding claims directly to override account balance limitations Claim(this.realm, '(read|modify|create|delete)', 'LoanAccount', '')); Claim(this.realm, '(read|create|modify|delete)', 'GeneralLedgerPostingRules', ''));

Note, we can add claims directly to user to override or add new claims, e.g. in above examples we removed conditional constraints for branch manager.


Now the fun part of authorization, let’s check if user "tom" can view deposit-accounts, e.g.

let securityManager = new SecurityManager(new ConditionEvaluator(), repositoryLocator);
let request = new SecurityAccessRequest('banking', 'tom', 'read', 'DepositAccount', {});

let access = securityManager.check(request); 

In above example, access should return 'deny', now let’s check if cassy, the CSR can delete deposit-account, e.g.

let request = new SecurityAccessRequest('banking', 'cassy', 'delete', 'DepositAccount', {});

let access = securityManager.check(request); 

In above example, access should return 'allow', because CSR have claims for deleting deposit-account.

Now, let’s check if ali, the accountant can view general-ledger, e.g.

let request = new SecurityAccessRequest('banking', 'ali', 'read', 'GeneralLedger', {'transactionDateYear': 2017, 'currentYear': new Date().getFullYear(), 'accountBalance': 5000});
let access = securityManager.check(request); 

Which would return 'allow' as expected. Next we check if ali can delete general-ledger:

let request = new SecurityAccessRequest('banking', 'ali', 'delete', 'GeneralLedger', {'transactionDateYear': 2017, 'currentYear': new Date().getFullYear(), 'accountBalance': 5000});
let access = securityManager.check(request); 

Which would return 'deny' as only account-manager can delete.

Next we check if mike, the account-manager can create general-ledger, e.g.

let request = new SecurityAccessRequest('banking', 'mike', 'create', 'GeneralLedger', {'transactionDateYear': 2017, 'currentYear': new Date().getFullYear(), 'accountBalance': 5000});
let access = securityManager.check(request); 

Which would return 'allow' as expected. Now we check if mike can create posting-rules of general-ledger, e.g.

let request = new SecurityAccessRequest('banking', 'mike', 'create', 'GeneralLedgerPostingRules', {'transactionDateYear': 2017, 'currentYear': new Date().getFullYear(), 'accountBalance': 5000});
let access = securityManager.check(request); 

Which would return 'deny'.

Then we check if larry, the loan officer can create posting-rules of general-ledger, e.g.

let request = new SecurityAccessRequest('banking', 'larry', 'create', 'GeneralLedgerPostingRules', {'transactionDateYear': 2017, 'currentYear': new Date().getFullYear(), 'accountBalance': 5000});
let access = securityManager.check(request); 

Which would return 'allow' as expected. Now, let’s check the same claim but with different year, e.g.

let request = new SecurityAccessRequest('banking', 'larry', 'create', 'GeneralLedgerPostingRules', {'transactionDateYear': 2015, 'accountBalance': 5000});
let access = securityManager.check(request); 

Which would return 'deny' because the year doesn’t match.

Next, we try to create loan account with balance higher than 10000 as branch manager because we removed constraints, e.g.

let request = new SecurityAccessRequest('banking', 'barry', 'create', 'GeneralLedgerPostingRules', {'transactionDateYear': 2015, 'accountBalance': 15000});

let access = securityManager.check(request); 

Which would return 'allow'.

Command line interface

PlexRBACJs comes with command line interface, e.g.

yarn build 

Adding a realm:

node lib/cli/rbac_cli.js --method addRealm --realmName=nowsecure --dbPath /tmp/test.db 

Showing realms:

node lib/cli/rbac_cli.js --method showRealms --dbPath /tmp/test.db 

Adding role:

node lib/cli/rbac_cli.js --method addRole --roleName god --claimId 1 --claimId 2 --roleId 1 --roleId 2 --realmId 1 --dbPath /tmp/test.db 

Showing roles:

node lib/cli/rbac_cli.js --method showRoles --realmId 1 --dbPath /tmp/test.db

Adding claim:

node lib/cli/rbac_cli.js --method addClaim --action buy --resource car --realmId 1 --dbPath /tmp/test.db

Showing claims:

node lib/cli/rbac_cli.js --method showClaims --realmId 1 --dbPath /tmp/test.db

Adding principal:

node lib/cli/rbac_cli.js --method addPrincipal --principalName david --claimId 1 --claimId 2 --roleId 1 --roleId 2 --realmId 1 --dbPath /tmp/test.db

Showing principals:

node lib/cli/rbac_cli.js --method showPrincipals --realmId 1 --dbPath /tmp/test.db

Building REST services using Resty framework:

Then you can start the REST based web service within Jetty by typing:

yarn build
node start

The service will listen on port 9355 and you can test it with curl.


* GET /realms – returns list of all realms in JSON format.
* GET /realms/{realm-id} – returns details of given realm in JSON format.
* PUT /realms/{realm-id} with body of realm details in JSON format.
* DELETE /realms/{realm-id} – deletes realm identified by realm-id.


* GET /realms/{realm-id}/principals – returns list of all principals in realm identified by realm-id in JSON format.
* GET /realms/{realm-id}/principals/{id} – returns details of given principal identified by id in given realm.
* PUT /realms/{realm-id}principals/{id} with body of principal details in JSON format.
* DELETE /realms/{realm-id}/principals//{id} – deletes principal identified by id.


* GET /realms/{realm-id}/roles/ – returns list of all roles in realm identified by realm-id in JSON format.
* GET /realms/{realm-id}/roles/{{id} – returns details of given role identified by id in given realm.
* PUT /realms/{realm-id}/roles/{id} with body of role details in JSON format.
* DELETE /realms/{realm-id}/roles/{id} – deletes role identified by id.


* GET /realms/{realm-id}/principals/{principal-id}/authorization – checks for access. It requires following parameters:
 ** action 
 ** resource 
 ** optional parameters needed for instance based security 

REST Example

Let's start with a banking example where a bank-object can be account, general-ledger-report or ledger-posting-rules and account is further grouped into customer account or loan account, e.g.

Let's assume there are five roles: Teller, Customer-Service-Representative (CSR), Account, AccountingManager and LoanOfficer, where

  • A teller can modify customer deposit accounts.
  • A customer service representative can create or delete customer deposit accounts.
  • An accountant can create general ledger reports.
  • An accounting manager can modify ledger-posting rules.
  • A loan officer can create and modify loan accounts.

Starting Server

Let's start the server using

yarn start 

Creating a realm

The first thing is to create a security realm for your application. As we are dealing with banking realm, let's call our realm "banking".

curl -X POST "http://localhost:9355/realms" -d '{"realmName":"banking"}'

It will return response:

curl "http://localhost:9355/realms"

which would return something like:


Creating Roles

A role represents job title or responsibilities and each role can have one or more parents. By default, PlexRBACJS defines an "anonymous" role, which is used for users who are not logged in and all user-defined roles extend "anonymous" role.

First, we create a role for bank employee called "Employee":

curl -X POST "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/roles" -d '{"roleName":"Employee"}'

which returns


Next, we create "Teller" role and assign claim to read/modify DepositAccount:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/roles" -d '{"roleName":"Teller","claims":[{"action": "(read|modify)", "resource": "DepositAccount", "condition": "employeeRegion == \"MIDWEST\"", "effect": "allow"}], "parents":[{"id": 1}]}'

which returns:

{"roleName":"Teller","claims":[{"action":"(read|modify)","resource":"DepositAccount","condition":"employeeRegion == \"MIDWEST\"","effect":"allow","id":1}],"parents":[{"roleName":"Employee","claims":[],"parents":[],"id":1}],"id":2}

Then we create role for customer-service-representative called "CSR" that is extended by Teller e.g.

curl -X POST "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/roles" -d '{"roleName":"Teller","claims":[{"action": "(create|delete)", "resource": "DepositAccount", "condition": "employeeRegion == \"MIDWEST\"", "effect": "allow"}], "parents":[{"id": 2}]}'

which returns:

{"roleName":"Teller","claims":[{"action":"(create|delete)","resource":"DepositAccount","condition":"employeeRegion == \"MIDWEST\"","effect":"allow","id":2}],"parents":[{"roleName":"Teller","claims":[{"action":"(read|modify)","resource":"DepositAccount","condition":"employeeRegion == \"MIDWEST\"","effect":"allow","id":1}],"parents":[{"roleName":"Employee","claims":[],"parents":[],"id":1}],"id":2}],"id":2}

Then we create role for "CSR":

curl -X POST "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/roles" -d '{"roleName":"CSR","claims":[{"action": "(create|delete)", "resource": "DepositAccount", "condition": "employeeRegion == \"MIDWEST\"", "effect": "allow"}], "parents":[{"id": 2}]}'

Then we create role for "Accountant":

curl -X POST "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/roles" -d '{"roleName":"Accountant","claims":[{"action": "(read|create)", "resource": "GeneralLedger", "condition": "transactionDateYear == currentYear", "effect": "allow"}], "parents":[{"id": 1}]}'

which returns:

{"roleName":"Accountant","claims":[{"action":"(read|create)","resource":"GeneralLedger","condition":"transactionDateYear == currentYear","effect":"allow","id":3}],"parents":[{"roleName":"Employee","claims":[],"parents":[],"id":1}],"id":3}

Then we create role for "AccountingManager", which is extended by "Accountant", e.g.

curl -X POST "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/roles" -d '{"roleName":"AccountingManager","claims":[{"action": "(create|delete)", "resource": "LoanAccount", "condition": "accountBalance < 10000", "effect": "allow"},{"action": "(read|modify)", "resource": "LoanAccount", "condition": "accountBalance < 10000"}, {"action": "read", "resource": "GeneralLedgerPostingRules", "condition": "transactionDateYear == currentYear"}], "parents":[{"roleName": "Accountant"}]}'

which returns:

{"roleName":"AccountingManager","claims":[{"action":"(create|delete)","resource":"LoanAccount","condition":"accountBalance < 10000","effect":"allow","id":4},{"action":"(read|modify)","resource":"LoanAccount","condition":"accountBalance < 10000","effect":"allow","id":5},{"action":"read","resource":"GeneralLedgerPostingRules", "condition":"transactionDateYear == currentYear","effect":"allow","id":6}],"parents":[{"roleName":"Accountant","claims":[],"parents":[],"id":3}],"id":4}

Finally, we create role for "LoanOfficer", e.g.

curl -X POST "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/roles" -d '{"roleName":"LoanOfficer","claims":[{"action":"(create|modify|delete)","resource":"GeneralLedgerPostingRules","condition":"transactionDateYear == currentYear"}],"parents":[{"roleName":"AccountingManager"}]}'

which returns:

{"roleName":"LoanOfficer","claims":[{"action":"(create|modify|delete)","resource":"GeneralLedgerPostingRules","condition":"transactionDateYear == currentYear","effect":"allow","id":7}],"parents":[],"id":5}

Creating Users

Next step is to create users for our application and assign roles. Let's define an accounts for tom the teller:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/principals" -d '{"principalName":"tom","roles":[{"roleName":"Teller"}]}'

which returns


Then create an account for cassy the CSR:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/principals" -d '{"principalName":"cassy","roles":[{"roleName":"CSR"}]}'

which returns


Then we create an account for ali the accountant:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/principals" -d '{"principalName":"ali","roles":[{"roleName":"Accountant"}]}'

which returns


Then we create an account for mike the account-manager:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/principals" -d '{"principalName":"mike","roles":[{"roleName":"AccountingManager"}]}'

which returns


Next, we create an account for larry the loan officer:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/principals" -d '{"principalName":"larry","roles":[{"roleName":"LoanOfficer"}]}'

which returns


Finally, we create an account for barry the branch manager:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/principals" -d '{"principalName":"barry","roles":[{"roleName":"LoanOfficer"}, {"roleName":"AccountManager"}]}'

which returns



Now we are ready to validate authorization based on above security policies. For example, let's first review all principals added:

curl "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/principals"

Now check if user "tom" can view deposit-accounts, e.g.

curl  "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/principals/1/authorization?action=read&resource=DepositAccount&employeeRegion=WEST"

Note that we are passing principal-id 1 above and it would return 401 http response code because employee region didn't match MIDWEST

{"code":"UnauthorizedError","message":"Access to perform read on DepositAccount is denied."}

And by running it again with correct region, it would allow it:

curl  "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/principals/1/authorization?action=read&resource=DepositAccount&employeeRegion=MIDWEST"
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Then we check if tom, the teller can delete deposit-account, e.g.

curl  "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/principals/1/authorization?action=delete&resource=DepositAccount&employeeRegion=MIDWEST"

which returns http-response-code 401, e.g.

{"code":"UnauthorizedError","message":"Access to perform delete on DepositAccount is denied."}

Then we create if cassy, the CSR can delete deposit-account, e.g.

curl  "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/principals/2/authorization?action=delete&resource=DepositAccount&employeeRegion=MIDWEST"

which returns:

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Then we check if ali, the accountant can view general-ledger, e.g.

curl  "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/principals/3/authorization?action=read&resource=GeneralLedger&transactionDateYear=2017&currentYear=2017"

which returns:

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Next we check if mike, the accounting-manager can create general-ledger, e.g.

curl  "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/principals/4/authorization?action=create&resource=GeneralLedger&transactionDateYear=2017&currentYear=2017"

which returns:

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Then we check if larry, the loan officer can create posting-rules of general-ledger, e.g.

curl  "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/principals/5/authorization?action=create&resource=GeneralLedgerPostingRules&transactionDateYear=2017&currentYear=2017"

which returns:

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Next, ali tries to create posting rules via

curl  "http://localhost:9355/realms/1/principals/3/authorization?action=create&resource=GeneralLedgerPostingRules&transactionDateYear=2017&currentYear=2017"

which is denied:

< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

Protecting your APIs:

PlexRBACJS authorization code can be embedded with your APIs to authorize access. For example, you can create a login API to authenticate user and store realm-id and principal-id in session or cookie, e.g.,'/login', (req, res, next) => {
    res.setCookie('principalId', req.params.principalId);
    res.setCookie('realmId', req.params.realmId);

You can then create a filter to protect your APIs, e.g.:

global.server.use(async (req, res, next) => {                                                                                                        
    if (req.path() == '/login') {
        return next();
    } else {
        let resource    = req.path();
        try {
            cookieParser.parse(req, res, next);
            let realmId     = req.cookies['realmId'];
            let principalId = req.cookies['principalId'];
            let realm       = await global.server.repositoryLocator.realmRepository.findById(realmId);
            let principal   = await global.server.repositoryLocator.principalRepository.findById(principalId);
            let request    = new SecurityAccessRequest(realm.realmName, principal.principalName, req.method, resource, req.params);
            let result = await global.server.securityManager.check(request);
            if (result != Claim.allow) {
                return next(new errors.UnauthorizedError(`Access to perform ${req.method} ${resource}.`));
            } else {
                return next();
        } catch (err) {
            return next(new errors.UnauthorizedError(`Failed to authorize ${resource}.`));

You can then add claims for specific roles or principals, e.g.

node lib/cli/rbac_cli.js --method addClaim --action GET --resource /test --realmId 1 --dbPath /tmp/test.db

Added claim (11, GET, /test)

node lib/cli/rbac_cli.js --method addClaim --action POST --resource /test --realmId 1 --dbPath /tmp/test.db

Added claim (12, POST, /test)

node lib/cli/rbac_cli.js --method addClaim --action PUT --resource /test --realmId 1 --dbPath /tmp/test.db

Added claim (13, PUT, /test)

node lib/cli/rbac_cli.js --method addClaim --action DELETE --resource /test --realmId 1 --dbPath /tmp/test.db

Added claim (14, DELETE, /test)

node lib/cli/rbac_cli.js --method addPrincipal --principalName david --claimId 11 --claimId 12 --claimId 13 --claimId 14 --realmId 1 --dbPath /tmp/test.db

Added principal (7, david, (11, GET, /test),(12, POST, /test),(13, PUT, /test),(14, DELETE, /test))

Then test login as follows:

curl -X POST -c cookies.txt 'http://localhost:9932/login?principalId=7&realmId=1'

It will store principalId and realmId in cookie session, you can then try to access your API as follows:

curl -b cookies.txt http://localhost:9932/test
curl -X POST -b cookies.txt http://localhost:9932/test

But it would fail with unauthorized user, e.g.

curl -X POST -c cookies.txt 'http://localhost:9932/login?principalId=27&realmId=1'

So when you try to access the API, it would fail:

curl -b cookies.txt http://localhost:9932/test
{"code":"UnauthorizedError","message":"Failed to authorize /test."}

See sample code under src/sample for more details.