From 0d353c112c26d98b30ab3ec8572960fb2e8e0463 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fulvio Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 20:33:06 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] enginecfg: add internationalization. --- tcl/enginecfg.tcl | 4 ++-- tcl/lang/catalan.tcl | 16 ++++++++++++++++ tcl/lang/czech.tcl | 16 ++++++++++++++++ tcl/lang/deutsch.tcl | 16 ++++++++++++++++ tcl/lang/english.tcl | 8 ++++++++ tcl/lang/francais.tcl | 16 ++++++++++++++++ tcl/lang/greek.tcl | 16 ++++++++++++++++ tcl/lang/hungary.tcl | 16 ++++++++++++++++ tcl/lang/italian.tcl | 9 ++++++++- tcl/lang/nederlan.tcl | 16 ++++++++++++++++ tcl/lang/norsk.tcl | 16 ++++++++++++++++ tcl/lang/polish.tcl | 16 ++++++++++++++++ tcl/lang/portbr.tcl | 16 ++++++++++++++++ tcl/lang/russian.tcl | 16 ++++++++++++++++ tcl/lang/serbian.tcl | 16 ++++++++++++++++ tcl/lang/spanish.tcl | 16 ++++++++++++++++ tcl/lang/suomi.tcl | 16 ++++++++++++++++ tcl/lang/swedish.tcl | 16 ++++++++++++++++ tcl/windows/engine.tcl | 12 ++++++++++++ 19 files changed, 270 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/tcl/enginecfg.tcl b/tcl/enginecfg.tcl index 7289f3e1..66e2e5a2 100644 --- a/tcl/enginecfg.tcl +++ b/tcl/enginecfg.tcl @@ -355,14 +355,14 @@ proc ::enginecfg::createConfigWidgets {id configFrame engCfg} { $w window create end -window $w.wrap -pady 2 -padx 6 set ::$w.wrap $pvwrap - $w insert end "\nEvaluate from engine's POV:\t" + $w insert end "\n[tr EngineFlipEvaluation]:\t" ttk::checkbutton $w.scoreside -style Switch.Toolbutton -onvalue engine -offvalue white -command " lset ::enginewin::engConfig_$id 6 0 \[::update_switch_btn $w.scoreside \] " ::update_switch_btn $w.scoreside $scoreside $w window create end -window $w.scoreside -pady 2 - $w insert end "\nShow debug frame:\t" + $w insert end "\n[tr EngineShowLog]:\t" ttk::checkbutton $w.debug -style Switch.Toolbutton -command " lset ::enginewin::engConfig_$id 6 3 \[::update_switch_btn $w.debug\] ::enginewin::logEngine $id \[::update_switch_btn $w.debug\] diff --git a/tcl/lang/catalan.tcl b/tcl/lang/catalan.tcl index a7fd78aa..849d0b9b 100644 --- a/tcl/lang/catalan.tcl +++ b/tcl/lang/catalan.tcl @@ -713,6 +713,22 @@ translate K EngineRequired {Els camps en negreta son obligatoris; la resta opcio translate K EngineProtocol {Communication protocol} # ====== TODO To be translated ====== translate K EngineNotation {Notation of the moves} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate K EngineFlipEvaluation {Flip evaluation perspective} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate K EngineShowLog {Show communication log} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate K EngineSelect {Select the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate K EngineAddLocal {Add a local engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate K EngineAddRemote {Add a remote engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate K EngineReload {Reload the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate K EngineClone {Create a copy of the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate K EngineDelete {Delete the current engine} # PGN window mens: menuText K PgnFile "Arxiu" 0 diff --git a/tcl/lang/czech.tcl b/tcl/lang/czech.tcl index 60814a8b..2d1ceff7 100644 --- a/tcl/lang/czech.tcl +++ b/tcl/lang/czech.tcl @@ -674,6 +674,22 @@ translate C EngineRequired {Tu translate C EngineProtocol {Communication protocol} # ====== TODO To be translated ====== translate C EngineNotation {Notation of the moves} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate C EngineFlipEvaluation {Flip evaluation perspective} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate C EngineShowLog {Show communication log} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate C EngineSelect {Select the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate C EngineAddLocal {Add a local engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate C EngineAddRemote {Add a remote engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate C EngineReload {Reload the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate C EngineClone {Create a copy of the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate C EngineDelete {Delete the current engine} # PGN window menus: menuText C PgnFile "Soubor" 0 diff --git a/tcl/lang/deutsch.tcl b/tcl/lang/deutsch.tcl index 73a2c2c4..4bc27da0 100644 --- a/tcl/lang/deutsch.tcl +++ b/tcl/lang/deutsch.tcl @@ -688,6 +688,22 @@ translate D EngineRequired {Fettgedruckte Parameter obligatorisch, andere option translate D EngineProtocol {Communication protocol} # ====== TODO To be translated ====== translate D EngineNotation {Notation of the moves} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate D EngineFlipEvaluation {Flip evaluation perspective} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate D EngineShowLog {Show communication log} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate D EngineSelect {Select the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate D EngineAddLocal {Add a local engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate D EngineAddRemote {Add a remote engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate D EngineReload {Reload the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate D EngineClone {Create a copy of the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate D EngineDelete {Delete the current engine} # PGN window menus: menuText D PgnFile "Datei" 0 diff --git a/tcl/lang/english.tcl b/tcl/lang/english.tcl index 7be4d59f..feee83ac 100644 --- a/tcl/lang/english.tcl +++ b/tcl/lang/english.tcl @@ -694,6 +694,14 @@ translate E EngineEdit {Edit} translate E EngineRequired {Fields in bold are required; others are optional} translate E EngineProtocol {Communication protocol} translate E EngineNotation {Notation of the moves} +translate E EngineFlipEvaluation {Flip evaluation perspective} +translate E EngineShowLog {Show communication log} +translate E EngineSelect {Select the current engine} +translate E EngineAddLocal {Add a local engine} +translate E EngineAddRemote {Add a remote engine} +translate E EngineReload {Reload the current engine} +translate E EngineClone {Create a copy of the current engine} +translate E EngineDelete {Delete the current engine} # PGN window menus: menuText E PgnFile "File" 0 diff --git a/tcl/lang/francais.tcl b/tcl/lang/francais.tcl index c0543ea2..2bde35e7 100644 --- a/tcl/lang/francais.tcl +++ b/tcl/lang/francais.tcl @@ -674,6 +674,22 @@ translate F EngineRequired {Les champs en gras sont requis; les autres sont opti translate F EngineProtocol {Communication protocol} # ====== TODO To be translated ====== translate F EngineNotation {Notation of the moves} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate F EngineFlipEvaluation {Flip evaluation perspective} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate F EngineShowLog {Show communication log} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate F EngineSelect {Select the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate F EngineAddLocal {Add a local engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate F EngineAddRemote {Add a remote engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate F EngineReload {Reload the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate F EngineClone {Create a copy of the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate F EngineDelete {Delete the current engine} # PGN window menus: menuText F PgnFile "Fichier" 0 diff --git a/tcl/lang/greek.tcl b/tcl/lang/greek.tcl index 54b7d62b..4b5fb48c 100644 --- a/tcl/lang/greek.tcl +++ b/tcl/lang/greek.tcl @@ -713,6 +713,22 @@ translate G EngineRequired {Τα παιδία με έντονη γραμματο translate G EngineProtocol {Communication protocol} # ====== TODO To be translated ====== translate G EngineNotation {Notation of the moves} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate G EngineFlipEvaluation {Flip evaluation perspective} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate G EngineShowLog {Show communication log} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate G EngineSelect {Select the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate G EngineAddLocal {Add a local engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate G EngineAddRemote {Add a remote engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate G EngineReload {Reload the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate G EngineClone {Create a copy of the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate G EngineDelete {Delete the current engine} # PGN window menus: menuText G PgnFile "Αρχείο" 0 diff --git a/tcl/lang/hungary.tcl b/tcl/lang/hungary.tcl index 9658e898..ee98cd90 100644 --- a/tcl/lang/hungary.tcl +++ b/tcl/lang/hungary.tcl @@ -692,6 +692,22 @@ translate H EngineRequired {A vastagbet translate H EngineProtocol {Communication protocol} # ====== TODO To be translated ====== translate H EngineNotation {Notation of the moves} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate H EngineFlipEvaluation {Flip evaluation perspective} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate H EngineShowLog {Show communication log} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate H EngineSelect {Select the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate H EngineAddLocal {Add a local engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate H EngineAddRemote {Add a remote engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate H EngineReload {Reload the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate H EngineClone {Create a copy of the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate H EngineDelete {Delete the current engine} # PGN window menus: menuText H PgnFile "Fjl" 0 diff --git a/tcl/lang/italian.tcl b/tcl/lang/italian.tcl index 06cfe65a..ff12e8bc 100644 --- a/tcl/lang/italian.tcl +++ b/tcl/lang/italian.tcl @@ -676,7 +676,14 @@ translate I EngineEdit {Modifica} translate I EngineRequired {I campi in grassetto sono obbligatori; gli altri sono opzionali} translate I EngineProtocol {Protocollo di comunicazione} translate I EngineNotation {Notazione delle mosse} - +translate I EngineFlipEvaluation {Cambia la prospettiva di valutazione} +translate I EngineShowLog {Mostra registro di comunicazione} +translate I EngineSelect {Seleziona il motore corrente} +translate I EngineAddLocal {Aggiunge un motore locale} +translate I EngineAddRemote {Aggiunge un motore remoto} +translate I EngineReload {Ricarica il motore corrente} +translate I EngineClone {Crea una copia del motore corrente} +translate I EngineDelete {Elimina il motore corrente} # PGN window menus: menuText I PgnFile "File" 0 diff --git a/tcl/lang/nederlan.tcl b/tcl/lang/nederlan.tcl index ea03f6d9..7ecf334d 100644 --- a/tcl/lang/nederlan.tcl +++ b/tcl/lang/nederlan.tcl @@ -705,6 +705,22 @@ translate N EngineRequired {Velden in vet zijn vereist; de andere faculta translate N EngineProtocol {Communication protocol} # ====== TODO To be translated ====== translate N EngineNotation {Notation of the moves} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate N EngineFlipEvaluation {Flip evaluation perspective} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate N EngineShowLog {Show communication log} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate N EngineSelect {Select the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate N EngineAddLocal {Add a local engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate N EngineAddRemote {Add a remote engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate N EngineReload {Reload the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate N EngineClone {Create a copy of the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate N EngineDelete {Delete the current engine} # PGN window menus: menuText N PgnFile "Bestand" 0 diff --git a/tcl/lang/norsk.tcl b/tcl/lang/norsk.tcl index 95dce4a7..3ffcc7d8 100644 --- a/tcl/lang/norsk.tcl +++ b/tcl/lang/norsk.tcl @@ -815,6 +815,22 @@ translate O EngineRequired {Fete felter er n translate O EngineProtocol {Communication protocol} # ====== TODO To be translated ====== translate O EngineNotation {Notation of the moves} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate O EngineFlipEvaluation {Flip evaluation perspective} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate O EngineShowLog {Show communication log} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate O EngineSelect {Select the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate O EngineAddLocal {Add a local engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate O EngineAddRemote {Add a remote engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate O EngineReload {Reload the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate O EngineClone {Create a copy of the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate O EngineDelete {Delete the current engine} # PGN window menus: menuText O PgnFile "Fil" 0 diff --git a/tcl/lang/polish.tcl b/tcl/lang/polish.tcl index b5e5379a..01f72449 100644 --- a/tcl/lang/polish.tcl +++ b/tcl/lang/polish.tcl @@ -819,6 +819,22 @@ translate P EngineRequired {Pola wyt translate P EngineProtocol {Communication protocol} # ====== TODO To be translated ====== translate P EngineNotation {Notation of the moves} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate P EngineFlipEvaluation {Flip evaluation perspective} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate P EngineShowLog {Show communication log} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate P EngineSelect {Select the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate P EngineAddLocal {Add a local engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate P EngineAddRemote {Add a remote engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate P EngineReload {Reload the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate P EngineClone {Create a copy of the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate P EngineDelete {Delete the current engine} # PGN window menus: menuText P PgnFile "Plik" 0 diff --git a/tcl/lang/portbr.tcl b/tcl/lang/portbr.tcl index 3dec4513..9e26a279 100644 --- a/tcl/lang/portbr.tcl +++ b/tcl/lang/portbr.tcl @@ -659,6 +659,22 @@ translate B EngineRequired {Campos em negrito s translate B EngineProtocol {Communication protocol} # ====== TODO To be translated ====== translate B EngineNotation {Notation of the moves} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate B EngineFlipEvaluation {Flip evaluation perspective} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate B EngineShowLog {Show communication log} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate B EngineSelect {Select the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate B EngineAddLocal {Add a local engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate B EngineAddRemote {Add a remote engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate B EngineReload {Reload the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate B EngineClone {Create a copy of the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate B EngineDelete {Delete the current engine} # PGN window menus: menuText B PgnFile "Arquivo" 0 diff --git a/tcl/lang/russian.tcl b/tcl/lang/russian.tcl index 533acbb3..d6f3c521 100644 --- a/tcl/lang/russian.tcl +++ b/tcl/lang/russian.tcl @@ -668,6 +668,22 @@ translate R EngineRequired {Поля, отмеченные жирным шриф translate R EngineProtocol {Communication protocol} # ====== TODO To be translated ====== translate R EngineNotation {Notation of the moves} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate R EngineFlipEvaluation {Flip evaluation perspective} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate R EngineShowLog {Show communication log} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate R EngineSelect {Select the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate R EngineAddLocal {Add a local engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate R EngineAddRemote {Add a remote engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate R EngineReload {Reload the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate R EngineClone {Create a copy of the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate R EngineDelete {Delete the current engine} # PGN window menus: menuText R PgnFile "Файл" 0 diff --git a/tcl/lang/serbian.tcl b/tcl/lang/serbian.tcl index 9add1425..10a200ea 100644 --- a/tcl/lang/serbian.tcl +++ b/tcl/lang/serbian.tcl @@ -813,6 +813,22 @@ translate Y EngineRequired {Fields in bold are required; others are optional} ;# translate Y EngineProtocol {Communication protocol} # ====== TODO To be translated ====== translate Y EngineNotation {Notation of the moves} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate Y EngineFlipEvaluation {Flip evaluation perspective} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate Y EngineShowLog {Show communication log} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate Y EngineSelect {Select the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate Y EngineAddLocal {Add a local engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate Y EngineAddRemote {Add a remote engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate Y EngineReload {Reload the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate Y EngineClone {Create a copy of the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate Y EngineDelete {Delete the current engine} # PGN window menus: menuText Y PgnFile "Fajl" 0 diff --git a/tcl/lang/spanish.tcl b/tcl/lang/spanish.tcl index de276ba7..9822b829 100644 --- a/tcl/lang/spanish.tcl +++ b/tcl/lang/spanish.tcl @@ -727,6 +727,22 @@ translate S EngineRequired {Los campos en negrita son obligatorios; los dem translate S EngineProtocol {Communication protocol} # ====== TODO To be translated ====== translate S EngineNotation {Notation of the moves} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate S EngineFlipEvaluation {Flip evaluation perspective} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate S EngineShowLog {Show communication log} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate S EngineSelect {Select the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate S EngineAddLocal {Add a local engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate S EngineAddRemote {Add a remote engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate S EngineReload {Reload the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate S EngineClone {Create a copy of the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate S EngineDelete {Delete the current engine} # PGN window menus: menuText S PgnFile "Archivo" 0 diff --git a/tcl/lang/suomi.tcl b/tcl/lang/suomi.tcl index cdbd18ba..98d8e961 100644 --- a/tcl/lang/suomi.tcl +++ b/tcl/lang/suomi.tcl @@ -717,6 +717,22 @@ translate U EngineRequired {Lihavoidut kent translate U EngineProtocol {Communication protocol} # ====== TODO To be translated ====== translate U EngineNotation {Notation of the moves} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate U EngineFlipEvaluation {Flip evaluation perspective} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate U EngineShowLog {Show communication log} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate U EngineSelect {Select the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate U EngineAddLocal {Add a local engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate U EngineAddRemote {Add a remote engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate U EngineReload {Reload the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate U EngineClone {Create a copy of the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate U EngineDelete {Delete the current engine} # PGN window menus: menuText U PgnFile "Tiedosto" 0 diff --git a/tcl/lang/swedish.tcl b/tcl/lang/swedish.tcl index 2580a187..c3b08b21 100644 --- a/tcl/lang/swedish.tcl +++ b/tcl/lang/swedish.tcl @@ -680,6 +680,22 @@ translate W EngineRequired {Fet stil indikerar obligatoriska f translate W EngineProtocol {Communication protocol} # ====== TODO To be translated ====== translate W EngineNotation {Notation of the moves} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate W EngineFlipEvaluation {Flip evaluation perspective} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate W EngineShowLog {Show communication log} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate W EngineSelect {Select the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate W EngineAddLocal {Add a local engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate W EngineAddRemote {Add a remote engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate W EngineReload {Reload the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate W EngineClone {Create a copy of the current engine} +# ====== TODO To be translated ====== +translate W EngineDelete {Delete the current engine} # PGN window menus: menuText W PgnFile "Fil" 0 diff --git a/tcl/windows/engine.tcl b/tcl/windows/engine.tcl index 171dad2b..b7ebe50b 100644 --- a/tcl/windows/engine.tcl +++ b/tcl/windows/engine.tcl @@ -228,27 +228,39 @@ proc ::enginewin::createConfigButtons {id w} { bind $w.engine <> [list apply {{id} { ::enginewin::connectEngine $id [%W get] }} $id] + ::utils::tooltip::Set $w.engine [tr EngineSelect] + ttk::button $w.addpipe -image tb_eng_add -command [list apply {{id} { if {[set newEngine [::enginecfg::dlgNewLocal]] ne ""} { ::enginewin::connectEngine $id $newEngine } }} $id] + ::utils::tooltip::Set $w.addpipe [tr EngineAddLocal] + ttk::button $w.addremote -image tb_eng_network -command [list apply {{id} { if {[set newEngine [::enginecfg::dlgNewRemote]] ne ""} { ::enginewin::connectEngine $id $newEngine } }} $id] + ::utils::tooltip::Set $w.addremote [tr EngineAddRemote] + ttk::button $w.reload -image tb_eng_reload \ -command "event generate $w.engine <>" + ::utils::tooltip::Set $w.reload [tr EngineReload] + ttk::button $w.clone -image tb_eng_clone -command " ::enginewin::connectEngine $id \[::enginecfg::add \$::enginewin::engConfig_$id \] " + ::utils::tooltip::Set $w.clone [tr EngineClone] + ttk::button $w.delete -image tb_eng_delete -command [list apply {{id} { lassign [set ::enginewin::engConfig_$id] name if {[::enginecfg::remove $name]} { ::enginewin::connectEngine $id {} } }} $id] + ::utils::tooltip::Set $w.delete [tr EngineDelete] + grid $w.engine $w.addpipe $w.addremote \ $w.reload $w.clone $w.delete -sticky news }