+Copy an [`OSMnx`](https://osmnx.readthedocs.io/) directed `MultiDiGraph` to an undirected `cityseer` `MultiGraph`. See the [`OSMnx`](/guide#osm-and-networkx) section of the guide for a more general discussion (and example) on workflows combining `OSMnx` with `cityseer`.
+ `x` and `y` node attributes will be copied directly and `geometry` edge attributes will be copied to a `geom` edge attribute. The conversion process will snap the `shapely` `LineString` endpoints to the corresponding start and end node coordinates.
+ Note that `OSMnx` `geometry` attributes only exist for simplified edges: if a `geometry` edge attribute is not found, then a simple (straight) `shapely` `LineString` geometry will be inferred from the respective start and end nodes.
+ Other attributes will be ignored to avoid potential downstream misinterpretations of the attributes as a consequence of subsequent steps of graph manipulation, i.e. to avoid situations where attributes may fall out of lock-step with the state of the graph. If particular attributes need to be copied across, and assuming cognisance of downstream implications, then these can be manually specified by providing a list of node attributes keys per the `node_attributes` parameter or edge attribute keys per the `edge_attributes` parameter.
+A `OSMnx` derived `networkX` `MultiDiGraph` containing `x` and `y` node attributes, with optional `geometry` edge attributes containing `LineString` geoms (for simplified edges).
+Optional node attributes to copy to the new MultiGraph. (In addition to the default `x` and `y` attributes.)
+Optional edge attributes to copy to the new MultiGraph. (In addition to the optional `geometry` attribute.)
+Tolerance at which to raise errors for mismatched geometry end-points vis-a-vis corresponding node coordinates. Prior to conversion, this method will check edge geometry end-points for alignment with the corresponding end-point nodes. Where these don't align within the given tolerance an exception will be raised. Otherwise, if within the tolerance, the conversion function will snap the geometry end-points to the corresponding node coordinates so that downstream exceptions are not subsequently raised. It is preferable to minimise graph manipulation prior to conversion to a `cityseer` compatible `MultiGraph` otherwise particularly large tolerances may be required, and this may lead to some unexpected or undesirable effects due to aggressive snapping.
+A `cityseer` compatible `networkX` graph with `x` and `y` node attributes and `geom` edge attributes.