Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.
If the stars align just right, you'll get this on your first run: Should work on windows.
# `status-quo.sh <path> <serial>`
$ ./status-quo.sh /dev/ttyUSB0 208850
The goal is to reliably get pages out into a file. It would help to have a test that only does this thing, anyway, and then instrument the thing to try many strategies. Maybe the right download strategy will become obvious with a tool designed to explicitly expose the problems with a given download strategy, and given a way to exercise it many times.
So, these tools are insufficient to answer the remaining questions:
if downloading is done correctly, do the radio sent/receive stats stay on par?
how do we correctly aggregate data across many reads?
- if we encounter a CRC mismatch, how do we respond?
- there is data left on the rf to read; failure to read it results in errors, radio sequence and timeouts, without some recovery strategy to clear the buffer
- when greedily attempting to clear the RF buffer, eg blindly
retrying, using only sizes from poll_size to format the
ReadRadio packets, there is unexpected amounts of data in the
- when doing this, there is a mismatch in radio receive/sent counters, with a slowly incrementing timeout
- if we encounter a CRC mismatch, how do we respond?
# make an example of an interesting log worth sharing
export TIME="%C\n\telapsed %E\n\tuser %U\n\tsystem %S\n\tCPU %P (%Xtext+%Ddata %Mmax)k"
echo "# ${NAME} ${CMD}"
cat $NAME
TIME="$TIME" time python pump/stick.py ${PORT}
TIME="$TIME" time python pump/session.py ${PORT} ${SERIAL}
TIME="$TIME" time python pump/commands.py ${PORT} ${SERIAL}
echo "Was there an ACK ERROR?"
echo "### DIAGNOSE CRC"
TIME="$TIME" time -f "$TIME" python pump/stick.py ${PORT}
TIME="$TIME" time -f "$TIME" python pump/stick.py ${PORT}
) 2>&1 | tee status-quo.log
echo "OUT" | tee explain.log
./explain-brief.sh | tee -a explain.log
echo "# ${NAME} ${CMD}" > explain.markdown
echo "## cat ${NAME}" >> explain.markdown
echo '```bash' >> explain.markdown
cat $NAME >> explain.markdown
echo '```' >> explain.markdown
echo "## cat explain-brief.sh" >> explain.markdown
echo '```bash' >> explain.markdown
cat explain-brief.sh >> explain.markdown
echo '```' >> explain.markdown
echo "## cat explain.log" >> explain.markdown
cat explain.log >> explain.markdown
# terser explanation of log
# Useful to get a succinct idea of what just happened.
# We're looking for more info on what happens when CRCs occur, or when
# NAKs are found, but basically nothing otherwise.
# Happens to output valid markdown.
# Useful to tell what clear_buffer has been up to.
function diagnose_crc ( ) {
grep -n --color -E "howdy|clear_bu|NAK|BAD|CRC|ACK|IGNORE|download|traceback|critical|(errors|packets).(crc|naks|sequence|timeouts|received|transmit)" $LOG
function diagnose_nak ( ) {
grep -n -C 20 "NAK" $LOG
function only_stats ( ) {
grep -n -E "(errors|packets).(crc|naks|sequence|timeouts|received|transmit)" -
function summarize_stick ( ) {
echo ""
if [[ 6 -eq $(grep -E "howdy" $LOG | grep stick | wc -l) ]] ; then
echo "* stick runs appear to be ok"
echo "* not ok"
echo ""
function summarize_pump ( ) {
echo ""
echo -n '## downloaded: '
grep -E "session:finished.*ReadHistory" $LOG | grep "data\[1024\]" | sort | uniq | wc -l
echo ""
echo '```'
grep -E "session:finished executing.*ReadHistory" $LOG | sort | uniq
echo '```'
echo ""
echo ""
echo -n '## commands session:finished:'
grep -E "session:finished.*" $LOG | grep "data\[1024\]" | sort | uniq | wc -l
echo ""
echo '```'
grep -E "session:finished executing" $LOG | sort | uniq
echo '```'
echo ""
if [[ 4 -eq $(grep -E "howdy" $LOG | grep pump | wc -l) ]] ; then
echo '## howdy! pump runs appear to be OK'
echo ""
echo 'howdy! pump runs were NOT OK'
echo ""
echo "### Last send command"
echo ""
echo '```'
grep -B 1000 -E "Traceback" $LOG | grep -A 2 -E "Transmit" | tail -n 4
echo '```'
echo "### stats before traceback"
echo ""
echo '```'
grep -A 1000 -E "Traceback" $LOG | only_stats | head -n 20
echo '```'
echo "### Traceback"
echo ""
echo '```'
grep -B 10 -A 15 -E "Traceback" $LOG
echo '```'
if [[ 0 -eq $(grep -E "BadCRC" $LOG | wc -l) ]] ; then
if [[ 0 -eq $(grep -E "BadCRC" $LOG | grep -v -E 'returning empty|IGNORE' | wc -l) ]] ; then
echo ""
echo -n '## CRC errors found, caught, recovered: '
grep -n -E "BadCRC" $LOG | grep -E "returning empty|IGNORE" | wc -l
echo ""
echo '```'
grep -n -E "BadCRC" $LOG | grep -E "returning empty|IGNORE"
echo '```'
echo ""
echo ""
echo '## Diagnose CRC'
echo ""
echo '```'
echo '```'
echo ""
if [[ 0 -eq $(grep -E "NAK" $LOG | wc -l) ]] ; then
echo "* no nak found"
echo ""
echo "## NAK FOUND"
echo ""
echo '```'
echo '```'
echo ""
if [[ 0 -eq $_error ]] ; then
echo "* NOT A CLEAN RUN"
echo '## Observations'
echo ""
echo '## stick'
echo ""
echo '## pump'
echo ""
Thu Jan 10 09:41:51 PST 2013
- stick runs appear to be ok
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][0]:data[1024]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][1]:data[1472]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][1]:data[768]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][2]:data[1472]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][2]:data[448]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][3]:data[1536]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][3]:data[512]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][4]:data[1536]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][4]:data[512]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][5]:data[1408]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][5]:data[384]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][6]:data[64]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][6]:data[832]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][7]:data[1408]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][7]:data[384]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][8]:data[1472]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][8]:data[704]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadBasalTemp:size[64]:data:{'duration': 0, 'rate': 1.9}
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadBatteryStatus:size[64]:data:{'status': 'normal', 'voltage': 1.36}
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadContrast:size[64]:data:bytearray(b'\x02\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadCurPageNumber:pages:8
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadFirmwareVersion:size[64]:data:'VER 2.1A1.1'
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][0]:data[1024]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][1]:data[1472]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][1]:data[768]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][2]:data[1472]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][2]:data[448]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][3]:data[1536]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][3]:data[512]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][4]:data[1536]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][4]:data[512]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][5]:data[1408]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][5]:data[384]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][6]:data[64]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][6]:data[832]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][7]:data[1408]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][7]:data[384]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][8]:data[1472]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadHistoryData:size[1024]:[page][8]:data[704]:
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadPumpID:size[64]:data:'208850'
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadPumpModel:size[64]:data:'515'
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadRadioCtrlACL:size[64]:data:['123456', '213546', '821650']
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadRemainingInsulin:size[64]:data:50.2
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadRTC:size[64]:data:'2006-10-10T9:6:28'
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadSettings:size[64]:data:{'low_reservoir_warn_point': 20, 'keypad_lock_status': 0, 'maxBasal': 2, 'low_reservoir_warn_type': 0, 'insulinConcentration': 100, 'audio_bolus_enable': True, 'variable_bolus_enable': False, 'alarm': {'volume': 3, 'mode': 2}, 'rf_enable': True, 'block_enable': False, 'timeformat': 0, 'auto_off_duration_hrs': 0, 'audio_bolus_size': 2.0, 'selected_pattern': 2, 'patterns_enabled': True, 'maxBolus': 10.0, 'insulin_action_type': 5}
INFO:session:finished executing:ReadTotalsToday:size[64]:data:{'yesterday': 20.5, 'today': 3.7}
10736:INFO:stick:XXX:IGNORE:BadCRC:returning empty message, sleep .100, avoid errors.
11532:INFO:stick:XXX:IGNORE:BadCRC:returning empty message, sleep .100, avoid errors.
12589:INFO:stick:XXX:IGNORE:BadCRC:returning empty message, sleep .100, avoid errors.
12825:INFO:stick:XXX:IGNORE:BadCRC:returning empty message, sleep .100, avoid errors.
14541:INFO:stick:XXX:IGNORE:BadCRC:returning empty message, sleep .100, avoid errors.
14745:INFO:stick:XXX:IGNORE:BadCRC:returning empty message, sleep .100, avoid errors.
16477:INFO:stick:XXX:IGNORE:BadCRC:returning empty message, sleep .100, avoid errors.
16681:INFO:stick:XXX:IGNORE:BadCRC:returning empty message, sleep .100, avoid errors.
18338:INFO:stick:XXX:IGNORE:BadCRC:returning empty message, sleep .100, avoid errors.
18673:INFO:stick:XXX:IGNORE:BadCRC:returning empty message, sleep .100, avoid errors.
20224:INFO:stick:XXX:IGNORE:BadCRC:returning empty message, sleep .100, avoid errors.
20841:INFO:stick:XXX:IGNORE:BadCRC:returning empty message, sleep .100, avoid errors.
21530:INFO:stick:XXX:IGNORE:BadCRC:returning empty message, sleep .100, avoid errors.
22433:INFO:stick:XXX:IGNORE:BadCRC:returning empty message, sleep .100, avoid errors.
22768:INFO:stick:XXX:IGNORE:BadCRC:returning empty message, sleep .100, avoid errors.
24401:INFO:stick:XXX:IGNORE:BadCRC:returning empty message, sleep .100, avoid errors.
25371:INFO:stick:XXX:IGNORE:BadCRC:returning empty message, sleep .100, avoid errors.
- no nak found