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Installing the Compiler

Andrew edited this page Jul 15, 2022 · 7 revisions

Shell (Unix)

bash -c "$(curl"
bebopc --version

npm Package

You can install the Bebop compiler from npm, either globally to make bebopc available on your PATH, or locally to a node package for use in npm scripts.


# yarn
yarn global add bebop-tools
# npm
npm install -g bebop-tools

bebopc --version


# yarn
yarn add --dev bebop-tools
# npm
npm install --save-dev bebop-tools

Manual Installation


  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Unzip it somewhere.
  3. Add the directory containing the executable to your system PATH: Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables... > Path

Now you can invoke bebopc from anywhere in Powershell or CMD.

macOS and Linux

Follow these instructions in a terminal:

# Download the binary release.
mkdir ~/.bebop
cd ~/.bebop
wget  # TODO

Or just download it from the releases page.

# Unzip it.

# Should say "bebopc: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64" on macOS or something else appropriate on Linux
file bebopc

# Should say e.g. "bebopc 0.2.5-alpha"
./bebopc --version

# Add this location to the path. Add as a line to your .bash_profile or .bashrc to persist it between sessions.
export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)

Now you can run bebopc from anywhere to invoke the compiler.

These instructions will still work on Apple Silicon using Rosetta.