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Intuit Auto POC


This repository contains the code for the POC for auto. It's essentially a monorepo with two packages, auto-poc (Which is components, more on this below) and communication; this POC shows what the implementation for using auto to cut a tag, create release and its notes, and publish the code look like.

See more on the tool here.

Technical Setup

Note: Before using auto, you must first set it up properly. The points below build off of their documentation, which you could checkout here.

  • Setup consists of two parts -- initial manual release and secondly, commands
  • Initial Manual Release: I had to create an initial tag and use that as the latest release – essentially, cut a manual first release; note that the tag needs v pre-pended to it, so v0.0.1
  • Commands
    • npx auto init: This sets up the auto properties within package.json
    • npx auto create-labels: This creates the labels for the PR; you’ll need to create an access token so that the script can create labels for repository
      • It created the default: major, minor, patch, release, internal, documentation, tests, dependencies, performance

Technical Design

  • ./packages
    • Directory that contains 2 packages -- components and communication to mirror Platform
      • Note on components: It's technically named auto-poc, but it is components. It was originally named that way because it was at the root, but now, it lives in packages, since the repo was updated to be a monorepo.
    • Components: Contains simple components used to try out auto. Notice, that since the components are written using TypeScript, they need to be compiled down before being published, at least for the sake of this POC.
    • Communication: Mock and super simple module with one file that contains some functions.
  • package.json (mainly lerna)
    • As referenced in main point, lerna is used to manage the monorepo; essentially it is used to manage installations of packages and dependencies, but also, under the hood it is used for publishing the package.
      • It is what the documentation recommends, see more here.
    • This also contains configuration for auto and the publishConfig for the packages.
    • build-components: Builds the component package before deploying by compiling from TS -> JS (more below). It is used to test out, doesn't have to be this way.
  • workflow/release.yml
    • This is the workflow that calls auto after building the components package via npm run build-components.
      • Remember, it runs the release process by auto shipit
        • This again handles the release, its notes, and the publishing of the package.
  • lerna.json
    • Config file; the main part here is that independent is used, which means that the packages are versioned independently. For more on that, please checkout the docs here.

Additional Notes

  • Checkout the PRs to see the labels attached to them
  • Also, checkout the workflow runs in Actions tab