- feat(ios): Harmonize foreign key enforcing (Thanks ilmoraunio)
- feat(android): Allow PRAGMA statements that assign when invoked via exec (Thanks ilmoraunio)
- chore(dep): Bump up websql to 2.0.2
- feature(dep): Bump up websql to 2.0.0 (Thanks technowizard)
- feature(tvos): Support tvOS (Thanks manbir-app-curefit)
- fix(android): Allow PRAGMA queries (Thanks beeks)
- fix(android): Always enable foreign key constraints (Thanks beeks)
- fix(ios): Xcode 12
compatibility (Thanks chrmod)
- feat(macos): Support react-native-macos (Thanks ospfranco)
- fix(android): boolean query arg are inversed (Thanks jdextraze)
- feat(android): Update to AndroidX. Make sure to enable it in your project's
. - feat(android): Use sqlite-android
- chore(ios): move podspec file
- chore(ios): change flag name for debug logs #64
- chore(android): change 'compile' to 'implementation' #61
- fix(ios): Synchronize cachedDatabases to prevent SIGABRT crash when opening many databases (Thanks @PaulMest)
- Change a peer dependency on RN to
>= 0.58.0
- Escape NULL characters to support RN0.59 #53
- perf(ios): Make dispatch queues for each database connection
- perf(android): Make background handlers for each database connection
- fix(android): Fix integer overflow for SELECT result (Thanks @Kudo)
- fix(android): Fix build settings to use root project's
- fix(android): Update build config for android
- build(dependency): Update websql dependency to 1.0.0 (Thanks @p2k)
- perf(ios): Run query in background thread to avoid blocking UI thread
- perf(android): Run query in background thread
- fix(android): Handle REAL datatype correctly (Thanks @chrmod)
- fix(android): Fix "Null" Strings in Android for INSERT and UPDATE statements. (Thanks @Ayiga)
- fix(ios): Fix warning due to no requiresMainQueueSetup
- docs(readme): Fix installation instruction for Android (Thanks @yairopro)
- Fix a warning that the package name does not match the directory structure:
- Change the package name for Android
- Fix peer dependency to react native >= 0.47.0
- Fixing build on android: removed createJSModules #15
- Update contact info in podspec
- Fix WPF project arch for x86/x64 #8
- Add case commit, rollback and correct exception throw #7
- Add WPF support #5
- Add Windows module for react-native-windows #3
- Improve performance
- Remove unnecessary dependency
- Suppress debug logs
- remove unnecessary peer dependency