How to Design a Good API & Why it matters - Joshua Bloch (Javapolis 2005)
APIs can be among a company’s greatest assets.
Can also be among company’s greatest liabilites.
Public APIs are forever- one chance to get it right.
If you program, you are an API designer.
Useful modules tent to get reused.
Thinking in terms of APIs impoves code quality.
Characteristics of a Good API
Easy to learn
Easy to use, even without documentation.
Hard to misuse.
Easy to read and maintain code that uses it
Sufficiently powerful to satisfy requirement.
Easy to Extend Appropriate to audience
요구사항보다 보다 일반적인 것 .
심지어 가장 뛰어난 디자이너도 실수를 한다.
API should do one thing and do it well
functionality should be easy to explain
If it’s hard to name, that’s generally a bad sign.
Good names drive development
API should be as small as possible but no smaller
You can always add, but you can never remove
Implementations should not impact API
Minimize accessibility of everty
Make classes and members as private as possible
public classes shoud have no public fields (with the exception of constants)
Name should be largely self-expalnatory
avoid cryptic abbreviation
Be consistent-same word means same thing. API must coexist peacefully with platform.
Minimize mutabillity
bad: Date, Calendar
Simple, thread-safe,
is-a relation
Stack extends Vector
Properties extends HashTable
Don’t make the client do anything the module could do
Fail fast-report errors as soon as possible after they occur.
Compile time is best. static typing, generics.