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Mac Setup Script

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ARM ARM Build Status

Macsetup automates the installation, configuration, and verification of various tools and applications on a macOS system using Homebrew. It leverages a JSON configuration file to define the tools to be installed, their installation commands, verification commands, and additional metadata. This makes it easy to distribute and manage tool installations across multiple systems.

How It Works

  1. Download Configuration: The script first tries to download the config/tools.json file into the ~/.macsetup directory if it is not already present.
  2. Read Configuration Files: If the tools.json file is present, the script uses all *.json files in the ~/.macsetup directory to read the configuration and install the software.
  3. Skip Certain Files: Any file that ends with *.json.d will be skipped and not used for installation.
  4. Install and Verify: For each tool defined in the JSON files, the script runs the installation command and then verifies the installation using the verification command.


  • Installs a list of predefined tools defined in tools.json.
    • Sample json
      "name": "go",
      "install_command": "brew install go",
      "verify_command": "go version"
  • Checks the installation status of each tool using the verify_command.
  • Displays a formatted table with the status of each tool given in tools.json.
  • Prompts the user to install all non-available binaries.
  • New Feature: A JSON file placed in $HOME/.macsetup in the following format can be used to install and verify tools:
      "name": "ghostty",
      "install_command": "brew install ghostty",
      "verify_command": "ghostty --version",
      "notes": "Ghostty is a terminal emulator"
  • Default Tools:The default tools.json file is located in config/tools.json.
  • Sample Configurations: Sample JSON configuration files are available in the samples directory and can be added to the ~/.macsetup directory for custom tool installations.

JSON Object Properties

  • name: The name of the tool.
  • install_command: The command to install the tool.
  • verify_command: The command to verify the installation of the tool.
  • notes: A description of what the tool does.
  • skip: If set to true, skips both installation and verification of the tool.
  • post_installation: An optional command to run after installation and before verification.
  • Distribution Based: The script now supports multiple JSON files, making it more distribution-based. You can use and distribute different JSON files to check and validate installations.

Installation command example

curl -sSL | bash -s -- --status --install


Checking Installation Status

To check the installation status of all predefined tools and applications, use the --status flag:

./ --status

Install Homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install ZSH and configure shell

brew install zsh
brew install oh-my-zsh
brew install powerlevel10k
echo "source $(brew --prefix)/share/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme" >>~/.zshrc
p10k configure

Install Dev Tools

brew install git
brew install --cask iterm2
brew install python
brew install go
brew install openjdk@17
brew install --cask visual-studio-code
brew install --cask slack
brew install --cask postman
brew install jq
brew install --cask docker
brew install --cask rancher
brew install gh
curl -o- | bash
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
nvm install stable
brew install httpie
brew install k9s
brew install aws
brew install --cask sdm
brew install jfrog-cli
brew install kubectl
brew install fzf
brew install tree
brew install git-lfs


brew install --cask arc
brew install --cask brave-browser

Productivity Tools

brew install rectangle
brew install speedtest-cli
brew install bat
brew install clipper


Screenshots in separate folder

  1. Use Shift + Command + 5 to open the screenshot tool.
  2. Click on "Options". Then click "Other Location...".
  3. Select that specific location that you created earlier.

Show hidden files

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool true
killall Finder

Speedup Dock Auto-Hide Delay

defaults write autohide-delay -float 0
defaults write autohide-time-modifier -float 0.5
killall Dock

Make VIM default editor

export EDITOR=vim
export VISUAL=vim

Show Full Path in Finder Title Bar

defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool true
killall Finder

Git global config

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global core.editor vim


brew install spotify

Default Tools

The following table lists all the binaries that are installed via the default tools.json in



Tool Name Installation Command Verification Command Notes
zsh brew install zsh zsh --version zsh is a shell similar to bash
omz sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" && export ZSH=$HOME/.oh-my-zsh oh my zsh is a zsh framework
git brew install git git --version git is a version control system
iterm2 brew install --cask iterm2 brew list --cask iterm2 iTerm2 is a terminal emulator
ghostty brew install ghostty ghostty --version Ghostty is a terminal emulator
python3 brew install python python3 --version Python is a programming language
go brew install go go version Go is a programming language
java brew install openjdk@17 java -version Java is a programming language
code brew install --cask visual-studio-code code --version Visual Studio Code is a code editor
slack brew install --cask slack brew list --cask slack Slack is a messaging app
postman brew install --cask postman brew list --cask postman Postman is an API client
jq brew install jq jq --version jq is a terminal JSON processor
docker brew install --cask docker brew list --cask docker Docker Desktop is a containerization platform
rancher brew install --cask rancher brew list --cask rancher Rancher Desktop is an alternative to Docker Desktop
gh brew install gh gh --version gh is the GitHub CLI
http brew install httpie http --version httpie is a HTTP client
k9s brew install k9s k9s version k9s is a Kubernetes TUI application
aws brew install awscli aws --version awscli is the AWS CLI
sdm brew install --cask sdm brew list --cask sdm StrongDM is an access management tool
jfrog brew install jfrog-cli jfrog --version jfrog is a CLI for JFrog products
kubectl brew install kubectl kubectl version --client kubectl is the Kubernetes CLI
arc brew install --cask arc brew list --cask arc Arc is a fancy browser
brave brew install --cask brave-browser brew list --cask brave-browser Brave is a privacy-focused browser
rectangle brew install rectangle brew list rectangle Rectangle is a window manager
speedtest brew install speedtest-cli speedtest --version speedtest-cli is a network speed test tool
bat brew install bat bat --version bat is a cat clone on steroids
clipper brew install clipper clipper --version clipper is a clipboard manager
spotify brew install spotify brew list spotify Spotify is a music streaming service
fzf brew install fzf fzf --version fzf is a fuzzy finder generally used with other terminal applications
tree brew install tree tree tree is a directory listing program
git-lfs brew install git-lfs git-lfs is a Git extension for large files
lsd brew install lsd lsd lsd is a modern ls command
whatsapp brew install whatsapp WhatsApp is a messaging app
ffmpeg brew install ffmpeg ffmpeg -version ffmpeg is a multimedia framework and tool suite to edit video and audio
mpv brew install mpv mpv --version mpv is a terminal media player

GitHub Actions

The repository includes a GitHub Actions workflow to validate the installation of tools. The workflow checks if tools.json exists, installs the necessary tools, and validates their installation.