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The case for nested import declarations

Official ECMA262 proposal.


Since the publication of the ECMASCript 2015 standard, which introduced new syntax for statically analyzable import and export declarations, the JavaScript community has fallen under the impression that it would be unwise to let these declarations appear anywhere except at the top level of a module. In particular, this restriction would forbid nesting import declarations in conditional blocks or other nested scopes.

Because I respect the intelligence and free opinions of those who support this restriction, I have written this document with three goals in mind:

  1. to provide real-world examples of the problems that nested import declarations can solve, #
  2. to entertain and carefully critique every reason one might have for supporting the restriction, # and
  3. to show how nested import declarations can be implemented correctly and efficiently in all versions of Node and most other CommonJS module systems, today. #

Note: this document does not take a position on the usefulness or advisability of nested export declarations. I have never personally encountered a scenario that called for putting export declarations inside conditional blocks or nested function scopes, and I appreciate the concern that doing so would make it difficult or impossible to know exactly which symbols the module provides.

Who am I?

I, Ben Newman, am

  • the tech lead for the open-source Meteor project,
  • an off-and-on delegate to TC39, the standards committee that publishes the ECMAScript specification, on behalf of Meteor and previously Facebook,
  • the author of a number of open-source JavaScript libraries, such as Recast and Regenerator,
  • the implementor of multiple JavaScript module systems, including those used by Quora and Meteor, and
  • someone who believes that native module syntax is the most important new feature of ECMAScript 2015, as I argued in this presentation at last year's EmpireNode conference.

I hope the above qualifications convince you that I care as much as anyone about ECMAScript modules, and that I have thought about them deeply enough to have an informed opinion.

What's so great about ECMAScript module syntax?

Aren't CommonJS require and exports good enough?

If you're not yet convinced of the importance of import and export, please take the time to read my EmpireNode slides. The tl;dr is that ES modules incorporate most of the good ideas from CommonJS, while fixing some of its problems. In particular, ES modules

  • allow dependency cycles (like CommonJS), but handle them more gracefully with live bindings,
  • can be easily understood with static (i.e., compile-time) analysis, enabling powerful new tools, and
  • put an end to the long and polarizing debate over competing JavaScript module systems.

Real-world examples

Isolated scopes

Consider writing a simple BDD-style unit test that involves importing a symbol called check from three different modules:

describe("fancy feature #5", () => {
  import { strictEqual } from "assert";

  it("should work on the client", () => {
    import { check } from "./client.js";
    strictEqual(check(), "client ok");

  it("should work on the server", () => {
    import { check } from "./server.js";
    strictEqual(check(), "server ok");

  it("should work on both client and server", () => {
    import { check } from "./both.js";
    strictEqual(check(), "both ok");

If import declarations could not appear in nested scopes, you would have to write this code differently:

import { strictEqual } from "assert";
import { check as checkClient } from "./client.js";
import { check as checkServer } from "./server.js";
import { check as checkBoth } from "./both.js";

describe("fancy feature #5", () => {
  it("should work on the client", () => {
    strictEqual(checkClient(), "client ok");

  it("should work on the client", () => {
    strictEqual(checkServer(), "server ok");

  it("should work on both client and server", () => {
    strictEqual(checkBoth(), "both ok");

This manual renaming is certainly annoying, but that's not the worst of it. Since the import declarations are evaluated before the tests are defined, any exceptions thrown by importing the modules will prevent your tests from running at all! Compare this behavior to that of the original code, where each test captures any and all exceptions resulting from its own particular import declaration and strictEqual(check(), ...) call.

Lazy evaluation

As the previous example suggests, putting all your import declarations at the top level of your modules means you pay the performance cost of evaluating all your modules at startup time, even if they are not used until much later—or in some cases never used at all!

If you have the ability to nest import declarations in the immediate scope where the imported symbols will be used, then you can take full advantage of your application's specific needs and there is nothing to stop you from front-loading your imports if that makes sense for your application.

Eager evaluation of the entire dependency tree is fine for long-running applications like servers, but not so great for short-lived, multi-purpose utilities like command-line tools, or client-side applications that must evaluate modules while the user waits. For example, the WebTorrent Desktop app was able to reduce startup time dramatically by deferring require calls. This optimization would not have been possible if they could only use import declarations at the top level.

To put it in even stronger terms, if we do not allow ourselves to nest import declarations, then serious applications will never be able to stop using the CommonJS require function, and JavaScript modules will remain an awkward hybrid of modern and legacy styles.

Colocation of import declarations with consuming code

When you delete code that contains a nested import declaration, you don't have to scroll up to the top of the file and search through a laundry list of other import declarations, then search through the rest of the file for any other references to the imported symbols. The scope of the nested import declaration is obvious, so it's easy to tell when it's safe to delete.

Optimistic imports

Perhaps you would like to use a module if it is available, but it's hardly the end of the world if it's not:

try {
  import esc from "enhanced-super-console";
  console = esc;
} catch (e) {
  if (e.code !== "MODULE_NOT_FOUND") {
    // Let unexpected exceptions propagate.
    throw e;
  // That's ok, we'll just stick to the usual implementations of
  // console.log, .error, .trace, etc.

Without the ability to nest import declarations inside try-catch blocks, there would be no way to achieve this progressive enhancement of the console object.

"Isomorphic" code


Dead code elimination

Nested import declarations make certain static optimizations significantly more effective; for example, dead code elimination via constant propagation.

A sophisticated bundling tool might eliminate obviously unreachable code based on the values of certain known constants:

if (__USER_ROLE__ === "admin") {
  import { setUpAdminTools } from "../admin/tools";

Ideally this code would disappear completely from your public JavaScript assets (where __USER_ROLE__ !== "admin"), along with the ../admin/tools module, assuming it is not used elsewhere by non-admin code.

Without the ability to nest import declarations inside conditional blocks, dead code elimination becomes the responsibility of the imported module. You would likely have to wrap the entire body of the ../admin/tools module with a conditional block, and even then the empty ../admin/tools module would still be included in the public bundle, which might constitute a leak of sensitive information.

Aside: when __USER_ROLE__ === "admin", note that the body of the condition must remain a block statement, so that setUpAdminTools remains scoped to that block, rather than becoming visible to surrounding code. In other words, nested imports are still important even after dead code elimination has taken place.

Automatic code splitting

In order for nested import declarations to work, the runtime module system must ensure that the source module is available at the time of the import. In Node, where all modules are immediately available on disk, this guarantee has never posed much of a problem. In contexts where modules must be fetched from a server, and fetching all modules would be prohibitively expensive, some sort of bundling step becomes necessary.

Thankfully, because ECMAScript import declarations always have statically analyzable source identifier strings, bundling tools have a much easier time understanding import declarations than they do understanding CommonJS require(id) calls.

One simplistic but effective strategy for bundling an app with nested import declarations is to imagine (for lack of any better idea) that all import declarations in the app might be evaluated during startup, which means every imported module must be included in a single monolithic bundle that loads before the app runs.

This simple strategy will always work, but it may not be obvious how it could ever be improved. After all, if you have an import declaration nested inside an ordinary function, that doesn't really help you know when the import declaration will be evaluated, unless you happen to have special insight into when the function might be called.

In fact, unless we introduce some sort of asynchronous import declaration syntax or alternate runtime API, the monolithic bundling approach seems unavoidable.

Fortunately ECMAScript 2016 introduces a powerful new language feature that just happens to allow for more efficient bundle splitting: async functions.

The key difference between an async function and a normal function is that an async function always returns a Promise, so callers of the async function must be prepared to tolerate a delay before the function produces its result. This delay is exactly what the runtime module system needs to guarantee that any modules imported by the async function are available (but not yet evaluated) before the async function begins execution.

This tiny window of freedom allows smart bundling tools to produce multiple smaller bundles. Specifically, any modules that are imported only by async functions can be split into a separate bundle, and that bundle can be loaded whenever is convenient, as long as the corresponding async function can trust that the bundle has loaded. Waiting to load the bundle until the moment the async function is called is one option, but probably not the best option, unless the bundle is very rarely used. Instead, the async bundle should be loaded as soon as the app is idle, some time after startup, so that in most cases the async function will not actually have to wait for the bundle to load.

For example, suppose you have an app with a "Settings" panel that most users do not use frequently, and that never needs to be loaded when the app first loads (unless the user goes directly to the /settings URL). You will probably have a Router that dispatches actions based on changes to the URL:

import { Router } from "example-router";

  "/"(params) {
    import { MainApp } from "./app";

  "/settings"(params) {
    import { Settings } from "./settings";

As written, this code would force the bundler to include example-router, ./app, ./settings, and all their dependencies in a single monolithic bundle. However, if we imagine that the router supports async handler functions, then a small tweak opens up exciting new possibilities:

import { Router } from "example-router";

  async "/"(params) {
    import { MainApp } from "./app";

  async "/settings"(params) {
    import { Settings } from "./settings";

    // Since we're in an async function, it's easy to consume any
    // Promise-based API as well:
    const log = await System.import("logger-v" + Settings.version);
    log("rendered /settings");

Now, because the / and /settings handler functions are async, a smart bundler has the freedom to produce one bundle for example-router (and all its dependencies), another bundle for all the dependencies of the / handler not already included in the first bundle, and another bundle for the dependencies of the /settings handler not already included in the other two bundles.

I say "freedom" because the bundler has room to optimize: perhaps you know that the / route is likely to be loaded first, and so it makes sense for the bundler to put all the dependencies of ./app into the initial bundle (which also includes example-router). Perhaps ./app and ./settings share some dependencies, so it makes sense to have a fourth bundle loaded by both handlers in addition to their own unique dependencies. Perhaps the bundler decides it makes sense for every module to be loaded individually!

All of these alternatives are possible, and it's up to the bundling tool to make the right decisions (perhaps with some input from the developer). The essential insight is that the developer should use async functions wherever asynchronous delays are acceptable, so that the bundler has room to deliver modules as efficiently as it can.

Imperative imports when you need them

TC39 has discussed at great length whether import declarations should be declarative or imperative. In short, declarative import declarations take effect before any other code in the scope where the declaration appears, whereas imperative declarations may be interleaved with other declarations and statements.

For selfish reasons, I was initially skeptical of declarative import declarations, because the imperative semantics are easier to implement with a transpiler. Declarative import declarations require "hoisting" code to the beginning of the enclosing block, whereas imperative declarations can simply be rewritten in place.

However, as I began to investigate the consequences of hoisting, I too became convinced that relying on the interleaving of import declarations with other statements is almost always a source of bugs, because you can only rarely know with confidence whether a particular import declaration is the first evaluator of the imported module.

With that said, there are occasionally scenarios where it's frustrating that you can't just put a debugger statement before an import declaration and step into the imported module, wrap an import declaration with timing code, or carefully manage the order of exports between two mutually dependent modules.

For those few scenarios, nested import declarations provide a convenient way of achieving imperative behavior: simply wrap the import in a {...} block statement:

// Execution might hit this debugger statement before the "./xy" module is
// imported (if it has not been imported before), but the "./ab" module
// will always be imported before the debugger statement, even though the
// import comes later in the program, because it is declaratively hoisted
// above other statements in the enclosing block.
  import { x, y } from "./xy";
import { a, b } from "./ab";

This syntax is clunky and probably ill-advised for production code (as linters of the future will surely let you know), but it's extremely useful when you need it in development.

In other words, nested import declarations clear the way for embracing declarative import semantics by default, because nested import declarations provide a graceful escape hatch in rare cases when you think you need imperative import semantics.

Objections and critiques

"Nested import declarations prevent static analysis"

ECMASCript 2015 module syntax supports two important kinds of static analysis:

  1. Detecting attempts to import symbols from modules that do not export those symbols.
  2. Detecting when an exported symbol is never imported, so the corresponding implementation can be eliminated.

ES2015 module syntax makes these analyses possible by forcing symbols to be named individually as part of the import or export declaration, rather than exposing the entire exports object, and by enforcing that module identifiers are always string literals, so there is no equivalent of the CommonJS require(dynamicVariable) confusion.

CommonJS happily exposes the entire exports object, which can then leak into highly dynamic code that is impossible for static tools to understand; and it does not enforce that module identifiers are always string literals, which means it's usually impossible to make sense of require(dynamicVariable) calls.

Nested import declarations pose no threat to either of these static analyses.

Why? Nested import declarations still have string literal source identifiers, and still require symbols to be named individually. The only new behavior is that some nested import declarations might not be evaluated at runtime. Because that question is difficult to answer at compile time, we have to assume the worst, and imagine that all import declarations always execute. In other words, the potential use of an imported symbol is no different from the 100%-certain use of an imported symbol, as far as static analysis is concerned.

Think about it: if you couldn't nest import declarations, you would have to hoist them to the top level of the module anyway, where they would be guaranteed to execute, even if it turns out the module is not needed at runtime. Static analysis only cares—and only can care—about the set of symbols that might possibly be imported by one module from another module, and that set is not affected by the placement of import declarations.

Finally, languages that are much more concerned with static analysis than JavaScript, such as Scala, somehow get away with nesting imports.

"The specification forbids nested import declarations"

There is definitely some merit to this argument, but I want to spend a moment understanding exactly what it would mean to change the spec, if that's what we decide to do.

Edit: Here is my official proposal, and here is the pull request I have submitted to The rest of this section is preserved for posterity.

This argument is based on a single fragment of formal grammar that allows the non-terminal ModuleItem symbol to produce an ImportDeclaration, an ExportDeclaration, or a StatementListItem:

     Module :
          ModuleBody opt
     ModuleBody :
     ModuleItemList :
          ModuleItemList ModuleItem
     ModuleItem :

The astute specification reader will note that StatementListItem can never produce another ImportDeclaration, which establishes the restriction that we've been talking about.

Now, the ECMAScript specification is a highly technical document, and significant implications are not always accompanied by extensive verbal justifications. However, it is worth emphasizing that this snippet of grammar is the only indication in the entire spec that import declarations should be restricted to the top level of modules.

In other words, if we were to relax the rules for where import declarations can appear, this part of the grammar would absolutely have to be updated, but it would be a very easy change to make, since nothing else in the spec assumes that import declarations can only appear at the top level. Edit: this was overly optimistic, but the necessary changes appear feasible, and I'm working on a pull request.

Of course I wouldn't be a very responsible member of TC39 if I wrote this document and then made no effort to bring it to the committee's attention, so that's why I'll be sharing what I've learned at the July 2016 meeting.

"Nested import declarations are difficult to transpile"

While it would be easy to change the ECMAScript specification to allow nested import declarations, and it would be relatively straightforward for native implementations to support them, it might not be so easy for existing transpilers to handle arbitrarily nested import declarations.

The three most prevalent modules transforms currently in use are Babel's CommonJS and SystemJS transforms, and TypeScript.

Babel's CommonJS transform achieves live binding by saving a reference to the exports object of the imported module, then rewriting all references to the imported symbols as property lookups against that object:

import { a, b } from "./asdf";
import { c } from "./zxcv";
console.log(a + b + c);


var _asdf = require("./asdf");
var _zxcv = require("./zxcv");
console.log(_asdf.a + _asdf.b + _zxcv.c);

Although debugging can be tricky because of the renaming, this approach works well enough that I decided to use it when implementing the Meteor 1.3 module system, and I don't regret that choice.

Purely for performance reasons, it's convenient if the rewriting uses a single globally-defined map, rather than a map for each scope. So it would not be impossible for Babel to support nested import declarations, just a bit slower. Instead, the Babel compiler throws an exception when it encounters a nested import declaration.

TypeScript only officially supports top-level import declarations. I don't fully understand the implementation details, but I find it somewhat disturbing that nested import declarations seem to be tolerated without compilation errors, even though they are totally broken at runtime:

import a from "./asdf";
function foo() {
  import x from "./zxcv";
  return x;
console.log(a + foo());


define(["require", "exports", "./asdf"], function (require, exports, asdf_1) {
    "use strict";
    function foo() {
        return zxcv_1.default;
    console.log(asdf_1.default + foo());

Where does that zxcv_1 variable come from? I'm afraid the answer is "nowhere," friends.

The Babel SystemJS transform targets the System.register API, which is—how do I put this gently?—well, it's an API you would never want to write by hand. Unfortunately for us, that awkwardness was conceived under the assumption that import declarations will only appear at the top level, as all imported symbols must be hoisted into a single enclosing scope, and updated using a series of setter functions.

If you don't believe me, read this and then behold the consequences:

import { a, b } from "./asdf";
import { c } from "./zxcv";
console.log(a + b + c);

is compiled (by Babel) thus:

System.register(["./asdf", "./zxcv"], function (_export, _context) {
  "use strict";

  var a, b, c;
  return {
    setters: [function (_asdf) {
      a = _asdf.a;
      b = _asdf.b;
    }, function (_zxcv) {
      c = _zxcv.c;
    execute: function () {
      console.log(a + b + c);

The one big advantage of this transform is that it uses normal variables for a, b, and c, so the debugging experience is somewhat better than the other transforms, as long as you have source maps enabled.

tl;dr All three transforms fail to support nested import declarations for different reasons, but none of those reasons are really fundamental. It would be a mistake to let these imperfect implementations influence our decision about nested import declarations, and if anyone tries to tell you that nested import declarations are impossible to transpile, I assure you they are misinformed.

"Reasoning about conditional imports is hard"

There are an infinite variety of ways to write hard-to-understand spaghetti code, some more problematic than others.

If you believe that nested import declarations will be especially difficult to understand, don't write them, and raise your concerns with other programmers who abuse them.

Used tastefully, nested import declarations have the potential to improve the readability and maintainability of your code immensely, for all the reasons discussed in other sections.

I firmly believe our community has the ability to develop conventions for appropriate use of nested import declarations. If nested imports prove mostly unproblematic, that's great. If they must be used sparingly, we'll write linter rules that forbid them, and tools like Webpack or Browserify can refuse to compile them.

Given the potential benefits, and the debatability of the drawbacks, it would be a mistake for the ECMAScript language specification to enforce the top-level restriction before we've experienced the alternative.

But how?

Native implementations have more freedom to invent and implement new semantics than transpilers do, because transpilers must always find a way of simulating new semantics using existing language features.

This proposal ultimately aims to influence native implementations, but transpilers have proven effective in validating new syntax and semantics before any changes are made to the language specification. Since changes to the specification tend to be a prerequisite for native implementations, a transpiler is often the best place to start.

For that reason, I have implemented a high-fidelity transpiler called reify that implements nested import declarations as efficiently and correctly as possible (without native support). In particular, imported symbols are implemented by ordinary local variables whose values are updated automatically whenever the exported values change. Hoisting is fully supported, so that import and export declarations take effect at the beginning of their enclosing blocks. This compilation strategy works in every version of Node (0.6 to 6.0) and interoperates seamlessly with Node's CommonJS module system.

Who uses my transpiler? Because I work for Meteor Development Group, and nested imports have particular value for "isomorphic" JavaScript applications, I have had the opportunity to validate the transpiler across a wide range of development environments, by enabling nested import declarations for all Meteor 1.3.3 apps. This experiment is ongoing, but the benefits are tangible, and so far the only drawbacks have been straightforward to fix.